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File: 117 KB, 1024x798, reagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17332593 No.17332593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How was Reagan as a President objectively?

>> No.17332595

idk why don't you read a book about it


>> No.17332603

Pretty much complete shit
>trickle down economics
>bans guns
>increases immigration

>> No.17332606
File: 59 KB, 410x630, 59B4770A-79A4-44AC-8DB8-CEE283CCD87B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not good.
Imagine Obama and Biden were Play doe and you mashed them together.

>> No.17332613

>bans guns
Give me a fucking break

>> No.17332619
File: 122 KB, 530x407, Trad is BACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The apex of trad

>> No.17332624

1. >>>/his/
2. The only good thing he did was take out the USSR, and while a major accomplishment, it was probably going to happen anyway

>> No.17332625

He was the president America deserved

>> No.17332629

"lawrence king jr"

>> No.17332693
File: 6 KB, 277x182, 45967456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Bush Sr.
>fiercely competed with Reagon to become 40th POTUS
>loses and cucks to Reagan, establishing good relations with his staffers and promising never to challenge the darling of American (((conservatism)))
>Reagan gets shot
>decides to pass on the opportunity to invoke 25th Amendment
>Reagan recover, pushes harder on (((Reaganomics)))
>bankers engage in riskier loans, many federal jobs that provided for the everyman eliminated, environmental regulations loosened for oil companies, illegal Mexicans given amnesty
>feel uneasy because you are moderate country-club white Republican but remain silent because you're a cuck.
>Reagan undergoes surgery for colon cancer
>become acting president
>again decide against usurping power because you don't want to upset daddy
>Reagan fucks up Iran Contra Affair
>annoyed but till support him by stonewalling diplomats and journos
>Reagan presidency over
>decide to carry the mantle of (((Reaganism))) by saying "Read my lips, no new taxes."
>1990s Recession happens
>1.63 million jobs lost
>oil prices surge
>break promise by raising taxes
>Bill "Blowjob" Clinton btfo you in 1992 elections by questioning your trustworthiness and makes you a one-term presidency
>tfw Clinton and the liberal Democrats fix the economy you and Reagan created
>tfw you realize Reaganomics undermined your presidency
>tfw Reagan betrayed you and the conservative movement
>tfw many Americans still believe in debunked Reaganomics and Reagan conservatism