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17151972 No.17151972 [Reply] [Original]

What's the difference between Gnosticism, Hermeticism, and Neoplatonism?

>> No.17151976
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I have no idea but i do know that your mom is gay

>> No.17152000
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They were all refuted by Nietzsche (pbuh)

>> No.17152066

How the FUCK did you know that?

>> No.17152096

>demiurge bad
>demiurge good
>dude weed lmao

>> No.17152104

Based gnostic clairvoyance anon

>> No.17152126

Pretty much this but for hermeticism it's however you'd say that in Egyptian. Of course, the Neoplantonists maintain that Plato was initiated by Egyptian priests so that traces back to Egypt too. Which leaves gnosticism, of Persian/Manichaean influence. So the real question here is whether you side with Egyptian or Persian theology.

>> No.17152152

The gnostics were whiny schizoids and the neoplatonists were well adjusted intellectuals.

>> No.17152550

Only one of them Jimmy Page thought was based and galaxypilled.

>> No.17153513

Neoplatonism works with Christianity the others don't

>> No.17153520

All are cringe but they have different names and property, read Shankara before filling your brain with mind poision

>> No.17153720

Any books on this?

>> No.17153759

It's more like:
>demiurge bad
>demiurge good
>the demiurge was the monad the whole time bro

>> No.17153760


The differences are vast chasms my lad.

>> No.17153761

Schizophrenia is not a sign of insanity

>> No.17153821

t. schizophrenic

>> No.17153897

The last sounds the most based.
Probably best consumed together with Spinoza and a good dose of oxygen filtered through the process of meditation straight to the lung.

>> No.17154084

Isn't the demiurge only part of the monads creation though? Something about how the builder is more than his creations

>> No.17154092

but still has his nature reflected in his work

>> No.17154107

Unironically this

>> No.17154143
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arr rook same

>> No.17154194

Schizophrenia is a blank man; deterritolization of being.You are being silly.

>> No.17154285

Gnosticism gay reddit spirituality dude we're trapped in the simulation bro
Hermeticism is a mixed bag
Neoplatonism is fantastic
check out Eric Perl's Thinking Being for a good primer (free pdf but the book is expensive)
This too

>> No.17154481

Starts with the letter "G"
On the subject of Hermit the Frog
On the subject of Napoleon Bonaparte

>> No.17154834

Ancient Egypt was actually a white civilization so ima go with Egypt it makes sense because of all the Egypt mysticism in Hollywood

>> No.17154982

Neoplatonism is a school which interprets the platonist doctrines through their interpretation of Plotinus and proclus and porphyry and also iamblichus.

They held varying different beliefs all rooting out of stuff like the timaeus and Parmenides dialogue but systemized in a few different ways.

They in general believed that there was a divine world and this world and between the absolute divinity was a ladder of various divine phases which are correspondent to the planetary spheres and to various numbers.

They had various opinions on how to redeem the soul and bring it back to the position of the monistic heaven.

For Plotinus the soul isn’t completely fallen and reason alone by pure contemplation is sufficient to raise the soul back into the divine world.

Iamblichus however thought we were even further fallen; and that we require theurgy, ritual worship and invocation of deities and that it is more logical to try to enroll the divine forms into the material world and not vice versa, this is why his work was called demiurgy. See Gregory Shaw’s work on Iamblichus

Hermeticism arrives out of late antiquity either around the time of the gospels or just before or directly after, but develops into a full system at the same speed as Christianity and Neoplatonism. Iamblichus for example refers to the writings of hermes. Hermeticism believes in a similar model to Platonism but fixates much more on the usage of planets, herbal virtues, natural elements and so forth as the means to ascent, which is to say, they have fundamentally a view that this entire creation IS the divine world already and the only problem is that man’s mind lacks this illumination and that all nature cleaves to the divine mind, so the means to success is the alchemical union of opposites as they see this material world as the perfect reflection of heaven already, you just must produce the proper circumstances to reveal this.

Gnosticism is a titanic umbrella term which can’t be summarized as demiurge-bad, because some forms of Gnosticism say demiurge-Good. Gnosticism grew up with influence from both of these two traditions and all 3 influenced and spoke to each other, Gnosticism and hermeticism and Platonism influencing normative Christianity through their platonic theologies, the likes of Dionysius and so forth.

Gnosticism In its nature has influences from these, some of it has Buddhist influence, some Taoist, some Zoroastrian, it really depends on the type. Something like mandaeanism appears very differently from sethian Gnosticism which is extremely different from the borborite fragments we have which is very different from the Manichaean stuff we have. The only unifying factor is they believe the experience of divine revelation is the key to divine ascent among all of them.

So they share a lot since they all developed around each other but they’re very different in nuance at times.

>> No.17156426

thank you!

>> No.17156555

>what is Christian Gnosticism

>> No.17157113

Both Gnosticism and hermetics are essentially Neoplatonists

>> No.17157644

Based namefag.

>> No.17157828
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n-no she's not

>> No.17157872

>neoplatonists were well adjusted intellectuals
They literally believed they had causality defying magical powers.

>> No.17158017

Is there a good Neoplatonist reading list out there?

>> No.17158037
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