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16954592 No.16954592 [Reply] [Original]

English is simply the greatest language for poetry and prose. Change my mind, if you can.
t. multilingual non-anglo

>> No.16954706

Du kan tydeligvis ikke tale dansk.

>> No.16954718

De gustibus non est disputandum
Drik du din snaps, du gamle

>> No.16954840


>> No.16954873
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>Themistocles, by unanimously approved decree, had the interpreter of Xerxes'ambassadors put to death "for having dared use the Greek language to express the orders of a barbarian." A people commits such an act only at the peak of its career. It is decadent, it is dying, when it no longer believes in its language, when it stops believing that its language is the supreme form of expression, THE language (Cioran)
>The learning of many languages fills the memory with words instead of with facts and thoughts, and this is a vessel which, with every person, can only contain a certain limited amount of contents. Therefore the learning of many languages is injurious, inasmuch as it arouses a belief in possessing dexterity and, as a matter of fact, it lends a kind of delusive importance to social intercourse. It is also indirectly injurious in that it opposes the acquirement of solid knowledge and the intention to win the respect of men in an honest way. Finally, it is the axe which is laid to the root of a delicate sense of language in our mother tongue, which thereby is incurably injured and destroyed. The two nations which produced the greatest stylists, the Greeks and the French, learned no foreign languages. (Nietzsche)
Reminder that monolingualism in the patrician's condition. Multilingualism is a sign of decay.

>> No.16954887
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>> No.16954903

Lolthis. Too long, why read?

>> No.16954905

>Meanwhile, in the alternative reality where Germany won WWII
>German is simply ze greatest language für poetry und proze. Change my mind, if you can.
>t. multilingual non-german

>> No.16955014

you have to go way before that to make English not the greatest

>> No.16955102

Its the best for poetry
>I have only latin, german, french and a weak attempt with ancient greek and chinese to attest for that though
but for prose I far prefer german even if I somewhat despise its poetry.

>> No.16955527

>The two nations which produced the greatest stylists, the Greeks and the French,
>the French
Why did Neetz have such shit taste?

>> No.16955553

French is better for poetry. I feel like the sheer amount of conjugations gives you more freedom.

>> No.16955560

Nope, that's castillian

>> No.16955598

Depends on your definition of poetry.