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/lit/ - Literature

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17045305 No.17045305 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is a serious endeavor, the Greeks knew this, which is why the young were discouraged from studying philosophy before they had matured and gained life experience. Classic Education doesn't even include philosophy prior to the student having read the canon of western literature and become well versed in it.

For the last 4 years I have been the embodiment of pic related, and I have know realized it has not brought me much more happiness or fulfillment. I have decided to stop reading Philosophy until I'm well into my thirties. The problem with Philosophy is that it has no end in sight, no resolution to be found. This is both the appeal, but also the problem if you want to live a life of experience and not be stuck in your own head all of the time. You can gain so much more by reading fiction and poetry in your 20s can anything else.

>> No.17045334

I think that meme was made for me. I had a few made one was the imaginary gf one but for nazbol but it was made into a short girl back when I was into politics

>> No.17045344

I think not, I think metaphysics is good at any age so long as it's introduced well and gives you progress

>> No.17045361

Are you reading analytic philosophy? kek

Epicurus and others won't do this to you.

>> No.17045374

Agreed. This may come off as corny, but your living philosophy in your early 20s. Ideas are forming in your head and these need to be played out. By reading philosophy during this time, it disrupts the ability for these ideas to grow. Once you have a personal philosophy, then you either enhance it and/or challenge it with philosophy books.

>> No.17045433

Its odd, I discovered what was essentially stoicism in my early 20s simply from thought and meditation and possibly to cope with the trauma and darkness I was seeing as a young paramedic. I was heavily into literature as a kid though, and read the illiad, the oddysey, Moby Dick, and all of Hesse, so it's possible I absorbed my thinking from there.

I came across Meditations at a Library and flipped the philosophy switch hard from 21-24. Now at 26 I find it hard to read at all most days. One thing that helped recently though was going on a Covid deployment to Yemen and then taking a mountain trip when I got back. I can think and read again.

Maybe do something new and exciting friend.

>> No.17045443

>the young were discouraged from studying philosophy before they had matured and gained life experience
This meant literal children, you should have some "life experience" by the time you're 20

>> No.17045502

I honestly never really felt the impact of philosophical works until my late 20s. I am not sure how to explain it but the impact of understand where the writer is coming from and mapping their ideas to personal experiences becomes much heavier.

>> No.17045538

I've never understood how people can see this image and not find it pretentious as hell, even if they do relate to it like me

>> No.17045550

Stuck in Orbit.

>> No.17045552

i'd like to read your concise autobiography one day

>> No.17045591

>Philosophy is a serious endeavor
It is if you are a retard, read the Gay Science

>> No.17045597

Because it's meant to be derogatory entirely.

>> No.17045606

i am revolted and disgusted by the mirror that is this meme

>> No.17045646

I doubt that. It oozes a sense of pride over being smarter than normies, and the difficulties that come with that. Not a totally unjustified feeling, but ironic in that it inspired a wojak meme and nothing actually valuable.

>> No.17045678
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>this thread

>> No.17045758


>> No.17045770

That is not at all what it says lol

>> No.17045771

What should a 22 year old zoomer like me be reading then

>> No.17045804

I'm terrible at both concision and technical writing, though I may write a fiction one day.

>> No.17045808

agreed, I'm just reading Nietzsche's genealogy and Spengler and then I will quit philsophy.

>> No.17045821

Have you read Hesse? I find his books easy but profound and relatable. Siddhartha is my personal favorite. Very short and tends to be a real rut-breaker for lost young men.

>> No.17045824

Fiction. Then wait until you are older and jaded.

>> No.17045863

wow what a relatevba;e mem; totaly me!

>> No.17045884

Plato fuck these faggots. If a 16 year old in hs can smoke weed and wax philosophical then I think a grown man at 22 can ask some simple questions about obvious problems. Young children philosophize on whether lying is okay in a situation. It's appropriate for all ages as long as it's done well, that is by reading Plato firstly.

>> No.17045898

It's my paranoid ass in my car.

>> No.17045963

Thanks for the replies, i'll take them all under consideration

>> No.17046010

Doesnt one of the dialogues of Socrates start with saying he can finally spend his time with philosophy now that hes old with a limp dick and women dont interest him anymore?
>in b4 boyfucker

>> No.17046048
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I've already had a short bout with processing my own divine spark, now I keep a steady passive gnostic aura on at all times in case I suddenly die so my soul can brought back to pleroma. I don't bother with reading philosophy anymore.

>> No.17046105

Your mistake is not getting a philosophy PhD by age 30 or earlier.

>> No.17046177

but what do we do about all the millenials and zoomers raised on grievance studies and white guilt propaganda?

>> No.17046188

That's not philosophy, we just don't talk about it

>> No.17046195

We're gonna have to eventually....

>> No.17047005

Take the sovl fiction pill, philosophy can turn you mad like Nietzsche.

>> No.17047041

Plato and as much poetry as you can

>> No.17047088

Lol me personally I was jaded by the time I hit 22 which is about the time I read Brave New World which got me heavily into reading, then philosophy and then religion. I honestly probably would have done a bender by now had I not read any philosophy then.

>> No.17047098
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Philosophy is an intrinsically bad field of thought. It only exists in response to existential crises, or in the recognition that the life we live, or our thoughts, or our morality, is faulty. A perfect society would have no philosophy, it would have an ideal dogma, axioms that led man to good behavior and coherent thought, and ideally universal eudaimonia for the human race. I dove deep into philosophy and have nothing to show for it but a superiority inferiority complex and a, I believe justified, frustration at the absolute ignorance and evil in the world. A society full of philosophical youths is not a happy society, it is not a stable society, it is a society that is full of psychological splinters that can no longer be ignored.

If you feel compelled to learn philosophy you will, and if you don't you won't. If you doubt your intellect or whether you can do it, chances are you can, else you would not desire it. Desire to do anything is itself a sign of aptitude.

If happiness is your goal, not the goal you say you have but the goal you actually have in truth, in your unconscious or wherever the hell, then you will probably not pursue philosophy. The best life that was ever lived was an ignorant farmer who loved his life and worked hard and was never troubled by a single existential question.

>> No.17047117


>> No.17047145

I swear to god everyone pretending that philosophy is some dangerous red pill is a gay fuckin midwit.

>> No.17047164

Classic fiction, poetry, and history

>> No.17047279

This is one of the greatest posts I have read on this board, really hit the nail on the head.

My philosophical pursuit began with the question: "what is the meaning of life?" Now, what well adjusted, happy and content person would ask such a question? I have now realized that Philosophy was my cope for lacking an emotion I have sought after for far too long, yet failed to capture and behold; love.

>> No.17047293

>Desire to do anything is itself a sign of aptitude
What about the artist who produces tons of work but never improves? Many such cases can be observed online

>> No.17047301

based as fuck anon...

>> No.17047315

The French pomo stuff and existentialist stuff fucked with my head a bit but it also made me not care as much about little things

>> No.17047343

You should be listening to Plato while you work out.

>> No.17047402

Reading postmodernist theory absolutely fucked with my head, now I see everything around me as fake and trust no one. I can't enjoy anything because I know it's a product designed specifically to appeal to me, a certain demographic. I completely lost faith in art and humanity as a whole and even my appreciation for older literature and art doesn't feel genuine, rather me enjoying it as a status symbol and its sign value, and will never be able to genuinely appreciate it thanks to being born and raised in late capitalist culture. That shit is probably a blast to read when you're an old faggot that hates whatever the kids are into and can justify that hate, but as a zoomer it fucking sucks.

>> No.17047424

Pretty true. I think a happy pursuer of philosophy can exist, but they need to have reach a zen or state of equanimity on their own first. A state that won't be shaken by the views of others, but instead just grow and adapt in the face of them.

Unfortunately, most can't reach that state. Unironically, I believe the chans can be used to attain this in the resilient individual. But many will reject me saying that.

See this person made the mistake of pursuing truth without first understanding his place.

>> No.17047539

There's supposed to be a positive dimension to post-modernism, pursue some creative activity or something

>> No.17047787


>> No.17047801

isn't questioning one's place and purpose in the universe the logical path for any developing self-aware consciousness?

>> No.17047871
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>> No.17047874

Yes. And that's why consciousness is depressing. Humans yearn to be unconscious for a reason. It's why religion is so popular. It's why certain futurists fetishize AI. Humans hate being conscious.

>> No.17047939
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pussy ass bitches, whining about life sucking because you cant get a girlfriend, life isnt all too bad. i wouldnt have it any other way, i study philosophy because i think life is beautiful and want to learn more about it. all of its challenges are just opportunities for me to distinguish myself from whiner 49ers like you who cant grab the bull by its horns.

>> No.17047947

Still kinda deflates the idea that a desire to do something implies aptitude

>> No.17047951
File: 2.28 MB, 2205x2640, Pieter_Bruegel_the_Elder_-_The_Painter_and_the_Buyer,_1565_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they don't improve they're just drawing for fun and not doing studies. I have never known an artist who pursues more than 90%, fuck it, even 60% of their time to studying their craft and DOESNT improve. They all do, and the proportion of time you spend pushing yourself compared to noodling is directly equal to your improvement. This applies to other disciplines too. If you're not improving you're literally fucking around.

t. artist who didn't improve for years then put my pride aside and started studying

>> No.17048430

Not really accurate since this meme is not some random mishmash of unrelated things or things we all have. (((Doctors))) say I suffer from schizotypal disorder but this meme showed me I’m not alone

>> No.17048444

you are just in denial

>> No.17048455

When I literally read the meme and saw the responses? Ok

>> No.17048456

>Classic Education doesn't even include philosophy prior to the student having read the canon of western literature and become well versed in it.
Is it true? Source?

>> No.17048488

>Plato and as much poetry as you can
Based 2x

>> No.17048525

>agreed, I'm just reading Nietzsche's genealogy and Spengler and then I will quit philsophy.
I was thinking about quiting literature one of these days. I would only read and reread the books I already have and I would pursue more practical endeavors instead.

>> No.17048620

>and I have know realized it has not brought me much more happiness or fulfillment.

Who cares about gay things like that?

>> No.17048642

Based. /lit/ is such a whiny board.

>> No.17048701


>> No.17048725

> of other schizos
Ask Dr. Levi Steinbergowitz what sampling bias is schizo anon and be sure to always take those nice pills he prescribes too :)

>> No.17048898

There’s nothing wrong with me, there can’t be. This all because of my environment. If only I was happy

>> No.17048926

Well, there are some answers to that question.

First would be more or less, something like a distinction between DESIRE to do it and the WILL to do it. Which I guess isnt really worth much.

The other one I could think of is something like a lack of something essemtial,
I.E: finance, technique, and education. And probably a few more.

Besides, Aptitude is something thats bent towards quality not quantity.

>skill isnt guaranteed no matter how many games of chess a child may play.

Perhaps they will learn something else other than thinking fast, they may be able to come up with brilliant strategies, or the like.

Going by the chest example route:
Also, there is some technique involved in chess, which is something akin to predictions, different openings also have preset moves that can help counter an enemy's counter.

And going back to predictions and openings, some will be more and more adept at adapting to situations while others will be able to most likely predict quite a lot of events before hand, most chess players are probably in between (not a chess player though so I dont know), while most will be left behind. Of course, the example up above has the different children play the same amount of games which I forgot to mention.

>> No.17048936

Ah thats who I was trying to reply to.

>> No.17048976


Is death grips /lit/?

>> No.17049089

You Faggot ass motherfucker.
Ya see, this is the problem.
OmG yOuR sO WhInEY. Bitch does that help? Hes literally doing his best and you fucking discourage him by being such a narcisstic faggot. WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR LIFE. Im a hyporcite but you? YOU?! CAN SUCK MY DICK.

How about saying something that will actually help the depressed fucker? Hah ?

why the fuck do you think people here read books for? To fucking read? No, its to enjoy the little world the books give and escape their mundane life.

>> No.17049710

Plato said in Republic you should not study dialectic before 30.

>> No.17049714

Plato himself would disagree.

>> No.17049724


You believe you are jaded at 22 but you are not.

>> No.17049730

False, in Theaetetus we clearly see that the young titular lad is being taught the basics of philosophy already, and Plato has one of the characters remark that "[Philosophy] is the business of young minds" or something like that.

>> No.17049814

Every time I see this I think that someone I used to know made it, based off of their experience with me.

>> No.17049965

You are the Western equivalent of the retarded Hadza who gets pushed into shittier and shittier parts of Tanzania because civilization desires to expand where they live. You are the Hadza, the wealthy power maniacs are the civilization. There will be no happiness without philosophical struggle that then turns into physical struggle, not in this day and age.

>> No.17050020


>> No.17050222

19 year old schizoid

>> No.17050224

That's literally every 19 year old. You think a lot and imagine a lot because you have no idea how life works and try to fill the gaps with fantasy. Give yourself ten more years

>> No.17050257

>Im a hyporcite but you? YOU?! CAN SUCK MY DICK.

>> No.17050298

You are all unbelievable narcissists, read the last psychiatrist.

>> No.17050315

Hegel read Kant at the age of 18/19, Schelling studied Fichte and Kant at 20. There are plenty of other examples (in fact most notable philosophers actually started to read philosophy before they were 23, not after). The same goes for the other speculative disciplines, mathematics and physics should be started as soon as possible, granted the person has any actual potential in them. Just because you got into something you aren't suited for (philosophical thought) doesn't mean every youth goes about wearing learned concepts like some kind of intellectual badge of honor.

>> No.17050322
File: 24 KB, 400x400, conan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture represents an immature person caught in a cycle of power and comfort fantasies, not somebody who desires truth, knowledge and a better life.

It's absolutely supposed to be derogatory and if you relate to it, I suggest taking a good hard look at yourself because you're not "thinking". You just have childish fantasies playing on a loop inside your head.

>> No.17050332

You will understand when you get older.

>> No.17050503

>bunch of shitters who got filtered by philosophy and now blame their unhappiness on it
Sad. Maybe you should stick to something like Harry Potter and other young adult novels. That seems to be more your speed.

>> No.17050744
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You're such fucking retards lol. You're not special. Every 17 to young 2x year old goes through this existential crisis where they seek the truth.

>> No.17050835

This is false and you are a faggot

>> No.17051226
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let me guess.
In your mind everyone browses 4chan and especially /lit/,everyone is interested in philosophy, and everyone has an IQ of about 120.
Not everyone is similar to you, fucking stop putting everyone in comparison with you.

>> No.17051246

And you think that most people are completely incapable of thought. Neither of you are right.

>> No.17051262

>tfw 32
>wife, child, and independently wealthy
>just bought Platos complete works
>finna embark on the philosophic life

>> No.17051269
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>stop putting everyone in comparison with you
I don't think I will

>> No.17052007

its too late anon

>> No.17053534


>> No.17053549

You might unironically be schizophrenic. Not trolling

>> No.17053553

brainlet take

>> No.17053704

Imagine thinking your a grown man at 22.