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File: 23 KB, 500x441, A-shadow-image-of-the-famous-character-Peter-Pan-with-a-tagline-never-grow-up.picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17332007 No.17332007 [Reply] [Original]

Any books dealing with Peter Pan Syndrome? I fear maturity because it is to no longer expect brighter future, no longer seeking out love, no more friends to have fun with, your mind becomes inelastic and bigoted. Be responsible and buy property they say, only to spend saving up 30 years of your life to live the last 15 in comfort.
Why "grow up" when it is philosophical suicide?

>> No.17332064

When we have exhausted the pretexts which incite us to gaiety or melancholy, we come to the point of experiencing either one _in a pure state_: which is how we join the mad . . .

>> No.17332192

more liked based syndrome
am I, right fellas

>> No.17332444


>> No.17332460
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>> No.17333095
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don't. be like children. be wild animal.

>> No.17333152

>Any books dealing with Peter Pan Syndrome?
Japanese light novels. You will see some first-hand examples of writers who never grew up, and some of them even manage to be successful and make money with their writing.

>> No.17334515

La petit prince

>> No.17334722

> “I fear maturity”
> “I fear”

Start with that anon.

You claim you both fear to grow, and choose not to grow.

One of those isn’t true, and I think we both know which one.

>> No.17334839

I struggle with the same thing and I don't think I'll ever find a satisfactory answer. For now I'm planning to remain a NEET and keep having fun as long as possible, and then either become a janitor, a beggar, or an hero. You might wanna watch Evangelion though. Gurren Lagann also touches on these issues.
Those two statements are completely compatible though. He "chooses" not to grow because he doesn't like the implications of embracing maturity, AND he fears the fact that reaching adulthood is inevitable and the clock is ticking.

>> No.17334986

based and madness pilled

>> No.17335041

>“When I Became a Man I Put Away Childish Things, Including the Fear of Childishness.”
Kids want to be like grown ups. Most grown ups are still children who want to be grown ups and essentially spend their entire adulthood LARPing. Their attempts to affect a persona of maturity are rather comical, really.

>> No.17335059

I already live on my own/moved out and have a job along with attending university, but seeing yourself becoming the boomer. Think about how about how the people during the new age movement became jaded and "proper" becoming the problems of today. One must ask, has age blinded them or has it reveal the futility of hope? If the later is true, then I choose willful ignorance.
Well the question lies with if you can quantify maturity as progress, think of it as "the emperor's new clothes". This is why I would like to read book on it if there are any on this subject.

>> No.17335063

12 rules

>> No.17335100

>4chan makes fun of "an hero"
>is a correct usage and in fact prevalent in British English
so 4chan has always been full of brainlets

>> No.17335141

Nobody cares about your quaint way of speaking, islander

>> No.17335165

>prevalent in British English
ok? relevance? There's lots of stuff prevalent in Indian English that is ungrammatical too. We're speaking English, not some British variant of it, so why would I care what Brits do way over there on their little island?

>> No.17335250

Nothing bad about maturity in itself, it's the fact that it's generally irreversible for biological reasons.
If ageing weren't a thing, people could become mature for a couple of decades or so at a time in order to amass resources, without having to worry about having fun while they still can at the same time.
Doing it that way would probably increase productivity too. but copers still insist death gives life meaning.

>> No.17335449

know that you do have to grow up, but that maturity isn't the disenchanted, nihilistic, materialist vision that a lot of normies have. You should first and foremost strive for maturity in the form of wisdom and virtue, which is independent of earthly riches. Responsibility and comfort are slavish spooks.

>> No.17335538

Peter Pan Syndrome isn’t real it’s just a cope for doomers to shit on optimistic happy people who still see the wonderment and beauty in the world because the only thing that gives Doomers a modicum of happiness is being an edgy shitlord to others because it gives them a brief feeling of superiority about having a fucked up depressing life and outlook.

TL;DR don’t give up being a child just learn to be a responsible one.

>> No.17335572
File: 209 KB, 464x456, 1601458507711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based

>> No.17335590
File: 39 KB, 640x723, 1556497593584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your mind becomes inelastic and bigoted

>> No.17335602

>is a correct usage
no. only a pajeet would say that. or a nigger

>> No.17335626

who told you that being an adult means you're not a person?

>> No.17335671

People want you to "grow up" and spend your days working 5 hours a week because they've spent 20-30 years of their life doing it and don't want to admit they're were wrong.
Becoming a man doesn't mean getting a job and working 5 days a week, there are an incredible amount of manchildern who follow the "grown up" path, get a job, house, kids, ect and are still absolute children. Peterstien talks about it but he doesn't understand that as he claims that "the bitter hatred in childern who never grow up" is due to them staying in neverland. When in reality it's due to the adults in society implanting and projecting their hatred, bitterness and fears onto their children, they suffer so they think everyone else must suffer.

Take time to search within your self and find what is truly right for you to do, away from the influence of anyone else. When you find the answer within you'll be truly mature. This is why so many primitive society's had coming of age rituals where boys would be cast alone into a dark cave or the barren woods for days even weeks, then come back to the village as men.