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/lit/ - Literature

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17287754 No.17287754 [Reply] [Original]

Which are /lit/'s favorite Greco-Roman myths?

>> No.17287761

I really enjoy the one where theseus kills the guy that has passersby hold onto trees he's pulled down, and then slingshotting them
Theseus of course kills him in like manner

>> No.17287768
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Persephone and Pluto

>> No.17287791

Agirl on a dating app asked me mine and ghosted me when I answered, so I'm a bit shy about telling you - sorry.

>> No.17287995
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i have many but the founding of troy is one of my favorites.
>be ilios
>go to some king's place and participate in some games
>king gives him cow as award and tells him to follow the cow and found a city wherever the cow decides to rest
>follow cow to some hill where it lays on the ground
>ilios isnt sure if he should found city there
>"oh gods of olympus, give me a sign!"
>meanwhile at olympus, zeus is chasing after electra (one of the daughters of the titan atlas) because he wants to fuck her
>electra hides inside a statue
>zeus finds her, takes her out, throws the statue far away and fucks her
>back with ilios right after he prayed for a sign, a giant fucking statue lands in front of him out of nowhere
>that'll do pig.jpg
>found the city of troy

>> No.17288022
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Fun fact: I played Persephone in a school project over a decade ago which is part of why I feel sympathy for her.

>> No.17288218
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>Be unborn
>God of the son fucks your mom
>abandons you
>When you reach 18 decide to find his ass
>Climb up mountain and into the sky into his throne room
>"wow son you found me. You can have anything you want to make up for me abandoning you"
>Let me ride your chariot
>"you wont be able to control it"
>Don't care get mogged fag
>Get in sun chariot, ride around in the sky for a bit
>Scorpio constellation tries to sting you
>Horses freak the fuck out
>Fall to your death
>Chariot flies around so close to the ground around Africa that it burns the landscape and people
>This is how blacks were created

>> No.17289647

Orpheus and Eurydice

>> No.17289662

metamorphosis of ovid
œdipus rex

>> No.17289670

Definitely the Medusa

>> No.17289944
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Artemis. I believe there’s a lot hidden and distorted about her stories and character.

Hades though...
Read this study of the story. Really liked the story and it’s connections to the very roots of pre-Olympian and the mysteries cult.
Also read Vidal’s Julian, where We see the last emperor take the rights that will allow him to Elysium

>> No.17290364

Pygmalion of course
Hes litreally me

>> No.17290894
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Favourite Greek gods? For me it's based Pan.

>> No.17290901

Tits or gtfo

>> No.17290908

Okay furfag

>> No.17290920
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Imagine being Ganymede haha

>> No.17290995

Lotta good answers here, but I'm fond of Hippolytus ("unleasher of horses"). He loved hunting so much that he spurned all thots and devoted his entire life to hunting and chastity. He even set up a shrine to Artemis, the virgin queen of the chas(t)e, and declared that he will worship no other. This angered Aphrodite, a petty bitch who was worshipped by literally everyone. So she cursed his stepmother, Phaedra, wife to Theseus. Phaedra fell madly in love with Hippolytus. She spilled her spaghetti to him, and he obviously backed away in horror and disgust. Shortly after that he ran off to do some more hunting. Phaedra was ashamed and afraid Theseus would find out, so she quickly told him that Hippolytus tried to rape her. (In some versions, immediately after that she killed herself out of shame.) Theseus was pissed and invoked his daddy Poseidon to kill Hippolytus, who at this point was riding his chariot out in the woods near the water. Poseidon sent the kraken or some other monster out of the water's edge, spooking the horses. They threw Hippolytus from the chariot and killed him. Later, theseus wept when he learned of Aphrodite's meddling. Such is the power of Olympus, you can get fucked simply for living your best life.

>> No.17291021

I like how even at her angriest, Aphrodite stays in character and uses lust to enact her revenge

>> No.17291108

>Poseidon sent the kraken or some other monster out of the water's edge, spooking the horses
Sorry to burst your bubble, but it was a "magical" ox

>> No.17291117
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>> No.17291125