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17227580 No.17227580 [Reply] [Original]

Is /lit/ hyped for Amazon's LotR series?

>> No.17227596

What are they even making a show about?
The movies already covered the books to the extent that a screen can bear

>> No.17227611

It’s not about the 3 books, retard

>> No.17227619

I couldn’t be less thrilled.

>> No.17227628

Then what is it about?

>> No.17227639
File: 76 KB, 901x636, 5E2D31E8-1637-4FB8-BA4F-CFB3286B4915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worshipping black trans women.

>> No.17227640

Lord of the Rangz

>> No.17227644

the second age, allegedly

this is a joke.... sadly it's real. Tolkien is rolling in his grave.

>> No.17227649

If I remember correctly it's young Aragorn. So some shit that Tolkien only ever wrote like two paragraphs about.

>> No.17227659

Why CAN'T Elves be Black? They're made up fantasy creatures, why do they have to be white?
It's 2021 losers, let go of your atavistic racial fantasies.

>> No.17227702

why no indians or spics?
why is diversity = niggers ?

>> No.17227714

niggers get you the most WOKE points

>> No.17227739

That should give them a lot of freedom
But they're probably not going to use it
I dunno why one would be disappointed they're using some really random detail as their basis
If it's shit, there's going to be buzz for a while and then everyone will forget it ever existed like with the Hobbit movies
If it's good then we can just enjoy it
If it's about them using joggers, that's just a reality of modern day TV

>> No.17227748

>They're made up fantasy creatures
That's where you're wrong. Psyche is real.

>> No.17227780

The hobbit movies are really good if you watch the correct fan edits. The Bilbo Edition essentially turns it into the book, and it’s as long as a normal extended edition lord of the rings movie

>> No.17227787

I can't even imagine being the type of person that would be excited for this corporate trash.

>> No.17227789

a polite response in respect for your efforts, fren
the retards' screeching about the casting has some merit to it, even if their reasons are wrong; forcibly diverse casting just for the sake of scoring points with the wokies serves only to alienate the common viewer. look at what happened with Star Wars. it was glorified on all platforms, yet Disney is considering selling it for but a fraction of Lucasfilms' payout.

my own, personal take:
Tolkien (and Jackson, in his own way) emphasized the ethereal beauty of the Elves. perfect beings, graceful and elegant.
there's a reason most depictions of Jesus are similar. european (in this case interchangeable with white, yes) beauty standards are largely the same, and as much as i want to advocate for the opposite, it's plainly obvious that not many people of other ethnicities have faces which fit the criteria for an european depiction of a heavenly face.
the actors i've seen look perfectly normal for a cast of humans.
elves, however? maybe with Hobbit movie levels of cgi. and even then, a maybe.

>> No.17227792

Sounds cool, I'll check it out
Thanks fren

>> No.17227797

Black people are not beautiful and the elves are meant to be.

>> No.17227801
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This is... this is so brave, stunning... and powerful!

>> No.17227848

Oh wow, black people in the Lord of the Rings. People will definitely stop hating niggers now.

>> No.17227855

I get your point but think of it from a different perspective
If we start associating niggers with the elves and other similar images they might start trying to strive towards something like that rather than what their culture currently idealizes

>> No.17227876

not diverse enough desu

>> No.17227882
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>Black people are not beautiful and the elves are meant to be.
>european (in this case interchangeable with white, yes) beauty standards are largely the same, and as much as i want to advocate for the opposite, it's plainly obvious that not many people of other ethnicities have faces which fit the criteria for an european depiction of a heavenly face.

You're obviously biased towards European beauty standards, and you know it. Just like Tolkien did when he described Orcs as, and I quote, "like the least lovely (to Europeans) Mongol-types." At least he was self-conscious about the subjective nature of his cultural biases...
My earnest point is that it is now the year 2021 and white european beauty standards are a thing of the past.
My gripe with the casting is not the skin color of the players, but rather, as you say, their general lack of ethereal beauty, which has to do with cheekbones, eye and chin shape, etc.; and has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the casting director's misguided eye.

>> No.17227902

>You're obviously biased towards European beauty standards,
Yes because we're European and the show is made by Europeans and intended for a European audience. Why do you hate your own people so much?

>> No.17227909

Tolkien was a christcuck and therefore cringe

>> No.17227913

>My earnest point is that it is now the year 2021 and white european beauty standards are a thing of the past.
How? Yuros still overwhelmingly fuck other yuros

>> No.17227915

>white european beauty standards are a thing of the past.
White European beauty standards have never been more widespread, lmao.
Absolutely delusional.

>> No.17227919

It's an Amazon show meant for Amazon audiences, which are global and diverse, just like every first-world nation in the twenty-first century. It isn't 1960 anymore... that's why I describe your misplaced racial nostalgia as atavism.
> Also, what makes you so sure I'm white?

>> No.17227923

>and has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the casting director's misguided eye.
the casting director's eye obviously has very little significance in the decision making process, or it is even more misguided than i can imagine.

>equating a culture's idea of beauty with the culture's values
i hope this is bait

>> No.17227930

Amazon is not a people you dumb bastard. There's legitimately something broken in your head.

>> No.17227937

Do you live under a rock? Portraying an all-white cast on any show in 2021 would be suicide for the showrunners. Even more so when that narrative is associated with a Germanic fantasy mythos; the accusations of racism would be universal. If you want an all-white show, crowdfund your own, coping whitoids.

>> No.17227947

ignore these retards fren, just because some of their screeching has fleeting merit doesn't mean you have to dignify every opinion with a retort.

>> No.17227978
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> they don't think black people can be elven and ethereal

>> No.17227989

this one sure isn't.

>> No.17228004
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post body and/or gf

>> No.17228030

1.92m 62kg.
not posting gf because i'm not a cuck and at least one of you fucks would rub one out to her asap.

>> No.17228056


>> No.17228067

Yeah yeah fuck off tranny bitch

>> No.17228129

>1.92m 62kg.
Eat something dude. anything. I'm the same size as you and weigh 80kg but still look fairly skinny.

>> No.17228137

You keep posting these girls but they're ugly as shit.

>> No.17228158

>Portraying an all-white cast on any show in 2021 would be suicide for the showrunners.
Barbarians would like a word.

>> No.17228181

those lips are horrible.
>your beauty standards are biased
according to what standard, and why would adopting that be less biased?

anyway, as far as I'm concerned in a fantasy setting skin color = climate indicator, so if there were such a thing as desert elves I wouldn't have a problem with casting arabs or whatever.

>> No.17228244

Shut up nigger lmao

>> No.17228311

I'm gonna one day write and direct the Epic of Gilgamesh and the entire cast will be huwhite peepol, and when people ask my why I'll say "it's mythology it isn't real, if the elves of Nordic mythology can be black then the mythology of the middle east can be white."
I won't touch the nigger continent mythos because it's shit, at least the sand people have a good history.

>> No.17228342


>> No.17228382

BLM: could we have a little police reform so black people aren't getting shot up in the streets with no consequences?
System: best we can do is miscasting 6 negroes in what is already sure to be a failed lotr spin off
BLM: omg!! :D

>> No.17228401

I confess: I hate Lord of the Rings. That shit is so gay. Sorry /lit/

>> No.17228577

>BLM: could we have a little police reform so black people aren't getting shot up in the streets with no consequences?
What reality do you live in, redditor? BLM has been so desperate for such cases that they tried to make Breonna Taylor and her boyfriend, drug dealers who shot at the police first, into martyrs.

>> No.17228709

Yeah, I'm really sure that when Tolkien wrote his books he imagined the characters as being niggers. This is the kind of thing aspiring writers can look forward to if you ever manage to sell a story to a studio, them taking your work and filling it with dumb affirmative action characters.

>> No.17228730

I'm just glad they made the movies before this cancer took over.

>> No.17228785

Its probably been about 5 years since I've watched a single movie or TV show and that sort of shit is a big reason why. I would rather read anyway.

>> No.17228882

Because Elves come from Germanic folk lore and aren't black. Anyone who tries to make them black is doing it for external political reasons.

>> No.17228903
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>> No.17228904

I used to be racist until I was exposed to greater numbers of black people on TV and in movies. Thanks, managerial class. You've made the world a better place.

>> No.17228916
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>> No.17228944


>> No.17228952

Why are they fucking ugly

>> No.17228979

Since Numenor was a massive world spanding empire, doesn't it make sense to have perhaps harad slaves etc present in numenor?

>> No.17228991

ugly amerimutts
bad writing
and probably lots of sex

>> No.17228997

>It's an Amazon show meant for Amazon audiences
so we'll use a bunch of amerimutts and cater specifically to middleclass american sensibilities and trends, yeah right fucking retard.

>> No.17229023

I'm pretty sure that the people from southern desert of Middle Earth (the Haradrim) are supposed to be black. The show is apparently set in the second age, and the Numenoreans canonically do go to that region and conquer parts of it during that time period, so it would make sense for there to be black people in the cast if they are Haradrim. If that's the route they're going for then I think that's cool, but I think it'd be silly if they just threw a handful of token black characters into an otherwise white region.

>> No.17229032

>black elves
it just looks odd

>> No.17229259

why is this one's lips bigger than her collar bone? do niggers really?

>> No.17229275

>Zeus regularly showed up as animals in the Greek myths, I don't get what the problem is with this one

>> No.17229309

Those faces look like that thing where you have to stare at a black block in the centre while faces flashes left and right of it and gradually become more deformed

>> No.17229321
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Somalian or Nigerian?

>> No.17229374

Because it's cultural appropriation.

>> No.17229386

Of course they're not.
The evil people will be white or Orcs.
The good people will look as diverse as a sprite advert.

>> No.17229403

This is true. I fucking love black and hispanic pussy so much. Oh my God their bodies were made for my white cock. They are so strong and fierce. A white woman can’t take a real beating like a sexy powerful minority can. These women are Goddesses from the jungle. Their giant succulent breasts, their thick gargantuas thighs and their monstrous ass. I just want to pump them full of my white cum. They are so much better than white women. They can destroy white women. Together we destroy white women. I die for minority women. My queen. KALISI

>> No.17229419

even black men don't find negresses attractive

>> No.17229441


Amazon really ruined The Boys last year. They had a hit show that was dark and interesting and surprising and they completely ruined it. They took a show about sticking C4 up superheros' asses and corporate espionage and turned it into a show about hiding in basements, coming out of the closet, who's the father, and resolving conflict with phone calls. The amount of deus ex machinas and sheer lapses in logic in season 2 were insulting. If that's the sort of quality Amazon has with their golden goose, I severely doubt their LOTR series will be any good.

That and Amazon studios still has yet to make an actual good movie.

>> No.17229765

Lol the reality of not having to live in America with 30 million+ niggers, enjoy yourself!

>> No.17229787
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>> No.17229794

Missing the point, retard.

>> No.17229797

Sick orc cast

>> No.17229816

Imagine believing cops

>> No.17229819

>Coping whitoids
>Non-whites BEG us for everything from acceptance to respect to wealth
We all know who's really coping m8

>> No.17229830

When they sent out a casting call asking for actors and actresses that are okay with nudity it was all but guaranteed to suck. They are making Game of Thrones in Middle Earth.

>> No.17229836


>> No.17230531

stuff from nightmares

>> No.17230973

Who is it that's pushing for eleves to be black? I'm fucking black myself and don't want to see black elves; I always thought dark elves looked like absolute shit, thus I can't understand why anyone would want them to be anything but white when actual black people look even less elvish than those abominations. Before anyone says my beauty standard has simply been influenced by european standards, until I was around 16 70% of the people I actually interacted with were black and the only european people I talked with where either very old or very ugly. I still think that black people look worse most times.

>> No.17230975

because they fought for it pajeet, the reason you enjoy being in america is because niggers fought to end discrimination for ungrateful twats like you

>> No.17230983

you, exactly

>> No.17230988

>I'm pretty sure that the people from southern desert of Middle Earth (the Haradrim) are supposed to be black
they're supposed to have black skin, not necessarily be black. their description could correspond to arabified eastern africans i guess.

>> No.17231286

I really don't think it would be, other than a couple retards on twitter desperate for likes.

>> No.17231335

Is that supposed to say “the cast assembles” but they misspelled it and didn’t notice? Seriously what is that text supposed to say. In any case won’t watch, it looks like shit.

>> No.17231549

Blacks are based. Spics and pajeets are ugly shitskins

>> No.17231596
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You're both kinda right. If you go on social media you'll see black women being worshipped as ethereal beings, and the darker they are the more clout they have. No longer do people consider white women the most beautiful. On the other hand, 6ft+ white men basically are still considered the beauty standard and ethnic women worship them. No one cares enough to start a campaign about male diversity i guess

>> No.17231696

Why cant black panther be white? A Black Black Panther is so 20th century. You losers need to petition Disney/Marvel for a white black panther to replace the one that died. This is the 21st century and it is a fictional character losers

>> No.17231710

Because it's Scandinavian folklore. Niggers are trying to steal it, like they steal everything.

>> No.17231717

I have more excitement about the shit I am taking rn though I imagine this cast will darker than the turds in my bowl

>> No.17231725

Looks more like Lady of the Rings

>> No.17231733

no white beauty standards are not a thing of the past because white women are objectively the most beautiful in the world no matter how hard Jew media tries to brainwash people to believe otherwise. you are just an NPC drone spewing whatever jewish diaherrea you consume out of your face hole

>> No.17231739
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This, black panthers can be white too.

>> No.17231743

ironically the the thing that makes her beautiful is her european features. she doesn't have no ape nostrils and lips like suction cups or that weird negress sloped forehead and protruding lower mandible

>> No.17231748
File: 777 KB, 845x1380, 5D74D774-4E93-49EB-8B31-9107AE7CCBF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ITT: butthurt mayonoids seething over a made-up fictional fairy race being portrayed as a slightly different skintone than they had imagined— an imaginary fantasy they believe belongs to them by birthright
copium is one hell of a drug, lads

>> No.17231787
File: 344 KB, 1080x630, obsessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bering a nigger I can see how this is perplexing to you since you have no real history of your own and instead choose to steal everyone else's on the planet but us white people appreciate what our ancestors left us and want to preserve it. I imagine every other race on the planet other than western negroes feels this way as well.

These are not your stories, culture or history. They are ours. You are more than welcome to appreciate them just as we appreciate the ones of other cultures but no, you and the kikes that fund and push this shit cannot take them.

>> No.17231809

Well, this is a garbage thread, fiting for a terrible OP discussing off topic superficial crap.

>> No.17231827

This product has nothing to do with the books and is barely comparable to the original Lotr movies. They want the GoT audience coupled with people who liked The Hobbit and are big time consumers of this kind of crap anyways.

>> No.17231831
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>slightly different skintone

>> No.17231877

>desecrate them

>> No.17231882


>> No.17231901

Niggers are cultural parasites. They can't create anything, they can only corrupt. They're the IRL equivalent of Melkor.

>> No.17231919

shoehorning niggers and other assorted minorities into it

>> No.17232009

>where she played Mark Antony
uhm.. guys?

>> No.17232035

Lord of the kangz

>> No.17232042

>and has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the casting director's misguided eye.

Sounds like something straight from r**dit

>> No.17232082

>Expecting anything good from a global homo corp based in the US.

>> No.17232092

>Has niggers in it

>> No.17232107

The show a fucking example instead of showing only uruk-hais, goddamnit

>> No.17232313

Remember this bullshit isn't done for profit, it is done to manipulate our emotions and is part of the project to keep us (ordinary, powerless people) in a state of emotional frenzy, tension, exhaustion. Read Jacques Ellul's Propaganda. Propaganda has evolved since his time but his book is will give you the solid foundation to understand better how this sensory bombardment and emotional abuse is used to keep us in a state of compliant consumerism and grief. It is abuse!

>> No.17232356
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here is some further reading to add to it:

The Sociopath-Empath-Apath Triad Explained

The Hitchhikers Guide To Clown World

Make no mistake this is done on purpose and for exactly the reason this anon just explained it to you. It also gets the retarded useful idiots to be all for it to own the "waycists" and get their little crumb handouts while labeling people that know what the kikes are doing as "waycists" for mounting an opposition to the destruction and desecration of their heritage, history, ancestors and race by people too stupid to understand what is really happening like this fucking donkey who causes infighting, by gaslighting and strawmanning because he drank all the kool aid >>17231748 and thinks nigger elves in a tv show by one of the richest corporations in the would is some kind of win while they continue raping the world and destroying our people as they continue to consolidate their power.

>> No.17233235

I'm surprised there aren't many bunkerchan tranny tourists in this thread to defend this

>> No.17233747

it's going to be garbage with avenger tier goofs and gaffs and I will never watch this shit

>> No.17233805
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ITT: Dimwits trying to argue that seeing a black person will ruin their suspension of belief in a story where wizards and talking trees exist

>> No.17233884

Sorry, I don't have a sub-110 IQ, so I don't watch television.

>> No.17234022

As long ad bpacks are portrayed as orcs, im okay with it

>> No.17234124

Dont give them ideas.

>> No.17234392


>> No.17234428

So basically we all have to accept that all television and movies will in the future be diverse as fuck only when it pertains to a white universe or show. Theres nothing we can do about it. That's it. I'm just gonna accept it.

>> No.17234447

If this was a fantasy authored by a person of color, I think we could all agree the universe should be populated by aforementioned peoples. This is a cornerstone of almost every piece of fiction across the world. Whether it was written decades ago or a century or more ago. It belongs to the culture that authored it. Not to the narcissists who wish to self inserts. I do not need to see a white person to immerse myself in the Three Kingdoms, or the like.

>> No.17234465
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only if they get john hurt for strider

>> No.17234506

Asian TV shows: 100% Asian cast
African TV shows: 100% African cast
South American TV shows: 100% South American cast
Indian TV shows: 100% Indian cast
Arab TV shows: 100% Arab cast
European TV shows: 60-70% white cast at most (Europe is 95% white)

This cannot be refuted. If it's okay for them to not have "diversity", then it's okay for us to not have diversity either. IT DOES NOT GO BOTH WAYS.

>> No.17234523

Look, I hate niggers and the forced diversity as much as the next sensible person, but who gives a fuck? The show will be shit regardless and you're a brainlet for even entertaining TV in the first place.

>> No.17234536

What can we even do about it? Nothing. This is how it is. All we can do is observe and try to retain our sanity and identity in the midst of it all. If we dare object to it well immediately be labeled racists. Honestly? We lost. Mainstream media has always blown ass. Now it just blows ass in a different way. The only consolation is that these banal shows will never match the richness and depth of the books they are adapted from.

>> No.17234554
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The LOTR movies were unironically solid cultural works. TV is a tier below film, but there is still potential.

>> No.17234559

Pretty much.

The only thing to be done is to ignore it and not consume it. Let the mainstream market continue to envelop all the white guilt types and the niggers and spoon feed them the shit media they deserve.

Sit back, sip your scotch, read some Plato. But pay no mind to the apes.

>> No.17234568

We can't really talk about it because pointing out how "diversity" is anti-white will get you banned on any major social media site. I'm failing to see any other recourse than violence because I'm getting tired of living in a country run by people who hate me.

>> No.17234617
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>> No.17234631

Can someone fill me in as to why the jews are looking to obliterate the whites?

>> No.17234666


>> No.17234680
File: 362 KB, 449x449, jewworldorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they dont like competition and we are all that is standing in the way of their jew world order global communist police state

>> No.17234698

Thanks for the easily digestible response.

>> No.17234772
File: 93 KB, 674x672, fordoncommies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries bro knowing if is half the battle! Don't be shy about letting other know!

>> No.17234806

They stink too much to be elven and ethereal

>> No.17234903

The only way to make black women more elven is if they're heavily mixed race to have nicer features and don't give off that nasty smell. But yeah, ethereal is the last word I'd use to describe any nigger I've met.

>> No.17235159

I wouldn't mind a race of dark elves played by nubians in my high fantasy shit but the sub-saharan ones shouldn't play anything aside from orcs and uruks.

>> No.17235181

I'm going to pretend it doesn't exist.

>> No.17235195

That's all we can do. We have no power over this.

>> No.17235209

What the fuck does assemles mean

>> No.17235214

I can already predict this will very soon be dated and forgotten.

>> No.17235309

>muh heritage
>muh racism
nice thread /pol/

>> No.17235345
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>>muh heritage
>>muh racism
>nice thread /pol

>> No.17235406

You will never be white.

>> No.17235415

Too many black people. Not watching it.

>> No.17235451
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>> No.17235469

Lol It’s not Scandinavian it’s made up elf lore by a Brit you fucking retard.

>> No.17235486

Are you going to start crying about it? Are you sad because your children’s book is not being made into a tv show the way you wanted?

>> No.17235496
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>> No.17235508

whites are the only credible threat to jews

>> No.17235511

You guys OK? Forgot your meds?

>> No.17235580
File: 64 KB, 495x495, 1609080258404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dilate thine fuck wound

>> No.17235825

jesus christ I puked a little

>> No.17235846

isnt that garrosh from wod cinematic?

>> No.17235851
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>You guys OK? Forgot your meds?

>> No.17235872

She is pretty. Acne encrusted white incels seething and crying.

>> No.17235881

>black lord of the rings

I hope it has as many great funky musical numbers as The Wiz did!


>> No.17235890
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>She is pretty. Acne encrusted white incels seething and crying.

>> No.17235933

>nooo white women soo fake and makeup
>yas go black queen, get photoshopped and makeupped to oblivion to at least have a chance against a white average female without makeup

>> No.17236064
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>> No.17236066

You will never go back to college.

>> No.17236081

lmao, that's a big picture. based

>> No.17236099

>They're made up fantasy creature
Middle Earth is a pseudomythology of Europe/West Eurasia

there's no black people

>> No.17236402


>> No.17236435

All the >muh racism ITT is off the point. It's not just about there being some black actors. It's about the fact that this diversity we waz kangz bullshit ALWAYS goes hand-in-hand with bullshit stories, written by committees, Disney-tier cliches, completely predictable storylines, fake drama, unbelievable action, weak romances, catered to unthinking normies and basically anyone with a three digit IQ can barely watch a few seconds without seeing straight through it and cringing.

Has there been a single show or film that did the diversity parade casting, and subsequently actually ended up being good to watch? No, there hasn't.

ALL worthwhile and based productions of recent history (and they are few) are totally divorced from this nonsense. And that's not necessarily because they are always 100% white. But, if they do cast non-whites, it is done inconspicuously, and without announcement or pretension. Probably because, there are actually people with an artistic talent and vision behind it, rather than some committee of politically correct midwits who want to push their retarded and boring agendas.

>> No.17236601

>it's not about the 3 books, retard
give him a break, OP pic and post literally says "LotR series"
Lord of the Rings is the name of the three books. Should have reworded OP pic to say "Middle Earth" series or something like that, if you don't want people to think it's set in the same time period (third age) as the LotR books

>> No.17236609

>why can't elves be black?
they can be, but they're called Orcs or goblins at that point.

if democrats want to make a show about black elves, just make a completely new series that has nothing to do with Tolkien's lore.
but stop trying to rewrite Tolkien's books. There are no black elves, only black orcs.

>> No.17236621

then make a completely new series that has beautiful black elves, but that also doesn't butcher Tolkien's works.

why does it have to be Tolkien's works that get butchered? why didn't they put black elves in Game of Thrones? I'm 110% positive that Martin would have agreed to it.

>> No.17236627

she could be a Black Numenorean princess, sure, but not an Elf.
There are no black elves in Tolkien. Just black orcs.

>> No.17236635

Not literature

>> No.17236661

Who the fuck do you think you are, mister tough guy?

>> No.17236700

Orcs are Turkic, not African.

>> No.17236727


>> No.17236765

>not african
i never said they were african. I said orcs are black.
"black" elves are orcs. Literally. That isn't the same thing as saying that orcs are african. It just means that only blacks (or people with dark skin) can play orcs. Or they can use lots of makeup.
no, that would be either easterlings (of which there are MANY different tribes), Khand, Near Harad. Africans would definitely be Far Harad.

>> No.17236776

The War of the Ring is literally based on Iranian mythology of their war with Turan.

>> No.17237777


>> No.17237799

Okay, I know this is probably gonna fall on deaf ears, but how do I stop myself from becoming obsessed with this stuff? My personality tends to get caught up in cyclical thinking and I am greatly disturbed by the idea that the future will be rife with historically white figures being played by black people in a hypocritical dismissal of the fight against white washing and really any kinda of ethnicwashing in media of times past. Can someone, anyone, help me understand why this doesn't matter and how to live with it without imploding from impotent rage/resentment? You guys are smart. Just give me your perspectives on this. I do not wanna spend my life whipped up into a frenzy by every little media transgression in this regard. What do I do? Sorry, realize this isn't my blog. But I have to believe some of you have that figured out.

>> No.17237809

Ok well they evidently dont care about being hypocrites. So stop being a whiny faggot complaining about how its not fair and just accept that they're morally deficient

>> No.17237878
File: 63 KB, 640x853, 1600053641112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine still even being in the loop on modern corporate media.

>> No.17237912
File: 124 KB, 423x483, 1609191303044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accept the fact that the people doing this are your enemies. They may think of themselves as righteous but what they are doing is the exact opposite. Don't try to negotiate with yourself about it. This stuff is plain evil. Step away from contemporary media. If you see they pozzed the production, don't consume it. Do something productive instead or if you have to consume media, there is plenty seasoned. You can spread awareness about this stuff and call it out, so more people start resenting it. If you're the type for it, create media yourself. Write, paint, draw, animate, act, whatever. Collaborate with likeminded people. Won't be Hollywood in terms of production quality but it will be something. I've accepted they will only double down on it, since it is necessary in order to push their overall agenda. Don't consider the stuff that's put out today as something dear to you. It's propaganda. Let go of it. Consuming media shouldn't be that important to you. You don't need it.

>> No.17237954

juust buy the physical copies of the books, collect some older artwork, original movies made on the subject of interest, and then just ignore the black remakes.
This is being geared towards a new audience, an untapped resource (non-whites). So they're remaking the movies because non-whites apparently don't watch white people movies.

>> No.17238005
File: 440 KB, 467x603, 804a545f-disrupt-texts-guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my fav. Proof of how brainless these people are. CONSOOM.

>> No.17238129

Honestly I'm not even referring to lotr. I more so mean the blackwashing of historical figures as a whole. Whether its Margaret of Anjou, Anne Bolyn, Achilles, etc. Its just wrong. I mean at least fucking John Wayne as ghengis khan ATTEMPTED to resemble a Mongolian. It was still fucked but these days no one even pretends.

>> No.17239353

That's why you store your favourite movies and other classics of external HDDs, or buy physical copy of them. A purge will be gradually happening in the upcoming years/decades.

>> No.17239361

on external*