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17248116 No.17248116 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here used Duolingo to become competent enough in a foreign language to read literature in that language? I want to get back into language learning for reading purposes but I’ve used Duolingo before and it doesn’t seem very effective.

>> No.17248124

For how long and how consistently have you used Duolingo?

>> No.17248144
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>Klingon course
>no Ancient Greek course

>> No.17248145

It's effective as a supplementary aid, but it shouldn't be your main method of learning.

>> No.17248151

More people rather speak Klingon and elvish than your stupid Greek

>> No.17248152

basically >>17248145
it's good as a supplementary tool, but that's it. i personally use it when i'm on the train or taking a shit, etc

>> No.17248577

I tried learning some French with it a few years back and I could recognize words/phrases and stuff, but it is absolute ASS for learning pronunciations.

>> No.17248684

Yes use Benjamin Goyberg's latest timewasting app. Don't look for good community sources, but pick this Jewish kike FAGGOT source instead.

>> No.17248704


>> No.17248751


>> No.17248758

Yes, I use it for Spanish. But I'm a native Portuguese speaker, so Spanish is easy for me. For French i need to take formal classes

>> No.17249489

It's shit. Read up on comprehensible input theory. That works.

>> No.17249857
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>> No.17250515

Started using it about 2 weeks ago to learn Russian. Does seem to kinda work. I wish they had a little blurb at the start of each section to actually explain the rules of what they're teaching you. They just kinda throw easy as shit exercises at you until you realize what you're supposed to be learning.

>> No.17250522

What would you recommend as a main method? Would working through text books be good?

>> No.17250535

The main issue with duolingo is that you won't get that great. But it is a decent starting point if you read the hints and do the exercises.

>> No.17250624

Not him but I use duolingo to review basic Russian. Words that you would use everyday if you lived there. I took 4 years of Russian in college, and then started taking private lessons shortly after college. I learned more in 1 year of lessons than in all of college (1v1 compared to classroom setting) and it gave me a stronger foundation in order to self study. I highly recommend getting a native speaker to teach you. If you can’t afford lessons you can use websites like italki for language exchange to accomplish the same thing

>> No.17251066

This really says a lot about
s o c i e t y

>> No.17251520 [DELETED] 

yes, I did, now I can read in english and shit on americans

>> No.17251789

What is this supposed to imply? Yes, it's a free app and many people have used it. I've actually seen this argument many times for why you should buy physical books instead of pirating them, because then you're more likely to read the books.

>> No.17253697

> gayreek

>> No.17253723

Duolingo isn't for a high level of competency. It's the basics only.

>> No.17253743

You don’t learn a language to read, you read to learn a language. For example, if you learn passé composé and how negatives work in french, then you can read L’étranger instantly.

>> No.17253746

>They just kinda throw easy as shit exercises at you until you realize what you're supposed to be learning.

And then they continue to throw easy as shit exercises at you. It's easy as shit exercises all the way down.

>> No.17253774

Good for learning common languages spoke today. Shit if you want to learn any classical language. I used it for a couple weeks and tried their Latin course, but it was embarrassingly unfinished and didn't go beyond the very basics. It says a lot about the app when a language staple like Latin doesn't go beyond maybe half a semester of learning

>> No.17253777

There are two things that you learn with Duolingo: vocab and basic grammar. Beyond that, if you plan on reading babbytier things, it is useless. I suggest you complete the entire course and then get into graded readers.
An even better and faster course is to get a grammar book, work through the exercises, and supplement what you are doing via INPOOT (graded readers).

>> No.17253812

Take your meds

>> No.17253933

For real though how do I learn German

>> No.17253938

Get a German girlfriend or boyfriend. It's the easiest way to learn a language.

>> No.17253962

Learning from a partner doesn't really work though. They just default to talking to the language you two share.

You need to study yourself either alone or with a teacher and then immerse yourself in the language, do language exchange meetups for conversation, pen pals etc for written convos, books/news stories for reading and listening (DW has a whole slew of things targeted at German learners).

>> No.17253970

I learned more Russian playing Dota than I did from Duolingo. I just wanna read the classics in Russians, bros. The used book store never sells Russian language books, only Spanish and sometimes dead languages like French and German.

>> No.17254265
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>sometimes dead languages like French and German.