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17343654 No.17343654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books will help me control my degenerate desires like masturbating, watching porn, watching anime, etc?

>> No.17343661

Your diary desu coupled with a mental and physical workout schedule you silly manchild

>> No.17343677

>da jews make me touch my peepee

>> No.17343684

what do you want from this? the only way to stop being a degenerate is to stop being a degenerate
If you need motivation then use the shit that motivated you in the past faggot
Just stick to a fucking schedule and stop coping by consooooooming more books

>> No.17343714

before engaging in any of those activities just think about what purpose they serve/what beenfit you gain by doing them. Is the momentary pleasure gained by masturbation/porn really worth the energy and time you're wasting on them? Every time you feel as if once or twice indulging in these things isn't too bad think about that; if you're doing it right you will have no problem from abstaining from them and after a while you will have gotten ridd of even the habit and the urges that come with it. Anime is easier to stop, but is a lot less harmful anyway.

>> No.17343722
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>“Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but what is worse, as many masters as he has vices.”

>> No.17343745
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>> No.17343750

I was molested by a Jewish doctor as a kid. Then later in life, Jewish porn merchants exposed me to kinky buttstuff by filling the internet with porn. Somehow I prevailed against the world's filth, never jerking off (except that one time) and my purity is unmatched on earth. But those Jews really tried their damndest to make me touch my pp.

>> No.17343751

Fucking zoomer kys

>> No.17343763

That response seemed a little enthusiastic.

>> No.17343771


>> No.17343779

Read Wilhelm Reich and realize that you can have a natural relationship to yourself and all these things.
Fascism is just a complicated way to hate yourself, you don't need to.

>> No.17343794

Yeah no thanks.

>> No.17343814

Coomer cope.

>> No.17343817

Read the book easyway. It will literally cure you. Or better yet, listen to a few chapter a day here, to get a daily dose of motivation:

>> No.17343869

>the 3rd Reich was actually pro-jewish
This is your mind on low iq dialectics

>> No.17343872

sheer will
try out meditations if you haven't already, usually has an aura effect when i read it that lasts a week or two
the rest you've gotta do on your own

>> No.17343896

Read Philokalia. Don't let the demon of unchastity desecrate your wiener.

>> No.17343903

Ok, you don't have to read reich, but realize your fascism is just sexual insecurity

>> No.17343913

I will never understand how that faggot got taken serious by anyone. Actually, I lied. I know how. Psychology is a meme pseudoscience.

>> No.17343916

wtf are you real nigger? god you are so fucking dumb. kys reich is his last name fucking dumb retard.

>> No.17343917

You ain’t defending shit except the chance of actually getting laid, coom brain

>> No.17343920

"Reich" isn't ((())), you retard.

>> No.17343921

Stop looking at statues of naked men if they make you want to masturbate

>> No.17343927
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>> No.17343931

>>17343903 here
Realize you can be happy and fulfilled and doesn't need all that white and male supremacy and shit. Get yourself together by opening up, you don't have to feel like this.

>> No.17343932

Wilhelm Reich is literally a Jew and Reich is a Jewish surname. I guess you're more like a t. retard? Or maybe a t. trollposter?

>> No.17343934

no book will help you, in your case books would be a further distraction

>> No.17343938


>> No.17343939


>> No.17343941

Death to America because it houses the likes of you.

>> No.17343942

had a glass of red whine too much, didn't realize what you were talking about
disregard, I suck dicks

>> No.17343951

It was.
Haavara agreement was a thing, you know.

>> No.17343954

Best reply in this thread. Reject living in the past via rose tinted fascist ideals and do something with your life that doesn’t include being the bodyguard for the status quo

>> No.17343958

This thread reeks of teenagers that haven't read a complete book in years.

>> No.17343970

Don't do that anon, big H disapproves of the homosex.

>> No.17343974

just stop unless you dont want to

>> No.17344002

Read people like Nietzsche or Goethe or Heidegger. Understand that you never have to accept what "is", what you are now is not static or forever, being is just an illusion and the true essence of life is found in the will to change and overcome

>> No.17344019

Wasn't he pro-semitic?

>> No.17344029

I guess but its hardly relevant.

>> No.17344052
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>metaphysics of becoming
pretty cringe desu
just read Guenon (pbuh) and all the other Trads

>> No.17344078

How is becoming a metaphysic if its present in the instincts on all successful and active cultures and species? Literally all the Trads do is speak of metaphysics, yet they're constantly ignorant to the fact it is belief in metaphysics that drive cultures into nihilism

>> No.17344085

All posts after first post are irrelevant

>> No.17344114

>the jews are the reason why I can’t get laid
Stop coping and have sex, incel

>> No.17344120

>How is becoming a metaphysic if its present in the instincts on all successful and active cultures and species?
How is it not a metaphysic? LOL.
>Literally all the Trads do is speak of metaphysics, yet they're constantly ignorant to the fact it is belief in metaphysics that drive cultures into nihilism
You need to read up on the past 6000 years or something.

>> No.17344128

>be Epstein associate
>the jews are the reason you can get laid

>> No.17344138

dicks and pussies, lol, boobs and pussies and dicks

>> No.17344156
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>Wasn't he pro-semitic?
>Additionally, he commanded the German emperor to go to Rome to be shot and summoned the European powers to take military action against Germany,[105] that the pope should be put in jail and that he, Nietzsche, created the world and was in the process of having all anti-Semites shot dead.[106]

>> No.17344179

Today anime bussy, tomorrow the Lebensraum!

>> No.17344182

Based Polish diaspoo, son of a plumber and his mentally impaired Hohol wife.

>> No.17344192

Yeah he's pozzed af, sorry. I'll check out Goethe and the other guy instead

>> No.17344197

Any book that makes you not a race cuck that leads to that same shit you dislike. So a philosophy of science book or any philosophy or religion book in general

>> No.17344210

>that he, Nietzsche, created the world
Did he actually say any of that or is it just slander?

>> No.17344213

>unironic tradvape aesthetic
Imagine being stuck in 2017

>> No.17344222

>defend your race
>defend your land

>> No.17344233

I think you're better off recognizing those desires as something other than "degenerate."

>> No.17344290

Jesus christ. Is this jewish? Is this jewish? Is he a jew? Ok but this feels kind of ((())). This feels jewy. I’d trust him but i think he’s a jew. Something about this screams “jewish” to me.

You are being intellectually lazy.

>> No.17344304

Thank you for this!!!!!

>> No.17344628

He said it after he went insane.
>In the following few days, Nietzsche sent short writings—known as the Wahnzettel (literally "Delusion notes")—to a number of friends including Cosima Wagner and Jacob Burckhardt. Most of them were signed "Dionysus", though some were also signed "der Gekreuzigte" meaning "the crucified one". To his former colleague Burckhardt, Nietzsche wrote:[104]
>"I have had Caiaphas put in fetters. Also, last year I was crucified by the German doctors in a very drawn-out manner. Wilhelm, Bismarck, and all anti-Semites abolished."

>> No.17345190

if you cant will yourself to stop touching your penis why dont you just kill yourself

>> No.17345199

What is wrong with it?

>> No.17345266

"The Way of Men" kind of snapped me out of my self-indulgence.

Among the points it makes is this: you should be someone you'd want at your own back. Are you someone who'd have your back? Being reliable to others is the same strength as being reliable to yourself. Look at yourself from the perspective of other men and use this harsh appraisal to improve yourself, for your own benefit.

Women accept things passively, so their ideas of what makes a man good are just dreams. They have no basis in reality, no internal coherence; they don't need to have coherence, since they just take the best option that's available to them. The opinion of women is the last thing you should use as a basis for self-reflection, although you should probably take their advice when it comes to personal hygiene, if nothing else.

>> No.17345290

im not a nofap guy i want this pseudomasculinity jorden peterson bullshit to be over

>> No.17345301

Look out, we have a daring man of action over here

>> No.17345308

Has he ever said shit like that, anon? But if you want motivation to get out and find a gf, not masturbating or watching porn seems like a good idea, anon.

>> No.17345324

This trad shit is so cringy

>> No.17345337

A gay guy wrote that book. He wants lots of guys to be at his own back.

>> No.17345352

Honestly the most pathetic image i've seen

>> No.17345371

>roman statue
>defend your race
>defend your land
Oh no no no no

>> No.17345377

You only cringe because it exposes your iniquity

>> No.17345395


>> No.17345405

would you recommend an other way to improve maybe ?
another ideal ? or method ? that you would advise others ?

>> No.17345447

Have a greater risk appetite than you do now, avoid consesus-based decision frameworks, and exercise regularly.

>> No.17345508
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>> No.17345620
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As for op, I do applaud you for taking the effort to stop and refrain. Masturbation, no matter who says it, is highly addictive. It even has withdrawal symptoms like every other addictive substance.

However, I have to ask the anons something that may offend you: what do you guys call this faux stoich mindset that nofappers are taking on. The belief that their efforts to stop touching your dick are on par with Julius Ceasar conquring the relevant world, or a knight crusading against heathen invaders? At the end of the day, you’re a man with a porn addiction, and it seems to make your built-up personallity seem like a parody

>> No.17345724

read this book. it helped me quit. I never looked back.

>> No.17346708

what this guy said basically
the self-improoov meme doesnt mention social hobbies because it was clearly made by a self-loathing shut in rather than a normie trying to help autists

>> No.17346731

>118 KB JPG
>What books will help me control my degenerate desires like making fashwave images, reading /pol/, posting useless cringe threads on /lit/, etc?

>> No.17346849


>> No.17346856
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>> No.17346927
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The absolute state of fascists.