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File: 195 KB, 719x886, 16074153254116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16984063 No.16984063 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16984096
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my biggest regret in life was not being taken advantage of

>> No.16984101

Transsexualism can be classified into either AGP or the homosexual transsexuals. Over 80% of transsexuals are AGP. This calls into question the legitimacy of GID as a diagnosis.

>> No.16984135
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>> No.16984149
File: 462 KB, 600x600, __makoto_street_fighter_and_1_more_drawn_by_shu_mai__196be2754781ad54b678d0706d0c24c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i had a tomboy girlfriend why is it so hard to get one.

>> No.16984159

I've never been able to understand the tomboy thing. Is it because you're intimidated by girly girls and just want to be with a guy friend who has an extra hole?

>> No.16984166

Not him, but how would girly girls be more intimidating than a tomboy?

>> No.16984167

Being a tranny because of having the AGP fetish doesn't invalidate you as a tranny. Many AGPs still like being dominated by males.

>> No.16984180

I imagine some people who are awkward in front of girls think tomboys are more down to earth and easier to vibe with for some reason.

>> No.16984186
File: 83 KB, 850x1037, __makoto_street_fighter_and_1_more_drawn_by_andrea_cofrancesco__sample-cb35e4e8aa248563f845413843ba8a9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomboys are a lot easier to talk to than girly girls and they share the same interest as you due to acting more boyish than feminine. also they tend to be more athletic, into video games, sports, and other cool stuff.
it's kind of like dating your best friend, and being able to put babies in them despite how boyish they might act.
>female sports wear is sexy
>short hair is sexy for some people
>spats/bike shorts
>tomboy sweat

most tomboys now are being told they are ftm or gay so they might go extinct in the future.

>> No.16984193

I presume because he doesn't know how to read their signals and is afraid of provoking wrath of the girly collective, making hundreds, if not thousands, of them mutate into one being that then destroys his city.

>> No.16984195

It invalidates GID as a single diagnosis

>> No.16984205

If you want to date your best friend so much you should skip the middle woman and just go for it if he's up for it.

>> No.16984210

What an ugly face on the left one, jesus.

>> No.16984217
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also here is a video explaining it better than i could and the psychology of the tomboy and those that want a tomboy girlfriend.

>> No.16984220

The whole aesthetic of girly girls though is designed to be non-intimidating. It's about softness, sweetness, vulnerability, cuteness and basically the opposite of anything intimidating. I'd say the down to earth vibe you're picking up on isn't that they're intimidated by girls, because tomboy hunters seem to desire to be intimidated by tomboys. I'd say a lot of what doesn't appeal about girly girls to tomboy hunters is their vulnerability. The down to earth vibe also usually gets phrased as things like "don't have to deal with crying/her breaking a nail being some kind of disaster for her/her not being able to choose a restaurant or pull out her own chair" so what makes girly girls unattractive to tomboy hunters seems to be precisely that girly girls are intimidated by puddles which might damage their shoes. They seem to want something that isn't intimidated by basic day to day tasks, rather than regard them as intimidating. At least, every tomboy thread I've seen seem to think tomboys are good because they're intimidating, so the idea girly girls are intimidating isn't coming up a lot that I've seen.

>> No.16984222


>> No.16984229

I on the other hand will never be able to understand posts like yours. The "ideal" appeal of tomboys is the openness, innocent character, youthful energy, uninhibited joy, honest in speech and life, a pure and free passion, so on and so forth. Whether any real women have these qualities, of course, is another question, but the fantasy of the tomboy is quite understandable, isn't it?

>> No.16984239

I should have been tewted for Autism and mental illness sooner. Why didn't you guys try to get me tested? If I had like pills and medicine and an environment suitable for me then I would not be where I am today.

In fairness though, I do very vaguely remember Leslie asking me if I had Autism when I was like 14 but I should have been involuntarily tested.

>> No.16984241
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Tomboys do nothing for me desu, but then I don't give a shit about vidya or sports. I'd like a girl to be feminine, sit with her legs together, not spit or swear, and cover her mouth when she's laughing. With long flowing hair, wearing skirts and dresses and perfume that smells of citrus and vanilla.

>> No.16984249

>because tomboy hunters seem to desire to be intimidated by tomboys
Is this some form of regression, sort of like wanting a mommy gf to breastfeed from?

>> No.16984250
File: 70 KB, 924x1200, 14c51f26bc70b7ad32c10d432109c6bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not going to lie that sound pretty all gay.
why would you want a woman to be like that?

>> No.16984251

Tomboys are becoming more common in Korea, you should get in there before Asian culture changes

>> No.16984255

>openness, innocent character, youthful energy, uninhibited joy, honest in speech and life, a pure and free passion, so on and so forth.
I don't see these as tomboy qualities.
>but the fantasy of the tomboy
sure, after all, tomboy posters usually post pictures of cartoons and not real women

>> No.16984264

I'd think wanting a girly girl would be closer to the mommy gf breastfeeding meme. The regression theory would put tomboy love at a mental age of 2-6y/o, but girly girls would be like regressing to 6 months old (when breastfeeding is still a thing).

>> No.16984302
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Wasn't trying to start a flame war. I just prefer when women don't dress/present/smell masculine.

>> No.16984321

>I don't see these as tomboy qualities.
Then you are not paying attention. Tomboys are inherently transgressive because they defy social convention, though not in a malicious way - this is where the themes of openness, authenticity and innocence and youthful energy come in. Living freely, true to themselves, in a manner that rejoiced in passion, movement and feeling is certainly an antithesis of the bourgeois idea of the demure bride.
>sure, after all, tomboy posters usually post pictures of cartoons and not real women
Fair enough desu, ironically hentai doujins probably portray a far more complex picture of tomboyish femininity than actual tomboys do. All the tomboys I've known have been pretty boring and some of them were thugs. Certainly not the profound and almost Dionysian image of innocence and energy that people seem to fall for.

>> No.16984328

Girly girls describes most young women in this case, so I don't find this convincing. Fantasizing about women who like all the same autistic shit you do sounds like something you should grow out of.

>> No.16984332

The more a woman imitates masculine behavior, the more likely it is she has self-awareness

>> No.16984333

I'll put this post among the other larpy nonsense I've seen today.

>> No.16984348

You sound like you have a stick up your ass, anon. Are you doing alright?

>> No.16984354

How many tomboys fall into the ''not like other girls'' category though? Just like with art hoes it's just some harmless autistic fantasy as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.16984363

The suppositories are working. I'm no longer shitting water, for now at least.

>> No.16984364

Depends on what you mean by tomboy. If you mean just playing video games, watching anime, being autistic and having zero social skills, then yeah a huge proportion of them are "not like other girls" losers starving for male attention and pitching themselves as something popular in order to cash in.

>> No.16984367

I'm doing fine, thank you. How are you?

>> No.16984372

I am bored and kind of sleepy, actually. I am also hungry but the food I'm trying to eat repulses me fsr so it's been a pretty shoddy day so far.

>> No.16984388
File: 122 KB, 768x756, 1563463983782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been eating an insane amount of carbs over the last 2 days, but today I'm only drinking. Yesterday I managed to nurse a headache from when I woke until I went to bed because I couldn't stop. Skipped another lecture today, but something tells me I'll be fine. Thinking about gook feet in my mouth.

>> No.16984421

Personally, I have been horny free for about a month now, with the exception of some 3-4 second periods every time I see anons like you post arousing shit on muh literature board (not a footfag, thankfully). I hope you start eating health and cut most of the drinking soon, anon. Take care of yourself. You should try to attend your lectures too. What are you studying?

>> No.16984475
File: 55 KB, 640x934, 1591481124298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh it’s not even a sexual thing, I’ve tried cooming to it but I can’t do it. Maybe if I tried conditioning myself but that doesn’t seem worthwhile. It’s just my latest obsession for the past month. There’s something intriguing about them, and not just the feet themselves, but photographs of women where their feet are accentuated or put in focus have a certain quality.
>Take care of yourself
I eat healthy for the mostpart, then I get these fits where I'm determined to reach the bottom before I can start climbing back up again.
>What are you studying?
Liberal arts with a major in classical languages (mainly greek/latin).

>> No.16984501

You're an idiot. I was raped by my babysitter at 6 and it's not at all something I look back on fondly at all. It scarred me for life. This is just like how retards who don't have sister fetishize fucking an imaginary sibling, except worse 'cuz you give chicks the inane ideas that sexually abusing a young boy won't harm him. You all honestly deserve a bullet to the back of the head.

>> No.16984505
File: 34 KB, 579x663, 1553921963463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have a best friend or any friends anymore. my closest friend back in the day who i don't talk to much anymore is a chinese tranny.

>> No.16984512

all pedos deserve a bullet, no matter how people sugarcoat these things

>> No.16984520

yes it's literally just depraved porn addicts with little sexual experience too. MUH FETISHES MUH PREFERENCES when they haven't even spoken to a woman.

>> No.16984525

I've been on this board for awhile but I've never actually looked at any of these threads. I've got to say, what the fuck? Do you guys talk about anything other than women in these threads?

>> No.16984537
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Okay but I was thinking more 12-13.

>> No.16984543

I don't know about others people but for me personally I know it's just an unrealistic fantasy and that if it actually happened it would scar me for life.

>> No.16984546
File: 33 KB, 1223x631, 2374EEF5-5E54-4EAD-8FF9-45D5C9EBCD3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16984547

>Tbh it’s not even a sexual thing, I’ve tried cooming to it but I can’t do it. Maybe if I tried conditioning myself but that doesn’t seem worthwhile. It’s just my latest obsession for the past month. There’s something intriguing about them, and not just the feet themselves, but photographs of women where their feet are accentuated or put in focus have a certain quality.
That sounds fucking weird desu, don't think I've ever had anything similar to that happen to me.
>Liberal arts with a major in classical languages (mainly greek/latin).
Are you only doing the languages or also their literary tradition and history? Would you say it's a classics degree?

>> No.16984550

What if they did speak to a woman?

>> No.16984566


>> No.16984586

Very interesting take

>> No.16984596

They said you have to make goals. I tried it and never was I satisfied with what I achieved. In fact I never really wanted anything to begin with and making goals by myself felt wrong. But then I finally knew what I want. All I want is sleep. And now they are not satisfied with it. As if I chose the wrong goal. You motherfuckers just wanted me to chose the goals that you want so I would work for for free. Sons of bitches next time say it to my face. You can't stand a human wanting nothing because he won't do as you wish. And then he wants something it must be the same as what you want. Free will is real they said. Right, the free will to choose what they deem is right. And then you have to say you chose that yourself even so they can feel satisfied as it wasn't due to them that you chose what they wanted, which is lastly nothing but slaving for them.

>> No.16984629

This one is an outlier, OP posted a fetish pic in his post so naturally the conversation will veer into horny shit.

>> No.16984647

I'd she's not outright cruel and extremely ugly, I can't think of something better happening to my 13 year old me. Now I'm 29 and my wizardhood is near.

>> No.16984678

I just came back from the shop with 400 sheets of lined A4 paper. All was going well until I started to write on it and I was horrified to find out the texture of the paper was glossier than normal and it was causing my pen to smudge. I don't normally touch my own writing even though I'm left handed so this shouldn't be something I should worry about, but it still makes me unhapppy becauuse it could happen. I may have to go out later and buy some more paper from a source I can trust.

I also took one of those harvard implicit bias tests and I found out I only have a moderate bias against transgender people. I thought it would be stronger than that.

If this SpaceX launch that's happening today aborts that will be three bad things to happen to me and my day will officially be ruined.

>> No.16984683

what has prevented you from just buying an escort?

>> No.16984698

>imagine paying money to a w*man
>imagine doing it for sex
Yikes. I'd rather die.
t. not that anon

>> No.16984722

>And now they are not satisfied with it. As if I chose the wrong goal.
I feel this. It’s all “do whatever you want” >okay I’ll do nothing
“No don’t do that!! Do this instead!”

>> No.16984744

They’re all trans now

>> No.16984747

It can't be that bad then.

>> No.16984761
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horse hair in full hd. even his nose grew a winter coat, how cool is that haha

>> No.16984767

what about ftm troons then

>> No.16984815

I actually did two years ago. I paid 500 buckos plus the hotel room. She was nice to me when she entered, I confessed I'm still a virgin and she played it down and was all caring. Well, that's what I paid for after all so there is nothing to it. I didn't manage to become a hard on in 3 hours, I didn't even ejaculate. I can't blame her she really tried her best to be trustful and sexually pleasing. Also I still remember her as hot, though she was a bit short and had tattoos and piercing which wasn't mentioned in the announce and that made me a little bit comfy. But she offered me to take the toumge piercing off which was nice. I think it was just an overload of stress for my body. Also paying for it took much of the romantic part away. Still, I remember it as one of the best nights of my life. She was a great person to talk to, I could vent about my life and she comforted me. Honestly, it was better than what a normal therapist could ever do for me. I mean some men have to live with never being loved and paying is an honorable alternative. I'll sure do it again one day but then I'll prepare with no fap and maybe viagra.

>> No.16984828


>> No.16984831

Idk, probably fake. Most might be closet bisexuals (which all women are).

>> No.16984864

>trannies having TWO kinks makes gender ideology real
Man. We really do need to hang you fuckers.

>> No.16984875

You must be in the closet. Trannies make you feel funny and you're scared that of what you might do if you don't hate them.

>> No.16984884

>I didn't manage to become a hard on in 3 hours, I didn't even ejaculate
Have you considered that you're gay?

>> No.16984889 [DELETED] 


>> No.16984908


>> No.16984938

No because I can fap to pics of women my whole life with ease, I have friends that I hang out with and never felt once any such interest. I'm just a porn addict at worst. That shit fucks your brain. Then I couldn't function when things got real.

>> No.16984990

>I mean some men have to live with never being loved and paying is an honorable alternative
She didn't love you you absolute moron, not even in a simulated way

>> No.16985021

nothing's gonna change the way you feel about me now

>> No.16985022
File: 1.90 MB, 1352x2058, civlization gifs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fukuyama was, in a way, right when he announced the end of history.
Except, he forgot a tiny but very important detail, he forgot to add a word.
It's not the end of history, but rather the end of whig history.
The meta-narrative on which the West has been operating since the end of WWII, the meta-narrative of Progress, of liberal democracy and capitalism.
Before 1991, in was direct competition with the meta-narrative of Communism, and the Soviet Union as its champion. After its dissolution, the myth of Progress was the sole meta-narrative that inherited the post-war world.
However, just like Fukuyama said, this is the end of history. That is, Progress, liberal democracy and neoliberal capitalism turned out to be a dead end.
Hence why the West is in decline. Not collapse, in decline. Just like it can take an elder years to finally kick the bucket, so too, it could take decades for the West to actually implode in on itself.
But a new meta-narrative is emerging. The meta-narrative of the Asian Century, or more accurately, the Chinese Century.
While the West was sitting on its laurels, congratulating itself on its victory, China was working and plotting. Severed from its ties with the USSR, China began building itself up by offering itself as the West's servant. The West, arrogant and thinking itself secure in its eternal dominance, kept handing over tasks and responsibilities to China.
Now we see that West is in decline, while China is rising.

I don't know how COVID fits into all of this.
Maybe it's an early sign that the West is going to adopt a new meta-narrative, althoutght seeing the repsonse of the elites, it's more likely that they will double-down instead. It's still too early to tell, since COVID isn't over yet.
Whatever happens in the near-future, one thing remains certain.
If the West does not discard the meta-narrative of Progress and replace it with a better, stronger one, it will lose. If it doesn't, I predict that it will share a similar, if not identical fate to Russia.

>> No.16985026

Learn reading comprehension you stupid nigger.

>> No.16985043
File: 74 KB, 1024x698, the ride never ends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Addendum: regardless of what awaits in the future, I think we, the common man living in 21rst century West, are in for "interesting times" as the Chinese put it.
Better buckle up, we're in for a ride.

>> No.16985059

It's common for men to freak out and not get hard the first time.

>> No.16985087

God, damn it, I miss college. I graduated in May, working my first job as a teacher's aide in a public school. The other aides are all 40 year old women resigned to their fate, I feel so over-qualified. I miss being challenged by ideas, I miss relating to my professors and friends, it's lonely here.

>> No.16985117

My experience was quite similar. First time, decided a girl next door type with short red hair who offered the GFE. I'd had some to drink beforehand and was shaking because I was so nervous, but she helped calm me down. Still couldn't get hard enough to actually fuck her properly, though part of that was the condoms were too small. Next time went better, though I couldn't get into it and gave up after a while, my mind was somewhere else. Third time was the charm and I could actually cum. Besides that she was great to talk to, I felt safe and able to open up to her. With a therapist you subconsciously say the things you think they need to hear in order to make a professional analysis, and with a close friend they'll still be in your life. After that seeing escorts has been like therapy to me.

>> No.16985141

ah so this is a wizard thing. now it makes sense.

has anybody written a male victim version of lolita? shotalita? maybe that can be the next /lit/ project

>> No.16985151

China isn't going to do shit. They're demographically fucked beyond repair. This is just the phase where they gather as much strength as they can before they get beaten down into the dirt

>> No.16985189

Literally "Tampa" by Nutting

>> No.16985198

Yeah their demographic projections arent too good but have you seen ours? At least they arent bent on replacing their nation with literal subhumans while natives go extinct

>> No.16985256

Okay Chang.

>> No.16985298

You spelled boyfriend wrong.

>> No.16985309

A tomboy boyfriend? That makes no sense, anon. Tomboys are women.

>> No.16985516
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I oscillate between fantasizing about having an ideal gf and barely being able to even conceptualize it. Someone actually liking me for me, and being able to thrive in a relationship like that seems so impossibly distant most of the time. Being 25 and a KHHV, watching a romantic movie is the same as watching sci-fi.

>> No.16985600

Just lift waits and wait another fifteen years until America breaks down into warlord states, then join a strong warlord and you'll have all the women you need, bro.

>> No.16985611

I don't live in America.

>> No.16985619

Okay then work out and wait 20 years if you live in the rest of the western world.

>> No.16985671

wish more women grew their hair out and looked after it well
incredible when its done right

>> No.16985748
File: 165 KB, 1125x1237, 20201209_185622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need me a bad bitch that drains my bank account, my balls and fucks my life up.

>> No.16985774

Update: I shat water one more time. Fuck. I'm almost there lads. The wd is almost done.

>> No.16985781

I can't even fantasize about women anymore. All the women I interact with are either post-menopausal old ladies or asexual lesbian cat people. Sometimes I see girls like the one in your pic on the street but I can't even find them attractive, they might as well be anime characters or porno actresses. It's all over for me, whatever social engineering they're doing has worked.

>> No.16985799

Stop being horny.
Stop being gay.

>> No.16985808

Every time I start to read a book I'm either falling asleep or start to have headache. It sucks.

>> No.16985834


Not having her on V was a mistake

>> No.16985836

I wish my best friend raped me

>> No.16985859

drain gang

>> No.16985862

She has a pretty hairy pussy.

>> No.16985973

I'm constantly hungry. An hour and a half ago, I ate a 4 egg, mushroom, and cheese omelette and a sizeable bowl of oatmeal with a cup of raspberries and blueberries each.

Still hungry.

>> No.16986256

I want a fucking hit.

>> No.16986258

sleep all you want anon

>> No.16986426

was she hot though?

>> No.16986432

The symbol of Christ forecloses the possibility of Christ

>> No.16986442


>> No.16986560

>Girly girls describes most young women in this case
m8 I think it only describes the young girls you're looking at. Young women today are not all girly girls, and most of them don't have their nails painted or regularly wear a skirt.

>> No.16986572

Retarded, but fascinating. Keep going.

>> No.16986590

Those tests are designed to make you biased against whatever they want. Not saying implicit bias doesn't exist, but those tests are bogus as shit.

>> No.16986630

I found this to be the case as well, first they test you for "normal" combinations, then switch it up when you get used to it. I think I took the sexism one and first they tested for combination where you press one button for female job and female name and another for male job and male name. Ofc they switch it up after 5 mins so when you don't react as quickly you are implicitly biased (even though it's obvious that I got used to the combination in the 5 minutes I was concentrating on taking the test).

>> No.16986751

if I dont quit my job I am afraid I will kill myself but the latter seems easier

>> No.16987084

Based horse anon, giving horse his blankie even when horse has grown a coat.

>> No.16987087

>Have god-tier dream last night
>Wake up
>Write down a quick description
Next great horror novel is cooking boys

>> No.16987148

testing, 1, 2

>> No.16987158


>> No.16987202

I've been having fucking crazy excellent dreams, too, anon. Ever since I quit ganja, at least.

>> No.16987249

Everything is so cold and distant. I need the warmth of someone else, to touch the skin, to get close and become one, to kiss the neck, to play with the hair and hear the confessions of love and confess mine. Man or woman, I don't bother, but I need to feel someone else, I'm so lonely.

>> No.16987263

I've literally no one to talk to. Hate this gay earth.

>> No.16987270

but you have us anon...

>> No.16987285

You sound like a queer. Get a grip, retard. Humans are boring, mean and even kind of nasty. Solitude is bliss.

>> No.16987286

>So there's this woman, right
>And she has a bf who's into the occult
>He finds this magic sand you can control with your mind
>Uses it to commit a crime
>While being question by police the woman uses it to hid evidence
>Later gives one vial of magic sand to each of her kids
>Decides to use the rest in an attempt to revive her dead brother (those body is in a icecube filled bathtub)
>It backfires, the body moves but someone else is inside
>Said dude chases her through the night
>End up on beach
>Flash forward to somewhat happy end; mom and kids with now magic-less sand together
It has a ton of plot holes but in all fairness it was a dream. Something cool to work with at least

>> No.16987322

I am a total fucking failure, even worse, I got memed into reading siege, it's actually making a lot of sense

>> No.16987391

An Escort could never replace a close friend imho. It's interesting that you had a similar experience as me. All things considered we should be careful to not mistake an Escort for someone that is not paid to say nice things to you, and more importantly do erotic things to you, that you want to hear and want to feel. The only reason I didn't repeat calling an escort is because I know no matter how real it feels I still pay her the bucks and she has all the benefits. Then again, dating an actual woman and having a serious relationship draws a lot more money and dedication from you. But don't start with the implications of that, people will say that an actual 'mutual' relationship is different. Then why all the divorces and conflicts and slow deaths of people? Ah whatever, I know that there's more to it than get being a regular sex partner, family for example is something bigger. Also we all know that many families are broken to the core.
Love is a finite concept as far as I'm concerned. Let me be clear if I had the opportunity I'd go for a wive and family. But it was never meant to be I'm too fucking mentally and psychologically broken. Thus paying for the care and attention of a women is fine for me. I'm still a man after all. And they better do as I please when I pay 'em.

Also it was funny the first time with escort. She offered me to fuck her without a condom and she said that would be the first time. We actually tried it. And we're talking of a professional high paying service so I was really impressed.

>> No.16987400

If it makes you feel better, I was dumb enough to look it up on Amazon. In my defence, the meme was catchy.

>> No.16987443

That is pretty cool, gay ending though

>> No.16987450

Well, it's a dream not an actual text; I'd change the ending to make sense.

>> No.16987451

I had this thought today... What if women were actually better? I was watching these 3 women in a waiting room today and they were all comfortable, well-dressed and trendy, did not look stressed, they hit the gym, they were at ease with the technology they were using, one was reading "Twilight" in her late 20s and she was looking exactly the right amount of interested. Women seem to be content with entertainment like this,simple escapism/stimuli without falling prey to it, addicted like the average weeaboo. They probably all had active lives of casual sex and did not have any particular thoughts about it. They were modern people at ease and I realized I rarely see a man looking like this, so well-inserted in the current paradigm. Usually men who are fitting in look neurotic or bizarre, or they look sort of lame, like they're attempting at looking like the male counterpart of these women but failing because they're men. This probably explains the transexuals.
I was thinking about statistics: women have an easier time getting addicted, yet there are twice as many male addicts than women. All despite women being more traditionally prone to consulting a professional about a problem. Women are incredibly militant about feminism and rights etc. yet you rarely see women flip out and shoot up a place. In any case, the insane woman's insanity seems to differ from the insane male's insanity, which is a tortured one, full of conflict, explosive. Insane women simply hate men a lot so they stab their husband and take a selfie next to him bleeding out.
I thought about one anon's comment on how our species' model is actually gynocentric, women are at the center of humanity's universe. What if by the simple limitations of nature where human beings had to protect their women (not in a Christian, ethical sense but in a species sense, in a dominant sense) men were actually stifling women's potential? What if now that we live in a moment where the qualities of testosterone have become irrelevant, women can now be their own men, and somehow better at it?
It's a bit of a scary thought. Thinking about myself, I don't have the mental fortitude to read Twilight as part of my gym/read/study/fuck schedule, I would never be able to live like this. I don't know if other men could live like this and truly be happy. I don't know every man but usually man want a center woman rather than just quantity. They have feelings, or try to. Men need too much shit, goals too high, they tend to exaggerate in some way or another, they want to exert dominance over others, they want to be "alphas", they kill themselves instead of just threatening others to kill themselves for attention.
It's weird. Maybe women really are the stronger gender.

>> No.16987466

>I don't have the mental fortitude to read Twilight
lmao, you're acting like it's torture

>> No.16987501

You're the pope of cope

>> No.16987516

>Insane women simply hate men a lot so they stab their husband and take a selfie next to him bleeding out
I take it you haven't had many legitimately crazy bitches in your life

>> No.16987531

Ovarit is my new favorite post-reddit community to browse.

>> No.16987547

End yourself. You are human scum. Post reddit? Reddit never has been a thing. Don't visit here again. You are a gub in the machine.

>> No.16987559

Dude, 4chan isn't even considered a toxic community these days, if you want to be edgy you need to step it up, son.

>> No.16987560

Schadenfreude from watching seething radfems?

>> No.16987590 [DELETED] 

The best ones are where they try to stay woke but also seethe about trans. Like "I've always been on the right side of the woke movement, but last weekend after yoga, Karen blocked me on Facebook!" etc.

>> No.16987602

Indeed, though maybe, if I keep reading I may get some type of energy to self improve, even if I to work towards some outdated far-out goal of overthrowing the government.

>> No.16987604

im not an anti tranny bigot, at least i dont think

but with AGP they want to play their real lives as larps for the sexual excitmenet of it. well life itself isn't supposed to be a sexual excitement. so what are you doing here? there is no way this won't lead to problems with sex and sexual identity down the road, when the thrill wears off. and there's no way this putting oneself (or one's transexual character) at the center of their own sexual desire is not going to be healthy for creating relationships. a relationship will require removing themselves (or their character) from the center of their sexual desire and now getting rid of the whole reason they transitioned.

i can't help but feel, with sympathy, that these are men cut off from real relationships with women, probably obsessed with the feminine, and drawn to the idea of becoming the feminine ( though really a crude parody ) rather than overcoming their issues to connect with the other gender and experience the feminine in a healthy way.

>> No.16987605
File: 743 KB, 745x671, 1582070664078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one seems nice. Literally just
>Muh Milkers

Fucking femcels.

>> No.16987622

Improve yourself anon. I believe in you.

>> No.16987630

See man, how can you read that and not chuckle?

>> No.16987642

No you. Literally.
Take your meds schizo

>> No.16987673

>I take it you haven't had many legitimately crazy bitches in your life
Every single one, but they were harmless despite being completely devoted to their (mostly irrational) line of reasoning. Nobody is more single-minded than women. You'd have to break a man to get him to be like that, but women tend to adopt this mentality naturally and it's perfect for the world we live in.
There's a bit of a chicken and the egg problem: is modern society made to fit women or is it the other way around?
It's uncanny how high maintenance men are, in society, psychologically, etc. I'm really starting to think that men may be simply too fragile, like some kind of large animal who goes extinct once his carefully balanced environment shifts a little bit. Women simply seem to trudge on without much consequence to their stability. I know the statistics about female depression, that it's more common, but look at the suicides. Women simply attempt suicide (look I am depressed) with methods that are generally the most likely to fail. Men tend to choose lethal methods. I cannot find statistics divided by gender, but I am sure the success rate for SSRIs and CBT is a lot higher for women than it is for men. Are men just unfit to live a modern life?

>> No.16987677

Because people into tomboy aren't gay. If they were, they wouldn't have anything to bitch about

>> No.16987680

>Humans are boring, mean and even kind of nasty. Solitude is bliss.
Most of the time, yes, but it is still so good to get close and intimate with them.

>> No.16987687

Sure, but you don't "need" them, unless you have brainwashed yourself into it or you are a child.

>> No.16987702

It's facile to ask which sex is just better. There is drastic individual variation and you need something to measure.
IMO women were at a historical disadvantage for no other reason than that they are the physically weaker sex on average. For much of early history physicality was the deciding trait and men do war far better and with a certain intrinsic talent for it.
But there's a limit to which anything can be accomplished by clubbing your rival over the head and taking his stuff. In the long term, that is unsustainable, and the logic of war to advance weapons technology to such an extent that it kills everyone involved instantaneously (nukes).

Women generally view other members of their sex with more solidarity and with a certain gendered class consciousness that men do not. This conciliatory strategy is more stable in the long term. In modern civilization, corporate culture favors traits of agreeableness which women have less of a complex about: they have less pride about being told what to do.

Women have no shame about the comforts, pleasures, and aesthetics of life, making space for the little things, going out of the way to make an experience that much more enjoyable or accentuated. Men tend to be more spartan and simplistic in their choices, caring more for functionality than decoration. But the nice things in life are what make experiences more enjoyable and create spaces people want to be in.

Generally however what you see is high functioning, well put together women who are competent and maintained in their area of competence, but tend to lack the fiery passion and radical genius of intellectually rebellious and independent men.

>> No.16987709

At a certain point you have to take the leap and accept the consequences of your actions. There are certain decisions I have put off making due to the fear that I will someday change my mind. But the truth is, if you spend 3 years mulling over a decision then you're inevitably going to run out of time FOR regrets - if that makes sense. In which case, you might not have even bothered with the thought in the first place. I guess my point isn't to pursue every whim and fancy without thought, but that if something has been on your mind long enough it probably is something worth pursuing. Anyway, that's what I've been thinking about.

>> No.16987729

>but tend to lack the fiery passion and radical genius of intellectually rebellious and independent men.
Yes, that's a consequence of men's high maintenance. It's part of testosterone, other than the physicality. It worked great for a long time. But does humanity feel like it still needs that? It looks like there's no more need for "fiery passion" and "radical genius", actually that would probably be disruptive or unwelcome.

>> No.16987746
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I have AGP but am not trans. If someone experiences dysphoria over their APG, then it's legitimately GID and ought to be treated.

>> No.16987786
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Currently considering taking Propecia or not.
After reading studies, I'm convinced the numbers are'n't relevant (to my decision), the chance of getting side effects would mean the same to me, as long as they are above 0% and below 50%.
What really matters is my relationship with dating and women:
Do I believe looks are the main driving force behind a relationship?
Do I believe my hair is essential to be desirable?
Could I even have a wholesome relationship after becoming this cynical?
Incel theory really screwed me over.

>> No.16987790

>that would probably be disruptive or unwelcome

It's always been considered disruptive and unwelcome, which is largely what defines it as genius. Great men are often not recognised for their greatness during their time.

>> No.16987796

it's better not being diagnosed. you will be treated like a retard for the rest of your life. it's better to just be the weird kid

>> No.16987843

china will bring worldwide socialism and lead humanity into a bright future you nonce

>> No.16987884
File: 188 KB, 540x603, 1607381257799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow anon, you're so kakkoi, having never used reddit

>> No.16987895

oh, god. why do we allow people like that to have rights again?

>> No.16988047

>look at the profile of a recruiter that's working at a company I'm applying to
>read her introduction

I would've thrown her application into the trash if she came at me with such a sentence. I get rejected by THOSE poeple only because I lack the working experience that I can't gain because I live in a backwards country.

I'm gonna go work construction and develop a tennis elbw 5 years down the line. Wish me luck.

>> No.16988140

Never understood it either, anon (I was 4). I could tell in my experiences that the girl only did so with the intention of sexual cruelty, and in turn reveled in that power. Even now, I still at times assume a random woman's intentions with me is sadistic/torturous in nature. A type of fear you can't convey in words.

>> No.16988161

They are so well adjusted because we live in a gynocracy. Our entire society is set up to make women as comfortable as possible. Yet they still bitch and moan. Feminism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.16988177

If you really want to you can go work on an oil rig, or a lumber mill, or as a merchant marine. I'm not attempting to call you a hypocrite or anything by the way, these are genuine suggestions.

>> No.16988188

I liked Beanie Babies.

>> No.16988203

Those jobs have mostly disappeared where I live. And besides, it's not just jobs.
Advertisement and entertainment has been almost singlehandedly oriented towards women in the last couple of decades. There are so many "female-only" spaces set up so women can be women. Meanwhiles you get sued for proposing men-only spaces.
So many things are set up so women don't have to lift a finger or even suffer the mildest of inconveniences. This has made them incredibly spoiled. White women in the West are the second most privileged group in the entire world.

>> No.16988276

ask her if she chose to make her introduction shit on purpose so people arent intimidated

>> No.16988300

>Our entire society is set up to make women as comfortable as possible

>> No.16988315

Not that anon, but please read "The Manipulated Man" by Esther Villar. I thought it was a meme Manosphere book and read it just for the keks of it, then I was stunned by the absolutely inconceivable takes this woman was dropping. Her prose is also very 4chanesque too. It's a crazy read.

>> No.16988467
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>> No.16988475

Everyone thinks everyone else has it easier than them. Most women probably think they have it harder then men, etc. Just focus on yourself.

>> No.16988489
File: 744 KB, 874x1400, RFDTGDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little brother is 18, had better grades in highschool and attends a logistics course in college now. Meanwhile I am 21, my grades in highschool were middling and next semester is going to be my first, my major is eng lit.

I have the feeling that I took a wrong turn somewhere.

>> No.16988510

You'll be fine :)
Make sur eyou look for job ASAP though. Get an internship if you can.

>> No.16988551

A thousand men can make a camp. But it takes a woman to make a home.

>> No.16988705
File: 70 KB, 1023x549, IMG_20200417_025208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really fault women for having an Onlyfans, getting big bucks for having sex/nudes sounds nice. I do however not know how they survive after their looks fade? Do they just learn a trade or get a degree on the side like with most camgirls? Do they bag and lock a simp of theirs down?

>> No.16988782

What's some good /ss/ lit?

>> No.16988842

I didn't mean that they'd be a replacement. But if I don't contact her again she's definitively out of my life, so I think you can be more open about certain things with a stranger like that.

>> No.16988892

I just might. It seems the 21st century belongs to women but I've learned to accept that. I've also reconciled with the fact that I'm probably never going to be in a romantic relationship. There's no longer anything worth protecting anyway so immah do me, you feel?

>> No.16989038

Virgin: Cite the bible by chapter and verse
Chad: Give the verbatim text and let people google the source

>> No.16989294

> Are men just unfit to live a modern life
I think it's more like we (as a whole) are unfit for modern life. Life here pointing less to the structures/tech that make first-world comforts possible, and more to do with the match stick ideologies/mindsets/perspectives (I'm not sure what you'd call them) said structures are propped upon. The mass secularization and the rise of science as a pseudo-religion/dogma, especially among the younger, doesn't help, which I guess would be included with the aforementioned ideologies.

>> No.16989342

Doesn't count. That's c/lit/, not /lit/.

>> No.16989364
File: 34 KB, 101x149, img192~5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanny, imagine waking up next to this.

>> No.16989477

I'm heavily depressed with no friends and close to pulling the plug on life but my own OC story is the only solace I have and I want to maybe make my dumb story be published one day before I kill myself and maybe if it somehow reaches enough people I may have found a purpose even though my ideas are likely neither original or good but if literal trash can go published I don't see why I can't do it. I don't exactly want to be like shitty authors but if I don't do something about what I can offer to the world I'll just feel more useless and it's not like any autor or media work wasn't somebody's own conocted cringe story

>> No.16989524

No matter what schtick I always try I always manage to slip back into this state of despair and suffocating self hatred. What's most urgent in my life right now I suppose would be finishing uni but after changing majors, changing departments, retaking courses multiple times, I still can't seem to pass and get anywhere. I'm a 4th year now and am terrified that I won't be able to finish even by my 6th. Maybe my uni is just too hard for me but I don't know what to do. I'm in a foreign country. I don't know what I'm doing with my life and don't know what I'm going to do.

I wish someone would help

>> No.16989612
File: 38 KB, 427x584, 686540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if all men lost their sex drive but could still produce children. Women would be stripped from all their powers

>> No.16989762

masturbation trains you to only get hard from it and not real sex. the actuator (hand) and stimulus (porn) are different to the real experience.

>> No.16989786

>The meta-narrative of the Asian Century, or more accurately, the Chinese Century.
this is just progress and liberalism but makeshift and soulless. same rhetoric but in an earlier stage (nationalism).

>> No.16989912

>I've never been able to understand the tomboy thing
Passive aggressive grilly grill who ain't scoring so well detected

>> No.16989952 [DELETED] 

there is hope though, I did this to myself but was able to successfully reverse it by cutting porn and having regular raw sex with a woman. I used to never cum from sex but I abstained for like 3 weeks and then went into a chick raw. I came in about 3 pumps but luckily she found it funny. From that point on I had destroyed the complex preventing me from having proper sex and now I can fuck 3 times a day condom or no condom and cum every time.

>> No.16990038

Its feels as though the discourse surrounding the 'feminization' (and its assocation) of culture is mostly about domestication. I would suspect that much of what 'masculinity' is is a sort of buffer between the self-domestication process and woman. Since men often dealt with dangerous and intensely unforgiving work they developed a psychological disposition that is more 'untame'.This comes with a tendency for both reactive and proactive violence. There must have been (and still is) something very valuable about un-tameness with regard to its ability to facilitate advantages in highly variable tasks such as hunting or communications with strangers or building things. You can see how from here gow a man becomes more adept at generalizing to stave off and control the variability that is a inherit to his work.

>> No.16990047

They follow the age old tradition of doing drugs and dying before 30

>> No.16990084

"By 1980 the automobile will be as obsolete to reach wilderness with as the automobile will have made the wilderness it seeks. But perhaps they—you—will find wilderness on the backside of Mars or the moon, with maybe even bear and deer to run it."

"Grandfather had been vouchsafed somewhere in the beginning a sort of—to him—nightmare vision of our nation's vast and boundless future in which the basic unit of its economy and prosperity would be a small mass-produced cubicle containing four wheels and an engine."

Faulkner doing anti-carposting and channeling Wrath of Gnon in like 1960

>> No.16990105

it's no use trying to peek into the future

>> No.16990198

>the /pol/ thread with the highest reply count right now is about infinite jest


>> No.16990269

V was a mistake dip ass

>> No.16990275

Why the fuck would you want to date a woman who plays video games or is into sports? Absolutely haram. I want a girl who paints, gardens, and cooks.

>> No.16990294

>critique threads are dead but this un/lit/ template lives on
i'm so angered

>> No.16990321

Are women capable of self awareness.?

>> No.16990339

I do think we live in a gynocentric reality, biologically speaking. We have not been able to technologically replace wombs. But we have been able to replace penises (with sperm banks and turkey basters). If any sex will be made obsolete, it's the male's sex.

>> No.16990345

I think you're on the money here.
>Our entire society is set up to make women as comfortable as possible. Yet they still bitch and moan.
Well that's the way they get more power. Every social group does this. Men could attempt suicide to highlight there's a problem, instead they directly kill themselves, it's inefficient.

>> No.16990369

It's not just sex, it seems like women without men in general are much better off right now than men without women, either emotionally or in terms of lifestyle. Even hikki fujoshis are much more mentally stable than a male NEET in a basement.

>> No.16990370

Yep, that's how it is. You've lost an entire social structure. In essence, you've lost a home. The first year or two is gonna suck man-ass. Try to get into grad school or some other project that will give your life temporary meaning while you work out how to be an adult. Some of my friends did peace corps / fulbright.

>> No.16990400

Ah, fuck this. I've been writing something and ended up refreshing the page while writing the last sentence.

>> No.16990512

>my major is eng lit.

You already took a wrong turn anon.

>> No.16990560

I imagine that, much like prostitutes, dumber ones are probably hoping they will catch interest of some rich guy that will then marry them, only for them to end up either dead from drug addiction or scrubbing toilets somewhere. Smart ones put money on the side and plan other kind of career when this one just doesn't cut it.

>> No.16990742

>I can't really fault women for having an Onlyfans, getting big bucks for having sex/nudes sounds nice.
trannoid mentality
no man of healthy instinct thinks this is ok

>> No.16990760

I imagine living as a woman is like living with the flu. No passion, no obsessive drive. Just...peace. Like when you’re sick and too tired to do anything. People simply attend to you, and it’s understood that feats of physical strength or mental prowess are temporarily unnecessary. If you take living without responsibility to be strength, then I guess that’s strength.

>> No.16990768

Well put.

>> No.16990800

You greatly underestimate how condescending society and other women in particular can be. From not fitting into beauty standards, to still being single past certain age, the obligation to have children, the house and the family being absolutely perfect... women obsess over a lot of things, they actually do more obsessing over things than men. The trick is not to show weakness in public.

>> No.16990928

I looked at this and initially couldn't determine if it was a real woman or not.

>> No.16990941

>only for them to end up either dead from drug addiction or scrubbing toilets somewhere.
that's literally everyone so it's hard to see it as a negative, on the other hand they can
>put money on the side and plan other kind of career
which is guaranteed to work out because they're basically celebrities
all it takes is some kind of redemption arc where you drop the pornstar shit and become a porn artist or write porn books while showing less and less of your own face.

>> No.16990943

I cannot get more than 5 hours of sleep

>> No.16990950

*redemption arc where you become a self-help speaker or some kind of activist or become a porn artist etc.

>> No.16991234

>mom gives me €250+ for my birthday
>can't fucking find it
I'm a moron. Goddammit.

>> No.16991458

>eng lit
I hope it's at the very least something you enjoy

>> No.16991911 [DELETED] 

Every time I think about the fact that someone spray painted "cops are peepee poopoo" on the barricade in front of the Red House Autonomous Zone I start laughing. I can't even drink coffee right now.

>> No.16992341
File: 38 KB, 793x720, 119599655_170930047899871_210493963836171351_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find a job. Not even McDonalds will hire me. I spent 3 years studying accounting for nothing.

I feel like I'm gonna end up doing something extreme to find meaning. Either kill myself, move to another country with no money or something else.

I have also realised I genuinely cannot connect with other human beings. I try and and I try and cant understand it. I just spent a whole week without talking to another human being and didn't even notice until it was pointed out. I had zero issue with no contact.

>> No.16992784

These are containment threads

>> No.16992832

I only have 150 pages left in a 2500 pages book, I would like to finish it today but I cannot stop playing slither .io like a fucking juvenile zoomer

>> No.16992995

It makes me sad to read the response to Lizzo's Boys. Men are almost never told we're beautiful and it hurts.

>> No.16993166


>> No.16993185

We all know that feel

>> No.16993211

read it as your raped your babysitter at 6 lol.

So terrible you were raped. Can you please go into graphic detail of how she did it please, in your best prose.

>> No.16993244

Are you in the US? I recommend looking into seasonal work at a national park. Not as a ranger, but working for the hotels. They will hire anyone, I did it for a few years and a good portion of my coworkers were crazy, criminals, or both. If you're anti-social, housekeeping is good. The work isn't hard and if you're even slightly competent you can quickly move into a nightshift janitor position, which is absolutely /lit/. I spent most of time reading in a supply closet. Unfortunately the virus fucked everything up, the next positions they're hiring for are summer 2021. But if you still need work by then, I can't recommend it highly enough

>> No.16993259


>> No.16993264

You heard me

>> No.16993304


>> No.16993586

man just what i wanted to write...

>> No.16993664
File: 44 KB, 112x112, 1607562809189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cyberpunk 2077 fucking sucks
>its another mass effect: andromeda
>/v/ filled with unironic "wow 4chan users hate everything and hate themselves, lol so sad people cant enjoy this great game" concern trolls
>only increases /v/'s hatred for it

i love you guys

>> No.16993698

I thought this is where people talk about their diary desu

>> No.16993724


>> No.16993811

/vg/ is better anyways

>> No.16993848
File: 43 KB, 400x600, 1447914285327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My psychologist isn't picking up the phone.

>> No.16994680

You were lucky. I wish it had happened to me

>> No.16994799

>my health service deemed me not vulnerable or at risk so discontinued therapy

>> No.16994913

The radio that gets played at my work is so bad I'm scared it'll make go mental in like the next week or so. Just the same six or seven shite fucking songs getting played repeatedly all day, every day. Really can't be dealing with it.

>> No.16994932

At least it's not Christmas music.

>> No.16994968

Oh but it is. I just now see it as one song because the ones that get played all sound the same and are equally shite. They played Fairytale of New York once, but it was a censored version, so I was fuming anyways.

>> No.16994983

I can't even keep internet friends

>> No.16995084

what happened?

>> No.16995094

I told them I'm trans

>> No.16995121

they are not friends you should keep

>> No.16995161

rope is everyone's friend

>> No.16995260

My trans friends say I'm too racist to be their friends

>> No.16995326

But trannies can be racist too. Many of them are and they say they'll only date white.

>> No.16995384

I know, cuz I'm a racist tranny too

>> No.16995417

The same thing happens to me, but with songs in my mind. My earworms are recurring, nearly constant and so fucking irritating. This shit is wearing me down; I don't know what to do.

>> No.16995433

I hadn't been around her clinic in a while, but I had a lapse into very serious anxiety and I wanted to make an appointment. She's not responding and I'm afraid that she's left me too.

>> No.16995456


>> No.16995525

tell them to hurry up and do the 50% and yes btw it's up to 50 as of now

>> No.16995581
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>> No.16995716

0.8% would remain 80x the global average rate

>> No.16995918

You've got to be a femboy, can't attract a masculine girl with more masculinity

>> No.16995978
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> "Welcome to the itsafetish circle! We document examples of fetishism (primarily autogynephilia) within the trans community and discuss implications from a feminist perspective! We use Blanchard's typology of transsexualism as our pathological framework."

I want out of society.

>> No.16996061

If you're looking to live the middle-middle-class life as a high school teacher then it wasn't a bad idea at all. Could also become an ESLfag like me.

>> No.16996223
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Love being alive to the point that my attachment brings me suffering.

>> No.16996310
File: 507 KB, 1028x1150, 1589571057724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turns out my favorite Tiktok thot has a black BF
I don't know how to feel about that...

>> No.16996332

Because you prefer to sit on your arsehole and shitpost on bhutanese rice cooking forum rather than do something about it and put "I" into "We"

>> No.16996342

i'm unexplainably lost in my life and i am very afraid that i will kill myself, but i don't want to, i love life. i feel like the way dostoevsky described being led to execution in The Idiot

>> No.16996365


booze up. no empathy, no problem.

>> No.16996371

>he thinks tomboys and femboys go together
lol no. if your theory worked then dykes would really love hanging out with faggots and neither of them even like each other.

>> No.16996427
File: 1.70 MB, 851x479, 1385605369503.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>cyberpunk 2077 fucking sucks

shocking. It's almost like (((they))) keep failing to commercialize a subculture that consists entirely of criticizing the practice of commercializing subcultures.

Who could have ever seen the flop coming?

>> No.16996619

I have no motivation and I live in fear of the world and people around me. I don't know how to fix this and my time is running out

>> No.16996703

It's not even about that, it's because it could never live up to the expectations that the massive hype train was building, even if it was GOTY level good. And the dumb gamers keep falling over and over for it.

>> No.16996724

I'm too old for the internet.
I guess most of the strangers I read and talk to are teenagers. That's why I find them insufferable, I assume they're people my age. If I find out I'm talking to a teenager I want to give them advice at best before dropping the conversation, can't have contempt for them, maybe pity for the state their generation is in.
I think it's time to really drop out. I think the internet has made me forget who I am, and where I should be at this point in time. This just isn't a place for me anymore.

>> No.16996832

Moshi moshi pls gibs me monies Bezos-sama desu ^ω^)

>> No.16996837

I smoked weed for the first time in months yesterday and did like 4 hours straight of buttery smooth prose working through the most complex psychological issues.

Feeling very tempted to fall back on the stuff as a crutch. I know well the effects will wear off pretty quickly if I get back into smoking.

>> No.16996872

thinkin about the personification of chastity an such
pretty bizarre

>> No.16997162

>4 hours straight of buttery smooth prose working through the most complex psychological issues.

you felt like you were doing good work because the primary effect of time dilation is to destroy context

>> No.16997206

When weed goes legal in my state in January, I look forward to blazing it up for the first time in a long time, but after I did a ton of LSD, weed now just makes super paranoid and depressed, so I probably won't really enjoy it.

>> No.16997217

Yeah, all the doomers are probably just depressed teens, and depressed teens never want to take advice, so it's pointless. The young people who are willing to take advice already took their parents advice a long time ago and don't need it from an internet rando, and kids who refused their parents guidance are too stubborn and dumb to take advice from anyone anyways.

>> No.16997244

Yawn, boring. Guy needs to step up his presentation, he's on yT not doing a highschool presentation.
Tomboy lust boils down to 3 things:
1) R style sexual strategists looking for easy, abnormal, high libido targets to pump and dump
2) suppressed homosexuality
Both things being common among liberal, low class and low sophistication men.

>> No.16997256

I forgot to shave before work today which normally wouldn't be an issue, but since I have to wear a mask all day, the stubble made all these fibers fall off my mask and into my lungs, so now I have a shitty dry cough.

>> No.16997270

Thinking about getting into ritual scarification

>> No.16997274
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>mask fibres gave me a cough

>> No.16997284

>i'll tell this guy his lived experience didn't happen, that will convince him


>> No.16997287
File: 292 KB, 828x1017, Head VI, Francis Bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16997294

>failing student turns to communism as a cope

many such cases, so many

>> No.16997303

All I see is a vector of disease coping with his immanent death. You have 24 hours to live, probably less.

>> No.16997306

Save it for someone who watches CNN. I'm not in a risk group.

>> No.16997326

Sleep tight, kiddo. Don't let the coof get you.

>> No.16997390
File: 6 KB, 201x251, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Romantic) poverty is the worst form of violence

>> No.16997461

I'm really "right-wing", but I'm really coming around on marxism. I think there are a lot of interesting connections between it and reactionism that aren't commonly noticed

>> No.16997471

Of course. Marxism is a reactionary movement that wants to bring back a kind of industrial serfdom. Anarchism is also reactionary in that it tries to roll back the rise of nation states in the 19th century.

>> No.16997473

This. It legitimizes the status quo by casting the poor as being content with their lot in life.

>> No.16997498

It's dishonest because it makes it sound like poor people are poor because someone is exploiting them. If you took all the wealth of the richest people in Bangladesh and distributed it evenly across the population, how much do you think the standard of living would go up? The natural state of humans is poverty.

>> No.16997626
File: 103 KB, 559x778, smoky room where world leaders make all the decisison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky that there's a massive tradition of Right Wing Marxism for you to investigate then.

>> No.16997641

I spend all this time hoping my desire to write my story will come back but I'm starting to think it never will. I'm still attached to it, just profoundly disinterested

>> No.16997648

>The natural state of humans is poverty.

Measured against..... ?

>> No.16997655

I spend all this time hoping my desire to write my story will come back but I'm starting to think it never will. I'm still attached to it, just profoundly disinterested

>> No.16997870 [DELETED] 

Wow, Australia just had to cancel their vaccine because the HIV protein they used in it was causing false positives in HIV tests. Yeah, I won't be taking that.

>> No.16997881

Finding a company potluck is the easy part, most offices post some kind of event around Christmas for people to bring food in. The next part is identifying your guy, you see you need someone who is shy, someone who didn't get picked in in high school because even the bullies looking for bottom feeders passed them over. The way I do it is I just hang out in the break room drinking coffee all day and eating some asshole's lunch, eventually my guy will come in and try to get some decaf like a bitch and avoid eye contact. I usually get his name by pretending to be management and asking him to clean the executive shitter, usually there isn't one but something gets cleaned I'm sure LMAO. Anyways then I make my famous chili, it's usually just potting soil, canned beans, and corn, but I put this fucker's name on it. Next day I get to the office at like 4AM and wait for him to jump and scare him and take a pic on my phone, great for getting an "angry" look for the linked profiles I'm making. So after everyone's sampled the chili I like to post some posters around with my boy's face on them telling people I hoped they enjoyed eating my shit because that's what was in the chili losers! Most of my boys get fired but one got promoted, either way I like to think I've been a positive influence in their lives since I got them out of those jobs that didn't appreciate them. I hear one of my guys is running a Dairy Queen now, I hope when we all die they'll get to meet me and Saint Michael will explain my role in their destiny.

>> No.16997933

Can you just fucking die already? I think you and the fat one are just about the most annoying shitheads in the whole world. Keel over all ficking ready.

>> No.16997999

Yeh I get songs stuck in my head pretty badly sometimes too, but then I don't think it's as bad because it's usually a song that I do like, and it's not me being forced to listen the same few atrocious singles again and again and again.

>> No.16998006

I went to the bookshop to buy Christmas gifts and ended up only buying books for myself

>> No.16998202

Can't explain it. My cock just knows. When a traditionally attractive girl chooses to look like a pre-pubecent boy. Holy fuck. That's it right there. My horse smells water.

>> No.16998205

LOUD NOISE is this generations equivalent of laugh tracks.

>> No.16998294

Just beat off into a sock. Now my whole room smells like cum.
The other day I did some minor detective work to figure out the URL for my crush's Instagram, but there was nothing worth jacking off to. t the very least, she seems single, so if I run into her any time soon I might be able to actually nut up and ask her out this time.
I keep re-reading books instead of checking out new shit because I've started writing very long reviews on Goodreads a couple years go, and I've recently burned out hard and writing feels like work now.

>> No.16998311

My bloody pacemakers giving me chest inflammation, hopefully it'll be gone in a week with these meds.

>> No.16998760


>> No.16998775

I’m so fucking tired of the internet. Demoralization everywhere I go. If it’s not demoralization, it’s celebration of mindless hedonism as a coping mechanism for completely mediocre lives.

>> No.16998868
File: 739 KB, 498x534, Santa deniers when you ask where the presents come from.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see some anime or video game "power" or idea that is poorly explained, utilized, or forgotten I immediately feel an urge to "reform" the concept in my mind and create a superior, better form of the idea. I then consider writing fanfiction of that series using this new, superior idea to blow everyone's socks off, but quickly lose interest as writing fanfiction or drawing a webcomic would take actual work or skill, which I lack to a high degree.

I still consider myself incredibly creative despite this, which I consider a bald-faced cope.

>> No.16998871

Have you got any examples?

>> No.16998883

Do you (really) want to hear my autism? This post I am currently typing is validation seeking behavior, as I am unsure if responding with the actual "example" would be interesting (or too cringe) to get a response, especially since the source material is both obscure and slightly embarrassing.

>> No.16998890

Of course I do, my own autism feeds upon the autism of others

>> No.16998899
File: 123 KB, 900x1200, 1596956366575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fat girls a whole lot.

And frankly I don't understand why this is the fetish that gets put under the microscope on 4chan and elsewhere. I mean, I don't care. But I suppose I do, as well.

So much fetish shit gets a pass on the internet. Futa, feet, piss, even furries don't get asked to justify themselves. But so often when you admit you are attracted to fat girls you get asked to justify it. You get called somebody who is coping. Somebody who is fat themselves. Somebody who is ugly and is settling. Somebody who's just lying.

Why is this the fetish that's so hard to believe is real? It seems much less weird to me than, you know, so much else. This site has threads devoted to girls getting inflated, girls turning into blueberries. To furry girls. To big feet. To being covered in shit and piss and cum.

None of this ever gets the weird looks that actually being attracted to fat girls seems to get. And it's strange to me that this fetish, which seems like a very natural, inevitable thing in the history of the human race, makes people react in such disbelief. What is it about THIS fetish that makes people feel weird?

Maybe I'm protesting too much. But I've had to justify liking fat girls enough on 4chan that it seems very strange to me.

>> No.16998946
File: 551 KB, 835x1200, Beastars Kyuu imaginary chimera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. The specific example I had in mind was the concept of the "Imaginary Chimera" fighting style/special thing for the Beastars manga. The concept is very similar (stolen) from Baki the Grappler (the Beastars author/artist is literally the daughter of that guy, so it makes sense0.

What annoys me about this concept is that, as far as animal people go, the "imaginary chimera" thing had a lot of weight. In the same way animals might puff up to appear bigger, or how moths have eye spots to make them look like a giant face, the imaginary chimera thing is a unique fighting style ability that could really play into the fact that the characters in this (furry) universe are NOT humans, but are animal people, more driven by instinct. As such, the concept of manipulative illusions has a lot of merit. I had the idea to include things like props, makeup, or using specific weapon styles (admittedly shown in this image) to make the projection actually "work". Then, the projection is used to confuse the opponent, and not just work as a sort of vague "power booster" as it seemed to be in this manga.

In the actual manga, they're totally forgotten (which is fine, since they're shittily done), but it annoys me especially as the author ALMOST accidentally forshadowed this ability back in an earlier arc when the main character seemed to disappear into a cloud of moths when punched by a villain, which is NEVER EXPLAINED and would be the perfect opportunity to draw this mysterious ability into the universe more fully. It's totally not, and that's a huge shame I feel.

>> No.16998962
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i really, really like pudgy white girls

>> No.16999036
File: 37 KB, 540x304, 9887AEC9-9123-4242-8218-8CC2C10F4E33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So ages ago when I was in my late teens I was waiting at a bus stop, and I felt a little peckish. So I dug into my big hand me down bag with the broken zipper and peeled me a banana. The bus arrives, forcing me to finish it quickly. I toss the peel at a trash can, but it misses and lands in the dirt by a bush. Fellow bus stop girl about my age, maybe older, chews me out for leaving it. She stops over to it and throws it in the trash, pissed that I made her clean up after me.
As if she’d never seen a decomposing banana giving its nutrients into a patch of dirt. I thought this to myself, too meekly mortified at the tongue lashing. Sitting down, as far away from as I could manage. Never heard of mulch? Now it’s in a plastic bag headed for the dump where it’s just going to help stink up the place...


>> No.16999049

do you have black friends? if yes, do you respect them?

>> No.16999068

Maybe because unlike other fetishes, this one is 24/7.
Futa and furries isn't real, and piss, scat and feet can stay in the bedroom, separated from "normalcy".
A girl won't stop being fat after you fucked her and you leave the bedroom. She will be fat all the time, and your fetish crosses the boundary between the sacred and the taboo. (The key part is that it's your fetish, settling for a fat girl doesn't have the same religious consequences.)

t. Likes the degradation aspect of weight gain

>> No.16999076

Fuck R. He's obsessed with useless politics and pretends to be a mature intellectual.

>> No.16999136


anotger reason i like plumper girls is because they appear more "fertile" in a sense because they tend to have big hips/big thighs and bigger breasts. the idea of knocking one up is a fantasy i entertain often.

>> No.16999219

New thread when?

>> No.16999233

imminent, buddy.

>> No.16999238

start one, fren

>> No.16999300

Honestly if you are bothered by this kind of thing you should not read manga at all. They're full of shitty writing, things that are badly explained or badly implemented in a way that makes no sense. This isn't even "autism", it's just need for coherence and standards.

>> No.16999305

It was less "bothered" and more "disappointed" it wasn't used to its fullest potential. Hence why I said I felt clever for remaking it into something else. I do appreciate your sentiment though.

>> No.16999312

fucking kek

>> No.16999323

I'm not familiar enough with that kind of manga to truly understand but I get your point, that does seem rather sloppy

There's a certain kind of joy in reading something that you feel is beneath your intellectual level though. It's illogical but it's part of human nature.

>> No.16999337

>There's a certain kind of joy in reading something that you feel is beneath your intellectual level though.
If you read it, it's not beneath you. Lots of people watch reality shows and argue that the shows are stupid and the people in them are trash. But they watch the show, so it's good for them.
Have you thought about reading something more grounded, like hard sci-fi? It doesn't even have to be very brainy. Take a look at Children of Time.

>> No.16999417

As someone who's balding and takes finasteride, I highly advise you to stay away from any hair loss or lookism websites, they are poison for the mind.

>> No.16999444

Finasteride is poison for the body

>> No.16999471

Yeah but it makes your hair stop falling off, or at the very least it has stopped it in my case.

>> No.16999790

>pudgy white girls
You have a certified patrician's taste

>> No.16999930

I came up with a comedy sketch.
A white couple moves to an african village. The white man gets cucked as all the tribesmen have sex with his wife (forcefully). The man gets angry goes to complain to the chief of the village about it. The tone would be similar as in the Sam Hyde sketch. What's going on, big guy? They're having sex with my wife.
The chief is like Solomon and tries his best explaining how that's actually a good thing. The man realizes he has been too selfish, too racist and too jealous of his wife. He finally decides to raise a big beautiful black family.

>> No.16999975


>> No.17000873

Fwiw. I'm a tranny on some serious anti androgens, and I have absolutely no problem getting it up still. You won't have any issues with a weak ass AA like propecia