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/lit/ - Literature

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17241111 No.17241111 [Reply] [Original]

Post the worst interpretation of a philosopher that you ever read. This shit makes cringe really hard and I thought it was satire for a moment.

>> No.17241128

I didn't even have to paste that to know it would be about Nietzsche. The only explanation for how poorly he is understood by so many people has to stem from absolutely no attempt at reading him.

>> No.17241131

anyone saying "spooks are a spook"

>> No.17241155

How is it wrong? No truth, only facts. "Its all perspective man."
Pipi has as much a claim to the ubermensch as anyone.

>> No.17241164

Anyone who claims to be a "Marxist"

>> No.17241176


>> No.17241183

>t. Never read Neeecha and thinks this hippie shit is an accurate interpretation.

>> No.17241185

>>>/lit/ <-- plenty of good material

>> No.17241207

How isn't it? Pipi has more power than Chuds. It follows Nietzsche's philosophy perfectly.

>> No.17241222

You have to go back bunkertranny. You clearly never read Nietzsche or understand him. You don't know the meaning of real power.

>> No.17241237


>> No.17241243

>t. btfo by a kids cartoon
Ok Chud show me true power.

>> No.17241246
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>> No.17241249

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle as proto-Christians
Nietzsche as a secret Christian thinker

Anything involving philosophy and Abrahamic religion in general, really

>> No.17241250

Samefag. So weak.

>> No.17241251

that awful thread about Hume that’s up right now. this place is an absolute shit stain

>> No.17241258

Does anybody know the original title of the painting in this picture?

>> No.17241269


>> No.17241284

Do you know how to google? It took me 3 seconds to search “painting of red jester sitting looking sad”

>> No.17241292

>Pipi has more power than Chuds
kek Nietzsche btfo.

>> No.17241326
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>Napoleon Bonaparte
>Alexander the Great
>Julius Caesar
The fact that I need to explain you this shows how little you know about N. Also Nietzsche would have hated commies and socialists. You are the definition of slave morality

>> No.17241338

He definitely would have hated commies. Not so much socialists, and absolutely not anarchists.

>> No.17241367

Socialists promote slave morality and equality. Nietzsche really hated egalitarianism so no.

>> No.17241399

Anyone talking about Deleuze or Derrida on here, and the vast majority of Baudrillard discussions. Occasionally people get him right.

>> No.17241418

But Chuds don't have power at all. Can't even get a girlfriend when they do it for free. Your shit is so bad it's not worth cleaning up.
Meanwhile SJWs have two entire continents a much bigger empire than some manlet chud like napoleon.

>> No.17241441

Nietzsche’s relationship to to socialism is complex. https://sci-hub.do/downloads/2020-03-08/60/10.0000@muse.jhu.edu@article@751021.pdf

>> No.17241445

Have Nietzscheans ever considered that if the interpretations are always shit then maybe it's the philosophy that is shit?

>> No.17241496

Most of the content on the school of life is misleading at best and outright wrong at its worst.

>> No.17241654

Holy fuck Neetchfags btfo

>> No.17241687

Is clear that you are baiting and samefagging. Go back to bunkerchan dumb tranny.

>> No.17241709

Nice argument Chud tranny. Is that the extent of your power?

>> No.17241966

>then accuses samefagging
I wonder where this tactic came from

>> No.17241995

>t. Butthurt samefag tranny

>> No.17242208
File: 80 KB, 597x677, retarded faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. I'm in awe that this absolute numbskull managed to shit on a keyboard for hundreds of pages and write a popular book. Although despite being one of those "muh free speech" guys, he does have a tendency to delete negative reviews of his book online.

>> No.17242287

nietzsche being nazi

>> No.17242296

>t. Butthurt samefag tranny

>> No.17242316

even a misconstruction of his ideas will be about the same quality as the original.

>> No.17243466

He's right, tho.

>> No.17243507
File: 52 KB, 640x624, obam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna start reading philosophy books.
I already have a good list of authors and their works, I was just wondering where I could buy physical books for cheap, I don't want to read a bunch of .pdf's.
Also if you guys have any recs to start off with?

>> No.17243525


>> No.17243719

yeah Deleuze/libidinal materialism discussion is better on twitter and blogs than here, everyone on here either seems to just be getting into deleuze, or to have some retarded interpretation (see hegelian fascist tripfag who loves Deleuze). All Derrida discussions seem retarded even as someone roughly acquainted with his thought.

>> No.17244022
File: 358 KB, 520x693, poland_harry_potter_books_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Aquinas gives no reason to believe..." Shut up. Shut up shut up shut up. Yes he does. His entire works are 8 million words long. He wrote everything. He explains everything. For reference, a million words is about a foot thick of pages. The entire Harry Potter series is about a million words.

Sorry for bringing up Harry Potter, now the complementary burning session.

>> No.17244096

In my opinion, it’s Evola. I’ve read quite a lot of him more out of curiosity than anything and I can count the number of takes I’ve seen which to me seem to even ring true on one hand. In fairness, he’s a complicated guy so I guess one could be forgiven for certain takes like thinking he’s some sort of Roman pagan but if you actually read him, it becomes clear what’s going on.