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/lit/ - Literature

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17273848 No.17273848 [Reply] [Original]

What books do I have to read before being able to watch The Evangelion and fully understand it?
I heard the Meme Trilogy is required, but to read it, I have to read the entirety of the western canon. It means I will have to read 50 pages a day for the next 2 and a half years.
What do bros?

>> No.17273858

>It means I will have to read 50 pages a day for the next 2 and a half years.
>What do bros?
No way that's enough to read the western canon

>> No.17273861
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Last movie in 11 days. Is /lit/ hyped?

>> No.17274055

What a Faggot
Just watch it
Dont listen to lit everyone is a pseud here

>> No.17274085

I never realized it until I read your wonderful bait, but the main reason the meme trilogy came to be is probably because they are all very impressive works which do not rely upon what came before. They can be read and understood by anyone willing to put in the effort.

This makes me think the meme trilogy deserves its place and perhaps that the adjective should be dropped. Fairly impressive.

>> No.17274117

I'm hyped in the shazam cyberpunk way. I can't wait to see how bad it is, and I'll be mildly disappointed if it ends up being decent-ish (zero chance it will be good).
>/lit/ literature

>> No.17274121

I sure am


>> No.17274123

Holy fuck finally

>> No.17274456

Sigmund Freud

>> No.17274797
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What's the meme trilogy?

>> No.17274809

Nothing. There is no meaning. It is only product with cool artstyle to entertain you

>> No.17274815

The meme trilogy isn't required for anything. It's an American circlejerk.

>> No.17274818

There's nothing to read anon, you think a stinky otaku like Anno picked up any books before he made his cartoons? Nothing more cringe than using buzzwords like "hedgehog dilemma" to make your shit sound researched.
I have absolutely no respect for any work of fiction that name drops philosophy to seem deep.

>> No.17274819


>> No.17274829

the big fancy difficult 20th century books that college freshman read and never finish to impress their qt lit major crush

>> No.17274851
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Infinite meme, ulysses and what else?

>> No.17274898

good job anon the other is Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.17274934

Ofcourse. Has anyone in this thread actually read them? I watched a ted video about ulysses and it seems interesting. The chapter structure is definitely interesting anyway, but I would be filtered to within an inch of my life. I do actually own GR but have yet to start it.

>> No.17274946

Evangelion, while heavily inspired by the western canon, is still an eastern work. Because of that, one needs to read the entire eastern canon as well.

>> No.17274976

Start with the greeks, then chaldean oracles, then plotinus, then secreta secretorum, then Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, then joseph volotsky and maximus the greek, then mircilio ficino, then guenon, deleuze, lacan, bataille, land. Then siege and behead all satans.

>> No.17274989

Absolutely none, just watch it

>> No.17275015

it's just a show man

>> No.17275027
File: 30 KB, 360x360, eva-hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Phenomenology of the Spirit and Science of Logic

>> No.17275079

>The Evangelion

>> No.17275107

2001 a Space Odyssey & Childhood's End

>> No.17275126


>> No.17275137

And Hegel !

>> No.17275265

its an anime that anime fans like so you don't need to read actual lit to get it