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17070212 No.17070212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

which religion is the true one?

I believe that reason can lead us to knowledge of God, the soul and a moral order but what is the true religion?

I am open to everything monothiestic.

>> No.17070255

None, God cant be confined and understood in one form of religion. To do that misses the point of God entirely

>> No.17070258

Science is the only God.

>> No.17070261

Just grow in your relationship with him and he will be revealed

>> No.17070288

I, anon. I am in everyone, and everyone is in me.

>> No.17070306
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Islam. Join now while you still have a choice inshallah.

>> No.17070313

I think you're looking at this the wrong way. Unless you're some kind of deist, how can you believe in a god without religion? If you are a deist, why the fuck are you looking for a "true" religion. You won't find whatever you're looking for that you think you're missing through organized faith, unless it's something like a community of believers. Also using reason to find proof of god is truly adolescent behavior. Have faith.

>> No.17070316
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92:7.3.The many religions of Urantia are all good to the extent that they bring man to God and bring the realization of the Father to man. It is a fallacy for any group of religionists to conceive of their creed as The Truth; such attitudes bespeak more of theological arrogance than of certainty of faith. There is not a Urantia religion that could not profitably study and assimilate the best of the truths contained in every other faith, for all contain truth. Religionists would do better to borrow the best in their neighbors' living spiritual faith rather than to denounce the worst in their lingering superstitions and outworn rituals.

92:7.4.All these religions have arisen as a result of man's variable intellectual response to his identical spiritual leading. They can never hope to attain a uniformity of creeds, dogmas, and rituals—these are intellectual; but they can, and some day will, realize a unity in true worship of the Father of all, for this is spiritual, and it is forever true, in the spirit all men are equal.

>> No.17070404

Believe on the lord Jesus christ and you will be saved

>> No.17070409
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Hint: Jesus of Nazareth actually resurrected.

>> No.17070536
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hard materialism is my God
hard determinism is my Savior
may we cum and do drugs and wubalubadubdub, Amen

>> No.17070582

Are you a Westerner? I’m an American raised Roman Catholic. I’m of the opinion that the most complete and logically coherent theology that is accessible to Westerners is Eastern Orthodoxy. I’ve pretty much accepted that. My issues with it are different than how logical or coherent the theology is.

>> No.17070956

I'm European and I do like Orthodoxy but not Palamism.

>> No.17071557

is this a larp i see this threads often but i don t understand how could anyone in this nihilistic cyinical hellhole actually look for a religion (with metaphysical aspects of course)
and then just decide to belive it because you like it. You really think someone here is actually a Christian, Jew, muslim or any other no bs religion (bs religion-buddhism hindu etc.)

>> No.17071572


>> No.17071592

Read this short essay. It lays out the historical and biblical case for Catholicism in a nutshell.


>> No.17071759



>> No.17072044
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>I believe that reason can lead us to knowledge of God
This is a deeply western idea, especially post-renaissance and post-enlightenment, but to me reason leads us to stuff like technology, science, medicine, which is all wonderful despite being ultimately just material, but it also leads to going round and round in philosophical circles and then nihilism when you give up on the rationalist merry-go-round. Now, this is not to say that irrationality is good, but rather that rationality has its place and is a limited object within ultimate truth, and ultimate truth is not limited within rationality.

For example, think about color as it is, think about the hum of your computer, the wind, or your house. We as humans cannot reason about what this is, we can barely talk about it, and yet we perceive it directly. We can say "red is a warm color" or "red is like a cherry" but that is only to say what red reminds us of, not what it is in itself. So rationality and linguistic thinking can be a wonderful tool, but it cannot encapsulate ultimate reality in its full and absolute profundity.

Anyway, I recommend looking into several religions from around the world, to get your mind very flexible and then going from there ( you'll need a flexible mind with such a vast topic as "what is the nature of reality and the Absolute"). Don't just read the Wikipedia page and think "wtf that makes no sense" but please give them a chance.
In rank order:
>1: Vajrayana Buddhism - A personal favorite, but I can tell this will be very foreign to you if you're looking for something like Christianity. The concepts are deep and challenging to grasp, but to me it brings the most clarity.
>2: Kabbalah - Start with Dion Fortune's the Mystical Qabala, very complex but a bit schizo-tier and difficult.
>3: Orthodox Christian Mysticism - A familiar foundation, but goes far further than most Christians will ever go.
>4: Shaivist Hinduism - I am also personally drawn to this, as it overlaps a little with Vajrayana, although I think it is far easier to grasp.
>5: Daoism - simple if you avoid the alchemy and medicine, great for beginners to contemplate the Dao.
>6: Hermeticism, Perennial Philosophy, Western Occultism - Schizo-tier, but has some valuable concepts, especially Hermeticism.
>7: Ancient Greek Philosophy, Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, etc. - Fairly foundational for western thought. Starting here is a good idea, but don't get stuck here.
>8: Sufi Islam & other mystic Middle East stuff - Good, but for a westerner Christianity is closer to home, and really, I know the least about this one apart from little things like "Wujud", so its on bottom.

>> No.17072141

this is a really good post but it is too bad that most people here are so dogmatic they won't consider it.
I am anthropologist who does comparative studies but I personally practice Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. It is nice to see rational discussion of the topic here as opposed to the usual Buddhist/Guenon shitposting threads.

>> No.17072316

Good post, even if I disagree with your rank order I understand your thinking

>> No.17072328

What is it about Orthodoxy that you find superior to Catholicism?
Also, what are your issues with Orthodoxy?

>> No.17072342

>We can say "red is a warm color" or "red is like a cherry" but that is only to say what red reminds us of, not what it is in itself. So rationality and linguistic thinking can be a wonderful tool, but it cannot encapsulate ultimate reality in its full and absolute profundity.
Did somebody read Ezra Pound's ABCs of Reading? :)

>> No.17072939

"If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/"