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/lit/ - Literature

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17319967 No.17319967 [Reply] [Original]

Shelf Thread


>> No.17319980
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I'll take assault, please. Posted this once already in another thread but I want a little more critique.

>> No.17319983

Nice bait.

>> No.17320036
File: 3.16 MB, 4032x3024, A937E805-28FC-4010-BDE5-FE60F6169118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May my skin be laid bare for ridicule


>> No.17320044
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>> No.17320057
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>> No.17320070
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>> No.17320079
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>> No.17320089
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>> No.17320104
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Books with no spine text (missed Temple of The Golden Pavillion, Germany Reborn, and Meditations)

>> No.17320120

What translation of the Upanishads is that? Looks very slim.

>> No.17320145

You basically have my taste in books without as much classical texts. I can see you have the Iliad and the Odyssey to the side. I would recommend the poetry of Horace, Propertius and Virgil as well as the Aeneid. I would also recommend reading Tacitus, Julius Caesar and Cicero. Just read more classics basically.

>> No.17320155
File: 1.55 MB, 4032x1960, 93733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I've brought with me to uni, currently working my way through Jung. Also the little Hermes just came today.

>> No.17320160
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It’s more of a small “best-of”

>> No.17320193

Ah yeah, Prabhavananda's version. I almost got it but the lack of chapter and verse numbers would have made referencing difficult. Swami Nikhilananda's is a very good abridged version with copious notes from an advaita vedanta perspective.

>> No.17320235

Tupperware is for slaves, not men

>> No.17320262


>> No.17320305


do you work at all with actual propaganda/advertising or is this just the detritus of some reactionary LARP?

>> No.17320327

I like the early 20th century a lot

>> No.17320347

Its where i keep my loose guitar parts :(

>> No.17320377

Too many Barnes and nobles classics and penguin books faggot. You essentially have the taste of this board and it is obvious you have no taste of your own. Fuck you turbo nigger

>> No.17320401
File: 34 KB, 128x116, 756619767397220393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reaching levels of based that shouldn't be possible. Trumpist Silver Strasserism with Beach Boys aesthetics is inevitable.

>> No.17320423

Why is the "Dick" in Phillip K Dick whited out?

>> No.17320426

>Nick Land

Dumb faggot nigger fuck you

>> No.17320453

Cuz it’s a bad word

>> No.17320466

What's the one below the myth of the twentieth century?
Also, the Arno Breker one

>> No.17320470

It’s my dream to be a 60’s style stoner mountain man who lives up to aryan ideals and plans to die where his food grows

>> No.17320489


>> No.17320496
File: 95 KB, 855x1360, 5DA6902E-F676-4C3A-8907-3144D8C8FF5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art Deco picture book is under the Arno Breker one

>> No.17320504

That’s gay as fuck

>> No.17320505
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>> No.17320513

I’m 2 months out from doing it.

How far away are your goals?

>> No.17320518

Probably your escapist dream because you can’t stick with anything in your life and have no skill

>> No.17320521
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>> No.17320535
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>> No.17320539

How much did you pay for the Nick Land stuff? Can't find any physical copies of his that aren't way too expensive.

>> No.17320545
File: 2.29 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-4550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me up kings

>> No.17320557

I bought it for like $20-24 bucks brand new if I recall. It went sky-high the next day, so I felt really lucky.

I also have some CCRU writings I got for $20

>> No.17320559

What's the deal w/ the Hermes statue? (as in where'd you get it/etc. rather than why you have one)

>> No.17320566

Looks nice we've got about the same taste
kinda normie though

>> No.17320579


Such awful fucking copies. Why do people keep dust jackets? That shit is supposed to go in the trash.

Books are alright but you need to do some spring cleaning. Books should be kept for collecting, rereading or passing down to your kids. Most of these will be in a landfill before anyone ever reads them again

>> No.17320585

The pound cantos seem out of place, I can't seem to spot any other poetry other than Yeats.

>> No.17320586

Pretty decent collection but I'm curious why you have this big empty space with The Hobbit on one shelf and the another, equally big empty space with Lord of the Rings on another shelf. Wouldn't it make more sense to combine those rows into one full row (with some matching works) rather than leave them separate?

>> No.17320591

I’m sorry. Go accomplish your dream bby. However, maybe you’re capable of more ...right?

>> No.17320593
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Been avoiding classics for a while now, but I guess it's time to bite the bullet. Been told by several people on and offline that it's worth it.

What's wrong with penguin books anon

>> No.17320611

you aren't allowed to post on /lit/ until you've actually *read* Infinite Jest

>> No.17320618

Make sure to listen to Black Magick SS while doing it.

>> No.17320628
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>> No.17320644
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Look harder
What more do I NEED to accomplish outside of total self-sufficiency and bonding with nature?

>> No.17320655
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>> No.17320664

holy based

>> No.17320693

I have American Lion myself, my middle school history teacher gave it to me as a graduation gift.

>> No.17320708

Very fucking nice

>> No.17320749

Sorry, used bad wording. I meant, who is the author of the arno breker one?

>> No.17320755

>the count of monte cristo
really cool cover, what publisher is it?

>> No.17320771


>> No.17320776

Not him but I believe all the fancy covers on that shelf are from a Barnes and Noble collection of classics

>> No.17320780
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I just saw it on amazon haha (yeah not a particularly cool story). Handmade by some small greek business quite aptly named "Beautiful Greek Statues" if you want one, or whatever else they got.

>> No.17320791


>> No.17320821

Arno Breker. It’s a book of all of his known works in one

>> No.17320831
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>> No.17320839

>government releases a virus that scrawls people’s hard drives for wrongthink and edits/deletes them

Oh whoops

>> No.17320882
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they are all sold out in my country, bros.... i dont feel so good anymore.

>> No.17320910
File: 99 KB, 746x512, 1AC0F982B5AB4FADAB238604140D1316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry anon it's still a really good story regardless of the cover

>> No.17320928
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the aesthetics though...
help me bros, pray for me.

>> No.17320973

If you have more first hand than second hand books you're a certified pseud

>> No.17320985
File: 2.52 MB, 3290x3024, 1586916044743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this old chonker lads. You can take one book and only one

>> No.17320991

If you have more second hand than first hand books you're a certified poor

>> No.17321025

>wanting modern plastic-coated books that curl and fray with one fucking trip to the couch
>not buying vintage paperbacks that somehow are still in tact and haven’t curled or revealed some giant sheet of plastic

>> No.17321050
File: 270 KB, 512x512, 3a4cd05377057cf80990f03d14dbd1a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting classics at the local thriftstore for 1-2 bucks each in nice hardcover editions basically unread because boomers don't read

>> No.17321064

If you don't regularly go through second hand bookshops and find a cheap book you would never read on your own to switch up your perspective I feel sorry for you.

>> No.17321108

>ereader isn't connected to the internet

>> No.17321119

>goes to local thrift store
>see people in gay pride shirts and flannel gawking around the vinyl section
>hand over my meager selection of a western film and adventure novel (collectively worth about 5 dollars)
>"that'll be about 20 dollars"
>if I try to sell them back for in store credit I'd get about 2 dollars netting -18 dollars
I buy everything online so I don't have to deal with people that go to thrift stores and can get quality refunds

>> No.17321173

Do what I do and bump into them really hard with my shoulder on “accident”

>> No.17321202

i'd flip a coin for either the complete montaigne or 2666

>> No.17321213

Can’t you just buy it online?

I saw 2666 on sale for 13 bucks at my local bookstore

>> No.17321243

>goes to local used book store
>get paperbacks in once-read condition at worse for about $5 each
>get $1 store credit for every $10 spent
>based boomer at checkout has always read at least one of my selections and says what he thinks of it

>> No.17321277
File: 94 KB, 496x443, 1551242583230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk into local half price books wearing my SS officer uniform
>sit down and crack open some scho ka kola
>get my fingers all sticky with chocolate while reading through a finely crafted selection of jewish authors
>staff kick me out
>I make off with a handful of artemis fowl books bouncing around in my riding pants while screeching autistically

>> No.17321288
File: 123 KB, 897x723, shelf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/2. these are my stacks of things i plan on reading this year.

>> No.17321304
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2/2 the first three dune books aren't on the shelf because i've read them already

>> No.17321317
File: 2.03 MB, 3804x2365, Shelf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't posted my shelves in years. I dont have any lit friends to share it with

>> No.17321325
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>> No.17321330
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>> No.17321384

Those "All American Ads" books look interesting

>> No.17321401
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no you must consume my new editions

>> No.17321409
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Too lazy to take a pic of everything in the room, here's what's on my desk. If you have a question about any of these, I'd be pleased to answer you.

>> No.17321428

Love the all-off-white messy aesthetic. I reccomend a darker oranger light

>> No.17321435

What an ironic statement, showing to the world such abject poverty of intellect.

>> No.17321448

I want that Montaigne collection.
Alternative choice = Zilbaldone

>> No.17321460

I really like them. The 50s has some really out there nuclear energy ads. Im looking to get a ads of the 40s one

>> No.17321492

Do it anon classics in my experience is love it or hate it. I'm an archaeologist so I'm a bit biased. I do have mates who could never get into it but based on what you're already reading you shouldn't have any problems with it. give it a go its instant filter.

>> No.17321505

You can't read words someone else has read before you, that book is a slag if more than one person has fingered it's pages before you.

>> No.17321531
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>Deep Ecology for the 21st century
>Uncle Tom's Cabin
>Desert Solitaire
>A Month in the Country

>> No.17321690

Very nice, best ITT. You'd probably really like what's normally referred as the new historical Latin American novel, and those totalizing novels that have come out of the continent in general.

>> No.17321711

fix the first casanova you slob

>> No.17321729

yee you right most of these were actually stolen from B&N so i didnt have much choice in the edition

had to split the last shelf because i ran out of space so temporarily half empty

just got it and haven't read it yet, what did you think?

>> No.17321743
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>> No.17321940

A shelf so good I could kiss you. 10/10

>> No.17321992

As far as for translationS it’s generally the worst publisher. Don’t remember if your books were translations or not.

>> No.17322005

literally me

>> No.17322074

You have impeccable taste, but I have to bully you because I’m starting to notice a very European pattern.

>exclusively reads in native language

(Although I applaud you on the Emily Dickinson in English, I also have that collection and it’s great)

>> No.17322124
File: 2.72 MB, 4032x3024, 20210115_220832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put half or more of my books into storage. This is mostly of what hasn't been put away, but I have a few miscellaneous piles around, on my nightstand and desk and kitchen counter.

>> No.17322153
File: 2.60 MB, 4032x3024, 20210115_220931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops. Let's see if this detail-shot works.

>> No.17322171
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>> No.17322173

The whole collection is fucking awesome man, you have, literally, every book I wish I want on my shelve.

>> No.17322202

>why yes I do post on /lit/, how could you tell?

>> No.17322222

>Love the all-off-white messy aesthetic.
That's not really on me, publishers here all do that. I must say I'm not a big fan of the bright coloured spines of the anglos publishers. It feels kind of messy.
>I reccomend a darker oranger light
I don't know, it's also the place were I write and study so a fairly bright light is useful.

If that may reassure you all the poetry is in bilingual edition (except Dickinson), which is really useful and I have books in English and German laying around elsewhere. I find it always a difficult question to know wether to get the original or the translated version. Even if I'm able to understand the words on the page, I don't think I can always understand the style. I just read Les Diaboliques by Barbey d'Aurevilly and I'm pretty sure that if French was my second language, I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much as I did. Same could be said for Molière for instance. I think it's useful to trust translators in that regard. Some works are also probably too difficult to be really enjoyed in their original language like Ulysses or Faust 2. It's all about comprise. There's also the fact that I mostly get my books from used books stores, who don't have much books in English and make me dependant of what they have since I don't like ordering online.
That being said, it's true that I probably read too much in my native language. But I've tried to do it less recently.

>> No.17322304

>why yes I need to coonsoom

>> No.17322354

damn the author of accounting for slavery was one of my professors at berkeley

>> No.17322449

Which ones specifically? They’re all pretty cheap aside from some that are out of print

>> No.17322563

A-anon, I...

>> No.17322579

It's an interesting book. I should probably pick up a copy of Fitzhugh's "Cannibals All!" to put next to it.

>> No.17322602

listening to some kino greek tunes and scrolling amazon (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrwksKULOmQ))

>> No.17322805
File: 1.31 MB, 1155x2500, E33147A4-075C-4457-B39F-51566868217B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me lads

>> No.17322819

Branch out. You know enough about boats

>> No.17322876

Sadly accurate

>> No.17323000

Alright, now that I'm done with work—



What's that color combinations book? Japanese?

Put some of these in your car as ephemera. Do you care if you lose a ragged Upanishads? Better to have it on hand.

How is the Little Red Book?

Too much wankery.

Should I read Rumi? How do you feel about your translation?

Get a bookend.

Is the Summa worthwhile?

What'd you think of Name of the Rose? You read Foucault's Pendulum yet? I've read the former but not the latter.

Peak shelf. Is Moore's history of the Novel worthwhile?

Too much wankery.

Me neither. Why so little Aristophanes? Thoughts on Apuleius? Thoughts on the Loeb Classical Library? Thoughts on the Landmark Thucydides?

How in the world is that copy of the Sonnets so thick?

How's the Kissinger? I've been considering picking up "On China" (2011).

Why so little on standardized shipping containers and global supply chains? You don't know enough about boats.

>> No.17323016
File: 3.55 MB, 4032x3024, 20210118_191359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, here's my kitchen counter bookpile. Reading all of these currently.

>> No.17323088

>Put some of these in your car as ephemera. Do you care if you lose a ragged Upanishads? Better to have it on hand.
I drive a camper van. Why would I need to have books around my van for “ephemera”
>How is the Little Red Book?
Astonishingly stale while also being a riot when you think of chinamen reading this while everyone around them is being murdered. Reccomend

>> No.17323136

>Why would I need to have books around my van for “ephemera”
To read!

>> No.17323192

>What'd you think of Name of the Rose? You read Foucault's Pendulum yet? I've read the former but not the latter.
exact same, loved name of the rose can't wait to dive into foucault's pendulum soon

>> No.17323208
File: 448 KB, 1536x2048, 66B08A46-07CA-4A82-A7AB-65E402DB8B3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one comes close to this puppy. I dare someone to critique

>> No.17323235

not enough pure maths

>> No.17323239

>Anaïs Nin

>> No.17323240

hop off weinstein's dick

>> No.17323244

lewis carroll is great, as far as I'm concerned that's all that bookshelf contains besides air

>> No.17323275

I'm curious how it will compare to Illuminatus! and Gravity's Rainbow—the three, taken together, feel like a Paranoiac trilogy.

Could maybe switch out Illuminatus! for Ishmael Reed's Mumbo Jumbo, though.

>> No.17323393
File: 701 KB, 1008x756, Resized_20210118_200726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May as well also share how gorgeous these two books are.

>> No.17323454

I have never met you, and yet I am concerned for your mental health

>> No.17323457

I'm not really big on Greek drama, especially the comedies. I read the golden ass many years before I really got into antiquity and I thought it was ok. I havent had an urge to reread it.

Loebs are good if youre interested in translations. Its more of a preference for something more academic but really for lay reading other translations are good.

I like the landmark edition. There are some good notes in them although I feel that he wasted way too much space on pointing out places on maps.

And the sonnets is so large because it includes a facsimile and copious notes on each sonnet

>> No.17325232


>> No.17325401

>The book of Mormon next to it
I think that explains it

>> No.17325426

What a cultured and well read lad.
Based and gloriouspilled.

>> No.17326125


Do you like any of the classical comedies, or are you just not a comedy kind of guy? Have you ever tried out Petronius, Lucian? Did you find your Pynchon, Ellis, or Boccaccio funny?

>> No.17326144

Literally kill yourself OP.

>> No.17326150
File: 168 KB, 880x1360, 1DC2B37C-3726-4D31-B31A-0EAAD3FF0B91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no lads, looks like we got a third position Chad here.

>> No.17326373
File: 218 KB, 1792x1008, IMG_20210119_151036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly read e-books but here's my very limited number of physical books

>> No.17326463

I will bring a book with me when I am stealth camping in nature reserves.

>> No.17326590
File: 29 KB, 399x385, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funniest shit I've seen here in a while

>> No.17326737

Those architecutre books are great.
Where did you get that book of Albert speer cause I've been looking for it and it is impossible to find

>> No.17327062

It's good to always have books on hand. Facilitates absolute immersion in literature.

>> No.17327129

Stole it from the library because it was surrounded by bums watching porn all day for years and it never got rented out

>> No.17327181

I love the red spined book on the bottom right. Some wonderful prose in there.

>> No.17327192

Mein Kampf or The Flame?

>> No.17327199

why are your law and literature books or book on your shelves from posner i hate his writing compared to that of richard weisberg e.g.

just a hardcore conservative and his prose reeks of arrogance even tho it's essentially empty. he doesnt say anything he just disagrees with what others say

>> No.17327214

I thought Clouds was good but I just dont feel compelled to read any others. Maybe the best way to put it would be that I'd rather reread, and find enjoyment from, a play by Euripides than read Greek comedy. I found Pynchon, Boccaccio, and Petronius to all be funny. I really enjoyed the comedic stories in the Decameron.

>> No.17327463

>posner ... just a hardcore conservative
If you've read anything he's written in the last 2 or 3 decades, this is delusional.

His Law & Economics writing is definitely turgid, but all economic writing is turgid.

He's much more interesting as a judge than an academic. The Law & Literature book is okay; its best parts are on judicial style and on the prevalence of unnecessary jargon in legal writing, his complaints about the Bluebook, his discussion of many judicial opinions being effectively ghostwritten by law clerks, etc.

I'll happily concede that he has drippy writing in the sense that he essentially writes in a stream of consciousness, and can be repetitive, and often plagiarizes himself, so once you've read a couple of his books you get a constant feeling of deja vu.

But he's valuable as a relatively impartial, apolitical observer of American law. He denigrates the left and the right equally. For example, he hated both Ginsburg and Scalia, and admires both Breyer and Kavanaugh. I find this thoroughly respectable.

He's also very funny. Sometimes unintentionally, but more often intentionally than many commentators seem to realize. Maybe we just share a sense of humor—the same sort of sense of humor seen in Kafka.

Respectable. I'd recommend trying out Lysistrata, too, though.

>> No.17327495

You a lawyer or law student?

>> No.17327513

It's in my interest to find law interesting.

>> No.17327530

what do you do for a living?

>> No.17327543

Currently, something extremely tedious.

>> No.17327558

wait? do you order your books by size????

>> No.17327599

seriously.. how tf do you achieve such an aesthetic? i order books online and have no way of knowing the height of each edition

>> No.17327648

When I get a book, I simply hold it up to the other ones, see which book on the left is taller, and on the right is shorter, and then remove books of similar width from the left and move it to the right end of the lower shelve. I continue this until I reach a shelf that doesn’t need to be moved to make room. But I still leave an accumulative inch of space throughout each shelf to not squeeze the books tightly, allowing me to take a book and reshelf it without upsetting the balance.

>> No.17327678

I can't let this stand. How the fuck did you manage to make this image 22 megabytes large. Learn to use a computer, you swine.

>> No.17327802

22 megabytes? it's 2.37 MB. literally just took a photo with my iphone and then posted it, you nigger.

>> No.17327949
File: 854 KB, 4096x2324, 20210119_144527-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the books of aristotle, Terry Eagleton, Shlovski, Todorov, Barthes, Genette, Lukacs, and Culler on the top of the shelf.


>> No.17327959
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>> No.17327970
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>> No.17327979
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>> No.17327995 [DELETED] 


>> No.17328004
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>> No.17328031

wouldn't it make more sense for it to be alphabetized tho? easier to find?

>> No.17328043

the spanish title for atlas shrugged it way cooler

>> No.17328060


>> No.17328239

you really like zola, don't you?

>> No.17328264

those spivaks are golden!

>> No.17328298

I know where every book is. I love them

>> No.17328332

how much did this whole shelf costed?
I've read a few of those books (Shankar, Spivak and Misner&Thorne come to mimd) and would prefer to buy them, but they were to damn expensive to justify the cost when I could lend them for free at my uni for almost unlimited time (since just a handful of students were interested in them).
Where I live they are just as expensive second hand.

>> No.17328471
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How bad is the octaedro's translation anon?

(Los vi publicados en ML y tienen banda de buenos libros y baratos, se que son medio piratas pero si las traducciones zafan por ahi valen la pena)

Nice shelves btw

>> No.17328790

They are pretty good (but tiny letter)

>> No.17328985

And thanks anon, my shelf is tiny yet, but it will grow soon.

>> No.17329006

we'll be glad to have you back 3 months from now if you haven't kys yet which i highly recommend

>> No.17329027

Moore’s history of the novel is excellent. Both volumes. Chock full of great information and insights, but written so engagingly that it carries you along the whole way.

>> No.17329041

not really necessary for home libraries

>> No.17329159
File: 1.74 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just what I took with me to college, nothing special

>> No.17329188

How did you like the leftists work here? (Adorno, Trotsky, Robespierre, Lenin)

>> No.17329209

How old are you anon? That's a lot of books

>> No.17329260


>> No.17329355

this shouts: "notice I'm deep and special!"
truth is, you come out as a tryhard pseud with no personal tastes, only people like you will appreciate this shelf and you will be stuck forever with midwits. What I say may sound mean but it's really more of an advice. Develop your own tastes faggot.

>> No.17329391

Why in the world "notes from the Underground" is so big, are you blind?

>> No.17329833
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Just my mass market paperbacks

>> No.17330097

>Pepe and anime stickers

>> No.17330151

:( they were just the books from home that I hadn't read yet, but thanks for the advice I'll take it to heart

>> No.17330192

No problem fren. Just don't fall too hard for the /lit/ memes. Also these books by themselves are good

>> No.17330338

who tf has developed their own tastes by the time they were in college? give the kid a break, anon

>> No.17330417
File: 3.28 MB, 4032x3024, 20210119_191433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17330485

two copies of IJ, my brethren

>> No.17330489

What edition of the Summa is this?

>> No.17330551

Like others said, you're coloring inside the lines a bit to much. However, I'd consider anyone who read all of that to be well read and a true lit enthusiast.

>> No.17330561

ya, I went through a phase where I read nothing but Zola. Read most of them one summer a couple of years ago. Dont think I'll ever reread all of them but there are a couple I keep coming back to

>> No.17330616

it was independently published on amazon by some weird dude on youtube named MrCrazyJake451. the price has gone up since i got it since i dont think it's being printed anymore. search "summa theologica complete unabridged one volume" on amazon US

>> No.17330680
File: 646 KB, 1242x1556, A24A4A20-0BAB-4C4B-B2C1-32BC39C4BE64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you’re not wrong about him seeming weird. I’m guessing it’s pretty average quality?

>> No.17330762
File: 2.57 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-4556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, not bad. the pages are relatively thick and you almost need a magnifying glass for the text, but i think i got it for like $30 a couple years back

>> No.17330835

Thanks for the info anon

>> No.17331076


The Atlas rebellion

>> No.17331413

Is there a single book on here that can’t be found on an Intro to /lit/ chart or the top 100 or something?

This is like the lowest common denominator for /lit/ - good shit, but basic as fuck

>> No.17331444
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>> No.17332343
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>> No.17332987

You can never know enough about boats.

>> No.17332999

Currently Sneed Bryant

>> No.17333051

why did you bother?

>> No.17333198

>legend of the 10 elemental masters
>two copies of ij
>finnegan's wake
only needs the coronameron and evola or guenon for maximum meme

>> No.17333615
