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17253066 No.17253066 [Reply] [Original]

Post unironic good female writers

>> No.17253076

Agatha Christie

>> No.17253084

Among the living ones? Sally Rooney isn't bad. I haven't finished her book, but it definitely wasn't garbage.

>> No.17253096

Tolstoy, Dickens, Hugo

>> No.17253160

Toni Morrison, Louisa May Alcott, Sylvia Plath, Patricia Highsmith, Daphne du Maurier. I enjoy most of those except Morrison. Her style isn’t for me but I can understand that she’s a really good writer.

>> No.17253359

Ursula K. Le Guin, Jane Austen, Edith Hamilton, Shirley Jackson, Donna Tartt, Brontë sisters.

>> No.17253366


>> No.17253374

Mary Shelley
3 Brontë sisters
George Eliot
Jane Austen

>> No.17253392

Someone with a single good piece of work cannot be considered good writers. Biggest one hit wonder of literature

>> No.17253406

Flannery O'Connor.

>> No.17253420

Interesting critique anon.
What specifically are your problems with The Last Man, Lodore, and Falkner?

>> No.17253432

Marianne Moore, who'se the best American poet from the last century.

>> No.17253448


>> No.17253455
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There are none.

>> No.17253457

op wanted authors who wrote primarily for women, right?

>> No.17253462

Virginia Woolfe
The Brontës

>> No.17253480

Keep seething Poundfag

>> No.17253513

Christine Brooke-Rose

>> No.17253609

Pearl S Buck had her moments.

Whos the pic of? Looks like a clothing advertisement.

>> No.17253616

The famous female writer, L. L. Bean.

>> No.17253622

>L. L. Bean.
She doesn't look Mexican.

>> No.17253693


>> No.17253695

Karen Russell is crazy talented but stick to her short stories

>> No.17253707

Bunny Rogers. And don't respond to this with some shit about why she's not. She is and you're coping.

>> No.17253716

Jean Stafford. Joy Williams.

>> No.17253739

Marilynne Robinson. Her novels Housekeeping and Gilead are both terrific but I think she really shines in her essays. I highly recommend The Death of Adam. She provides a very compelling defense of Calvinism.

>> No.17253769

That explains why it looks like a clothing advertisement.

>> No.17253862
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Women writers are all ‘look girls can twirl light sabers better than you. Girls rule boys drool.’
Don’t waste your time.

>> No.17253973


>> No.17254045

Only the modern female writers.

>> No.17254066

>Marianne Moore
That’s a man

>> No.17254073

Jane Austen
Emily Dickinson
Virginia Woolf
George Eliot

>> No.17254098

Anne Fadiman.

>> No.17254180

finally someone on this board with taste

>> No.17254211


>> No.17254212

How has no one said Alice Munro?

>> No.17254217


>> No.17254227

Alice Munro
Anna Kavan
Ursula K Le Guin
James Tiptree Jr
Robin Hobb

>> No.17254228

Honestly, Katherine Anne Porter is terrific and I feel bad for anyone who hasn't had the pleasure.

>> No.17254488

Joyce Carol Oates.

>> No.17254494


>> No.17254496


>> No.17254526

you first

>> No.17254551

why are modern female writers so incredibly terrible though. It like as if every woman who's ever wrote a pom and felt sad about anything wrote a novel, and that got published, and now all of the good ones just drown in a sea of feelie filth

>> No.17254554

Simone Weil

>> No.17254800
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I— I’m going to try

>> No.17254819

Yes, sure go for it. I don't really agree with you in a lot of stuff. But reading different things is always interesting. Go for it.

>> No.17255850

there are many with good prose I enjoy, like Jean Rhys or others named here, but none which I would love for the substance, e.g. portrayed ideas etc.. however, although I disagree with the contents, I like to have my ideas challenged and my brain tortured by their minds, so I read more and more

>> No.17256038

The bitch that made the Fullmetal Alchemist Manga I guess

>> No.17256067
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pic related
teresa of avlia
julian of norwich
iris murdoch
berly smalley
buck was cool

>> No.17256091

Clarice Lispector

>> No.17256092

funny, I didn't hear you say Stevens, Crane, or Eliot (American by birth and upbringing)
care to explain your blatant fringe-pick?

>> No.17256094

how about some living one's

>> No.17256124

I love Shaelin's voice

>> No.17256128

>pic related
do you think Bishop got what it takes to write more than concoction?

>> No.17256130

nigga who? all i found was some hipster millenial visual artist, possibly a tranny. show me the writing

>> No.17256148

Mah nigga. I read her hmong book because i'm hmong. it was cozy learning about my culture from a whitey mikah

>> No.17256165

name three such exemplifying writers
i really doubt your characterization , or perhaps you are looking at "female writers" who are getting published by your school's undergrad litmag

>> No.17256795

Rand and Alcott. I liked Laura Ingalls Wilder when I was little.

>> No.17256945
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>good writer
Pick one

>> No.17256963

I've never closed a thread faster

>> No.17256972

Andrea Dworkin
Kathy Acker
Marguerite Duras

>> No.17256974


>> No.17257024

Any of her books online?

>> No.17257045

Margret Atwood

>> No.17257089

Which female authors have you read?

>> No.17257389

Most of the living ones only write YA.

>> No.17257888

This girl is constantly in my ads

>> No.17257937

Help a new tard out what's YA?

>> No.17257947
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Nelly Arcand.

>> No.17257958

jenna jamesson
bet she gives good head

>> No.17257987
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>bet she gives good head

Given that that was her first profession...

>> No.17257997
File: 119 KB, 460x667, Marilynne-Robinson_3073589c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marilyn robinson

>> No.17258007

i knew there was a reason my dick was tingling

>> No.17258031

Young Adult. Ex: Harry Potter, The Hunger Games.

>> No.17258120

Mary Shelly

>> No.17258131

John green

>> No.17258135
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Good instinct

>> No.17258171

Based and breadpilled

>> No.17258194

is that the girl?

>> No.17258265

I would not know, I don't read any living authors, man or woman.

>> No.17258296

Did anyone ever see that one mega folder with the file "Good Female Writers" and when you open it, it's completely empty? I had a very hearty kek.

>> No.17258514
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>> No.17258538

I’ve been boycotting non male writers ever since the ‘no boys allowed’ showings of Wonder Woman.

>> No.17258567
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>> No.17258737

I wish she would quit her job and write more books.

>> No.17258821

Jesmyn Ward
Nell Zink
Partricia Lockwood
Ann Patchett

>> No.17258868

i really dig Svetlana Alexievich jornalistic style writing,especially her ww2 book.

>> No.17259906
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Shirley Jackson

>> No.17260228

I would like to creampie her in the public bathroom of a shitty rock concert, never having seen her tits

>> No.17260536

rent-free.... the movie wasn't even good, yet here you are complaining about your exclusion nonetheless. Just be grateful you didn't sit through 2 hours of the platonic ideal of capeshit

>> No.17260728
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Flannery O Connor, Carson Mccullers, Ursula Le Guin

>> No.17260754

I believe it's ShaelinWrites

>> No.17260837

Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.17260839


I read somewhere that her first book of poetry was a compilation of these tumblr poems. There's no discernible talent. It's the same old neo-confessional, disaffected, bite-sized hipster hogwash that every college-aged radfem presents. She can't think, she can't write (at least not poetry). She seems to have no awareness of how to construct a sentence, let alone a beautiful one. To the op, if you think this is good writing, i don't know what to tell you. Your taste buds have probably been debased by the constant smell of piss and sewage in the NYC air.

>> No.17260849


>> No.17261006

Vera Mutafchieva
Maria Corti
Zofia Nałkowska
Edith Stein
Julian of Norwich

>> No.17261063

Anne Rice was fun when I was 14.