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/lit/ - Literature

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17367267 No.17367267 [Reply] [Original]

The Holy Bible (Douay-Rheims translation)
The Nicomachean Ethics
The Summa Theologica
The Technological Society
Man and His Symbols
The Enneads
The Decline of the West
The Reign of Quantity and Signs of the Times
Considerations on France
After Virtue

>> No.17367277

The World as Will and Representation

>> No.17367279

Extremely based

>> No.17367300


>> No.17367341
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this is really difficult because no existing books are enough really that concord with my original works put out already, and the stuff i have written myself are also really outdated? i'll try

la Clef des Songes
Récoltes et Semailles
The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe:
A New Kind of Reality Theory
Laruelle: Against the Digital
The Archaeology of Knowledge
The Mind is Flat
Orgy of the Will
Being and Time
Simulacra and Simulation
Philosophy of the Encounter

it looks like a clusterfuck but there is a larger structure behind all of it... i think

>> No.17367353
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Min Kamp
The Pale King
The Phenomenology of Spirit
Lacan's Écrits
Das Kapital
Less Than Nothing
The Collected Poems of John Ashbery
Animal Money
The Monogatari Series

>> No.17367355

>Value, Price and Profit
>Critique of the Gotha Program
>The German Ideology
>Considerations On Violence
>The Illusions of Progress
>Matter and Memory
>Laughter (Bergson)
>The Human Use of Human Beings
>Process and Reality
All of these books are at the very least interesting so I can't be too mad.

>> No.17367363

>The Monogatari Series
interesting... why?

>> No.17367376

Ah fuck brain dead moment I meant Reflections on Violence, for some reason it crossed with Considerations on France in my head.

>> No.17367377

Jordan Peterson's 12 rules for life
Jordan Peterson's 12 more rules for life
Sam Harris's Moral Landscape
Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion
Lauren Southern's Barbarians: How Baby Boomers, Immigrants, and Islam Screwed My Generation
Robert Greene's The Art of Seduction

>> No.17367381

Same as this anons

>> No.17367405

I guessed as much

>> No.17367419

The Bible KJE
Corpus Hermeticum
Meditations On the Tarot
The Enneads
Alchemy and Mysticism by Roob
Mere Christianity
Apathy and Other Small Victories
Notes From The Underground
Teaching The Retarded To Love God
An Arvo Part CD taped onto a piece of cardboard that has my self flagellatory ramblings scrawled on it

>> No.17367421

Neil Degrasse tyson
The right side of history- Ben Shapiro
Wash your penis - 12 rules transcendent
Goobly snobs - Stephen King
Jewish hijinks- chosep manks
Nigga sex - bill gates
Die for israel- AOC
Big gay balls - Liberace
Pod living in the transvestite century - Bergschnoz Goldberg
Flowers for algernon

>> No.17367447

>The Archaeology of Knowledge
Underrated work, based Langanfag.

>> No.17367454
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Dune Messiah
Children of Dune
God Emperor of Dune
My Diary Desu

>> No.17367456

You can read other sci-fi it won't kill you

>> No.17367463

>My Diary, Desune

>> No.17367465

For one, it has my entire weeb side contained in it. I think it also contains a theory of the psyche, the occult, and love. Its practical psychological advice is just really nice and nuanced, and its symbolism is really beautifully crafted. But also it's all presented as witty bullshit dialogues, it's just that each dialogue illustrates an idea, and you add up all the ideas into a theme, the treatment of those themes into a theory. I think it's actually akin to the way Žižek writes. I even know I'm missing a huge wordplay element by reading in translation. It's just a very layered piece of trash, that hits a lot of personal high notes for me.

>> No.17367468

I thought about putting this but wanted to get a (You)

>> No.17367471

But it won't be my worldview

>> No.17367472

this reads like a poem

>> No.17367474

Glad we had the same thought

>> No.17367481
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Keep on the golden path friend

>> No.17367482

You can't say that without having read it anon, Ursula K. Le Guin might interest you in that sense.

>> No.17367485

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Second Sex
Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower
Political Emotions: Why Love Matters For Justice
Atlas Shrugged
The Feminine Mystique
Anne Frank's Diary
The Bell's Jar

>> No.17367487

Please don't be a meme reply, that slunds interesting and I want to hear you explain yout ideology.

>> No.17367493

What you mean?

>> No.17367495

>Pod living in the transvestite century - Bergschnoz
I want to know more about this. When is the next /hyperlit/ thread?

>> No.17367499

I'll make it tomorrow but please try not to derail those threads too much.
If you're memeing that's a boring joke, if you aren't that's an interesting set of books to try and reconcile.

>> No.17367501

KEK triggered.

>> No.17367506

I'm joking, anon. But I've read some of those. They are cool indeed. I don't really have a worldview but felt like memeing a bit.

>> No.17367508

No I think that would be retarded it just sounds like a helluva set of books to reconcile. But sure, stick your boring overplayed jokes from 2016.

>> No.17367513

Damn. I wanted to hear the rants of a Randian-Marxist-Plathist.

>> No.17367517

Appearance and Reality
The Nicomachean Ethics
The Art of War
The Zhuangzi
Tao Te Ching
Eudemian Ethics
The Complete Shakespeare
Ethics (Spinoza)

>> No.17367521
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>> No.17367525

And it is not that hard, anon. To reconcile those books, if you consider them as tools that aid your view on specific situations. I probably use those books all the time, if not to think about my own situation, sometimes to think about what other people are seeing.

>> No.17367528

As in a 'perfect Randian' would definitely read Marx and use it when it is fitting.

>> No.17367529

Fair but I was mroe so expecting particularly odx interpretations of each text or something.

>> No.17367530

Midwit faggot

>> No.17367535

Based lepidopterist

>> No.17367544

>no Plato but Neoplatonists
Only fault.

>> No.17367573

Something tells me he wouldn't like Symposium or Alciabades...

>> No.17367601

I'm sure this joke is very clever, but I haven't read those dialogues. Can anyone confirm?

>> No.17367604

The joke is obvious. Plato's opinion in the later dialogues, however, changes. Alcibiades isn't 100% attributed to him either.

>> No.17367643

is it about gays

>> No.17367646

It's to filter you before you get to Diotima's speech

>> No.17367677

>The holy Bible
>Pensées by Pascal
>Parerga und Paralipomena
>Maximes (La Rochefoucauld)
>Caractères (La Bruyère)
>The Metamorphosis

>> No.17367715

feels like tradcath larp but if it isn't larpy then this is Patrician

>> No.17367741


>> No.17367747

very based yes

>> No.17367766

The Apology
The Euthyphro
The Gorgias
The Meno
The Parmenides
The Phaedo
The Protagoras
The Republic
The Symposium
The Timaeus

>> No.17367845

The World as Will and Representation
Decline of the West
The Gay Science
The Beauty of the Infinite
After Virtue
The Brothers Karamasov
Summa Theologiae
Atheist Delusions
Revenge of the Sacred in Secular Culture
Considerations on France

>> No.17367907
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>The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe:
holy fuck please off yourself you incredible pseud.

>> No.17367927

bastέ ουn rεdpillέ

>> No.17367960

Is it worth reading the entirety of Montaigne's essays, or should I get a 'selected essays' edition?
Which translation?

>> No.17368003

>La Cef des Songes
>Récoltes et Semailles
Based Grothendieck-poster

I'm considering making the effort to read his non-mathematical stuff, and I'm curious how they contributed to your philosophy, could you elaborate a bit?

>> No.17368039

Harry potter and the sorcers stone
Infinite Jest
The bible
The republic
Les Miserablas
The hunger games
Gravitys rainbow
Everybody poops
The sun also rises

>> No.17368045


>> No.17368627

How do you reconcile Spengler and Catholicism?

>> No.17369188


>> No.17369248
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very based

>> No.17369907

I don't feel that the metaphysical truth of Catholicism is undermined by acknowledging its role in western/Faustian civilization.

>> No.17369916

Fair enough, but isn't it doomed for Catholicism? It's going to end for Spengler.

>> No.17369992

That might be where I disagree with Spengler a bit. I think that Catholicism will survive after Faustian civilization ends, just in a very diminished form. Aside from those few holdouts though, Spengler is probably right about the fate of Christianity.

>> No.17370048

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Repair
Short Cuts
Flowers for Algernon
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Kabuki (the David Mack comic)

>> No.17370077

The Holy Bible
The Sepher Sha’are Orah
The Cartesian meditations of husserl
The Tantraloka of Abhinavagupta
The Record of Linji
The treasuries of Longchenpa

>> No.17370613

Tradcath larpers don’t read. I doubt that they know even half of these books.

>> No.17370666
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> Spinoza’s Ethics
> the critique of Judgement
> George Bataille’s Sensuality and Death
> Minima Moralia
> the Anti oedipus
> plane of Immanence: Essay’s on life
> Politics of friendship
> Essay’s in idolness
> The Tao Te Ching

>> No.17370740

ITT: pretentious dipshits post collections of books that don't form a coherent ideology

>> No.17370746

The Unique and its Own
Genealogy of Morals/The Gay Science
The Man Without Qualities
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Civilization and its Discontents
Discipline and Punishment
The Magic Mountain
Critique of Pure Reason
Transcendental style in film

>> No.17370768
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>coherent ideology
lol point and laugh at this dude who needs coherence in his world view

>> No.17370864

>lol point and laugh at this dude who needs coherence in his world view
Stirnerism is literally atheist fundamentalism, this is why it tends to appeal to second rate minds

>> No.17370896

>you dumb me smart

>> No.17370906

how progressive! You are more American than I am

>> No.17370986

You mocked the importance of having rational coherence in your beliefs, so yes, you are dumb.

>> No.17371025

Aristotles, Politics
Common Sense
Democracy in America
On Liberty
The federalist papers
The Prince
The rights of man
Second Treatise on Government
On Politics, Andrew Ryan
The Political Writings of James Madison.

>> No.17371071

This better be bait.

>> No.17371639
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it's mostly just his thoughts on mutants and intellectual autonomy. these are issues i want to explore a little closer, namely how do mutants arise in the first place in society? the degree to which this question is meaningful is i think contingent on how much of a cultural determinist you are. this is also just paired with concerns of how one themselves can become a mutant. one note though is that being a mutant is to me more of a prerequisite to a greater view on intelligence qua intelligibility that i dont think is really captured anywhere else except maybe gebser? though honestly, i didn't quite use this language i haven't read all of his writings here just like the english translated excerpts and some summaries. i really need to learn french x_x
what's wrong? i think the ctmu was some of the first philosophy i seriously read and has structured a lot of my subsequent reading. it steals a lot of ideas, sure, and im not sure if i agree with everything, but it is too much of an influence to discount
yeah, honestly this was the only major work (read some articles he wrote and transcripts a bit too) of foucault i read so it made me completely confused as to how he got his reputation around these parts
oh wow, how much better are the novels than the anime
>I even know I'm missing a huge wordplay element by reading in translation. It's just a very layered piece of trash, that hits a lot of personal high notes for me.
thats one thing that concerns me lol

>> No.17371707

mine does in a weird syncretic way, but with that said i dont think u really need rational coherence. there's nothing wrong with holding two complementary but incommensurate perspectives on a topic at once. agrippa was like this for instance

>> No.17371757


You're a caricature of the mid 20's orthodox/tradcath LARPer who watched one too many black pidgeon speaks/Jay Dyer debate videos.

>> No.17371769

>there's nothing wrong with holding two complementary but incommensurate perspectives on a topic at once
Actually there is plenty of wrong with it. If the two perspectives are incompatible they can't both be true. Therefore if you subscribe to both you have at least one false belief.

>> No.17372000

The anime is better and still contains all of the things I saw in the LNs.

>> No.17372394

>Nigga sex - Bill Gates.
I'm fucking crying I'm laughing so hard. Thank you, anon.

>> No.17372402

I've never watched a jay dyer video, and I think I watched like 1 or 2 black Pidgeon speaks videos a few years ago.

>> No.17372429

>pseudo-dionysios wannabe

>> No.17372476

good to know, tys
>If the two perspectives are incompatible they can't both be true
perspectives aren't monolithic entities though. you can think of them both intensionally and extensionally as patches within some space. it is only in overlaps that are intensional and extensional that actual contradictions can take place. these ideas can be harmonized simply by molding these the contours of these patches, i.e. critique. a more millitant example of this is of course is kant's project, where theology morality and metaphysics are unsutured from eachother. we can also consider a pop-phil example. the hard sciences and soft sciences seem to contradict eachother in ontologies, however if we restrict our use of the two to their respective levels of complexity, then the two ideas can be respected independently without much trouble. that's molding really only the extension side of things and of course isn't the only way to harmonize perspectives though. for instance scientific naturalism and occultism can be reasonably harmonized by scientific illuminism. picking and choosing which principles are acceptable or can be rejected is more on the side of the intensional.

the main takeaway is that you can just localize all the different perspectives. ik it's cliche but different views on things usually have grains of truth that can be extracted, and you don't really need to spend time critiquing + synthesizing things for it to be valid for this reason. "the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function" and all that

>> No.17372510

It's worth it.

Donald Frame's translation.

>> No.17372532

>Spengler is probably right about the fate of Christianity.
You mean its ultimate resurgence in a new Eurasian form?

>> No.17372640

I don't see how this contradicts what I said. I pointed out that two incompatible perspectives can't both be true, and you gave me examples of perspectives that you think are not genuinely incompatible.

>> No.17372756

the point is that it's wrong to take the perspectives as monolithic entities. so i dont think its completely retarded if someone lists nietzsche and marx as influences to their world vies (oh wait, that's deleuze) or like two overall contradictory metaphysical doctrines (harder to work with maybe but still possible) because these perspectives are local and multifaceted. if it was merely people listing contradictory propositions, sure maybe (desu i sort of disagree with this too) but we are listing books here

>> No.17372886

>the point is that it's wrong to take the perspectives as monolithic entities. so i dont think its completely retarded if someone lists nietzsche and marx as influences to their world vies
If you just want to say that you can take some elements from one philosopher and some from another there is obviously nothing wrong with that *as long* as the views are compatible. But this is very different than saying that "i dont think u really need rational coherence", which is an endorsement of irrationalism.

>> No.17373481
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Pensées by Blaise Pascal
Enchiridion Militis Christiani by Desiderius Erasmus
Theologia Germanica by Anonymous
The Consolation of Philosophy by Anicius Boethius
Confessions by Augustine of Hippo

>> No.17373485
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Only one book needed.

>> No.17373586

the point is the possibility is always there, you dont need to actualize that potential though to find a use of contradictory beliefs, but this possibility implicitly structures things
>Enchiridion Militis Christiani

>> No.17373601

The Bhagavad Gita
Letters From a Stoic
Discourses of Epictetus
For My Legionaries
Culture of Critique
Against Democracy
The Education of Cyrus
The Unnecessary War by Pat Buchanan
Why Liberalism Failed
What is Art by Tolstoy

>> No.17373605

>The Holy Bible
Already 60+ books.

>> No.17373617

>i dont think u really need rational coherence
of influences and perspectives you adopt yeah which is what we are talking about. this is in contrast with the consistency that would be required when constructing a narrative. but this thread is just listing books, not anons giving a concrete description of their world views

>> No.17374355

The Heights of Despair
The Trouble with Being Born
Akagi: The Genius who Descended into Darkness
Ultimate Survivor Kaiji
The Dunciad

>> No.17374786

Based, go read Progress and Poverty if you haven't already

>> No.17375242

some of which are about 250 words

>> No.17375308

Based, especially Legionaries and Tolstoy. I take it you’re either Fascist or Monarchist. Have you read Maistre?

>> No.17375724

lmfaoooo you need the 5 G's, homie.

>> No.17375769

Thank you anon

>> No.17375795

The Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena by Longchenpa

>> No.17375803


>>The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe:
>A New Kind of Reality Theory
>Laruelle: Against the Digital
>The Archaeology of Knowledge
>The Mind is Flat
>Orgy of the Will
>Being and Time
>Simulacra and Simulation
>Philosophy of the Encounter
all this popsci and pomo crap

peadophilia, i mean anime posting and atheism are here to stay, aren't they

>> No.17376882

Carl Jung next to Guenon? I hope this is a joke...

>> No.17377244

>The Island
>Great Expectations
>Things Fall Apart
>Mein Kampf
>The Hobbit/LOTR
>The City of God
In summary: The Bible
The story that's been repeating forever
described in titles of books or their contents

>> No.17377848

why would it be?

>> No.17377862
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The followers of the two dont tend to be fond of one another

>> No.17377865

Denial of Death

>> No.17378075

oh for sure, but I don't think it's actually that hard to reconcile the two.

>> No.17378149 [DELETED] 


>> No.17378158

I agree, I find great value in both

>> No.17378201

Society of The Spectacle
Simulation and Simulacra
Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?
Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
The Question Concerning Technology
Fanged Noumena
Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.17378204

Guenon considered that the reduction of the spiritual to the psychic is the final subversion, worse than materialism(he said in a letter that Jung is worse than Freud). He even identified it with satanism. Jung is clear an important name of the Counter-Initiation.

>> No.17378257

>Guenon considered that the reduction of the spiritual to the psychic is the final subversion, worse than materialis
Did Jung really do that though? His followers do certainly, but the man himself, im not sure

>> No.17378314

Magic Tree House #1: Dinosaurs Before Dark
Magic Tree House #2: The Knight at Dawn
Magic Tree House #3: Mummies in the Morning
Magic Tree House #4: Pirates Past Noon
Magic Tree House #5: Night of the Ninjas
Magic Tree House #6: Afternoon on the Amazon
Magic Tree House #7: Sunset of the Sabertooth
Magic Tree House #8: Midnight on the Moon
Magic Tree House #9: Dolphins at Daybreak
Magic Tree House #10: Ghost Town at Sundown

>> No.17378331
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The Bible
Life of the Saints
Pick related

>> No.17378354

He started as a collaborator of Freud, was into psychoanalysis and made the famous "collective unconscious" theory. I don't see any conection between his theories and traditional sources.

>> No.17378723

Crime and Punishment
anything else would be redundant

>> No.17379700


>> No.17379716

The Noble Qur'ān
Sahīh Bukhārī
Sahīh Muslim

>> No.17379741

The Society of Spectacle
Premiers matériaux pour une théorie de la Jeune Fille
The Culture of Narcissism
Simulacra and Simulacrum
Le Capitalisme de la Séduction

>> No.17379866

Plays Political by Shaw
Past and Present
Heroes and Hero Worship
Hemingway's Complete Short Stories
Political Theory by Schmitt
Beauty by Scruton
Plato's Republic
Aristotle's Politics
Sovereignty by Jouvenal

>> No.17379945

all you faggots gtfo

para mi:
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Writings from the Zen Masters
Tao Te Ching
Television Was a Baby Crawling Toward That Death Chamber
On the Road
PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story
TiHKAL: The Continuation
The Great Gatsby

>> No.17379950

Holy Bible
Tao Te Ching
Bhagavad Gita
Vedas and Upanishads
The God Delusion

>> No.17380078
File: 301 KB, 820x916, 521-5219975_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-disgust-you-can-do-it-anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>la Clef des Songes
anon... unsure what anime has to do with this though. this is an anime site. dismissing people just because they are "post-modernists" is unhelpful too. you should try to actually read what people have to say. also the only pop-sci stuff is "The Mind is Flat", which i put there because it has some controversial yet interesting things to say about the human mind that are worth reflecting on

>> No.17380160

You are sort of shifting between a stronger and a weaker thesis. At one point you say that
>I dont think u really need rational coherence. there's nothing wrong with holding two complementary but incommensurate perspectives on a topic at once. agrippa was like this for instance
>if it was merely people listing contradictory propositions, sure maybe (desu i sort of disagree with this too
^Here you seem to suggest that actually there is nothing wrong with holding contradictory propositions. At other times you seem to endorse a weaker claim:
>this is in contrast with the consistency that would be required when constructing a narrative. but this thread is just listing books, not anons giving a concrete description of their world views
So again, no one disagrees with the weaker claim that you can take influences from multiple people. This is trivial and unimportant. But the stronger claim that you can hold contradictory propositions and remain rational is clearly false. As far as I can tell your actual position is something closer to the stronger claim, but you seem to back down to the weaker claim when I press on it.

>> No.17380312

>contradictory propositions and remain rational
>remain rational
i dont think i claimed this. there's no way that can be true
srry about not elaborating earlier. by the remark
>desu i sort of disagree with this too
i meant something like how with individual propositions we are now talking about things with far more restricted intensions, however the application of said propositions can be restricted. for instance, "women are evil" and "women are great". these propositions listed together may mean that these are thoughts that resonate at different times. ig it can also just be a turmoil that one recognizes within themselves too. it isn't really something very profound which is probably why i didn't bother elaborating. in short the "possibility argument" can still be made.

really the real reason i was talking about this from the first place is that there have definitely been times in history where people realize that whatever ideas they are unearthing is in some profound contradiction with the worldview inherited of the time (e.g. freud, darwin), i don't see what's the use in insisting these people should have immediately tried synthesizing everything?

i am weary of the "synthesizing tendency" itself too, but not on any well-grounded reasons, and i am definitely not going to suggest that incoherence is somehow rational. at best, incoherence precedes the rational, and then the philosopher comes in to cut up the assemblage of ingredients and remix it all into a particular dish that satisfies him

>> No.17380343

it is also a bit difficult talking about "rationality" here because, again you can still make use of things of the pre-rational (i.e. before the restructuring to ensure global coherence). this much has been done in inconsistent mathematics and paraconsistent logic. however, my thoughts on this aren't cultivated enough to comment on seriously

>> No.17380401

Well fair enough, I don't think we disagree much from the tone of your post

>> No.17381697
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KJV is the best version (preserved word of God in English)

>> No.17382163

>missing seven books of the old testament
>best version
pick one

>> No.17382193

A lot of versions of it have the Apocypha but it's still an inaccurate translation. YHWH is incorrectly translated into Jehovah, several passages are absent from older manuscripts, other Greek words also dubiously translated etc. Its greatest achievement is that it sounds very poetic, it's the most aesthetically pleasing version in the English language but not the most accurate one.

>> No.17383147

To Stirner it really didn't matter if God existed or not. He says that God's concerns (and man's concerns) are not his concerns. Honestly he attacks the atheist fundamentalism of humanism as much as he does Christian ideals.

>> No.17383207

LARPer, go back to /pol/.

>> No.17383337
File: 6 KB, 157x249, 5BCAABBC-CE2E-4B58-8148-A52416C331CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call of the crocodile

>> No.17383499

Outlines of Chontae
Sefer Yetzirah
Against Method
Skepticism and Animal Faith
The Unique and its property
Manual of Abhidhamma
Gargantua and Pantagruel
Ethics de Spinoza
Essays de Montaigne

>> No.17383554


>> No.17383585
File: 117 KB, 736x736, 19601429_230828380761881_6541624535841187503_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LXX, Vulgate, & KJV
Corpus Hermeticum
Old Testament Pseudepigrapha Vol. I & II
Plotinus' "Theurgia"

>> No.17383615

based esoteric

>> No.17384415

American psycho
A clockwork orange
The art of the deal
Fear and loathing in las vegas
Wake in fright
The godfather

>> No.17384533

Borges - Collected Fictions
Schopenhauer - World As Will & Idea
Schopenhauer- Essays & Aphorisms
Nietzche - Birth of Tragedy
Baudelaire - Les Fleurs du mal
Rankin - Mishima: Aesthetic Terrorist

>> No.17384557

No he didn't, he mocked the importance of adhering to a rigidly defined ideology. You're a midwit retard who needs everything to be grouped for you into specific categories by people who are smarter than yourself.

>> No.17384661
File: 512 KB, 1334x579, 66BD8495-AB54-4E57-837F-A5D1979EDD67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Hitler pour 1000 ans [Memorias de un fascista]
> Front de l'Est [Campaign in Russia—Waffen SS on the Eastern Front]
> Hitler, né à Versailles
> Hitler démocrate
> Les âmes qui brûlent
> [Letter to the Pope on his visit to Auschwitz]
> Opera Omnia and interviews

>> No.17384675

>You're a caricature of the mid 20's orthodox/tradcath LARPer who watched one too many black pidgeon speaks/Jay Dyer debate videos.

If you think those are the videos we watch you are totally clueless. Sheepishly clueless. Really kind of funny not gonna lie anon haha

>> No.17384714
File: 2.17 MB, 498x280, B3BEB9FE-7A8A-4065-A33C-82453CD41D0B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book of Genesis
Book of Exodus
Book of Leviticus
Book of Numbers
Book of Deuteronomy
Book of Josue
Book of Judges
Book of Ruth
First Book of Samuel, alias 1 Kings
Second Book of Samuel, alias 2 Kings
Third Book of Kings
Fourth Book of Kings
First Book of Paralipomenon
Second Book of Paralipomenon
First Book of Esdras
Book of Nehemias, alias 2 Esdras
Book of Tobias
Book of Judith
Book of Esther
Book of Job
Book of Psalms
Book of Proverbs
Solomon's Canticle of Canticles
Book of Wisdom
Prophecy of Isaias
Prophecy of Jeremias
Lamentations of Jeremias
Prophecy of Baruch
Prophecy of Ezechiel
Prophecy of Daniel
Prophecy of Osee
Prophecy of Joel
Prophecy of Amos
Prophecy of Abdias
Prophecy of Jonas
Prophecy of Micheas
Prophecy of Nahum
Prophecy of Habacuc
Prophecy of Sophonias
Prophecy of Aggeus
Prophecy of Zacharias
Prophecy of Malachias
First Book of Machabees
Second Book of Machabees
Gospel According to St. Matthew
Gospel According to St. Mark
Gospel According to St. Luke
Gospel According to St. John
Acts of the Apostles
Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans
First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians
Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians
Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians
Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians
Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians
Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians
First Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians
Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians
First Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy
Second Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy
Epistle of St. Paul to Titus
Epistle of St. Paul to Philemon
Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews
Epistle of St. James the Apostle
First Epistle of St. Peter the Apostle
Second Epistle of St. Peter the Apostle
First Epistle of St. John the Apostle
Second Epistle of St. John the Apostle
Third Epistle of St. John the Apostle
Epistle of St. Jude the Apostle
Apocalypse of St. John the Apostle

>> No.17385917

>Al-Qur'an ul-Karim
>The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times - Guenon
>Fragments - Heraclitus
>Phenomenology of Spirit - Hegel
>Industrial Society and Its Future - Unaboomer

>> No.17385971 [DELETED] 


The Everlasting Man
Vibrant Paradoxes
The Book of the New Sun
The Dream-Quest Of Unknown Kadath
The Red Book
The Count of Monte Cristo
Dante's Inferno
Priests of Mars (40k)

>> No.17385993
File: 21 KB, 290x475, 1234311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Everlasting Man
Vibrant Paradoxes
The Book of the New Sun
The Dream-Quest Of Unknown Kadath
The Red Book
The Count of Monte Cristo
Dante's Inferno
Priests of Mars (40K)
On Human Nature by R. Scruton
Fear and Trembling

>> No.17386301

based Arvo Part respecter
why so mad - you should update your go-to stereotype channels - tradcaths: Sensus Fidelium, Reason and Theology, The Thomistic Institute.
Fr. Mike Goring if your a bit of a boomer. Pints with Aquinas/Ascension Presents/Catholic Answers if you're a bit of a normie
very nice! Unknown Kadath is my fav Lovecraft story. you should finish the Divine Comedy if you haven't already. Is the 40k book unironically good? I always wanted to try reading a 40k book...

>> No.17386416

This one takes the cake.
This one could be more refined.
Are you a woman working on her career?
>Harry Potter
Good conservative reading list

>> No.17386692


Thanks for the evaluation, fellow Anon! Very accurate.

I plan on finishing the Divine Comedy someday. I'm currently at the Purgatorio. Warhammer 40k is a huge franchise, most especially when it comes to its literature.
It's a very well-developed but deep Sci-fi franchise with lots of themes, lore and characters.

For the books and novels, start with the either of the following: Gregor Eisenhorn series (for complete newbs), Ciaphas Cain (my suggested start).

However, those two series make many allusions and references previously established so I suggest you watch Luetin09's AMAZING 40k lore summary videos. Start with his introductory "WTF is Warhammer 40K" video before heading towards his WH40K LORE/History playlist.

Start with the Dark beginnings video and then follow the list consecutively. He's a really amazing 40k youtube. I sincerely hope you enjoy this franchise as I have for the last 6 years. Reply if you have any further questions.

>> No.17386731


Boy, are you up for a very wild ride if you get hooked into 40k. Also, yes, the Priests of Mars book is pretty good and the events that take place are very representative of the setting and are as harsh and as bitter as it gets. Grimdarkness to MAXXX