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/lit/ - Literature

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17220036 No.17220036[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Be honest

Playing PlayStation is way more invigorating than reading fucking Macbeth

>> No.17220045

why do you think so?

>> No.17220067

The amount of good games is way less than the amount of good books out there

>> No.17220157

>Playing PlayStation
>Specific play

Something general or one order vs something specific of another order.

Taking a shower is literally more invigorating than 'playing playstation.' You're not even close to saying something, let alone making some kind of point.

>> No.17220161

Literally one good game since 2006

>> No.17220170

faggot op is gay

>> No.17220177 [DELETED] 


>> No.17220224

what game

>> No.17220233

this is true my nigga

>> No.17220238
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>> No.17220248

Fuck off zoomer cuck

>> No.17220251


>> No.17220514

>implying you get anything out of reading fiction

>> No.17220564

>wasting your money on stupid video games
Is there anything more embarrassing?

>> No.17220613

Why are there so many namefags on /lit/ compared to other boards?

>> No.17220626

You can read Macbeth in the time it takes to install a modern video game

>> No.17220636

cringe intellectual pseudo

>> No.17220641

Because despite being a more serious subject matter we have far worse moderation and general gatekeeping culture than /a/

>> No.17220645

>Not fighting O and S while you listen to Bukowski

>> No.17220661

Because they read a few books and think they are geniuses and need to be recognized. It's narcissism. Just look at most intellectuals from the past 200 years, they are all egomaniacs.

>> No.17220685

I stopped playing video games altogether and I don't regret it. You think that playing games will "refresh" you after a long day of work, but then you sink down and play for the whole night. As the days go by you realize you haven't read anything in awhile, but you are desensitized and can't focus on something so lacking in stimulation. Eventually the habit breaks altogether and you start living life in comfort mode, pissing away all your spare time on something that is neither productive nor ultimately meaningful. It's not good.

>> No.17220711
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Video games aren't even fun as a time waster desu. Posting smut on f-list is a way more entertaining waste of time.

>> No.17220719

what do I get in return for doing other things, besides pleasure or means for pleasure?

>> No.17222558

I really want to play witcher 3 bros, but I don't a system to play it on. Been waiting on ps5 drop like a chump.

>> No.17222574


This is why they need to make a Macbeth game

>> No.17222579

You can probably get a ps4 or xb1 for barely anything at the moment, just do that. Graphics are a meme anyway

>> No.17222598

yoo but i live in canada so the prices are way too inflated to afford one on the money government lets me keep.