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17021521 No.17021521 [Reply] [Original]

is 1984 a good book

>> No.17021553


>> No.17021574

Not really.

>> No.17021576

Nah it was pretty boring. Stopped midway when he met that dumb bitch who got pumped by every man she encountered and he liked that about her.

>> No.17021602

Yes it is. Is the greatest book ever writen absolutely not, but is a nice start to the bigger and better books, the story is great and is well written. Could you ask for more?

>> No.17021610

Yeah pretty much this. It start off great but then turns into
>tee hee hiding our love from evil guberment XD
Extremely disappointing.

>> No.17021704

forced to read it in highschool
it has a lot of cool ideas in it for your mind to turn over but its been done better in other books, movies etc

>> No.17021722

It's okay. Nothing more. I'd even go so far as to say it's mediocre.

>> No.17022116

It's a good book. A good foundation if you're interested in reading more books that explore the themes in it. Everyone should read it imo, if not just for the historical significance. Honestly though, I like the beginner chapters of the novel the best.

>> No.17022498
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Brave new world was better, more relevant to today probably also in the technological aspects and social attitudes.

>> No.17022505

It's alright. However, Orwell is a great essayist.

>> No.17022571

Its a 7/10 for me. I'll echo that Huxley did dystopia better. Ray Bradbury and Ayn Rand did it worse.

Overall it's a decent read that wouldn't taks more than a week to burn through.

>> No.17022580

It's excellent. Terrifying. Always relevant. Did you see the Chinese ambassador deny the concentration camps despite being shown a video of it? Literally denying the evidence of his own senses. 1984 is about living in such a fascist state, where if the party says it didn't happen, then it didn't.

>> No.17022634

Yes, it's good and still relevant. It was criticized by Asimov for not being flashy and sci-fi enough, but in my opinion, the low-tech-ness of the Party makes it more realistic. You see that the themes of power, surveillance, conformity, etc. are really human problems and not rooted in modern technology itself.

>> No.17022694

No, it isn't terrible, but it's clouded by midwits, and I find it too on the nose.

>> No.17022726

Yes but it's been unfortunately referenced to the point of irrelevance despite still being relevant

>> No.17023457

Man that chapter when he reads THE BOOK really broke the pacing of the book for me. I mean i guess it was a redpill to some but did be really need to stretch that chapter so hard? What did you guys think of the ideas Orwell put into that chapter? Based or cringe?

>> No.17024937

Oh if only someone shot him in the civil war

>> No.17024947

3/5 for me it wasnt comfy to read

>> No.17024961

S'alright. Orwell's always nice and easy to read and he brings up some interesting stuff so yeh it's decent. And you can read it all in like a day without even really trying which is nice

>> No.17024972

1984 unironically made me want a big brother type government. A world without individual rights or autonomy would be tyrannical, yes, but the government would better know how to manage a country then the democratic system we currently have.

>> No.17025008

ingsoc gang?

>> No.17025250

Move to North Korea then

>> No.17025505

No. Very 1:1, tedious. Isn't even really accurate to modern society, or many more blatantly totalitarian ones.

>> No.17025538

Yes. Pretty much this >>17022116
Such as?
Lmao, I know it's bait but remember there's people that actually think this.

>> No.17025567

I honestly prefer Animal Farm where it's more about how the authoritarian government starts than it it is just a thing that exists. Plus the problem is cyberpunk is the world we are in the the problem we are facing which is a lot different than how Orwell envisioned. Since it's less government censorship and more corporation/hyper capitalism that is causing most of the problems we are living with.

>> No.17025594

That sure is a nicely sculpted body. Too bad the age of hot emo gfs is over.
I lost