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17263492 No.17263492[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is it with American women?

>> No.17263496

Dunno, but some people are that crazy to the point of making fucking poetry, anon. That is why you should always use those.

>> No.17263498

God that poem is shit

>> No.17263507

i'm tired of this, it says nothing.

>> No.17263508

Is not

Also, can't say I've ever cared at all if someone calls me by my first name. You've gotta be very insecure if you care what name people use. I bet she's the kinda person who would make it mandatory that everyone include the Esquire in her name if she were an attorney

>> No.17263511

they desire to be pulverized by big beefy cornfed all american johnny football high fructose cock

>> No.17263516

But desu she is still young and has a blue hair. People might abuse her because of it. She probably suffered some harassment.

>> No.17263562
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god-damn, the Rupiization of our culture has somehow trickled upwards and completed the circle

>> No.17263571

I literally don't understand what she means by this

>> No.17263572

This is a college professor. Fuck dude.

>> No.17263573

women have no soul

>> No.17263575

It is modernist poetry. I also think it is weird af. But everything is a bit bizarre. Modernist music is weird too.

>> No.17263581
File: 98 KB, 504x470, 1401062817927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is responsible for the Rupi Kaur instagram poetry genre? who created it? who inspired it? I have no idea but I blame Ezra Pound anyway

>> No.17263586
File: 595 KB, 1500x2254, harlan+2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17263589

She is a fucking college professor, anon. Supposing that she is a regular person, not some crazy fucking autistic savant, she is young.

>> No.17263591

It's pure fuckin garbage. Fitting that it comes from academia

>> No.17263595

she's railing against the common academic practice, especially in grad programs, of calling your professors by their first names instead of [Title, Last Name]

>> No.17263599

This is embarrasing

>> No.17263602

At some point teachers decided to teach kids how to write free verse poety rather than anything with meter because it was easier. I don't think you can blame any poet for stuff like the OP.

>> No.17263610

>OP: What is it with American women?
>those lips: The most British thing I've seen today since someone posted "fish and ships" in the Melville thread

>> No.17263627

>it's modernist poetry
No, T.S Eliot is modernist poetry. This is just shit poetry

>> No.17263649

I don't see the point of poetry without rythm.

>> No.17263651

I'm so glad that everyone in this thread hates this style of poetry. When I was at the university, there were enough people who either liked this shit/pretended to like this shit, I thought I was the crazy one.

>> No.17263671

Its a lot about being bland and mundane but still spunky and independent. Pretty much just cucumber water. Appreciable for the quaint charm though, women love that shit.

>> No.17263673

I said some wrong shit, it is contemporary.

>> No.17263695

tbf, this kind of writing is designed to be consumable to undergraduate wokeites. by their 30s, most those people will have grown out of it

>> No.17263716

It's the kind of poetry that people who don't actually read poetry like. There are some fantastic contemporary poets out there and they would never write something like the OP. It's just stuff that you'd find posted on instagram/twitter or something for people to consume in a few seconds and upvote

>> No.17263723 [DELETED] 

>a male professor told you that titles are silly
I fuckin wish. Every workshop I was in they demanded titles and I hated inventing them

>> No.17263772

To be fair, dropping titles and the authority they come with means that your students will not take you or your class serious anymore (you offer finger, they take whole hand), opening possibility for problems with upper management on one side and students on the other. One can still be a favorite professor while maintaining this basic level of respect.

The poem is still shit, randomly breaking lines is not poetry.

>> No.17263793

What does a lack of title have to do with how seriously a student takes a class? I take a class seriously because I want to do well, not because a prof wants to go by doctor or something

>> No.17263811

That's you. As someone who actually works with students I can tell you around 80% are overgrown children that just want the degree and the benefits it comes with, while classes and studying are just necessary evil, not something they actually want to do.

>> No.17263817

tinder gives them power
education is unnecessary

>> No.17263824

My bad, the fact that most college students have no business being in school is a fact that always escapes me

>> No.17263885

this makes a lot more sense now that i know that. i thought she was mad people weren't calling her mrs. harlan at first.

>> No.17263897


>> No.17263898

If anything it’s postmodern not modernist. But as the >>17263627 said it isn’t anything, it’s just shit.

>> No.17263915

It’s graffiti in a book. I’ve scribbled better shit on toilet stalls. Spergs and your categories.

>> No.17263957

This triggered the beta orbiter