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/lit/ - Literature

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16931903 No.16931903 [Reply] [Original]

Is reading 1000 pages per day achievable?

>> No.16931918

If you read a page a minute and read for around 17 hours every day.

>> No.16931920


>> No.16931993

Seems dangerous. I've recently noted a sort of tourism in myself where I'll read a lot all at once because I'm newish to literature; I almost see older thinkers as prerequisites to grind through to catch up to today's discourse. I don't spend enough time thinking about and internalizing what I've read. I think a better goal, and something I'm starting, would be reading fewer pages per day, but producing essays on the work you're reading as you read. It's similar to how I remember my English class in high school, and that's when I felt I was getting the optimal return on pages read.

>> No.16932009

so it's possible, but you'd basically be a reading zombie and wouldn't properly retain what you're reading

>> No.16932014

Yes it certainly is dont listen to these brainlets they're trying to stop you from reaching enlightenment.

>> No.16932043

Possibly but unless you are in severe debt and your only way to repay it is by doing massive amounts of book reviews for low paying websites it is not a good idea.

>> No.16932058

Goddammit you people I knew I shouldn't have taken the tape off my laptop's camera

>> No.16932210

Natty? No

>> No.16932226

Speed reading does not exist. They are skimming.

>> No.16932260
File: 38 KB, 1672x184, yeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did he do it bros?

>> No.16932421

only 500 pages per hour? midwit

>> No.16932544
File: 101 KB, 528x712, A04CB707-85DE-4DF6-B2C4-A153B62975C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t just download the books into his cerebral cortex via the Amazon Fire Neural Link enhancement

>> No.16932920

Probably yeah. Have you ever binge-watched a TV show? You'd be surprised how little you can recall about it after a couple weeks.

>> No.16932937
File: 138 KB, 1000x646, harold-bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wha t the fuck this is the most egregious hilarious bullshit i have ever had. our culture just lets flagrant narcissist liars like this stand at the forefront and that in itself is hilarious, the respectful way this NPR writer passes on his obvious lie but what's even fucking funnier is that in this man's lies in his fantasy in his ideal dream version of himself that he presents to the world the best he can come up with is an image of a man sitting at a table speed reading at a rate of 16 pages a minute or 3.75 seconds a page and this is what he thinks is believable and cool

look into this man's eyes and realize he realizes the cosmic joke of his existence

love you bloomy

>> No.16933407

stop reading for numbers retard, you won't understand anything you read
I once did a ~24 hour reading session and I can't remember anything I've read past the 10th hour or so, same thing applies to reading for reaching a certain page number.

>> No.16933425

there's a limit for thorough contemplation and enjoyment, i'd say on average it is 50-100 pages for denser works, 200-300 for lighter reads.
your short term memory needs on average 30-60mins to transfer needed information into the long term memory, so theoretically if you just keep stuffing it with new info you'd have near-zero retention
t. 100-250 pages a day

>> No.16933428

Obvious LARP

>> No.16935045


>> No.16936378
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>> No.16936434

bloom wasnt natty

>> No.16936543

why would you want to?