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/lit/ - Literature

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17088680 No.17088680 [Reply] [Original]

What periodicals and magazines do you read?

>> No.17088709

epoch times
american affairs
new criterion
various substacks
random law reviews
various substacks

>> No.17088865

Why is this sign telling me to only listen to blatant propaganda? The only journalist I read who has an ounce of integrity left is Glenn Greenwald

>> No.17088872

What does it say when you take the sunglasses off.

>> No.17088875

how about i'm doing none of it

>> No.17088881

>Uncross your legs and go take that piss you've been holding in

>> No.17089038

Newspapers need to die and be reborn
They’re so comped and pozzed it isn’t even funny

>> No.17089044

What's a right-wing version of this list?

>> No.17089062

Are there any deeper connections between all those magazines and periodicals beyond the fact that they present very similar perspectives?

>> No.17089202

The Wall Street Journal and National Review are both right-wing magazines.

>> No.17089220

New Criterion

>> No.17089238


>> No.17089260

The Baffler
Saturday Paper, Quarterly Essay, The Monthly (Ausfag - same publisher)
Green Left (formerly Green Left Weekly)
Desert Oracle
>Occasional read
Sydney Review of Books
>Used to but then it stopped
Rolling Thunder

>> No.17089273

New Criterion, The Baffler, Hazlitt, LitHub (only for the few, very few good book excerpts), NYRB, TLS (fuck their paywall), Paris Review, Aeon, Nexos, Letras Libres.

All of them have pros and cons, and most have paywalls, but I've read good articles in all of them.

>> No.17089288

No, they are Jewish.

>> No.17089317

Substack, where once great journalists go to die

>> No.17089340

News of any kind is spoon-fed propaganda, unless it is directly relevant to you within your immediate surroundings (pandemic, natural disasters, etc.) it's nothing but harmful. I read books and have existential crises all by myself, I don't need more painful/dulling stimuli.

>> No.17089421

what are some good substacks?

>> No.17089525

New Yorker mostly.

>> No.17089534

good riddance

>> No.17089549

>News of any kind is spoon-fed propaganda, unless it is directly relevant to you within your immediate surroundings (pandemic, natural disasters, etc.) it's nothing but harmful. I read books and have existential crises all by myself, I don't need more painful/dulling stimuli.

This is one of the most important bits of advice to escape and block out the maelstrom of sensationalism and negativity that plagues our 21st century minds. Well said, anon.

>> No.17089571

The National Lampoon archive

>> No.17089604

Wall Street Journal and the New Yorker. Both will occasionally have some strong partisan eye-roll articles coming from the right or left, but it sort of evens out to give you a wider picture of what different people are thinking. Overall I love each for what they bring to the table. Including the crossword.

>> No.17089627

>Rolling Thunder
>Rolling Thunder was a biannual journal covering passionate living and creative resistance

That sounds absolutely awful. Sounds like the type of thing a stereotypical woke yuppie would read to maximise their levels of smugness.

You should be ashamed of yourself, really.

>> No.17089937

Pithead Chapel for their short fiction

>> No.17090113

I'm only subscribed to New Criterion and Southern Poetry Review. Keeping up with a bunch of things is too expensive.

>> No.17090192

I stopped listening to "main" news two years ago. It was one of the best decisions in my life. I exclusively follow industrial and technological trends, occasional financial news binge for muh portfolio, and some specialized stuff for my more niche interests (/lit/wise the release agenda of specific editors).

>> No.17090717

>Letras Libres
oooh nono
ooooh nonono

>> No.17091139

the ones with some combo of good writing/interesting ideas(warning these are largely espouse heterodox, right-wing views :


>> No.17091152

Thanks. I was also waiting on this reply!

>> No.17091272

>knowing who the president is isn't directly relevant to you within your immediate surroundings
I get your sentiment and that you will unironically defend this but I live in D.C. bro

>> No.17091297

>don't listen to just one propaganda source, listen to all these other propaganda sources that agree with the same things in different words

>> No.17091330

I read Nick Szabo's twitter and ancient books

>> No.17091350

>Not all right-wing populists in Europe fit into the same box, with Abascal being an obvious outlier.
What a fucking retard. I just picked a random link from your list and a random post and this idiot is so retarded he actually believed the right-wing = anti-EU meme. There are so many right-wing pro-EU parties in Europe it's not even funny https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Conservatives_and_Reformists_Party

Go fuck yourself with your piece of shit website and retarded 'writers'. You get more informed political discussion on /pol/

>> No.17091369

I don't know of any worth reading.

>> No.17091393

Local news is, basically, the "truest" news that can be had since it is within your scope and observable in reality.

But only when it's related to local events.

>> No.17091414

Too bad we live on a fucking globe and your local news are entirely influenced by non-local events.

>> No.17091431

>New York Times
>Apple Daily
>Hong Kong Free Press

>> No.17091443


>> No.17091447

c o p k i l l e r

>> No.17091449

>Dont just read one source of propaganda
>Read many sources of them!
To answer your question OP, I read Antiwar.com, energyskeptic, and cateline Johnson among others

>> No.17091454

I'll never understand the obsession with newspapers, at least back then papers were interesting because they promoted doctrines and ideas but now who the fuck cares about those fact-checkers?

>> No.17091459

There used to be very few but still some good subreddits. Even stuff like r/geopolitics was pretty good. But holy crap did everything turn to complete shit in the past 4 years

>> No.17091481


>> No.17091490


>> No.17091497

>epoch times

>> No.17091510

If you MUST read the news, DON'T read The New York Times. After what they did to their opinion editor, the treatment of Sanders in both primaries, and the constant shoehorning of political shit into every topic imaginable, you're doing harm to yourself by reading them.

>> No.17091512

Nothing. Life is short and i waste too much time as it is

>> No.17091513


>> No.17091524

As often as possible, I try to get my information from primary sources (meaning the studies, the quoted source in context, etc.)

When this isn't possible (and the story is of particular importance to me), I'll read the article that brought the subject to my attention, and then look for discussions on the subject in various different places, which often lead to more substantive information.

I will never believe anything I read in the NYT anymore. I subscribed to their newsletter for years and often noticed they would just state things that were shaky or unproven as fact in order to paint a certain picture.

>> No.17091532

Pro tip: studies are equally bad nowadays.

>> No.17091534
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Anyone feeling sick in the stomach everytime they read the "sequence of short injunctions each separated by a smug comma" meme?

>> No.17091545

Well, the reason I like to look at the study is that I want to see what the study can actually say via the particular methodology they used. It's almost always the journalist who extrapolates beyond what the study actually says, but sometimes researchers do too admittedly.

>> No.17091564

hackernews for business and tech news.

Actual tech managers and probably researchers hang out there.

>> No.17091575

Very based, thank you anon.

He literally says that not all right-wing populists fit in the same box, what is the problem? Your list includes a few center-right non-populist parties as well so I don't see how it's relevant. Do you disagree that most right-wing populists are Eurosceptic?

>> No.17091612

Letras Libres is garbage and used for money laundering.

>> No.17091624
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Do you know what's an outlier? ECR (pro-EU) has more EU members than ID (anti-EU). They're not an outlier. They're very common in almost every European country. To think Vox is an outlier means you only digest globalist EU propaganda where all ring-wing parties are portrayed as lunatics. That guy has no business writing about European politics.

>> No.17091628
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None. It's all fake. It's all propaganda. It's all lies.

>> No.17091647

Even HN is shit nowadays.

>> No.17091662

Yeah, I've noticed it's full of more and more corporatist pro-censorship shills that bought into the "dangerous Qanon" meme.

>> No.17091664

The ECR includes the Conservative Party of the UK, which is not a right-wing populist party. Why do you not accept a distinction between right-wing and right-wing populist?

>> No.17091671

CNN (to see what left-wing demagogues are saying)
Fox News (to see what right-wing demagogues are saying)

>> No.17091672

Most anti-Google threads are more openly mass reported than ever. I think many old posters just left. I know I'm disgusted to go there.

>> No.17091681

In 1984 the slogans were plastered on tall buildings
also quite "they live" like.

>> No.17091686

The New Yorker
The Spectator
Chess Life

>> No.17091709

The Conservative Party is centre-right not right-wing. Right-wing parties don't have a LGBT wing. Most parties in ECR are exactly the same as Vox. Saying Vox is an outlier is ridiculous: they're almost identical to at least 10 other popular European parties. Anyway, it's clear neither you nor the author knows anything about European politics, so enjoy your midwit circlejerk.

>> No.17091743

>The Conservative Party is centre-right not right-wing
The tories have saught to defang any true right wing party for decades. JRM was quite smug about it.
But it will rise.

>> No.17091745

Reading/watching any news source is dumb, you can't change it so why bother reading about all the dumb shit that's going on? Surely you'd be much happier spending time on a hobby than getting mad because drumpf or the cultural marxists are at it again

>> No.17091751

Economist is a great mag for everything but UK/US politics, though they went hard on the Trump administration because it upsets the Rothschild world order. Recently cancelled and switched to the WSJ. Definitely lacking that intellectual vigor and leans slightly naive, neoliberal boomer, but it still has that pro-American values tang.

>> No.17091762

>The Wall Street Journal and National Review are both right-wing magazines.

>> No.17091767

What even is the Right Wing?

>> No.17091773


>> No.17091786


Don't just read this globalist propaganda.
Read other globalist propaganda.

>> No.17091789

They're business right. They bring on freakshow religious columnists for editorials to please the flyover crowd, but their main interest is lower taxes and less regulations.

>> No.17091803

>Creepy Faggot Pedo-wald


>> No.17091807


They're the kind of publications that have readers that would call George Soros a nazi and the democrats the 'real racists'.

>> No.17091816
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>the democrats the 'real racists'.
The absolute state of American "conservatism"

>> No.17091822

So what? If I’m only ever going to live within this one scope of area then how relevant are those issues until they reach my area? Way to miss the fucking point, retard

>> No.17091869

>what is the soft bigotry of low expectations

>> No.17091887

Whoever made that table is a maroon

>> No.17091899

How are they a "maroon"?

>> No.17092174

Zero Hedge

>> No.17092232

The Unz Review

>> No.17092254

this too

>> No.17092271

Where do people go now

>> No.17092470

What do you guys think about Harper's?

>> No.17093051


>> No.17093411

The Spectator & Private Eye.
I've tried to get into The Economist but it's obviously the mouthpiece for the little hooknosed and limpwristed Benny Shapiros of this world.
Just can't get past that, simple as.

>> No.17093473
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Here’s a periodical that /lit/ wrote. Link is to one of my faves.


>> No.17093505

The fatality and survival rates don’t add up to 100%. They fucked the decimal place

>> No.17093575

That was a good read, thanks.

>> No.17093673

>not exclusively consuming local Trotskyist journals and Falun Gong propaganda

>> No.17093745


>> No.17093787

thanks for the rec. just read this and it was a fascinating read.

>> No.17093798

Why would I get "news" from any source with a financial or political incentive to misrepresent it?

>> No.17093799
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>reading neolib journalists

>> No.17093844

Hilarious. I’ll do this with my kids. Tale bearing is a sin.

>> No.17094073

Why has no one mentioned The Lit Quarterly. He browses /lit/

>> No.17094194

You know Unz Review is a legit news source because it has like eight articles about the JFK assassination on the front page.

>> No.17094274

>Glenn Greenwald
He also publicly dunked on MovieBlob.

>> No.17094419

Post it. No one fucks with the bobmob.

>> No.17094422

None. They're all paywalled.

>> No.17094429

That is the rightwing version, pseud.

>> No.17094436


>> No.17094439

This, if it is of any quality it is paywalled, only propaganda is free

I don't really know how to pirate news

>> No.17094443

>The Economist
>American Renaissance
>Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed (not sure if this counts)
>Tucker Carlson sometimes (not a periodical but the only person I can stand on Fox)

>> No.17094456

>Local news
Doesn't exist anymore. It's all owned by rightwing megacorps who twist all local stories into global narratives.

>> No.17094481

>leftwing demagogues
This place is so fucking deluded.

>> No.17094487

All media, considering giant conglomerates are pro business and anti poor and always have been.

>> No.17094526

I bet you live in Melbourne, I can smell the stink

>> No.17094830

Financial Times: just the facts
Zerohedge: sky is falling fear porn from Russia
Unz.com: Steve sailer, audacious epignone, and akarlin88 blogs all great
realclearpolitics: best collections of opinion pieces, intentional arranged to pinpoint propaganda efforts

>> No.17094986

Explain so I can laugh at your room digit IQ in action

>> No.17096253

>Financial Times: just the facts
not like it used to be at all

>> No.17096941

You are not learning what's happening, you are uncritically eating propaganda that is 70 years deep.

>> No.17097024

Do you all have any decent foreign language periodicals?
Particularly German or French. Thanks.

>> No.17097709


>> No.17097909

>>The Economist
>>American Renaissance
>>Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed (not sure if this counts)
What the fuck is this shit; national anarchism?

>> No.17097918

>reading people that are relevant to real life

>> No.17097942

supporters of traditional values and social organization

>> No.17097950

Sounds pretty autistic since "tradition" could be anything since its really unique to ones own world, life - and one does not have to follow "tradition." Tradition is a spook, another form of secular humanism that selfishly posits one must follow the rules, laws of the group instead of following their own desire. Death to tradition

>> No.17097962

He's just a grifter taking advantage of the alt-right ecochamber. Same with "socialist" grifters, just a scam to milk retarded Americans out of their money

>> No.17097968

The concept of a "spook" is farcical. Humans are social beings and thus their customs, mores, and codes are relevant insofar as they inform human interactions.
You advocate a childish "but I wanna" mindset that your mother refuted when you were 5 years old.

>> No.17097977

>Right-wing parties don't have a LGBT wing
It's funny how European "right wing" parties and movements are full of homosexuals. I've got some friends in politics here and I was astonished at the number of fags in these movements - there's more of them than you'd find in "liberal" parties

>> No.17097980

>. Humans are social beings and thus their customs, mores, and codes are relevant insofar as they inform human interactions.
This is meaningless to me because again you're just reinforcing my point these are nominal values that one does not have take into consideration.
>All of these things show sufficiently that each one has judged things according to the disposition of his brain; or rather, has accepted affections of the imagination as things
You're right, my actions are informed by human interactions, they just don't have consider your traditions because I live my life through my choices, my interactions; if you're "traditions" get in the way of my life, my ability to do things, I will slaughter you and your traditions in a pile of your own blood.

>> No.17097991
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Attempt violence against whatsoever gets in your way and you'll inevitably have no choice save life in a cell, assuming you survived such conflicts until arrest.

>> No.17098013

Who says I have to use violence in all cases? Deceit works just as well too; who will ever punish me for undisclosed affair; a knife int he dark? A god who doesn't exist? A lover who doesn't know, a detective with a cold case? If I get caught, I'll lie to the judge, it'll escape if I can, if all else fails, death is a possibility - one neither of us can escape

>> No.17098035

Everyone went hard on the Trump administration because it is full of retards.

>> No.17098139

>Reuters, world and tech sections
>Insider, Business and Military/Defense
>AP wire
>New Yorker
>All my local broadcast network tv station SocMed and papers (including some regional stuff)

>> No.17098144

Fuck Sanders.
Fuck Greenwald and wikileaks entirely.
Fuck RT.
Snowden was a traitor and deserves the rope, and so does the tranny and the rapist

>> No.17098471

France has a mainstream press possibly even worse than the English language one but has good specialized periodicals, really depends on your interests.
For more general purpose, La Revue des Deux Mondes used o be the patrician choice. It's a monthly release since 1830. Their website has the old issues numericized up to 1930 and selected articles beyond that. Many great names published in it. Recent releases are not on par but still fine. Prepare for boomerism in the more political sections (concern for the hecking kikerinos, or refusal of "extremism" when it used to be a journal for libertarian vs reactionary friendly shitposting club).

>> No.17098488

Are WSJ and The Economists good if I only care about making more money? I dont care about left vs right politics.

>> No.17098516

If they have a stocks section I guess?

>> No.17098523

If you want to make more money, you day trade, read company reports, and perhaps acquire technical knowledge to make non-financial guesses. You won't read what to do to become rich from a journalist.

>> No.17098672

Merci. I'll check La Revue des Deux Mondes out but that's a shame. What are some of these specialized periodicals that you mentioned?

>> No.17098709

I love that song.

>> No.17098711


>> No.17098762


the patrician choice

>> No.17098786

I get how the OP image set this up, but it wasn't long ago this thread would be full of discussing literary periodicals, now it's debating which is the best substack for following politics / culture wars and why.

>> No.17098825


>> No.17098842

the literature and poetry periodicals got consumed by the culture wars, did you miss the chaos in the poetry world last summer

>> No.17098858

He's talking about Abascal being a proto-neocon, atlanticist which is quite out of the ordinary for a european extreme rightist. You'd know this if you had the patience to focus your dopamine-riddled brain and actually read the article and his comments.

>> No.17098859

>Day trade
Why are you giving advice on things you don't know about?

>> No.17098879

First intelligent post.
I read these as well, adding them to le Figaro, Monde and the Frankfurter AZ.
Economist is fun if you want to know what elites have planned for the proles.

>> No.17098914

That's not true. There are a million literary periodicals. They're like podcasts, scuttering across the internet. Even with big-name places, The Atlantic just went back to putting out fiction this year, for example. I haven't heard about any of their stories, however. Were any of them any good?

>> No.17099397
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We assume every other administration is competent because of institutional bias and favored media coverage.

>> No.17099953

>Rolling Thunder
When I was an anarchist I had quite a few of these. Used to have some contact with crimethinc/etc. I burned all of them.

>> No.17099974


>> No.17100024
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>> No.17100316

>Le Figaro, Le Monde
Why are you bothering with joke papers?

>> No.17100429


>> No.17100439

because i have to be bothered with the french

>> No.17100460

Sound based.

>> No.17100467

Sexual abstinance programmes?

>> No.17100489

The Nazi part was full of gay guys. they're on every side, there are many possible causes of this, gay shaman theory and gay warrior theory come to mind.

>> No.17100493

>George Soros a nazi
well he did work for them at one point, never trust a Hungarian jew.

>> No.17100531
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I follow non-local alt media/news just to keep sane and remind myself I'm not crazy or alone when the rest of the retarded mouth-breathing masses buy into complete globalist horseshit.

>> No.17101161

The Apple fangays and CCP shills are even worse.

The United States are really undermining their own society by training so many Changs and Pojeets in their universities. Many of them will not hesitate to stab USA in the back as soon as China and India become powerful enough. China is almost there.

>> No.17101221

The Blizzard is the only one I pay money for. It is a British football quarterly that writes about things that are tangentially related to football: for example, you can write a decent bio of someone like Erdogan by just looking at his involvement in sports. Some of the articles have a leftist slant, but usually the angle is quite apolitical.

>> No.17101230


>> No.17101354

>epoch times

Literally Falun Gong propaganda

>> No.17101465

I open RealClearPolitics every day and read the three articles that interest me most
If i'm stuck alone with a computer for a long time I open longform.com

>> No.17101497

Foreign Affairs
Current Affairs
American Affairs
The Economist
Nat Geo
Popular Mechanics
New Scientist
The Freethinker (journal)
Journal of Near-Death Studies
Reason (magazine)
The Equinox (journal)
Private Eye
Gramophone (magazine)
The Realist
The Spectator
Sight & Sound
The Realist
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue
Rolling Stone
Maledicta (The International Journal of Verbal Agression)
Neue Zeitschrift für Musik
New Scientist
Sky & Telescope
Paris Review
The New Yorker
New Scientist
The Atlantic
National Review
The New Criterion
Scientific American
The Times Literary Supplement
London Review of Books
The New York Review of Books
Evolutionary Psychological Science (Journal)
Fifth State (periodical)
Boing Boing (neurozine)
Aries (Journal)
The Pomegranate (Journal)
Magic, Ritual And Witchcraft (Journal)
British Journal of Aesthetics
The Philosophical Review (Journal)
Journal of Sex Research
The Independent Review (Journal)
The Libertarian Forum
Psychological Bulletin (Journal)
-Journal of Libertarian Studies
-Sign Systems Studies (Journal)
-Political Science Quarterly (Journal)
-Entropy (Journal)
-Aeon (digital magazine)
-The Occidental Quarterly
-The New Criterion
-The Paradoxes of Time Travel by David Lewis (journal article)
-Whole Earth Catalog
-Les Temps modernes
-Senses of Cinema
-Politics and Policy
-Ares (magazine)
-Cahiers du cinéma
-International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence
-Foreign Policy
-De Bow's Review
-Not so Virtuous Republics: Montesquieu, Venice, and the Theory of Aristocratic Republicanism byDavid W. Carrithers
Journal of the History of Ideas Vol. 52, No. 2 (Apr. - Jun., 1991), pp. 245-268
-The eXile
-Le Père Duchesne
-Critical Inquiry
-Telos (journal)
-Minerva (German magazine)
-The Re-inscription of Labor in Carlyle's "Past and Present" by JOHN ULRICH
-Journal des débats
-The Review of Politics (Cambridge University Press for the University of Notre Dame du lac on behalf of Review of Politics)
-Montana (journal)
-The Realist (Magazine)
-The Russian Messenger

>> No.17101519

Literatura na Świecie which is a Polish, undeniably based, world literature magazine published bi-monthly. It has original essays by Polish scholars as well as new/first translations of (usually) 20th century classics as well as modern stuff.

>> No.17102491


>> No.17102703

forward and jpost

>> No.17102786
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>> No.17103684

Based Criterion reader

>> No.17104280

Space Force is cool, though

>> No.17104373

no agenda podcast

>> No.17104635

Is Associated Press any good?

>> No.17104720


>> No.17104888

Space Force is cringe

>> No.17105804
