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/lit/ - Literature

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16975113 No.16975113 [Reply] [Original]

What known people are literally /lit/.
>pic very much related

>> No.16975122

You literally murdered my interest in Eva. It’s my favorite anime and you fucking killed it for me. How am I supposed to enjoy 3.0+1.0 when it comes out next month?
Please tell me that interview isn’t real I’m mad

>> No.16975135

Wait you didn't actually start with the greeks? You know bertrand russel wrote the sparknotes on all that shit, right? I regularly quote hannah arendt confident in the knowledge that people don't know what the fuck I'm talking about and I speak with such confidence and authority that people who have read arendt assume they just got it wrong. Its all swagger anon. All of it. BB King played five notes in his career and your favourite author read two books.

>> No.16975138

Isn't that just a shitpostified version of that Tsurumaki interview?

>> No.16975164

I actually haven’t read any books since high school English class over ten years ago. With no meme answers where do I start reading?

>> No.16975168

>With no meme answers where do I start reading?
the sticky, you retarded newfag.

>> No.16975219

Why are you so mean?

>> No.16975230

If this isn’t a troll Anno is frequently known as embodying “Death of the Author”.

>> No.16975238

Not a troll, I’m not from this board. What is death of the author?

>> No.16975254

Anno is known to self-degrade a lot. While it's true that he put a lot of things in there because they sounded cool, his understanding of some topics especially in psychology, and his ability to translate them into the medium, are excellent. That's key, because psychology of the main characters is what the show is really concerned with. Religion and technology meld into each other in this setting exactly because they both only exist to showcase the inner workings of the character's minds. They are the 'outside'. External higher purposes that motivate most actions in the narrative, which may reflect some of the inner workings of the character's minds poetically, but which the characters themselves cannot give a damn about, and cannot truly find a mental foothold in even if they themselves are a scientist.

>> No.16975281

the original wasn't never good and really hyped up at the time, and you're watching the shitty reboots too? lmao

>> No.16975285

Stop bullying me, January 23rd you’ll see how good it is.

>> No.16975315

trannyme bros....we got too cocky!

>> No.16975333

Literally nobody on /lit/ talks like that, fuck off back to /v/ stop shitting up our board.

>> No.16975339
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>> No.16975357

Not him but... this IS 4chan you insufferable moron

>> No.16975380

You don’t have to to be rude, and not every board is filled with assholes. You’re just perpetuating the hate.

>> No.16975442

It was always obvious to me that the religious references were part of an aesthetic, it was so weird coming out of the show and EoE and seeing how much people fixate on them

>> No.16975514

I wish I'd done this.
I would spend way too long on things I couldn't understand and not quote or discuss them even if I managed to finish them because I felt that it was disingenuous with my lack of understanding.
Meanwhile other people soaked up praise and pussy by winging it with quotes and summaries they read online.

>> No.16975668

some meme people came up with to justify headcanons and fanfiction

>> No.16975827

Why should you care what the creator has to say?

>> No.16975841

I don't understand why people sperg about this stuff. Eva was never good for its philosophical meaning. That is shallow and superficial, and everyone but teenagers see it. Eva is good first of all because it is a technical masterpiece achieving levels of realism never before seen in a piece of japanese animation (especially about robots). The details in evangelion are incredible. Secondly, it is a masterpiece because its characters are realistic in a way few animes get: Rei is not just a passive bitch, Asuka is not just yandere, Shinji is a shitty person behind the "normie shy anime MC" facade, Gendo is actually extremly sad beside being an asshole, Misato is not a whore for enjoying sex with Kaji, etc. Add to that consistent quality of animation and a compelling worldbuilding, and the philosophy just fades in the background as an aesthetic element. Eva is deep, but people believe it's deep for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.16976201


>> No.16976495

The plot is 100% gnostic...

>> No.16976517

Something the guy you're asking doesn't understand. It's a strong argument against appealing to authorial intent, read Barthes on it it doesn't take that long.

>> No.16976549

>the animation
There are slideshows at points.
If I wanted to do to the animation what you’re doing to the ‘philosophy’ (by this do you mean the religious significance, the Freudian/hedgehog mating stuff, or something else entirely idk) then I would reduce the famous elevator to merely ‘saving money’ or budgeting instead of a choice.
>Rei is not just a passive bitch
Which Rei

>> No.16976565

>I don't understand Christianity at all. It was for the atmosphere

>> No.16976602

the greeks

>> No.16976858

fuck you, enjoy never reading idiot. Waaaaaaahh someone on 4y-channy was meannnnnnn to meeee waaaaaah. Baby.

>> No.16977156

Fiction, as a product of imagination, can be symbologically relevant despite the lack of conscious intent (Jung)

>> No.16977216

Stop this meme. The instrumentality/pleroma/collective consciousness/heaven whatever you want to call it is not owed to gnosticism, it’s owed to a shared idea in probably every religion that’s present in Shintoism, “Anno’s only spiritual belief” according to one of the gainax staff

>> No.16977240

The self degradation is really important. People have to realize every official quote on eva is basically either the creators not being serious or from conversations where they’re drunk. Like, take a look at this:
Anno: Maybe it's about penis. (laugh) My penis is the only cute part of me. "Oh my, how tiny!" and the like.
Takekuma: Do you lack confidence that badly?
Anno: I lack a penis.
Takekuma: It's not like I have much to talk about either. (laugh)
Oizumi: What if your sizes match. This is becoming terrible. (laugh)
Anno: Well, I guess mine would be about the average size for Japanese. Slightly smaller than average.
Oizumi: However, being too big is also a problem. My friend has one like a beer bottle, and prostitutes hate it.
Anno: That is also a tragedy in its own way.
Oizumi: It truly is a tragedy.
Anno: Well, if you're small and hear "oh, it's already in?" the shock will last a lifetime.
Takekuma: But women don't really care that much, do they? In reality.
Oizumi: Well how are you hung, Oizumi? (laugh)
Takekuma: This is not a brag but I have a phimosis. (laugh) Reversely, I guess people who fixate on breast size care about boobs being small or big, but I don't really mind the size much.
Oizumi: I can't stand big boobs. How about you, Anno? In terms of preferences.
Anno: Hmm, well, small ones are no good. Too big is no good either. There's a lot Giant Tits manga out there, right. That's completely out of question. They don't even look like breasts anymore.
Takekuma: It's a world of cows or the like.
Anno: Well no, it's better to have some rather than none at all but I do wonder if having too much is good either.
Oizumi: Speaking for myself, Misato and the like might be slightly too big.
Takekuma: Misato, what is up with her sexy body? Especially with those eating habits and she's already 3X years old, right?
Anno: But her boobs have started to sag. Even Misato has lost resilience of her skin.

>> No.16977280

Honestly the /lit/ wiki has some good suggestions. Things like the time top 100 or le monde top 100 are also neat. I really like the Bokklubben world library.

Mostly comes to personal preference. If you want to be "well read" the above resources are good, if you just want to read for enjoyment than you'll just have to flitz around and find stuff you like.

>> No.16978091

These are my idols? What the fuck

>> No.16978122

Your fault for idolizing people who make cartoons.

>> No.16978127
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>Secondly, it is a masterpiece because its characters are realistic in a way few animes get: Rei is not just a passive bitch, Asuka is not just yandere, Shinji is a shitty person behind the "normie shy anime MC" facade, Gendo is actually extremly sad beside being an asshole, Misato is not a whore for enjoying sex with Kaji, etc.

Yeah, I always figured everything in Eva is basically window dressing to this. It's the heart of the show. Few pieces of media in general that come to my mind have such a thoroughly and sincerely human core.


>> No.16978162

Thank you for recommending the Bokkluben library, but I have one question. I always read on /lit/ that you should always read a book in its original languages or else you can’t really say you’ve read it or something. Is it okay to read the translated English versions of Bokklubben? I’m not sure if you guys know multiple languishes.

>> No.16978251

>Eva was never good for its philosophical meaning. That is shallow and superficial, and everyone but teenagers see it.
It's 100% a show for teenagers. Ignoring the pseudophilosophical stuff is a good way to still appreciate the show as an adult, but that doesn't mean it isn't a big part of the story. I agree with everything else you said, though.

>> No.16978261

You're not really praising Eva. All you're saying is that it has realistic characters. This is apparently an amazing achievement for anime, but in comparison to literature (this is /lit/ after all) this is really the bare minimum I would expect and lauding it in this way is frankly pathetic.

>> No.16978272

>believing random 4chan shitposts as fact

>> No.16978276

Also I've noticed this a lot with weebs. They see an anime (or a VN or whatever it may be) do something that is normal for literature and they act like it's some kind of amazing, insurmountable artistic achievement.

>> No.16978291

A lot of people are just really bad at praising. The characters in eva aren’t even realistic or intended to be, anno constantly talks about how it’s escapism. What people mean to say is that the show is very honest and that the characters are a sincere depiction of the creators’ feelings

>> No.16978296

Doesn’t even have anything on tomino and anno talking about the gundam antagonist’s “masturbatory motions” and the shapes of a character’s vagina

>> No.16978297


>> No.16978307

Still failing to sell me on the idea that it's a "masterpiece" in any sense that isn't completely relative to its shitty, juvenile medium. And yes I've watched it.

>> No.16978323

That wasn’t my intention, my intention was to say that you made a meaningless response to a meaningless response.

>> No.16978363

I don't think so. I've seen this type of praise many, many times.

>> No.16978396
File: 246 KB, 500x385, 1378659621487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga Anno-sensei.

>> No.16978525

The aspects of Evangelion that make it truly great are something that can only be expressed by its visual medium. If Evangelion was a plot summary it would be trash. But, just like other works of film and television that are true art, it comes down to the visual expression rather than the narrative, and it's something literature can't replicate.

Try watching Persona (1966 by Bergman, not the anime shit) for instance, and then read a plot summary afterwards. You can see that they're two completely different works.

>> No.16978588

This can’t be real

>> No.16978628

I read only half of Schopenhauer just enough to confirm my own beliefs about the nature of Will and to be able to comment on his prose. You really don't even need to go that far. Why tf read Plato when you can just read the important parts enough to confirm your own unsourced theory of Plato and to give your take on the way he writes (important makes you sound like you are smart)

>> No.16978840

Kek, you just refuted your own opinion, I can't believe a cartoon is this good.

>> No.16978883


>> No.16978900

It's just like me and the boys, how cute.

>> No.16979603

You didn’t instead the show.

>> No.16979618


>> No.16979630

EVA is still my favorite anime for its psychology and character study. The Christian accoutrements are just there for Anno to hide behind as he bleeds himself all over the canvas like a Pollock painting.
And anyways, Anno took to debasing EVA and his involvement in its complexities ever since EoE at the very least. I would not be surprised if he were lying to a degree in that interview.

>> No.16979663
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>And anyways, Anno took to debasing EVA and his involvement in its complexities ever since EoE at the very least. I would not be surprised if he were lying to a degree in that interview.

Don't remind me. Anno has become a Lucas-tier hack, but it's way more disappointing with Anno than it's ever been with Lucas, because Eva is much closer to "real" art than Star Wars is.

>> No.16979898

based as fuck

>> No.16979914

Evabros... what do we do now?

>> No.16979947

>ever since EoE at the very least
But EoE is great

>> No.16979973

It's not deep at all people are just tricked by the imagery, to idiots it conveys an atmosphere of being "deep".

>> No.16979986
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>> No.16980313


>> No.16981136

Anno is a masochist that tears down all of his works and himself every interview he's been in.
Best take this with some salt.

>> No.16981158

>How am I supposed to enjoy 3.0+1.0
You aren’t you fucking plebeian.

>> No.16981191
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Your heroes are all madmen. East or West. North or South.

>> No.16981256

Very little literature has anything approaching realistic characters. Meaning characters who feel like real humans rather than ones that just act in reasonable manners.
Even great writers like Tolstoy and Shakespeare have their moments where they write bland stock characters just there to fill roles. And great novels or plays of theirs have one note and empty major characters. Something like 'Hadji Murat', one of Tolstoy's greatest works, is full of empty stock characters like the Czar or Butler.
Eva is genuinely up there with the best of /lit/ in its realism of humanity.

>> No.16981273


>> No.16981670

So does this mean that it’s canon that Nanai is a virgin or at least really tight?
How the fuck is this relevant to the plot? How does this further Gundam?

>> No.16981696
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>> No.16981701


>> No.16981937
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>> No.16982868

Why would I care what some godless island monkey savage thinks if he can't even sit down and read the most important book in existence?

>> No.16982899

>Even great writers like Tolstoy and Shakespeare have their moments where they write bland stock characters just there to fill roles.
>Eva is genuinely up there with the best of /lit/ in its realism of humanity.
The sheer gall of this autistic midwit to think the likes of Asuka or Rei are even nearly as close to achieving a level of humanity along the lines of Anna Karenina. I just want to fucking bludgeon you to death with a pipe.

>> No.16982909

Animation is not /lit/, it's aesthetic masturbation.

>> No.16982912
File: 241 KB, 1200x974, shakespeare-finaljpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A ton of Shakespeare's characters are very realistic, though. This is probably Shakespeare's greatest strength as a storyteller, this ability to craft realistic characters in a handful of lines in a play.

>> No.16982920

I want to slam your skull through a brick wall if you think that Iago has anything on Asuka in representing humanity.
He does. Shakespeare has some seriously well developed characters that feel totally 3-D.
Sometimes even more multifaceted and complex than real humans.

>> No.16982932

This is pretty based. Even makes it better desu, because his statement is completely inconsequential to the meta-narrative, and only makes losers upset.

>> No.16982946

Don't read the Greeks, think properly and honestly about if and what you want to read and then read it.

>> No.16982951

That applies to almost everything

>> No.16982961

Not War and Peace, Blood Meridian or Ulysses

>> No.16982974

>I want to slam your skull through a brick wall if you think that Iago has anything on Asuka in representing humanity.
Asuka doesn't represent any aspect of humanity because her archetype is unfathomable in any context besides anime. Anna has a very Shakespearean Universality in contrast, as you'd be hard-pressed to find any woman that doesn't embody Anna in some way.

>> No.16982978

>Blood Meridian
definition of all style and no substance.

>> No.16983006

>people are still pretending that that is a bad thing

>> No.16983011

>Eva is genuinely up there with the best of /lit/ in its realism of humanity.
Yeah but for what? The situation they are in is so unreal that anything "real" about these characters feel absurd in the context of the series.

>> No.16983014

But you used Blood Meridian as an example of something that's NOT pure aesthetics with a pretension of being deep and philosophical.

>> No.16983016

not me, I just don't believe in substance

>> No.16983018

Her context expands beyond Anime for all those with inferiority complexes and all those that work and succeed and work and succeed and work and succeed only to see themselves surpassed by those that try half as hard for half as long. She's for those that try and be strong and be noticed, but always find themselves 2nd in line.
And in the feminist view she's a powerful woman that never the less finds herself below a man, a weak man that has nothing going for him other than genetics overall.
She's more than just a 'tsundere'.

Her not being as expansive as Anna isn't a shaming quality.
Possibly no female, and few male characters, are as universal as she is in the Western Canon.

>> No.16983032

Alright. It's time for me to take a crack at this. *Cracks knuckles*
Meanings are what you take from a work regardless of intent.
Whatever you want
Because he is anonymous.
Yes, pretty much.
A book.
Yes, and Anno claims to be autistic. Not a meme. It is possible he's picked up some things from his favorite mangas/animes/movies because he is a self-described otaku.
An opinion.
We shall see. 3.0 lowered my expectations
Wrong. This meme is on every board.
People on 4chan tend to be lonely or miserable and therefore project insecurities of put people down for fun
I agree.
You have nobody to impress but yourself. Bob Dylan is stupid but he doesn't talk a lot so he comes off as a genius to the layman.
This also.
This is what is called cringe.
This is correct.
Not to mention he was probably inspired by Akira.
Artists tend to be like this.
The only stars are in the heavens. Idolize yourself.
I feel as if every character represents an aspect of Anno.
Partly correct. He designed Rei to appeal to teens.
This is a good point, but anime tends to be more creative.
You should question everything you read and come to your own conclusions. Ideas are tools, not facts.
Some are, some aren't. Why does Iago really hate Othello? He is the Voldemort of his time -- evil as a plot device for the sake of conflict. Shylock and Katherine are extremely one dimensional, and are only complex because people refuse to believe Shakespeare was antisemitic or sexist, despite him being an Englishman in the 16th/17th century.
Agree. Compare BM to NCFOM and the Road. BM is very much like True Detective season 2 -- fortune cookie quips soaked in violence in a world of nihilism.

>> No.16983055

Did you anime to be deeply philosophical?

>> No.16983057
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>fighting between people who like Eva and people who like Shakespeare and Tolstoy
>tfw I like both

I am a regular /lit/ poster. I consider Shakespeare and Tolstoy to be without peer. Joyce, of course, is up there too, as are many others.

But Evangelion has great characters as well. Especially, and pointedly, Eva has fantastic young adult characters, which so often seem to be absent from great literature. I'm not talking about YA bullshit. YA books are trash. I'm talking about realistic, serious, genuine portrayals of teenagers. In truly GOOD literature, there's... what? Holden Caulfield? Who else, in that 13-18 year old age range that's so very, very important?

Eva does a good job exploring such characters. The struggles of adolescence. And even of exploring characters who are permanently marred by their adolescent experiences, which is absolutely the case for Misato/Ritsuko/Kaji. It's kind of a niche that isn't present in universally "great" literature. YA fiction is trash. We all know that. But teenagers ARE important. Everybody's a teenager at some point. It's important to poke around them, as a concept and an idea. It's a matter worthy of treatment in great art. And I think Evangelion actually excels at that.

And excels at portrayals of humans in general. Not all anime does, but Eva does.

>> No.16983069

Teenagers are not people and are an utterly insipid topic, so I have no idea why people would want to write about them.

>> No.16983080

>Her context expands beyond Anime for all those with inferiority complexes and all those that work and succeed and work and succeed and work and succeed only to see themselves surpassed by those that try half as hard for half as long. She's for those that try and be strong and be noticed, but always find themselves 2nd in line.
Yes this is exactly what I said before, this sort of person "who is always second place" doesn't exist, besides heavily contrived unfortunate circumstances.

>> No.16983082

I can tell your favorite book as a teenager was Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.16983104

I knew people like that. Hell I made people like that constantly beating them in local MMA tourneys for example. There was always this tall lanklet I'd beat even as they improved and got better themselves for 1st and 2nd.
We can all empathize with those that work hard and feel like they're great only to come up short against prodigies or those just better than they are.

Hell, in Asuka's case, like I said, its not even that Shinji was better in terms of being more trained or more skilled due to effort. Its that Shinji just had the right DNA.
Which is very much something that those that do any kind of sports can understand. Even outside of it, those with perfect pitch or those with some innate color sense fill similar roles.

>> No.16983281

I still have not watched Eva to this day and only pretend to have done so in order to inflame Rei vs. Asuka waifu wars.

>> No.16983343
File: 8 KB, 210x240, 1607500861649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alright. It's time for me to take a crack at this. *Cracks knuckles*
>Meanings are what you take from a work regardless of intent.
>Whatever you want
>Because he is anonymous.
>Yes, pretty much.
>A book.
>Yes, and Anno claims to be autistic. Not a meme. It is possible he's picked up some things from his favorite mangas/animes/movies because he is a self-described otaku.
>An opinion.
>We shall see. 3.0 lowered my expectations
>Wrong. This meme is on every board.
>People on 4chan tend to be lonely or miserable and therefore project insecurities of put people down for fun
>I agree.
>You have nobody to impress but yourself. Bob Dylan is stupid but he doesn't talk a lot so he comes off as a genius to the layman.
>This also.
>This is what is called cringe.
>This is correct.
>Not to mention he was probably inspired by Akira.
>Artists tend to be like this.
>The only stars are in the heavens. Idolize yourself.
>I feel as if every character represents an aspect of Anno.
>Partly correct. He designed Rei to appeal to teens.
>This is a good point, but anime tends to be more creative.
>You should question everything you read and come to your own conclusions. Ideas are tools, not facts.
>Some are, some aren't. Why does Iago really hate Othello? He is the Voldemort of his time -- evil as a plot device for the sake of conflict. Shylock and Katherine are extremely one dimensional, and are only complex because people refuse to believe Shakespeare was antisemitic or sexist, despite him being an Englishman in the 16th/17th century.
>Agree. Compare BM to NCFOM and the Road. BM is very much like True Detective season 2 -- fortune cookie quips soaked in violence in a world of nihilism.

>> No.16983367

when I made this thread I actually expected more pseuds to be posted.
But you Eva fags are so full of yourself. I honestly wish mods would have pruned this thread an hour after having made it.

>> No.16983390

tfw some anon decides to respond to every comment in this thread but nobody replies to your argument which you thought was well thought out

>> No.16983413


>> No.16983415

>this sort of person "who is always second place" doesn't exist
Just poppin in the thread to say that you’re retarded

>> No.16983434

>It was because of the atmosphere
Unironically based

>> No.16983441


>> No.16983443

>how are character relationships relevant to the plot
Gee I don't fucking know

>> No.16983450

deleted your post. NOW!

>> No.16983461

>I’m not sure if you guys know multiple languishes.
Yep we do. If you're just one more anglo monolingual, please, GET OUT OF HERE!

>> No.16983480

The hate is how we filter idiots like you, faggot.