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File: 24 KB, 199x303, Achnavalleyorig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17005004 No.17005004 [Reply] [Original]

this is the best work of science fiction I've ever read.

>> No.17005096


>> No.17005313

How does it compare to The Dispossessed?

>> No.17005472

I do not like The Dispossessed at all really, so I think it's better.

Because it's novel and unique and genuinely interesting.

>> No.17005498

You've got to tell us the premise at least anon. Tell us why we should read it, what interested you, the best qualities of the writing, why you read it in the first place. Put some effort into your post.

>> No.17005527

no. I've made you aware of it. google can do the rest.

>> No.17005553

This is shilling, not discussion. And you're a stinky poopy nigger

>> No.17005723

Nobody else does.
This is the next Le Guin I’m reading. Looks like another sociological science fiction piece, which I like

>> No.17006501

Then why make the thread you faggot?

>> No.17006630


>> No.17006922

That’s what threads are for. Free promotional testimonies.
OP is a genuine, albeit wily, fan of this book.

>> No.17008012

Looked it up, seems pretty gay. Like an AnPrims unrealistic fantasy land. Thanks for wasting my time by making me spend two minutes reading synopsis on Wikipedia

>> No.17008026

What a nigger. Why even make the thread then? For (you)s? Pathetic

>> No.17008036

>Le Guin
Always based

>> No.17008245

>author is a legbeard


>> No.17008285

I liked it but it did come across as a bit modern-hippy-wish-fulfilment at times.

>> No.17008321

le guin is amazing

>> No.17008449

why is it out of print though?

>> No.17008553

I looked on Amazon and it's in print from two publishers, University of California Press and Library of America, and the latter edition has an ebook available.

>> No.17008613


>> No.17008841

I wipe my ass with science fiction but because this thread is actually about a book I'll bump

>> No.17008847

Planetes is the best I've seen/read.

>> No.17008853

Should I read this or The dispossessed?
I never read anything from this author.

>> No.17008866


>> No.17008886

she is fucking terrible. if you want black wom*n scifi read Octavia Butler

>> No.17008899

Low iq detected

>> No.17008907


The Disspossessed is a terrible book. High School teachers assign it because she's black and it's pro communism. That's it. The prose is terrible and the story is shit. Read Octavia Butler if you need black female communism she's actually talented

>> No.17008915
File: 3.35 MB, 426x240, dcbz317-79ba5038-a190-41a9-9793-fc3dca71e883.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's black and it's pro communism.
she's white as hell and although you could call the book anti capitalist no way could you really say it sways to be pro communist or even pro anarchy, hence the ambiguous utopia tagline

>> No.17008927

The prose is shit. The book is bad. You are fucking sheep. I'm not sure why Le Guin is have a resurgence but I'm going to assume since Chapo pseud has been referencing her because it's completely unwarranted because the book is shit. Read Octavia Butler. Read the Xenogenesis trilogy. Stop being a fucking sheep and think for yourself. Le Guin writes like she has brain damage. Zero flow. Her insertions off politics and feminism have zero grace and are completely forced. It's fucking garbage for teenagers forced to read. Xenogenesis is a classic and has actual decent prose, plot, and subtlety

>> No.17008937

1. You have a Star Wars gif, you are capeshit
2. I thought she was black. Black people, today is your lucky day, this shit author is not your fault.
3. Anti-capitalism is what marxism boils down to. It is communist. I'm communist. The book is still shit. Octavia Butler is actually good

>> No.17008961
File: 203 KB, 612x380, octavia-butler612x380jpg_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Octavia E Butler. She wrote the Xenogenesis trilogy. It's fantastic sci-fi that stands on it's own without ham-handed political insertions or muh feminisms high school reading requirements. It's deeply feminist and communalist but there's no forcing it. Her Xenogenesis trilogy is an impenetrable philosophical work and a likely prediction of advanced space fairing lifeforms requirement of communalism to succeed. It's sexy, thoughtful, downright genius work.

>> No.17008980

Have a (You) retard

>> No.17008983

I like the cut of your jib, angry Octavia Butler Anon, but now I'd like to hear you defend the rampant pedo undertones in her vampire books. Thanks.

>> No.17008985
File: 48 KB, 262x375, XexogenesisOctaviaButler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. The Oankali have made Earth habitable and obtain Lilith's help in awakening and training humans to survive on the changed Earth. In exchange, the Oankali want to interbreed with the humans to blend the human and Oankali races, a biological imperative they compare to a human's need to breathe. They perceive the interbreeding as mutually beneficial; in particular, it will solve what the Oankali think is the humans' fatal combination of intelligence and hierarchical tendencies
That is based as hell

>> No.17008994

I don't do vampires I'm a serious adult interested in alien space adventures

>> No.17008995

OK anon, I will
How's Kindred?

>> No.17009028

Well, what if I told you the vampires are probably aliens?

>> No.17009093

you've piqued my interest. now I must ask - there is sex with these alien vampires as well? daddy needs his eros

>> No.17009299

thats not czarne oceany

>> No.17009326

Of you like feminist sci fi sure

>> No.17009347

>book was recently repopularize from Battlestar galactic a making an episode about the book(recent as in the last decade)

But you gonna wig out over a star wars gif and think nothing of the other television show that advertised it, gotcha

>> No.17009368

Blindsight has a vampire who is charge of a team that investigates an alien craft after earth had been scanned/probed by unknown entity (looked like meteor shower across the globe but they were probes) and so a crew is sent out to investigate and I do t want to ruin anything by saying more

>> No.17009396

That usually means lesbian doesn’t it?
She isn’t. She was a mother and grandmother.
Not that I care if you read her or not.

Dispossessed is a great introduction. To Le Guin.

It is pro socialist though. They’re a lovely people living well enough on a world of little resources.

>> No.17009654

>no. I've made you aware of it.
Yes, and that's all you'll get from me. I'm not reading your shitty poo poo book, retard.

>> No.17009859

Oh yeah, for sure, there's bloodlust orgies and people slippin and slidin in big puddles of jizz on the kitchen floor and half-awake hibernation doggystyle and young maidens wandering the forest with no panties on. Truly, something for every discerning reader.

>> No.17009942

Kys faggot

>> No.17010078

Kek, you're only saying that because it's a female author.

>> No.17010180

Only ever read Left Hand of Darkness from her and this was pretty much my reaction to that.

Are her other books any good? I've heard a lot of her other sci-fi is pretty great but heard mixed things about her fantasy series.

>> No.17010458

i wanna read it but it's so long. seems like lem's solaris but more plot based.

butler is terrible compared to leguin and butler isn't communist. you don't know what that word means.

>> No.17010615

No, legbeard is the female equivalent of neckbeard.

>> No.17010653
File: 45 KB, 309x500, dyinginside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LeGuin and Butler are both unreadable.
Try some good sci fi

>> No.17011117

Event read Le Guin yet.
Hypothetical, I have a gun to tour head and will read 1 (one) of her books. If I am disappointed I will pull the trigger. What do you give me to read?

>> No.17012060

The first three Earthsea books are her most accessible, and if you like them I'd recommend the Dispossesed and The Left Hand of Darkness, whichever comes first. Try to avoid her later works, they get a bit preachy, but they're fine if you can handle it.

>> No.17012721

Earthsea 1-3 are excellent, but the rest not so much. I'm always cautious around authors that revisit their most famous series 20-30 years later, and Le Guin is no exception. Her other sci-fi I haven't read much of, but what I have read were excellent. She's got plenty of short stories, so it shouldn't be too hard to jump into.

>> No.17013231

Based Butlerian Jihad poster

>> No.17013551


>> No.17013575

Planet of Exile

>> No.17014176

Absolutely based poster pointing out how based Ursula K Le Based is.

>> No.17014193

That's a pretty good reason to.

>> No.17014243
File: 925 KB, 960x720, yeah sure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that LeGuin writes tranny fanfic and you will never be a woman.

>> No.17014405

what else you got

>> No.17014435
File: 388 KB, 830x1024, F9C904FE-6E28-4AB1-A5FE-82CDF18EAD38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm. Le Guin isn’t the female equivalent of a neckbeard

It’s a concept people that do what birds do. Sometimes scifi can be creepy or challenging.

>> No.17014964

I have more, but I won't spoon-feed. Start with that

>> No.17015208


>> No.17016826


>> No.17016838

I read the Left Hand of Darkness but quit about halfway because nothing really happened.

Does it get better at the end? Seems like it was building that way. Just a bit of a hard slog for sci-fi. Although nothing really 'sci-fi' happened in the book?

>> No.17017113

She writes social science fiction a lot. Her father being a sociologist influenced her a lot.
Her work is usually a leisurely stroll through an environment/situation. Good character studies too, though I haven’t read LHoD. It’s usually rated pretty high

>> No.17017977

I'm pissed she never got to team up with Delany and write the LOTR+double penetrations fantasy epic that our generation deserves.

>> No.17019229
File: 461 KB, 484x461, firefox_ziZVoNOUaZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon make a thread about a book so its reasonable to assume they want to talk about it

Someone asks a question about the book

>no. I've made you aware of it. google can do the rest.

t. pretentious faggot

>> No.17020654

Everyone's thoughts on the Earthsea series? I loved the first three, but the fourth book really soured me on it, though I still like the series overall. I've heard there's other books, but I've never heard of anyone who's actually read them. Anyone know what they're like?

>> No.17020691

"at least the movie was good"