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/lit/ - Literature

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17018753 No.17018753 [Reply] [Original]

Post stacks and shelves.

>> No.17018763
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What is a stack? Books you're currently reading? How do people read 5+ wildly different, complex texts around the same time? Are they recent purchases? Books on your to-read list? What is it??

>> No.17018774
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Books you are currently reading or reading next I guess.

>> No.17018970

a stack is generally:
3 books you will never read
2 bad books you've basically stopped reading
1 good book you will actually read (optional)

>> No.17018978
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Do you guys actually read the books on your stack or is it just a collection habit?

I can understand if it's the latter.

>> No.17018979
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>> No.17019004
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Good morning fellow dudebros. Same stack as last night but fuck it.
How is The History of the Church?

>> No.17019049
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Posting my Black Friday stack. Got everything 50% off.

>> No.17019078

I had no idea the Bhagavad Gita was that short! I had assumed it was really, really long.

>> No.17019691


>> No.17019726

If my phone camera wasn't broken I would show my own.

>> No.17019741
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Halfway through the first one

>> No.17019919
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>> No.17019956
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Just the “/litty” portion my shelf du jour

>> No.17020129

Good, a bit dry but necessary to understand Catholic Church history

>> No.17020138
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>> No.17020186

It is, that's probably an abridged version
Great stack except for Joyce, throw that out

>> No.17020249
File: 1.95 MB, 3896x2759, 20201214_093711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice choice on the Allan. is that valley of vision rebound?

>> No.17020252

>probably an abridged version
Fuck! Well I guess that’s what I get when I buy stuff on a whim...

>> No.17020266
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>> No.17020288

It’s not, the baghavad Gita is a very short section of an extremely long book called the Mahābhārata but the Gita itself is short

>> No.17020293

its fine in terms of translation but in terms of evoking the true essence of the religious text then it falls reall flat. only takes about and hour or 2 to read though so not wasting anything.

>> No.17021122
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Cringe. Repent and seek Christ.

>> No.17021609
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>> No.17021882
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Finished one since last Stack thread.

>> No.17021927

Symposium was a good read, that being said I need to go re-read it.

>> No.17022040
File: 1.89 MB, 3416x2733, valleygoatskinmain-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice choice on the Allan. is that valley of vision rebound?
It's the new goatskin edition. Just released.

>> No.17023171 [DELETED] 


>> No.17023643

>Probably has enough space for another bookcase but stacks books on its side instead to appear like he's so well-read and intellectual he doesn't have time to orientate them vertically

>> No.17024273

Based JS Mill

>> No.17024290

is that Culture in Nazi Germany good, or just anti-nazi propaganda?

>> No.17024876
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I won't lie, have this many unread or unfinished books knocking about in my room is pretty embarrassing, so I hereby pledge that I will get any more books until I have finished every single one in this picture. Other than the two that I've already ordered and haven't arrived and whatever ones I get for Christmas of course.

>> No.17025203

What are these, Reformed?

>> No.17025215

what app is this

>> No.17025792
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Banner publishes Reformed and Puritan literature.
Valley of Vision is a collection of Puritan prayers. Though some of them are taken from people who weren't Puritans proper like Spurgeon though he read the Puritans well and deeply.

>> No.17026747

It's hard to no buy books during christmas, even tho i have few to read already i'm still buying new ones and i have no time to read...

>> No.17026802

No, the Bhagavad Gita is quite short. The Oxford translation is complete, I also have it. That anon who said it's very long probably confused it with the Mahabharata, of which it is a small part.

>> No.17026832

How is Gibbon book? Got the first 2 books?

>> No.17026949
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Ekstremalnie zbazowany

>> No.17027040

Yeh it's good yeh, I have read the first two, I was well into the first one, especially the very first volume, but fuckin once Constantine started knocking about and decided to move from Rome to Constantinople I started losing interest. I perked up again with all the stuff about Julian being in charge since we share a name and that, but then after he died, I started being less and less interested in it all over again, so now I've taken a long break from it but I reckon I'll pick up the last part fairly soon now because it is a good read even if it isn't an absolutely correct and accurate piece of historical literature, it's still a good read.


>> No.17027073

Might look to get them thanks anon.

>> No.17027355
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>> No.17027527

>Big-tooled mechanic

>> No.17028644

Nice one

>> No.17028740

Great collection, based Spanish poster, and my god WHAT a bookshelf, very jealous

>> No.17028754

Kybook 3 (not to be mistaken with and superior to kybook 4)

>> No.17029009

Redpill me on Poświatowska?

>> No.17029139

She wrote some fookin lovely poetry alright mate there you are