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/lit/ - Literature

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17237830 No.17237830 [Reply] [Original]

You don't believe that Homer ACTUALLY existed, do you /lit/?

>> No.17237836

Who cares other than GRST academics?

>> No.17237842

Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a mortal man like you and me creating such beautiful works. I would not be surprised at all if it turned out that the Homeric poems were given to us by gods themselves.

>> No.17237887

who wrote those poems?

>> No.17237914

A computer

>> No.17237929

Most evidence points to him having existed and perfected a centuries old oral tradition in conjunction with the development of written language in Greece.

>> No.17237935

A scribe under a nomme de plume.

>> No.17237947

many people did

>> No.17238033

Does it matter?

>> No.17238039


>> No.17238140

yeah, I like Knox's interpretation from the Fagles translation intro. Homer was one of many bards who created and sang songs about Troy and the gods, and he saw that writing gave him the potential to create a single song of greater scope than ever before

>> No.17238146

Whether Homer’s real name was homer or not, isn’t all that matters was that a man lived who told these stories?

>> No.17238150

How can he see when he is blind?

>> No.17238157

sorry, he *smelled* that writing gave him the potential to create a single song of greater scope than ever before.

>> No.17238161

You know who never existed? Socrates.

>in a culture obsessed with mazes and riddles
>literally admitted that lying to the plebs is necessary
>invents precursor to Christ via the character Socrates

>> No.17238522

my cock

>> No.17238541

Don't use idioms that you can't write properly.

>> No.17238750

My thoughts exactly

Makes sense desu. When you lose one sense, the others become more powerful than you can even imagine. I can't smell anything for instance, yet I can easily see up to 20 yards farther than any normal man

>> No.17238783 [DELETED] 

>I would not be surprised at all if it turned out that the Homeric poems were given to us by gods themselves.
If one of the gods wrote those poems, we'd know:

>And then Apollo walked in, most glorious of the Olympians
>Arrayed in plendor, the god of the silver bow
>He was followed by Ares, well-known to be a fat homo

>> No.17238801

Honestly not far off.
>Athena, the smartest and most badass of the gods, did all the work and also Poseidon is a dick

>> No.17238805

Poseidon was cool and helped the greeks fuck up the trojans when hera distracted zeus.

>> No.17238810

I don't believe you exist. I mean that unironically. There is nothing original in your character, you are just some proxy for some other, more popular manufactured product who himself models his character based on advertising metrics and trends. You're as real any throwaway YA novel protagonist.

>> No.17238821

>implying Socrates didn't invent Plato

>> No.17238862

deep, bro

>> No.17238883

>implying we all aren't just one among the billions of positions Gorgias takes, constantly arguing in his head

>> No.17238888
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sweet meme bro. who'd you pick it off of?

>> No.17238936


>> No.17238947

WE wrote them anon. Every time we read the Iliad or Odyssey, we write it. Realizing that you are Homer is the endgame of lit crit

>> No.17238959
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Fuck you OP
Homer existed.
Pythagoras existed.
Lycurgus existed.
Socrates existed.
Diogenese existed.
Romulus and Remus existed.
Jesus Christ, David, Moses, etc. existed.
Laozi, Sun Tzu, Zhuangzi, etc. existed.
King Authur, Robin Hood, etc. existed.
Shakespeare existed (and wrote most of his works by himself unless stated otherwise).
Stop doubting people's existence, it's obvious they existed.
Simple as.

>> No.17238975

>he still hasn't understood that the story of Romulus and Remus was about the guilt in building civilization and thinks it's about two reall ass dudes

>> No.17239001
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>i-it's all just a metaphor

>> No.17239014

Metaphors aren't falsehoods you illiterate dweeb, they are bridges to the truth. Reality and fiction binded. It wouldn't have been created without the specific conditions that the story emerged in.

>> No.17239028

I don't give a fuck you high and mighty bitchy fucking faggot. It's real and you don't need to moan on about "muh metaphors" like a bitch in heat.

>> No.17239035

Faggot you can't do this, I won't allow it.

>> No.17239048

>I won't allow it.
Too bad, I just did.

>> No.17239049
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>> No.17239054

Nah I'll piss and shit don't do it

>> No.17239058

>I'll piss and shit

>> No.17239062
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>> No.17239727

Based, Hitler quads proves it.

>> No.17239746

I hope none of you guys took The Prince seriously. It was meant to satirize the proto-fascist despots of the time.

>> No.17239751

Do you believe The Iliad just materialized from thin air or something? Are you retarded?

>> No.17239780
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>Reeeeeeeeee Homer was actually a woman from sicilyyyyyy!!

>> No.17239790
File: 15 KB, 400x400, X9Nbgdof_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes i believe Homer was actually the might Odysseus himself, how could you tell?

>> No.17240518
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A man composing unparalleled works out of his own genius, and the gods moving the artisans hands, are one and the same.

>> No.17240561

a group of women

>> No.17241638

Christopher Marlowe

>> No.17242037

Plato was a fictional character made up by Aristotle

>> No.17242058

He existed but the stories as we know them today aren't his. They evolved in scope and detail over hundreds years between the time they were first orated and first written.

>> No.17242327

it's a history unironically. Poetry is how we remembered things before writing, that's why it records the names of everyone who was there, the size of their armies, the names and ancestry of everyone who dies etc