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16989057 No.16989057[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

would you?

>> No.16989060

Let me guess. She's a YA author?

>> No.16989061


>> No.16989064
File: 136 KB, 898x1200, mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already have a tradcath gf sorry

>> No.16989077


needs to let those eyebrows reign free or no deal

>> No.16989089
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>> No.16989091

no she is a heckin smol bean tradlarper who mixes up the grift by pretending to be a left wing catholic

but none can deny the BOOBA

>> No.16989107


the not-fat one

>> No.16989114

That's not even the best pic of her lol. But of course I would. And we could discuss Augustine after.

It's funny that just by being a normal Christian mom who talks about her kids a lot she makes 37 year old spinsters seethe and call her a fascist who wants Handmaid's Tale.

>> No.16989129


anyone with a trace of sense or decency wants Handmaid's Tale by now

>> No.16989132

Look at that whore. What you own and how you present it to the world speaks volumes about yourself. Don't allow her to desecrate gods house in her whore outfit again.

>> No.16989145

just want to breed with the nyt op-ed writer

>> No.16989309

whats handmaids tale

>> No.16989334
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You people are posting about her because there was a major spergout about her on Twitter today, aren't you?

>> No.16989345

Kantbot, shut the FUCK up man. You're so fucking annoying. You know what the fuck The Handmaid's Tale is.

>> No.16989432

Would I!

>> No.16989470

Moms are not worthy of your sexual tension. The sex is sub-par. How is roastie lit related?

>> No.16989511

I hate this bitch and the thirst for her. she just the typical self-loathing nerd who pretends to be dumb to fit in with popular kids. I guarantee you 100% she still has huge neurosis from not being cool in high school. Now she's the "abortion is a personal choice" liberal Catholic so she can fit in with all the cool elite journalists who do coke and ketamine at celebrity parties in New York, but of course it doesn't work, they don't like her they just tolerate her and that's how she will always be, this subordinate barely-tolerated person on the fringe of the in-crowd

>> No.16989541

she’s pro-life actually and also not liberal

>> No.16989544

I don’t know but I do wanna suck on her fat tiddies

>> No.16989568

I like how she and her husband consistently make everyone mad. Pertaining to your question, she's a cutie yes, but realistically I wouldn't because she's like 4'10" and I don't fuck children lol

>> No.16989573

She's a bernie stan my man

>> No.16989578
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reminder this fat retard gets to breed her

>> No.16989586

literally who is this

>> No.16989589
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i'm on her dms on twitter. she's a nice girl

>> No.16989592

Leftcaths were retroactively refuted by Francis joining the WEF bullshit

>> No.16989595

Some NYT liberal catholic journalist. She's probably famous because booba.

>> No.16989602

You know nothing.

>> No.16989609


>> No.16989614

wa happen?

>> No.16989616

As an unironic leftcath I’m literally seething right now

>> No.16989619

She has every standard bernie dem take. She only deviates in opposing abortion on principle but thinks it should be legal anyway. How is she not a liberal?

>> No.16989620

if this nigga can get a qt tradwife maybe we’re all gonna make it after all

>> No.16989626

I will not stop saying this, shes not a tradwife, being christian means nothing in 2020

>> No.16989629

why do people see somebody write an op-ed and then imagine an entire life story for them

>> No.16989634

womanlets are not even human, i had a coworker who was 4' 10" and she was like an elf person. having sex with her would be really weird.

>> No.16989636

I think she embodies the best ideal of Soviet feminism

>> No.16989638
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this is what people are mad at her for today on twitter

>> No.16989655

Holy shit the female knows

>> No.16989663

knows what?

>> No.16989664

no its the years of denigrating tweets about herself and her husband that she always deletes 20 minutes later but clearly show that she doesn't respect him or herself

wrong and being 'prolife' as a matter of personal choice is a meaningless position with no functional difference from prochoice. stop simping

>> No.16989671

The left looks like anime and the right looks the devil.

>> No.16989684

>being obsessed with some bitch but not in a horny way

>> No.16989687
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Holy shit. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.16989695

it's not quite the same thing as being fully "pro-choice" because it designates a different position in the culture war stuff that I think informs a lot of pro-choicers. There are many women (and men) who are like enthusiastic about abortion and consider it something like a badass act of female empowerment. While I agree that this might not be a "functional" difference, it is a different ideological stance at least than the one held by full-on pro-choice libs.

>> No.16989698


>> No.16989729

Matt Bruenig is based though, he trashes shitlibs and uses his autism to write ultra-optimized policy.

>> No.16989741

What’s her titty game like?

>> No.16989756

ive been on twitter for 5 years and some niggas have a thing for her, its gay and im sick of it. i have never once replied to her or any of them about this and my 'obsession' will not go beyond complaining in this thread

prolife means nothing if it does not mean prohibiting other people from having abortions, what you're describing is the difference between prochoice in bad taste and prochoice in good taste

>> No.16989768
File: 661 KB, 637x480, booba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thirst trapping on twitter in a titty sweater while praying. very based and tradpilled.

i don't have shitter so i can't find the actual tweet since you have to log in to see only media posts so the only version i could find on google images is this lel

>> No.16989791

>what you're describing is the difference between prochoice in bad taste and prochoice in good taste
you are right, that is what I'm describing, but I think it's relevant. Especially from the pro-life side, the debate on abortion has been politicized in the USA such that a lot of it comes down to taste/aesthetic allegiances.

>> No.16989796


>> No.16989819

what are some ultra-optimized policies that he was written?

>> No.16989824

he has a whole think tank dedicated to them
off the top of my head he has one for universal childcare

>> No.16989840

Do you think he writes policies for his think tank?

>> No.16989844

Sadly, most of it comes down as hatred for the other side, which can only serve the interests of the party whose policies currently hold sway for the simple reason that the issue itself is rarely ever actually discussed

>> No.16989847

OK I looked up his think thank on wikipedia.
>3P focuses on several areas of social democratic and market socialist policy in its projects.
>The "Social Wealth Fund for America" paper advocates for public ownership of capital through gradual accumulation of all capital into a publicly-owned Social Wealth Fund, called the American Solidarity Fund, in which each citizen of the US holds a non-transferable dividend-paying share; effectively providing a universal basic dividend.
>The "Family Fun Pack" paper advocates for a substantial suite of Nordic-style child welfare policies: a baby box, parental leave, free child care, free pre-kindergarten, free school lunch, free health care, and a child benefit. This project is targeted at eliminating child poverty, and removing economic concerns from family planning.
>The "Fighting Climate Change with a Green TVA" paper advocates for including a massive de-carbonization and expansion of the Tennessee Valley Authority as part of the Green New Deal, in order to shrink greenhouse gas emissions and create public jobs.
Based as fuck, thanks anon

>> No.16989867
File: 198 KB, 2356x1403, demispurdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that most women literally start breaking down and shitting their pants when they go to get an abortion to the point that clinics have counselors (even outside of the meme states that require them because republitards want somebody to convince them not to do it) to help them cope before and after says it all, these women feel like they are murdering their own children but are so selfish they do it anyway. what an absolutely grim state of affairs.

i don't give a shit what is or isn't legal/moral but if a fetus is supposed to be
>just le clump of cells no biggie
then why does it affect them so much? even the empowered types are constantly posting online about emotional distress after the fact. the three women i know personally who have had recent abortions treated it like some kind of spooky under the table shit. so whether or not abortion is right or wrong, it seems that carefree abortion is a red flag for female sociopathy. imagine the types of chicks who get regular abortions like it's nothing, they are universally toxic and insane. and the ones who feel bad but do it anyway are murderous hypocrites by their own metric.

>> No.16989871

I think she's a bright, pretty woman so hypothetically yes; but actually no because she's married and it's best to respect that.

>> No.16989919

Bruenig is too obsessed with nordic style socdem cuckoldry rather than actual socialism but he seems like a good guy

>> No.16989932

Tfw no gf

>> No.16989946

dm her this thread so she knows about her fans on /lit/ :3

>> No.16989949

skirt too short

>> No.16989950

no because i like matt

>> No.16990007

Cringe thread

>> No.16990031

This. She's married and they actually seem like a very happy couple, no cucking allowed.

Also it's kind of funny that her official NYT picture is the LEAST flattering picture of her there is. All her candid photos show that she's, like, a million times prettier than the official photo. I don't know why the official photo is so unflattering, but it just is.

>> No.16990043

wut, she looks way more homely in most of the pics on google images and has weird teeth

>> No.16990061

>left wing
Ew, gross.

>> No.16990073

>left wing
doesn't get any more Traditional Catholic than that desu

>> No.16990190

Liz is married you absolute scumlord.

>> No.16990196

The natural lighting suits her better than the photo lighting in the official picture.

Also that fucking red lipstick is Godawful. I hate it, it always makes women look bad when they wear it. I'm never going to understand why bright red lipstick became popular again, it's just wretched on almost all white women. Is it just 1950s nostalgia?

>> No.16990200


>> No.16990202

whats the big deal, so you read about a girl who's fertile or something ?? idgi

>> No.16990231

Sad whore. Even in a place like that, she can't stop taking fucking pictures of herself and making a spectacle of herself. No majesty outside the self. Nothing outside the self. She should go read Christopher Lasch, the one she claims she's read, and understand why this is ugly. And why she's so unhappy.

Reminds me of someone posting a picture of a girl using breastfeeding her child as an opportunity to be a sassy fun-loving slut. It's not just that it's obscene or a degradation of the child, it's that you should be deeply affected by the moment of breastfeeding your own child, that should transform who you are as a person, but the path to that inner transformation is blocked by a screaming chimp inciting her to self-promote and self-worship, to imagine herself being seen etc. It's grotesque enough on a daily basis when you see little thots degrading themselves and sinking their souls into the muck, but when you see a mother, in a real transformative moment that only comes once, squandering that moment to for a short-term dopamine hit and dooming herself to remain eternally the same person she was at twenty, you really see it. On a moment by moment, opportunity by opportunity basis, these dumb narcissists are irreversibly blunting their souls.

I'm going to go to church this week and do the exact opposite of what this sad woman does when she goes to church. Can you imagine kneeling to pray, hands clasped and everything, in a church and all, and turning to look at a fucking camera so you can get a nice selfie of the occasion to circulate on social media.

>> No.16990251
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>> No.16990350

tl;dr lol

the catholic church has a fag lover pope who kisses immigrant feet to make a point and covers for pedos, they didn't dignity when they were selling indulgences and warring half of medieval yurop, and they don't have any now. sneed.

>> No.16990385

Bruenig drives all the Catholics, liberals, and socialists on Twitter crazy. There's a different freakout about her every day, which is strange because she seems very boring.

>> No.16990394

I will bite your knob off

>> No.16990421

>lifelong Catholic
She converted in grad school

>> No.16990856

>elliot page vs aoc "terminator" cortez

>> No.16990879

social democracy and democratic socialism are long standing traditions within liberalism. are Bertrand Russell and John Rawls not liberals all of a sudden? (or for that matter Sanders and Corbyn?)

>> No.16990956


Extremely anti-Christian, even for a Catholic, vulgar, moronic, and has the gall the purport Marx as the skeleton key to whatever she claims to want - spooning gruel into each other's grandma's anuses - when Marx is aggressively anti-human, the Subject is nowhere to be found in any of his writings.

>> No.16991044

Who wouldn't

>> No.16991055
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>> No.16991058

He has the highly articulate and intelligent genuine form of autism which can be very attractive whilst I have the stuttering wallflower form of meme autism which is not.

>> No.16991066

Most innocuous reply in the history of twitter, what's the beef?

>> No.16991074

Her teeth are a bit funky but so are mine so it would be churlish not to.

>> No.16991125


>> No.16991164

She's an actual high value woman.

>> No.16991239

Liz Bruurb Zil vs Ueniguenig

Who would win?

>> No.16991243

Wait, it would be Gineuuenig

>> No.16991254

he's just like me

>> No.16991257



>> No.16991304
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>> No.16991323

How the fuck does Bob get off trying to own two people who are demonstrably smarter than him?

>> No.16992114
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