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File: 30 KB, 620x349, ted-kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17106789 No.17106789 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck, Tedbros? I thought he was just a meme here but he's totally right.

>> No.17106872

how and about what?

>> No.17107003

I read like half of it but how the fuck is anyone going to mentain a primitive/pre agricultural revolution society,some dude in todays iraq is going to plant something and that will ''conquer'' the world again

And I agree with almost all of his shit too up until this point,don't get me wrong,he is clearly onto something,couldn't care less if he killed people.

Also,thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eajLQFMfKBs

>> No.17107021

>how the fuck is anyone going to mentain a primitive/pre agricultural revolution society,
By poisoning soil with nuclear waste.

>> No.17107040

Ted got half way there. It's up to someone to take his work and go forward

>> No.17107042

Ted wasn't a primitivist he just wanted to overthrow the technological system.

>> No.17107053

>but how the fuck is anyone going to mentain a primitive/pre agricultural revolution society

1. Ted isn't an AnPrim.
2. Humanity managed to survive pre-Industrial for millennia.

>> No.17107067

He's only right about the problem, his methods of solving said problem are shit.

>> No.17107236
File: 84 KB, 850x400, A3A6649C-6867-40AD-BF1F-45B797D76111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used too think he was cool until I watch one of those interviews with him and as it turns out he sounds like fucking Kermit the frog, I wasn’t able to take him seriously after that.

>> No.17107273

Just like Paglia, Marx, Moldbug, or Early Land he is right about many things but he neglects others. By all means read him and incorporate some ideas into your thought process but keep reading others for a deeper understanding of things.

>> No.17107334

Sounds like a super based Terrance Mckenna to me.

>> No.17107531
File: 13 KB, 365x78, 150a93cb15f7d9245f081efca4c730e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the whole Great Reset thing shilled by every major corporation and their politicans a good example of the System's Neatest Trick?

>> No.17107579

>autistic nerd sounds lame

i for one am shocked

>> No.17107803

No, the BLM stuff is.

>> No.17107889

It's just obvious that they are all the same connected social groups, all have the same agenda, all want the same things. We are slaves, worse we are slaves and also cattle/livestock

>> No.17107899

The power process sounds like bullshit to me.

>> No.17107915
File: 31 KB, 490x736, gug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait until you get to his mentor...

>> No.17107955

this is the central flaw with the unibomber proposal, there's no going back, the only thing to do is try to address the problems of living in an industrial world with a shit-ton of social restrictions immanently. The arguments for why that's supposed to be impossible don't seem all that strong to me to begin with, the main problem is just that the people in power will have a solid shot at enslaving all of humanity.

>> No.17108206

He's right about everything. You should read Debord, Camatte, Clastres among others.
Not to accumulate useless knowledge and pseud cred, but because these thinkers shit on the totality of civilization and they're actually interested in tearing it all down.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKCoo7KoIew Here's an interview of Camatte for my french bros. It came out this year, Camatte has been silent for decades until this interview, he's very old now.

as if 167iq math genius didn't think of it. read anti-tech revolution.

>> No.17108238

no, if you destroy technological civilization it literally can't be rebuilt. techciv as we know it is the product of fossil fuel energy. look how much oil and coal we had to burn just to get to this point, there are no do-overs

>> No.17108251

he claimed that the industrial revolution in europe was an anomaly and would be very unlikely to happen again

>> No.17108265

This. Perfect circumstances in place led to it. No way there would be a repeat.

>> No.17108288

oh and iirc he also said that it didn't matter whether or not it would eventually happen again as that would be a problem for the people in the future and what mattered was that industrial society right now needs to be overthrown

>> No.17108357

>but muh 167 IQ genius
yeah, there's plenty of insane people with a higher IQ than this guy. like that american who thinks he can prove god. try addressing the arguments

>> No.17108377

It will collapse on it's own. Peak oil, other resource shortages, climate change, etc.

>> No.17108426

>climate change

>> No.17108432

>it isn't real cuz reasons

>> No.17108466


>> No.17108477

>high iq actually dumb
get a grip

>> No.17108481

>insanity is stupidity

>> No.17108482

So we are already in the Idiocracy....
"you talk like a fag and your shie's all retarded"

>> No.17108502

even if you deny climate change you can't really deny other enviromental issues

>> No.17108506

Climate change is real. Just not the liberal death cult kind. Or do you not believe in the ice age?

>> No.17108783

>liberal death cult
You would think they would be against mandatory mask policies and pandemic restrictions if they were actually a death cult.

>> No.17108805

Bought my mom Technological Slavery for Christmas (she said she wanted to read it)

>> No.17109033
File: 76 KB, 449x548, Only darkness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the cathedral

>> No.17109097

That's about freemasonic compliance

>> No.17109224

That’s not what I mean by death cult. I mean that the liberals shilling anthropogenic climate change are selling it on the basis of it being the end of the world. It’s a death cult not because they worship death but because they cry that death is what comes if you don’t heed their warnings.

>> No.17109243

I recently text an oncle Teddy quote to a girl I want to "hold hands with" and she was highly into it. Pray for me, frens. I may be on to a winner. Into a winner, if I'm lucky.

>> No.17109370

this sounds like that dostoevsky texts image all over again

>> No.17109627
File: 509 KB, 700x501, 1600304039640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another shill thread with the same "he's so right" OP