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/lit/ - Literature

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17247739 No.17247739 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>finish work on Friday evening
>go to supermarket for a large shop (walking around the shiny building on a cold evening with lots of time between myself and Monday seems like the weekend's peak)
>spend evening on internet, vidya, finishing Serotonin by Houellebecq
>browse internet on phone in bed very late, watching society return to a centralised media ecosystem
>wake up on Saturday morning
>play vidya
>go for a joggerino
>eat food, including chocolate
>browse internet
>play vidya
>browse internet and eat food
>browse internet in bed
>woke up an hour ago, browsed internet
>unsure whether to go for a long walk or not

Feels sad that the world is regressing to establishment media domination through government intervention. And this is just the beginning. I'm not looking forward to my taxes funding lower midwit 'local journalists'. The BBC will always be funded through tax in some manner (the defunding campaign will never succeed). Acceleration would be funny if it wasn't the cause of high taxes.

I had this moment last night where I was playing vidya and this memory resurfaced of me at university during a series of first year classes that lasted for part of a term. Nothing notable happened, it was just a consistent room, time of day, time of year, and weather where I was an ugly pathetic loser, and which embedded deep in to me.

A few weeks ago, in a videogame, this really bland area with grey walls and clouds, along with music in another game I'm playing (a kind of corporate / preppy overworld theme in a game that combines youth and sunny days with a dark theme) triggered this memory of bored days in my teens that made me realise how wasted my youth was. That was unpleasant. I just wanted to bing bing wahoo.

I read a novel and it was enjoyable but ultimately insubstantial. I mainly read non-fiction now. My attention span has been unharmed by the internet but I retain little because I don't really care.

I have been enjoying the Moldbugnaissance.

>> No.17247829
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i love how atheists keep whining about ''the medias'' when atheism is built on the merging of politics, education and entertainment. Typical cognitive dissonance of the average humanist. This is why only the females prosper in atheism.

In a republic politics = education = entertainment = women focused topics = sex

the republic is a system where the bourgeois has managed to make the plebeians believe in bourgeois dogmas and religions ie that getting an allegedly bourgeois education like rich daddies did and commenting on the rules, lives and mores created by the bourgeois is actually meaningful, and then when from time to time the plebeans figure out the lack of any power their views have on the politics, they go in the streets wreaking havoc.
This is why so many soccer moms and drones try to earn virtue points on posting comments online. The first thing to do online is to comment. See a message on the internet? there is a little box to comment on it.

This is the greatest feat of the bourgeois republic: to turn commenting publicly and privately and reporting comments into a meaningful life .
This is why when you let females talk, all the topic is sexual and they find a devoted audience.
And when the so y men talk it's just whining like the polturd about how the republic was great and now it is supposed to be shit, as if the republic ever changed since inception lol.

>> No.17248100

Best thread on here.
Post more.

>> No.17248600


>> No.17248667
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I don't know why but the OP and this thread emanates a comfy feeling.

>> No.17248706

do people add erino to things ironically, or is it real whenever i see it here?

>> No.17248707
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>> No.17248716

What about literature?

>> No.17249033

>go to supermarket for a large shop (walking around the shiny building on a cold evening with lots of time between myself and Monday seems like the weekend's peak)

This sounds comfy ngl

>> No.17249057

>not knowing LF
lurk more, faggot.

>> No.17249584

OP here. I went for around 6 miles of walking while listening to cum town, the richard spencer podcast, and a normie BBC show that hit all the mainstream media Davos commissioned talking points.

I've realised richard spencer is most likely a CIA shill. He sounds like a democrat in a humanities department that discovered HBD and is permanently smug at normies as a result. I can't really figure out why he was shouting "heil trump" in 2016.

I saw young chad and stacey couples and realised how it was never over for me- it had never even begun.


It definitely was. And going in to a cool supermarket on a hot summer's day reminds me of being on holiday. I look around the vegetable fridges while wearing a t-shirt and it feels great.