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/lit/ - Literature

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17359337 No.17359337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your ideal gf /lit/

>> No.17359342

Can read but doesn't

>> No.17359343

What is a gunner gf?

>> No.17359345


>> No.17359352

Pro gun? Thought most people were.

>> No.17359354

tryhards to the point of ridiculousness

>> No.17359357

Attractive, fun to be around, takes her endeavors seriously when necessary. Pretty simple

>> No.17359360
File: 37 KB, 333x250, Korra_smiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be bullied and beaten by this buff black babe and raped with a flashlight made of rocks and ice while she masturbates to my screams.

>> No.17359366

i think you mean Native American, anon

>> No.17359372

Shes a cartoon you philistine don't ruin it for me

>> No.17359375

Gunners are the pure embodyment of Type A personality neoliberal indoctrinated trash. They have no sense of morality and go to law school specifically as a competition to go become a drone for massive corporate firms. They treat everyone as the enemy and believe all the ideological bullshit shoved down our throats. They don't think beyond the explicit outline of the class and material. They suck up to those in power and marry beta males with ugly little boxer dogs.


>> No.17359379

lmao people hate lawyers in general. worst group of cunts on the planet. should all be shot desu

>> No.17359381

Gunners are the lawyers that lawyers hate.

>> No.17359387

>Gunners are the lawyers that lawyers hate.
all you really need to know desu

>> No.17359390

1. Law is a soulless profession
2. Anyone anti-gunner is just jealous. If they’re a gunner and they suck fine but if they study and they’re legitimately better and smarter, all power to them. Seems like a massive cope from people smart enough to handle the material but too lazy to do the work. Unfortunately many of these latter people get put into positions of power and continue the nepotism train

>> No.17359398
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isn't put off with the fact that i can barely keep a conversation going

>> No.17359401

>muh everyone's just jealous
No. Gunners are fucking insufferable suck ups.

>> No.17359402

>Anyone anti-gunner is just jealous.
yes, there are cases where that is true, but the gunner phenomenon is truly something you have to experience first-hand to appreciate and hate.

>> No.17359403

This. Don't go into a soulless profession if you don't want to deal with soulless people. Expect to have to swim with sharks if you drop yourself into a shark tank. These people are insufferable but they're doing what it takes to succeed.

>> No.17359406
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cares about my health and gets a joy out of seeing me be healthy

>> No.17359414

If you are in a law school of any worth, you are a gunner. You’re just getting out worked for the first time and mad

>> No.17359421

>t. never been to law school
k bro

>> No.17359426

He said of any worth. That means the top 14.

>> No.17359429

Probably somebody who’s very emotionally distant, very passionate about some subject or grand project, opposed to hedonism in general and who wants to have children.

>> No.17359436
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>t14 shitposting
Here we go boys. Buckle up.

>> No.17359442
File: 1.84 MB, 314x292, 1611258406643.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gunners aren't even the most successful of the bunch 10 years down the line.
there's more to law than being a insufferable cunt (though not much)
there are gunners at t14 too, anon

>> No.17359454

I never really thought about it, the ideal? Someone who speaks their mind, as in it is not scared of me in any way. That practices exercises too (yoga would be the ideal). And that is probably ok.

>> No.17359457

You’re right. Many gunners are completely incompatible to the workplace. It exists in every profession. Doesn’t change the fact that top law students for some reason have to cope publicly with getting out studied

>> No.17359458
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>he doesn't have a waifu
please leave

>> No.17359466

I do have a waifu, but she is dead, anon. I'm a widower.

>> No.17359471

>there are gunners at t14 too, anon

Yeah, I know firsthand. Thanks for imagining you're helping, somehow.

>> No.17359472
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>> No.17359476
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>Thanks for imagining you're helping, somehow.
what the FUCK did he mean by this

>> No.17359560

Probably something along the lines of "thanks for nothing."

>> No.17359931

A hardbody blond
Big tits
Great ass
And high heels...

>> No.17359956

Gunners usually crash and burn in the long term though. You can't keep that shit up for long before you alienate and piss off every one around you

>> No.17360059

Fuck lawyers with an iron rod

>> No.17360066

it doesnt matter. she would ignore my existence and would have no interest in me whatsoever. imagining her would just bring myself pain, torture, and painful reminders of my inadequacy in the dating market. i dont even want to entertain this thought, it just makes me sick in my stomach

>> No.17360077


>> No.17360080

too good

>> No.17360092

A girl who is well read, introverted, creative, caring, kind, dresses well, musical, intelligent, speaks more than one language, is a good friend that I can talk to about a wide range of topics in depth. I don't want anything less than this and if I can't get a girl like this I'd rather have none at all

>> No.17360094

Your ideal gf does not exist

>> No.17360097

Yeah they do. I knew a girl like this once, then I fucked up

>> No.17360105

ooooooooooooh, rough

>> No.17360126

She wasnt perfect. She was a bit moody and sensitive, but a very sweet, talented, beautiful and educated woman that I'd give anything to go out with again. I'm chasing ghosts of her pretty much,every woman I compare to her and it does suck yes.

>> No.17360127

I'm glad you're in pain

>> No.17360161

From the description in this article, it just sounds like students who actually care about the subject matter and participate being REEEEd at by losers who want to trudge their way through with their heads down rather than actually learn. Although I really shouldn't be surprised by such a category of disdain existing in a field as normie-infested as law.

>> No.17360169

Like gunning for i think

>> No.17360173
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>> No.17360186 [DELETED] 
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pic related. It's Juli Zeh. She's a German careerist lawyer and "writer" whose upsucking skills are so good that one of her uninspired trash books has made it to the mandatory reading list in most Bundesländer. Absolute human scum

>> No.17360205
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>> No.17360271

Can't read but tries is cuter

>> No.17360277

dear god let me sniff her asshole

>> No.17360282

anon where can i find your ex gf?

>> No.17360289
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>> No.17360292

my gf

>> No.17360294

based I wish I lived in america for all the sweet black queens

>> No.17360317
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Genuinely asking how do you even find a girl interested in literature?

I've met so many women but their eyes literally go dead as soon as I mention anything regarding literature which is also when I shut the fuck up.

Perhaps I hang in the wrong circles but I've yet to find a woman that genuinely gives a shit & reads material.

>> No.17360330

>law school
dropped, next

>> No.17360345
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>> No.17360347

no chance. The only women who read are either feminists who read only read literature that serves their own self interests or ugly trad shizos who read literature to appear appealing to other larping shizos (self interest again). Women are not capable of being genuinely into literature unless something is really wrong with them.

>> No.17360349
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>> No.17360352

how could you think this is attractive without calling it bestiality?

>> No.17360364
File: 290 KB, 500x337, pak-mi-kyong-56-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every self respecting /lit/izen should desire a North Korean gf
>everyone in the DPRK loves reading
>always appreciate classic literature
>hates the west, will try to take you back to the heavenly DPRK
>probably a military trained musician
>stronger than you from working the rice fields twice a year
>will talk cryptocurrency with you for the juche purpouse of evading sanctions
>almost certaintly a tomboy
I NEED someone that understands my appreciation of the DPRK, fuggin westeners always think I'm joking

>> No.17360420

Jewess who bakes.

>> No.17360433

the internet has destroyed me, whenever I see white girls always immediately assume has bepis.

>> No.17360434

Someone who will talk to me.

>> No.17360554

I watched a documentary on life in DPRK and it looks Kino af, so quiet and clean and the people seem real nice

>> No.17360812
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It really does, I wish the rest of the world could just accept that not everyone has to live in the same consumerist way

>> No.17360819
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One that loves me and one that I can love.
Simple as.

>> No.17360846

They're also casually racist, but not really aware of it, especially when they're speaking English.

>> No.17360871


>> No.17360917
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>> No.17361185

Based post, cringe pic

>> No.17361296
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Someone that would look at me.

>> No.17361309

fuck you

>> No.17361326
File: 1.25 MB, 1662x1165, 1598141101511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's a Kat gf

>> No.17361340

You just described my mother!

>> No.17361352

an athenian twink with whom I would discuss philosophy

>> No.17361400


>> No.17361403
File: 15 KB, 250x368, schloezer-scriabine_tatiana_moskva_1902__original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here.

>> No.17361464


I had a Chinese girlfriend who was well-read, introverted, creative, caring, kind (double-edged sword because she was so empathetic that the slightest thing could make her cry, like seeing an injured animal), played an instrument but was not musical, spoke English and Chinese, and was a great conversationalist, though I would not say that she was a good friend, per se, since she was so sweet and sensitive that I had to act sort of as a therapist a lot of the time and I could only really help her with her own life and not she with mine. So of the traits that guy listed, she only didn't dress well.

She also enjoyed 'edgy' humor, which I thought was at odds with her extreme sensitivity, so it was funny to see her nearly in tears after seeing a diabetic homeless man's distended leg sac and then transition minutes later into a joke about Jews (she genuinely disliked and was suspicious of Jews - I never quite figured this out).

They exist and if you're well-read, a good conversationalist, and somewhat masculine, they're not hard to find if you go to an elite college. Since her, I have not really met anyone similar, since now I live in semi-rural New England. I called her "Ching Chong", which she thought was funny, but she went by an American name at school.

We broke up because I refused to get as close as she wanted because I liked her so much that I was afraid that if she ever left me I'd be dejected to the point of despair, which led to her leaving me. It's almost so classically ironic that I was a retard for not seeing it coming.

>> No.17361549

a jewess. i'm a sucker for that black curly hair on pale skin.

>> No.17361570

Enjoys solitude and routine. Doesn’t need validation from people outside of the two of us. Has made peace with a lifestyle outside of the cultural mainstream.
Spends her time on worthwhile activities. Open to being a stay-at-home mom and assuming all of the responsibilities that entails.
Shows warmth towards me in her interactions.
At least moderately attractive and not fat though I’m willing to settle a fair bit on these last points if the rest of the criteria are met.

>> No.17361593

look, a thread where domesticated assets go at each others. I couldn't make out two thirds of this non sense kek. Have some dignity you fucking losers, quit your studies and quit your job cattle.

>> No.17361598
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>my dream girl don't exist
>at the age of 5 she slit her wrist...

>> No.17361631

Nigella Lawson

>> No.17361662

I'm a homosexual.

>> No.17361717
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>> No.17361749

Oh shit. We used to call these people keeners.

>> No.17361766

I've given up on human love whatsoever. Its pure luck, not that I'm complaining, but that's literally all it is. God literally has to have the mediating conditions between the two parties calibrated correctly or communication is simply impossible. There is no reason in love, its purely arbitrary, its pursuit is the most foolish of all. Wait for it to come to you, and die waiting.

>> No.17361767

What was the documentary?

>> No.17361856

My dream girl is already with someone else or single with kids and jaded with the world. At the age I'm at and they would be at that's where they'd be in life because no girl ever would want a man like me. I must aspire to be better and settle for something reasonable. But all I really want is a girl who's like me. Comfortable sitting playing vidya all day but equally comfortable going out all day on a long hike. So basically laid back but NOT lazy. Every woman I dated was a lady piece of shit. good humour, and some artistic talent. Artsy people understand eachother I find.

>> No.17361900

man anon why

>> No.17361908

Tryhards, strivers, people who have wet dreams about getting internships, etc

>> No.17361926

Gunners are not necessarily more successful than others, they're simply tryhards. I have far more respect for the Chad who effortlessly floats into a clerkship via his natural work ethic, wit, and charm.

>> No.17361948

My ex was bigger into reading than I was. Meant she read a lot of shock in-between some great works, but she went through it all so quick you have to respect it. She was very pretty but had an unconquerable inferiority complex inspired in part by a lifelong childhood friend who was always better at attracting hot guys than her. She was long term depressed and very anxious and her shifting moods ended up getting the better of me after six months quarantine.

Got her to read Stoner though early on in the relationship, which was fun

>> No.17361973
File: 1.07 MB, 1392x1770, SmartSelect_20210123-114635_Firefox Focus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17361980

this is always the case I find

I always respect students who ask questions and try to ask the lecturer things after the class. People who get mad at kids that do that are usually coping for not having anything interesting to say and slacking off

>> No.17361982

>tryhard lawyer
just argue better

>> No.17361986

>go to uni to study stem or law (the most try hard subjects)
>get mad at people who take it seriously

boggles the mind

>> No.17361990

Thank you for posting this. I posted that image because I was under its curse I didn't mean any harm.

>> No.17362102

If shes so smart why couldn't she get into medical school

>> No.17362177


>> No.17362189

Dude...kill yourself.

>> No.17362204

Thank you.

We forgive you, anon, or at least I do.

>> No.17362296

I can smell the STDs from here.

>> No.17362311

I know that feel, this place fucks with your mind.

>> No.17362355


>> No.17362360

what year, anon?

>> No.17363020

so basically a tradwife who doesn’t hate you?

>> No.17363055


>> No.17363059

the average zoomer

>> No.17363210

KEK I unironically know a girl like that. She probably speaks more than a language too. But I doubt she would settle with anything less than her.

>> No.17363217

two languages*

>> No.17363374

>the knees

>> No.17363552

Dude are you joking?
Be honest

>> No.17363624
File: 36 KB, 821x869, 1608345617172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm studying to be lawyer, I just want to do my best to help NYSUT . . .

>> No.17363681

>well read
she hated star wars books but liked harry potter so... I guess?
fucking autistic as fuck, yes
yeah she wrote poems and drew logos
she had depression issues because nobody was with her
>yeh she was nice
>dresses well
yep, steals ideas from pinterest, GOOD ides I must say
... she... did like billie eyelish...
>speaks more than one language
Some variety of welsh, english, spanish and,,, that was it
>is a good friend that I can talk to about a wide range of topics in depth
she knew how to listen, AND had no political alliegence

She got bullied a bit and left Spain for the UK, I think it was a bad move XD
Yeah she's still alive I think, she was too needy of love andconstantly got crushes on boys nd girls everywhere though... so... maybe you should take into account that this kind of girls is too fragile for the worls and needs a strong sense of morality to protect her from being broken. Also she blocked me on instagram, I could have done better

>> No.17363701
File: 203 KB, 1366x768, WHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is NYSUT??

>> No.17363709

We were only ever pals, I had a crush on a girl myself back then and was... Meh I was a certain way about it

>> No.17363727

This picture infuriates me, mostly because it has never happened to me and I don't want to admit that I wish it did.

>> No.17363742

Lots of people in law school are otherwise bright but do not participate at all in class because it's "tryhard." The result is a lot of costly awkward silences.

>> No.17363912

My ex desu.

>> No.17363931

This is almost to a T my sister in law. Luckily everyone in my family including my wife just makes fun of her and knocks her down a peg.

>> No.17363936

happened to me many times in a relationship

we still broke up. what you desire is simply validation, it does not imply a real love.

>> No.17363937

Read Heraclitus, anon. Move on, there is nothing else in there. Even if it were, it would be something else and not what you want. I learned that the hard way.

>> No.17363944

I'm convinced any reasonably competent person could be a practicing lawyer with like two months on the job training. The whole institution is purposely mystified

>> No.17363995

Correct. I’d suggest the book “the nonsense factory” for a further detailed explanation of these issues.

>> No.17363997

>The whole institution is purposely mystified

As an attorney, I can sort of agree. It's more that access to legal resources are intentionally costly so only practicing attorneys (or their firms) can afford them. LexisNexis and WestLaw can be used by anyone, and that's especially true since Lexis is using algorithms to perfect the plain language search. Granted, it may not be great legal research, but anyone can find relevant case law.

I'm actually delighted that courts themselves are publishing cases on-line, but there needs to be some sort of search mechanism for most of it to be usable by non-lawyers. You can learn the precedential value of one court's holding over another's in about a weekend, so a lot of what we do definitely is held directly out of reach of most people.

>> No.17364001

>“the nonsense factory
Oh nice, I'll check it out

>> No.17364007

Is that the Gay Science?

>> No.17364021

>complaining about Lexus and westlaw case law search cost
You know how I can tell you’re still in law school?

>> No.17364044
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no you

>> No.17364060

I'm not. And you should know students don't pay for that shit, if you're pretending to know.

>> No.17364089

You'd be surprised.
My old philosophy teacher was a woman and a punk(pretty ironic, yeah I know)
She was super into Schopenauer, Hegel and Nietzsche, and had also read so many books I felt like a kid next to her.

I know that if in an alternate reality I met her and we were both the same age, I'm putting a ring on her.

>> No.17364135

Lol sorry. Just that in my experience most practice is forms and templates and talking to stupid judges that used to practice family law. The legal research I used to do on journal has yet to be very important, but maybe it’s because I’m a baby lawyer. I unno.

>> No.17364232
File: 3.50 MB, 2039x1260, ANNYAYANAMI DARC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17364245

Lisbeth Salander. Always wanted a loner gf

>> No.17364248

she is 2D

>> No.17364252

Century Schoolbook is a children's typeface.

>> No.17364263

Forms and templates for what? I don't even know what this could refer to in practice. Are you talking about court orders judges can't be bothered to write themselves?

>> No.17364283


>> No.17364289


>> No.17364294
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>> No.17364299
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surprises me that this tripfag in specific watches anime.

>> No.17364302

I noticed lots of pedophiles are into anime.

>> No.17364304

he's a pedo, of course he watches anime

>> No.17364306

>Likes books
>Is Protestant

That's all I ask

>> No.17364307

One that's emotionally reliant on me in every capacity, also if she could make good food that'd be nice.

>> No.17364311

In general? Or mainly loli stuff?

>> No.17364327

can I get a quick run down here, this is news to me I thought he was just your prototypical trad cath poster

>> No.17364332

Based aggiechad

>> No.17364338

She must be /out/
Also I dream we would read the same books when going to bed and discuss them concurrently

>> No.17364355

Also she must be willing to move into an off grid cabin in some beautiful nature

>> No.17364371

you want to date the average /lit poster?

>> No.17364384

It feels like all civil litigation is a series of copy pastes for petitions, motions, and orders. It's all the fucking same shit over and over.

>> No.17364389


>> No.17364396

Just want a hot shitposting leftist punk girl that reads books and plays music.

>> No.17364426
File: 61 KB, 600x600, 4D733F1C-F98C-415B-A970-981D4BD2DADF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just me but a girl

>> No.17364506

>Just me but a girl

what is with trannies and posting those face template things?

>> No.17364572

Simulacra. They want a stylized version of themselves that hides their flaws and embellishes their strengths. They wish to seem creative without having the artistic skill behind it. And the representation of them that already should be the best photo of themselves is no longer a photo. It’s a shared signifier acting as simulacra. It’s very similar to how all fascists on Twitter are anime girl avatars, but for extremely different underlying reasons.

>> No.17364620

One that doesn't leave me after 5 years of a perfectly happy relationship. I want to die.

>> No.17364679

>tfw 30
>tfw was cuddled genuinely only once
Shit man, i kinda wish it never happened. 10 years and i still miss it.

>> No.17364685

where are there from?

>> No.17364686

Thanks for the laugh

>> No.17364701

Y... You welcome...

>> No.17364702
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interested in the very precise autism i am into in the current moment so we may converse
but its not really "ideal" as it is "take it or leave it, this is where i put my foot down?"
either that or someone who shares my vices, again a take it or leave it thing
o and isn't put off by my shit, that's really important

sadly no such woman, afaik exists, ergo i have no interest in women. homosexuality it is

>> No.17364756

wtf is a gunner

>> No.17364763

Try hard law students who have no personality beyond being a cunt to everyone they meet that isn’t the managing attorney of a top firm.

>> No.17364765

somebody i can be shy with and go on picnics with and travel the world with and fish with and camp with and get drunk at cafes with and be myself with.

>> No.17364786

I don't find it to be that exactly. I imagine some areas of the law, the petitions are just "fill in the blank," but I don't deal with petitions really. Do you mean pleadings? It is true that complaints are very similar to each other for certain firms. One of my first jobs out of law school was drafting complaints for a plaintiff's firm, and it literally was like MadLibs.

Otherwise, motions are fairly fact intensive. The law is more or less the same, but you apply the facts to the law, making each motion unique, in a way. Some cases there is almost no argument to be made for de minimis but you make it anyway just in shorter form.

Orders are mostly a few sentences in length and nobody gives a shit about them. It's why judges have us draft them.

>> No.17364808

are we doomed to be gay

>> No.17364812

I see. Is law school actually "hard" in the sense that the material is difficult or is it just a tedious grind?

>> No.17364827


>> No.17364849

All the important classes are graded on a curve. That means your score is only as good as everyone else's. It is highly competitive, even in shitty law schools (ranked 40 and up).

>> No.17364861

Sorry, I mean to say your score is only as good as everyone else's is bad.

>> No.17364873

sounds like hell

>> No.17364892

Maybe I was just working for shitty firms, or maybe my jurisdiction is just uninteresting. And yes, in Texas the pleading document is called a petition.
Kinda. They assign an assload of material, most of which is straightforward after you learn the procedural structure to it. Some concepts are difficult to actually apply, but the hardest concept one learns in law school is how to apply the rule against perpetuities. I think the hardest part about law school isn't the volume of work, but the very specific type of analysis they want from you about that material. Like, a doctor has to learn these extraordinarily long lists of diseases and body parts and mesh those together, but in the law it's all about pulling out bullshit that fits the paradigm of legal studies. The only class we didn't do that in was Jurisprudence, which was also the only class I got an A in. It's the constraint, painted as tradition and logic, that is the most difficult aspect for me personally. But the thing is, so many law students can just shut that part of their brain off and be a drone about it, so they go back to complaining about the volume of work because they don't actually care about the meaning behind the work.

>> No.17364928

probably anon. it's either that or trannies, though i find that it is still difficult to find like minds among them too. of the people that ive accidentally found that have commensurate interests though, they are all normal men. it's sad because i dont know how far my attraction to men really goes. maybe agp can help with this

>> No.17365102


>> No.17365121

My worst week started 30 years ago. Bring it on.

>> No.17365155

I want in a woman what most women want in a man: a mealticket who likes her work, makes me laugh, and who will let me raise our kids in peace.

>> No.17365167
File: 1.84 MB, 500x638, 1611265963940.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone a fraction of the same wavelength as me

>> No.17365256


>> No.17365263

Why do this

>> No.17365298

Of course you would like Annie

>> No.17365325

just need me a jungian bitch with hot armpits

>> No.17365335

placing penis... inside of woman

>> No.17366668


>> No.17366768

based immunity dog

>> No.17366993

It's a Neutral Milk Hotel song. A deep cut too.

>> No.17367064

Tradcath with black hair, fair skin, high IQ, and huge milkers.

>> No.17367138

Give me a petite, somewhat shy, blue eyed, pale, raven haired geniunely witchy woman who I can gently coax into ChristioHermeticism that doesnt mind me being an autist with connectivity and a shitton of parental. issues