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/lit/ - Literature

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17348816 No.17348816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a piece of literature that compares to this? That is as engaging on a story level while being as thought provoking in its themes and intricate in its plot. It's an honest question - I realize there's a lot of literature that's deeper than this, but you can't deny that there's a shitton that isn't, while also being more boring to read.
I'm thinking Count of Monte Christo might be it, though I haven't read it, but what I've heard of it makes me think so. Also Blood Meridian maybe?

>> No.17348819

you must be 18+ to use 4chan

>> No.17348823

Why are you spending your time watching trash anime.
treat yourself to sora yori

>> No.17348825

Sorry but you will have to be more precised, almost all literature are thought provoking and intricate. What are you looking for? Adventure? Philosophical novels?

>> No.17348832

Btw themes I'm interested are war, revenge, and the cyclical nature of violence, while also featuring a ton of gratuitous violence.

>> No.17348848

Super! Then you might enjoy the Iliad, storm of steel and the Peloponesian war by Thucydide. They correspond to all your criteras, but in a more mature way than anime.

>> No.17348854

That sounds like a lot of bullshit, anon.
Read 2666, it's perfect for you.

>> No.17348870

Reading the manga, and also it's literally the deepest piece of popular entertainment that has come out since The Wire. That's why.
Intricate when it comes to plot construction - twists that don't come out of nowhere, foreshadowing that is unbelievable in hindsight etc. When it comes to themes I've talked about it here >>17348832

Storm of steel I've heard about and sounds great, but honestly the language of the Iliad isn't really my cup of tea. Are the prose versions worth it?

>> No.17348899
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>> No.17348906
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>deepest piece of popular entertainment that has come out since The Wire.

>> No.17348911
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>> No.17348928

>Are the prose versions worth it?
I couldn't tell, I haven't read it in english.
>the language of the Iliad isn't really my cup of tea.
Understandable. It's an acquired taste, much like coffee. If you push through it you'll come to really appreciate it. It's worth a shot really; to this day I haven't read anything as good and I used to think the same thing as you.

>> No.17348930

Have you read/seen it? Are you caught up with it? If you are, then name one TV show, movie, comic, manga whatever which comes close.

>> No.17348951

It's another manga but read Berserk.
Haven't read AoT but the anime is fun.

>> No.17348957

Turner Diaries

>> No.17348962
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>> No.17348967
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>it's literally the deepest piece of popular entertainment that has come out since The Wire.

>> No.17348969

I'm sure I would come to appreciate it, but I'm looking for something more like a pageturner I guess. Something that reveals its depth as it goes along, even if it starts out a bit pedestrian.

>> No.17348985
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Pretty much anything is better than your vapid shonen bullshit. Sage goes in all fields

>> No.17348992

Then I have another rec for you, there's a lot less violence (but there is still some, in a way). It's not really literature per se, but it has some depth. It's The Secret History. It's essentially educated ya but it is really a pageturner.

>> No.17349028

AoT is pretty good for anime standards but it is not that crazy.
GoT is probably up your alley then.

>> No.17349049

bait and you fags fell for it

>> No.17349056

Eco's the name of the rose, plenty of food for thought in a comfy historical fiction. Maybe Rand's books too.

>> No.17349060
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You saw a naruto pic and assumed they fell for bait?
please leave

>> No.17349197

I stopped watching after the main character turned into a titan.
Its so dumb

>> No.17349218

I think the theme of a government lying to its populace for easy control is relevant.