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17114867 No.17114867 [Reply] [Original]

What’s a good day job for an aspiring poet/novelist?

>> No.17114881


>> No.17114911

Walmart greeter

>> No.17114930

US Marine.

>> No.17114953

gay social media manager

>> No.17114980

Uber Driver.

>> No.17115024

propane and propane accessories

>> No.17115052


>> No.17115078

Welfare Recipient.

>> No.17115153


>> No.17115157

mopping up cum at a bordello

>> No.17115251

Forgotten personal assistant to Bezos.
Just hide out in a small office somewhere

>> No.17115269

New England Lobsterman.

>> No.17115311

Prison labor

>> No.17115522

Something that isn't mundane. (If you live a boring life your writing will be boring). With that in mind I have a couple suggestions: taxi driver, search and rescue patrol, traveling circus employee, male pornstar and commercial fisherman. Goodluck anon

>> No.17115525

Special Forces Operator

>> No.17115546
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>Mfw I realize I should have been an archeologist or geologist

>> No.17115555


>> No.17115569

shut up.

>> No.17115578


>> No.17115586
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>He doesn’t know how greentext works

>> No.17115611
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Butterfly, you are the board's team milf/ mascot. You will dress like the wife of Bath for me. My order. :3

>> No.17115631


It's easy as fuck and pays well because the average person has horrible writing and comprehension skills

>> No.17115696

Is it not soul crushing and boring, though?

>> No.17115865


>> No.17116006


>> No.17116073

I manage a private library most of the books are over 100 years old.

I have an 8th grade education.

>> No.17116099

Night watcher

>> No.17116209

Garbageman or NEET

>> No.17116281

Honest to God, if I was 18 I would either 1) join the military 2) get a trade or 3) study classics/lit/english/foreign language and work any job I could get, probably a teacher and use it to go teach abroad even. The only note about 3 is to avoid having a ton of debt for it to be worth it.

>> No.17116286

Just draw the dole and read books

>> No.17117998

taxi driver, farmhand

>> No.17118019

Something that gives you lot of leisure time, is interesting (since they're going to print your title in the opening page) this one is challenging, there's no shortage of philosophy/sociology graduate authors and finally good pay is added bonus.

>> No.17118521


>> No.17118532

I am hoping to become a middle school teacher. I write poetry. Summers off, home early. I only just started and I’m a teacher’s assistant at a small Catholic school. I hear people complain a lot about workload and all that but honestly I think they just don’t know how to manage time lol. If it happens that this is a job where my after work life will be consumed by grading and planning, I’ll quit. Don’t know what I’ll do after that though.

>> No.17118541

pessoa called. he said you're a faggot.
t. same job as pessoa

>> No.17118548

Formerly, you would have been a faggot wastrel. Now that the social safety net is so complete, you can live like an absolute king without doing anything at all.

>> No.17118559

Become a pimp and find a fleet of hoes to turn tricks for you. This, however, requires physical strength in order to defend your hoes from violent Johns.

>> No.17118608
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>> No.17118717

based and niggerpilled

>> No.17118720


>> No.17118749

Pynchon worked as a technical writer I think.

>> No.17118991

dog walker
town drunkard
village idiot
busker (hobo + instrument)

>> No.17119139


>> No.17119228

Serial killer

>> No.17119302

>same job as pessoa
So, are you a translator?

>> No.17119330

>busker (hobo + instrument)
You're giving me ideas, anon. Ideas.

>> No.17119376

doing that right now would be a bad idea (atleast in the states); bit of a pandemic = less people around city centers = less money. also, less travelers, you'd have to know train schedules.

not to mention, less icu beds = when you get sick, er's now have a legit reason to say no.

>> No.17119979

I feel like you would be burned out of reading and writing so much shit you won't wven have the energy to write your own, plus it might affect your writing style.

>> No.17119984

Where do you find and how can you convinve girls to whore themselves out for you?

>> No.17120312

Day jobs are not good for goals beyond the job, they just allows you to have a social life which is no good for anyone with goals beyond that of a socialite. Second shift is your best friend, you work while everyone else is having fun being socialites and climbing the ladder, after work you go home and go to bed. You will then wake up after everyone else has gone to work or to school, You will have a good 8+ hours before you have to worry about work, your mind will be clear and there will be no distractions beyond those which you make for yourself, which should be avoided. You will cook yourself a proper breakfast and eat it while watching the chickadees play outside. Then you write. You read. You research.

For a job to pay the bills, something physically active but easy on the body is best, like janitorial, you will get a decent work out but it is not so strenuous that it will be difficult to do after a day of writing and you will get enough exercise so you will not need to take time away from writing just to avoid having a coronary at 35. This job should be full time, Monday through Friday, 8 hours a day. Ideally you should live a couple miles from work and walk too and from without self imposed distractions.

On weekends you do your errands. You cook a large pot of soup for the weeks lunches and diners. Then you play until bedtime, free to follow your whim.

>> No.17121313

Trust fund babby.

>> No.17121325

How in tf does one even become a Lobsterman and what about it is at all lit?

>> No.17121330

I'm a professional shitter.

>> No.17121337

I was a farmhand. It’s not lit. You work from sun rise to sun set and with some real low brow morons. That’s not a hint of classism either. I appreciate the working class but farm hands are genuine low brow morons or else Mexicans who don’t speak English.

>> No.17121357

I work on staff at the libraries for a Big Ten University. I absolutely hate it, but it does have its upsides. For one, the working hours are normally short, like 30 to 35 hours per week with many vacation days, long breaks, flexibility to work from home and adjust schedules. The biggest downsides are the barely livable wage and unbearable environment.

>> No.17121381
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you sound like a stupid little bitch lmao

>> No.17121458

You go down to the docks and start asking if any boats need a hand, when you find a boat you go out. You are wet and cold the entire time, you are doing hard physical labor, you are getting hazed as the new guy and you likely are seasick because you sound like someone who has spent little time on boats. Repeat.

>> No.17121463

I know some guys who grew up in Maine and used to do it when they were like 18-19. They aren't particularly strong or rugged, really I think all you need to do is ask a guy with a boat to join up. The peak season is short and the work is hard, but pay is pretty good.

>> No.17121513

Copywriting will soon be obsolete

>> No.17121581


>> No.17121610

Citation needed

>> No.17122194

I go to bars and clubs, during the work week, and search for tats and facial piercings. Then I ask if their parents had divorced when young. Simple shit like that nam sayi?

>> No.17123044


>> No.17123079

What is this 1885?

>> No.17123085

Not a day job but graveyard keeper.

>> No.17123101

maybe you could astroturf on social media for some company?

>> No.17123106

Something that leaves your free time free. No homework bs, done when you get home.

>> No.17123237
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Witcher,Powerranger,Gay Pornstar,Rescue member in Lego city

>> No.17123289

This but you need to be free of debt and your parents and sibling should be able to at least carrie their own weight.

>> No.17123301

Anything that lets you walk around outside. My dream would be to be a park ranger.

>> No.17123324

Although a park ranger is essentially a tree cop. Most people don't realize they carry the same authority as police even though they don't carry guns and arrest people for disrespecting a patch of bushes rather than for speeding--which is what people should be arrested for anyway.

>> No.17123339

Crypto trader


What else. Farmer


Water quality tester /environmental services



>> No.17125056

no, it is almost 2021.

>> No.17125067

Book shelver, no, really, a lot of eureka moments among the almost physical pain or the tedia