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17042107 No.17042107 [Reply] [Original]

Read more Oswald Spengler

>> No.17042125

sex gifs

>> No.17042127

>this nigga made cum cookies and claimed they had magical properties.

>> No.17042132

Literally who

>> No.17042137


>> No.17042161

Isn't that Hank Schrader?

>> No.17042182

They're called minerals

>> No.17042210

>cum cookies
they're minerals

>> No.17042397

How would your cult look like, /lit/??

>> No.17042529

Nah, I have more important people to read:

>> No.17042536

das one big head mayn

>> No.17042549

>popularity within academia as indicative of greatness

>> No.17042922
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Read more Herbert Spencer

>> No.17042936

Counterpoint: literally all of Marx's predictions have been demonstrated as wrong, whereas all of Spengler's have come true.

>implying cum cookies aren't peak Faustian Man

>> No.17043149

>literally all of Marx's predictions have been demonstrated as wrong
Name one. Going to preemptively respond to three likely answers:
>He thought the revolution would happen in his lifetime
It almost did, and the prediction has always been socialism or barbarism, not just socialism.
This is more controversial than you probably think due to recent empirical data.
>He thought the revolutions would first happen in the industrialized world
USSR, China, etc were functionally capitalist revolutions. And like I said, Germany, France, and to a lesser extent the US almost got revolutions.

>> No.17043818

What wouldn't be a functionally capitalist revolution?

>> No.17044033

>He man, Marx was like almost right "take bong hit" that means he was like a good predictor "flicks long girly hair" so you better not like, talk bad about Marx man.

Seriously, Spenglers model does work, if his predictions are right, society should increasingly grow less concerned with science and progress and more and more with tradition, form and fine arts.

Its for example doubtful that we will ever see Mars colonies or o'neil cylinders in the near future. Thats the kind of future and frontier orientated endevour that a conservative society doesnt care about.

We will on the other hand see giant encyclopedias, collections of poetry, great but unoriginal epics and fantastic mystical tracts being created in the near future.

>> No.17044044

I'd rather read Lavey.

>> No.17044064

Crowley was a 2010 /b/tard distilled to it's purest form.

>> No.17044336

One that didn't take place in a feudal society and establish the capitalist mode of production.
Sounds schizo. Look outside, people are worshipping Elon Musk.

>> No.17044356

>Sounds schizo. Look outside, people are worshipping Elon Musk.
Calls me schizo and claims at the same time people are worshipping Elon Musk.

The fact that "going to mars" is nothing but a quirky cult of personality, proves a lot.

>> No.17044831


His "Hymn to Pan" literally reads like an Odd Future track. It's fun to do bad things.

>> No.17045526
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>concerned with science and progress and more and more with tradition, form and fine arts.
What? The second religiousness sure, but other then that Art in a dying civilization becomes huge to compensate for its formlessness. Physical expansion replaces inward expansion due to the bankrupt soul of the culture. This would imply the opposite. We go to Mars as a show to entertain the masses, and we do not make real art but huge imitations of past works to glofy the Caesars and entertain or make the masses in awe. We already see the former with the our modern entertainment. Consider movies and video games, most completely devoid of originality and they just up the graphics and scale to compensate for the originality of the story and soul of the game.
This is a COPE post if I've ever read. Hegel was dead wrong due to him interpreting history through our own cultural lens (linearity of history) and Marx's extension of this is also very wrong. Consider why it was that the Chinese in class relations did not have slaves but the Romans massively relied on Slaves in their economics. If it was a progressive dictate then it would mandate that all cultures would go through similar linear paths; however, as we can see this is not the case. In fact if we look back even further we will see that no culture utilized Slave labor as intensely as Rome, indicating that if we were to analyze class relations it would be a sin wave and not a linear upward movement. Christianity would remove slavery from the Mediterranean for a short while, and then Islam would bring it back.

But on top of this its just not useful to use a model that "almost got things right" when Spengler gets nearly all his predicts right. WWII, Spengler predicted. A unipolar world power, Spengler predicted. USSR falling before the end of the century. Spengler predicted. The militaries in the west moving from mass conscription to privatized groups. Spengler predicted. The break down of political forms in the west and the rise of Caesarism (ruling politics by force rather then by money). Spengler predicted, and this event is currently ongoing. The weakened universalist and pacific tendencies of a late culture to form together. Spengler predicted (see the EU). The increasing cultural dominance of the hegemond throughout the culture with everyone following the uniformity of their culture and economics. You got it, Spengler predicted.

So in summary, Marx predicted a few things, which are not true today and he had 150 years to show off what his model could do. Spengler has had 100 and has been on the ball despite it looking impossible for him to be right with the predictions of his model (say I was in the 90s reading that the US would be ruled by a despite come 100 years.) Also on top of this Spengler just explains past events way better outside of the west, Marx is awfully euro-centrist.