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16930401 No.16930401 [Reply] [Original]

>As of last year, 22 percent of men between the ages of 21 and 30 with less than a bachelor’s degree reported not working at all in the previous year—up from only 9.5 percent in 2000. And there’s evidence that video games are a big reason why. According to a recent study based on the Census Bureau’s time-use surveys, young men without college degrees have replaced 75 percent of the time they used to spend working with time on the computer, mostly playing video games.
>“When I play a game, I know if I have a few hours I will be rewarded,” said one 22-year-old who lives with his parents in Silver Spring, Maryland. “With a job, it’s always been up in the air with the amount of work I put in and the reward.”
>How exactly are these game-playing men getting by? They live with their parents. In 2000, just 35 percent of lower-skilled young men lived with family. Now, more than 50 percent of lower-skilled young men live with their parents, and as many as 67 percent of those who are unemployed do so. More U.S. men aged 18–34 are now living with their parents than with romantic partners, according to the Pew Research Center.
>The image of legions of men in their parents’ basements playing video games for hours on end may seem pathetic or sad. But their satisfaction level is high. “Happiness has gone up for this group,” says Hurst, despite the high rate of unemployment.
>Playing video games as a pseudo-job that doesn’t pay can be fun, social, and even cool in your teens and 20s. By the time you’re in your 30s, your friends may have moved on and you become the loser shut-in who lurks around the local GameStop. “There is some evidence that these young, lower-skilled men who are happy in their 20s become much less happy in their 30s or 40s,” says Hurst. Their work skills and prospects will be limited, and competing in the workforce will be harder and harder. To the extent they ever wanted to go out and start a family, it may seem more and more unrealistic and out of reach. They are likely to stay detached, and may drift from video games to gambling, drugs, and alcohol.
>“Every society has a ‘bad men’ problem,” says Tyler Cowen, the economist and author of Average Is Over. He projects a future where a relative handful of high-productivity individuals create most of the value, while low-skilled people become preoccupied with cheap digital entertainment to stay happy and organize their lives.
>If I was given the choice between a dead-end low-end job for months on end or hanging with my friends playing video games, it would be very easy to choose the latter.
>Many men have within us the man-child who’s still in that basement. The fortunate among us have left him behind, but we understand his appeal all too well. He’s still there waiting—ready to take over in case our lives fall apart.

>> No.16930407

Yeah, that's nice and all, but the technological system has to go. Sorry, man.

>> No.16930565

Be autistic neet just read and write obsesively the only problem is i get lonely.

>> No.16930613

Yeah, it’s not the lack of economic opportunity or the alienation, it’s the vidya.

>> No.16930671

I actually read The War on Normal People and he elaborates on this.

>> No.16930686

>get to explore your own psyche, research your own personal interests, and spawn creative works of art
>slave away at some shitty fast food restaurant for the entirety of your existence where you're spit on, exhausted, unappreciated, unrecognized, poorly paid, and stressed the fuck out
wow, hard choice NEETbros...

>> No.16930697

That makes sense.

>> No.16930698

well then do share.

>> No.16930721

Video games are gay but neets are based

>> No.16930730
File: 43 KB, 741x568, pepethink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a better life to wageslave for 50 years and retire with nothing or NEET for 10 years and kill yourself at 30?

>> No.16930737

Why don't you save for financial independence and retirement?

>> No.16930756

Quite frankly, on minimum wage you wont be able to save. Not to mention most min wage jobs wont even give full time hours anymore.

>> No.16930779

That is true. I would probably be a wageslave because I'm too cowardly to radically change my life or kill myself.

>> No.16930785


>> No.16930864

Pages 20-21 he discusses educational attainment of americans 25 years and older (this data is from 2016) as well as the median income for each education level from <9th grade to Doctorate degree. I'll just take the data from "men" because OP was discussing young men and we are probably all men in this thread.

88% graduated high school at minimum.
58% have "some college" at minimum.
41% have an associate's degree at minimum.
32% have a bachelor's degree at minimum.
12% have an advanced degree.

Median yearly income (USD) by education level:
> 9th grade: 16,267
9th-12th grade, no diploma: 17,116
HS graduate: 25,785
Some college, no degree: 30,932
Associate Degree: 35,072
Bachelor's Degree: 49,804
Bachelor's Degree "or more": 55,071
Master's Degree: 61,655
Doctorate Degree: 79,231
Professional Degree: 91,538

He cites the US census bureau, 2016 current population survey, and the 2016 annual social and economic supplement.
He then looks at the US Census Bureau survey of income and program participation to find median net worth by educational attainment:

No HS: 5,038
HS only: 36,795
Some College: 36,729
Associate's Degree: 66,943
Bachelor's Degree: 147,538
Graduate Degree: 325,400

He also covers it by age brackets starting at < 35 and going up by 10 to 75+ but it's not interesting, it consistently increases the older you get. Only 52% of americans have an stocks whatsoever and 92% of stocks are owned by the those with the top 20% of net worths.

Pages 18-25 are his chapter "What is Normal In America" and he concludes by declaring the normal american "did not graduate from college and does not have an associate's degree. He or she perhaps attended college for one year or graduated from high school. He or She has a net worth of approximately 36000 -- about 6000 excluding home and vehicle equity -- and lives paycheck to paycheck. She or he has less than 500 in felxible savings and minimal assets invested in the stock market. These are median statistics, with 50% of americans below these levels."

This A. Provides context for why someone might want to drop out of society and B. proves I actually read his book. While I haven't directly addressed OP's passage I hope I've provided a some more material to discuss. This is a book about how automation annd transfers of wealth away from manufacturing towards finance and law (Smart People Should Build Things, Yang's other book, discusses the over-supply of Lawyers, Doctors, and Bankers being produced by American universities to the detriment of other areas of society).

>> No.16930915

>Smart People Should Build Things

it also has the built in liberal condescension that if you didn't attend a top ten undergrad and/or go on to a professional degree then you aren't "smart", so when he says smart people he means the DNC definition of smart people which is to say people from rich suburbs who did enough SAT test prep to get into a selective college. the thing he misses is that if test maximizing bugmen were really so "smart" they would already be starting all these wonderful businesses, but they aren't because there's no study guide to cram to become an entrepreneur, unlike every "profession"

>> No.16930941

Thank you for admitting you didn't actually read either of his books. He discusses massive social pressure from parents and culture to get an immediate return on investment from increasingly expensive higher education and a fear of failure that prevents starting businesses. He discussed his own experiences with startups that went bust before starting Venture for America. The War on Normal People discusses how people are getting frozen out of higher education because the costs are prohibitive (see the statistics I literally copied and pasted in my last post). I don't know why I'm even putting much effort into my response since you literally just judged a book by its cover.

>> No.16930942

The most hilarious thing is that Yang made his money by running a test prep company that catered to rich Manhattan bugmen and their larvae!

>> No.16930953

I didn't read "The War On Normal People" because it's a trash campaign book by a failed candidate who didn't even get double digits in the polls. I did read his other book because I thought it might be a more honest narrative of his days as an entrepreneur but it instead it was like an unironic version of Only The Super Rich Can Save Us by Ralph Nader.

>> No.16930990


You are obviously interested in this and have put in an effort.... How about me giving you a little advice?
If anyone responds to any of your posts with "liberal" or "evola" this or that, just ignore them.

There are those who will engage with you honestly and with intelligence, but the majority of respondents are just loser pieces of shit that are not worth your time and most will tell you that right from the start. Anyone who sees the world as liberal or conservative, or right versus left is not intelligent enough for you to spend one second longer on their post.

I look forward to your well read participation on this board.

>> No.16930991

How is that hilarious?
It means he has direct experience with the institutions that produce America's "educated" work force.
Seems like a person well qualified to critique them.

>> No.16930997

> trash campaign book
This is false. He was a failed candidate but the book is still worth reading.
His other book gave me the impression that it was written for people who had already gone through higher ed, perhaps had gone into debt, and were entering the pipeline towards the urban cores. I honestly thought it was a good assessment of what goes wrong in the world of "DNC definition" smart people and how that human capital could be moved to areas where it might do more good. I honestly never got the impression that he was condescending to or disparaging people who don't go through higher ed, rather it felt like telling this specific group of people what they might do to make America a better place.

>> No.16930998

Psychotic projection, no one in this thread has done that

>> No.16931012

Oh no, a longshot candidate failed to win an Amerishart popularity contest so his book is obviously crap!
You are a retarded fucking maggot.

>> No.16931121

Yang is a smart guy, and his ability to formulate arguments based on data and reasoning rather than emotional appeals is virtually unheard of in mainstream American politics. But the fundamental error in his arguments about automation is he refuses to see what makes it bad. Automation is a net positive if the value generated for it is distributed rather than concentrated, leading to even more inequality than the society-breaking levels we're currently at. His refusal to say that capitalism can be bad--the true key that unlocks the way toward fixing America's problems--cuts his argument short and makes it unworkable.

Capitalism is a process of capital accumulation that approaches a limit of maximal concentration, at which point it begins to malfunction. As it nears that limit, it has to be reset through progressive tax policies and other interventions or it leads to market crashes and other grave instabilities. Markets cannot solve every economic problem and the profit motive incentivizes socially counterproductive systems when applied to healthcare, infrastructure, education, and other public necessities.

>> No.16931134
File: 19 KB, 656x527, 1603028475252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And there’s evidence that video games are a big reason why

>> No.16931180

Yes I’m interested in this claim. I’m not totally prejudiced against it but it doesn’t sound like something you can just throw out without citing sources

>> No.16931189

Throw out there*

>> No.16931193

guys, will yang get a position in the Biden admin?
Biden said he liked yang and his ideas...

>> No.16931208

He directly addresses the failures of free markets though, hence his UBI proposal. He supports paying for it with a VAT on companies like Amazon that are going to benefit greatly from automation as well as criminal justice reforms that will slash the amount of money needed to be spent on police and prisons, as well as streamlining some existing welfare programs that would be made redundant by UBI (he explicitly stated under no circumstances would someone end up making less). On page 197 of The War on Normal People he explicitly states areas vital to the health of society that the markets are neglecting, such as parenthood, the arts, work in impoverished regions, infrastructure, etc.

He also endorses the standard "progressive" policies such as a transition to clean energy, medicare for all (he supports holistic care, mental health and addiction services too).

his plan was a transition to a new form of capitalism he calls "human capitalism", where we would measure the health of the country not by measures like GDP but by measures such as median income and standard of living, life expectancy, average physical fitness and mental health, etc. (Page 201, The War on Normal People)

>> No.16931228

page 144, "according to a recent study based on the census bureau's time-use surveys, young men without college degrees have replaced 75% of the time they used to spend working with time on the computer, mostly playing video games.... The economists conducting the study, led by the University of Chicago's Erik Hurst, strained to figure out whether men who were already detached were playing video games to pass the time, or whether video games were actually causing them to drop out. Evidence pointed to the latter."
So there's no explicit source but if you desire you can look into this Erik Hurst Study.

>> No.16931251

im not necessarily hostile to the claim but it seems half-assed. like you're blaming the sickness on a symptom.

i think it's more worrisome than just "muh video games." i've had friends ask me why i read books that aren't YA "fun" shit or why i watch movies but avoid comic book movies.

if interrogated on their question, usually my friends will say that after a long day of work the last thing they want is to interact with media or art that questions them or makes them think, they instead want pleasant nice things that allow them to escape their lives.

people are so fucking overwhelmed in their dead-end lives, so apparently devoid of agency over their lives, that they just seek the pleasure and comfort of escapist entertainment. that's more along the lines of what i think the problem is.

>> No.16931278

yep, i'm one of these lost souls and i haven't touched a game in years. it's all about wanting to escape into something and isolate yourself, it doesn't matter what you actually do.

>> No.16931310

You should check out A Nation Of Takers and Men Without Work by Nicholas Eberstadt.

>> No.16931322

>rent costs 5000 dollars a month
>every employer works you to death
>wage theft runs rampant throughout the world
>houses all cost 700k to the millions
>if you go to school you end up thousands of dollars in debt
>if you date a women and impregnate her and she leaves you you'll be stuck with 100k per year child support payments and if you dont pay them youll be sent to jail
>if you work a minimum wage/low skill job its likely mostly manual labor and you'll destroy your body doing so
>have to deal with constant workplace drama
>bosses are all pricks that shit on you because they can and if you say anything you'll be homeless
>large percentage of people who do work still have to go on food stamps anyways
>if you have some sort of mental illness or developmental disability you'll be highly stigmatized in school and work places
>bullying continues through school and well into the work place

>> No.16931325

Written down, will do.

>> No.16931331

Biden is also a pathological liar and senile.

>> No.16931423

>Tyler Cowen, the economist and author of Average Is Over
I'm curious about reading this book now. Anyone here familiar with it?
I want some economic doomer reading made by non-schizos.

>> No.16931428

if i had a wage for just living i'd do nothing too. i had a taste of that this year with covid and it was pretty great.

>> No.16931432

what if having a lack of curiosity and taste is the cause of living a dead-end life and not the other way around?

>> No.16931437

I have been doing odd jobs instead of real work for the last two years out of laziness. It takes up about 10 hours a week on average. I was about to get a real job at 17/hour but I realized that my income would be exactly the same for a 40 hour week as a 10 hour one with what I’m already doing. I see why people who need to support a family would have motivation to subject themselves to that, but I can’t see a reason I would.

>> No.16931448
File: 404 KB, 1684x2560, Winner-Takes-All-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is so much better.

>> No.16931479

I'm in a similar boat. I work part time but my income is about the same as a full time min wager, and every so often I get greedy and apply to a bunch of programming jobs, but then when they call me back I have a change of heart and don't engage. I love programming, but bugging it up in a cubicle for 40-60 hours writing boring ass middleware bullshit isn't that appealing, even if I could improve my income 5x on day one.

>> No.16931528

> improve my income 5x on day one
I think you should just take such a job and tough it out. I don't know how demanding these jobs you're talking about are but quite a few people find time to browse 4chan while at work.

>> No.16931539

Interesting how he gave up on his vision and was absorbed into the bureaucracy of the Democratic Party once his position and status were secured

>> No.16931573

If I were to get a job eventually it would be programming. I’d take a few years working at a company until I knew enough to do freelance and then leave the world of corporate bullshit forever to live in some tropical country where I can live on the beach and fuck cheap prosties until I die.

>> No.16931599

Why should I take that job though? I don't need the money. You sound like these female orbiters I get from time to time who sense I have the potential to be a middle class provider and then get impatient when I never take a job.

>> No.16931623

I don't know yor situation but maybe you'll want to buy a house someday or yeah, start a family. I'm operating from an assumption that a year from now you'll be in a position to no longer be miserable and you'll have 5x the money you otherwise would have. But again, I don't know your situation.

>> No.16931627

> these people took our jobs away from us so the solution is rely on them totally for sustenance

>> No.16931647

Couldn't you work your way up to the point of remote working and not be in a cubicle? I have no idea.

>> No.16931653

I did freelance as a programmer for a little while in addition to the part time work. Super fun since you are 100% in control of the project and can execute however you see fit. On the other hand, being a one man shop is an absolute ton of work, and the tax bill on that income can be a shocker. I threw it all in an investment account, didn't spend it, lol.

>> No.16931663

Yeah, maybe, but the danger of doing salary work instead of hourly wages at home is that your company will try to get your work hours to seep into all aspects of your home life. My slacker instincts say no go.

>> No.16931669

Dude, are you the chick that was texting me earlier because this is the EXACT kind of stuff she would say. Now I'm getting paranoid.

>> No.16931715

In the end you won't kill yourself at 30 and you will realize you have wasted your life. Fully catching up the last 10 years will, in the end, be impossible.

>> No.16931717

No I am literally a r9k migrant, I'm just speculating that you might be happier in the future for having suffered a little bit to have substantially more money. If you've thought it through and you're happy how things are now don't listen to some loser on 4chan.

>> No.16931726

Fair enough. Having a company intrude your personal space is good enough reason.

>> No.16931730
File: 661 KB, 1078x938, pepehands-clipart-monkas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start a family more than anything in this world. But I'm one of these 25 y/o video game playing khv and it's looking increasingly unlikely. I'm not socially autistic or anything, I work in the service industry, but up until now I've always preferred to be alone. I don't know what changed

>> No.16931735

The amount of cope ITT is hilarious. This is obviously true. Before (modern) video games and Netflix, being a NEET was fucking boring. Most of
these people are not going to read. People eventually got tired of it and got shitty jobs. Now being a NEET isn’t as boring.

>> No.16931748

After reading communist literature i kinde get angry at people who ignore or just dismiss that capitalism is obviously at fault here.

>> No.16931755

How are vidya fun? I started losing almost complete interest around 25

>> No.16931756

Well, I do feel the call of the middle class. I think I may just be stuck in some immature bachelor stage of life, and should just get a real job, take out a mortgage and have some kids. I sort of want to, but once you commit to that shit , you're committed, so you have to be sure you want it.

>> No.16931761

It’s more fun than no vidya. There’s more mindless and addictive ways to kill time now than before

>> No.16931763

Propaganda is much more effective than you would think.

>> No.16931765

Fair enough. Consider though that once the opportunity's gone, it's gone. I imagine you have a nontrivial amount of time left to think on it or change your mind, though. Just don't get into a rut where you don't hone your skills or improve yourself in any way (like, say, most of the population of r9k.)

>> No.16931776

>there was nothing fun to do before video games

i hate this fallacy.

>> No.16931792

>Many men have within us the man-child who’s still in that basement. The fortunate among us have left him behind,
left that behind when i was 13 and touched my first boob

>> No.16931793

That’s obviously not what I’m saying, you’re being obtuse. Whatever ways of having fun there were before, are still there, with video games, which are built to be addictive, on top. Not to mention on an hourly basis, it’s far cheaper to spend time playing video games and watching pirated anime than it was before with having to pay for dvd rentals or an arcade or movie tickets or porn mags or cable or whatever

>> No.16931795

yeah, communist propoganda

>> No.16931799

Thank the gods I stopped playing video games.

>> No.16931803

I think the difference is now you can have cheap fun without social skills. Before you would have to join a hippy commune, or a biker gang, or move to some gay neighborhood, or other outsider community, now you can just go on 4channel and meet a bunch of other people who dropped out of society for better or worse

>> No.16931804

sort of agree but you're ignoring the incredible cost of housing and dating apps becoming acceptable

>> No.16931810

that's like blaming gravity for dead trees falling over

>> No.16931814


>> No.16931822

Not sure what either of those tings have to do wth being unemployed on purpose

>> No.16931824 [DELETED] 

i'm kind of sad that internet porn killed irl coomer communities. when i was young i got to see the last days of the old time square porno scene where there are tons of little places with peep show booths and gloryholes and all kind of super coomer stuff that as a kid i had no idea what it is. imagine going out on saturday night to an area with blocks of adult bookstores and peep shows all open all night and full of random anonymous coomers since there is no surveillance tech yet.

>> No.16931840

Before Netflix lazy sacks just watched HBO all day.

>> No.16931845

Practice reaching out to people. Share the things you're interested in and try to see what happened in your past that caused you to be defensive to others.

>> No.16931855

I’m sure watching whatever was in TV would get boring much faster than binge watching any series you feel like, that too for free

>> No.16931879
File: 41 KB, 442x608, EnZo6cjUcAIKk-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely wonder what the outcome of this will be. This book was published in 2018 using data prior to that and, obviously, things have gotten much worse. The fact there are similar trends across the developed world, bar outliers like Germany, seems really concerning. Are there actually going to be national programmes to totally reverse this trend and the declining population growth? It feels like a lot of this shit is irreversible without extreme solutions like state-mandated gfs and a massive explosion of industry.

NEETs aren't the creative powerhouses they think they are and a lot of work that comes from being a layabout isn't all that interesting most of the time. I genuinely feel like a UBI -- as Yang suggests -- is the softest, most digestible solution that will only lead to more placid, isolated people. This feels like a psychological issue, guys are disengaging because we're under no external threat and extremely /comfy/. China has similar problems too so it's not like total war is going to thrust people out of this stupor.

>> No.16931880

I touched my first boob when I was 11 in the bleachers of my school's gymnasium in 6th grade.

>> No.16931897

HBO had something like a packaged suite of maybe 4 channels that played a set of newly released movies on repeat all day every day. People would literally watch the same movie 10 times before the channel got its new batch of movies. Never underestimate how braindead TV watchers are.

Oh, and don't forget spectator sports. Before video games and internet entertainment, people would just watch sports constantly every day. Some still do I suppose, but I remember one of my friend's dads would watch baseball for like 3 hours a night and have huge piles of baseball cards all over the living room floor that we would help him organize into sets. The guy spent so much time consuming sports.

>> No.16931913

Except that's not what happened. During the Trump administration employment numbers hit levels not seen since peak America in the 1950s and wages started increasing for all including and maybe especially in the lower brackets. Then mass hysteria about a corona virus with a 99.7% survival rate ended all that.

>> No.16931914

T. Midwit who couldn't ace entrance exams without studying.

>> No.16931927

>thinks any bourgeois people take life defining exams without extensive preparation

you're obviously some working class guy who watched good will hunting and thought it was a documentary not a fantasy.

>> No.16931946

Yeah he should have remained an outsider with no influence and no reasonable path towards effecting change short of a violent takeover

>> No.16931948
File: 129 KB, 1187x688, 1606910883713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its the video games

>> No.16931956

Thanks for the reverse psychology encouragement.
I'll do it just to spite you, faggot.

>> No.16931962

>Except that's not what happened.
I have no idea what you're talking about, I make no mention of unemployment. Even then, you literally acknowledge my statement of "things have gotten much worse" by admitting things have changed regardless of COVID-19's survival rate.

>> No.16931969

Maybe he should have used his industry experience to democratize test prep by making it accessible to underserved communities rather than just offering to throw helicopter money at chuds, guy was a midwit who got lucky judging by how inept his campaign was.

>> No.16931976

oh cool a totally unsourced chart, but since it supports my leftwing beliefs i won't hold to the same standards as rightwing infographics

>> No.16931983

How was his campaign inept?
Look at how much fucking name and meme recognition he has now?

>> No.16931992

what is technology?
you think the knuckledraggers who produce the majority of the shit in the world turned into ubermensch or something?
why should they be paid more because we don't need to use pneumatic tubes or fax machines anymore?

>> No.16932006

Maybe he should have given all his wealth to poor blacks

>> No.16932018

Dude, what is Yang's thesis? That tech is going to make everyone unemployed so we need to give NEETs no strings attached welfare? That's not supported by the data since unemployment was recently tied with the all time low. That wages won't go up? But with full employment, they were going up just as economics says they will. Covid is temporary temporary mass hysteria that barely even disrupted the stock market. You have to stop reading biased hysterical trash.

>> No.16932029

No one gives a shit about Andrew Yang.

>> No.16932037

Sure, some people are brain dead enough to watch the same movie 10 times a day. Those guys were neets then and they’re neets now. Difference is now guys who would otherwise get bored of the NEET life aren’t because of how much entertainment there is

>> No.16932042

No one gives a shit about every single person under discussion in the entirety of /lit/

>> No.16932046

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron

>> No.16932048

So if Yang really believes that wouldn't it be better to regulate or possibly ban video games and internet video than send free cash to every NEET?

>> No.16932055

Yang supports ubi because of automation not because of neets.

>> No.16932056

Oh, I forgot communist infographics don't require sources. Sorry, my bad.

>> No.16932062

Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr and Obama shouldn't have shifted all our manufacturing and industry to foreign countries.

>> No.16932071

Dude, Yang's whole argument is that automation is going to put people out of work this turning them into NEETs. I don't even like Yang, he's a minor player who only avoided being the dumbest person on the debate stage thanks to Maryanne Williamson, but somehow I have a better understanding of his arguments than you do, someone who was trying to police the thread for people who read or didn't read his shitty book.

>> No.16932075

Its actually unfathomably stupid for a person to have a picture of a chart that depicts literal data and not know the source for it.
This is /pol/-tier idiocy.
This isn't some unreasonable request of someone.
Imagine quoting a book and getting upset when someone asks you which book it came from.

>> No.16932080

It's hypocritical. He's clearly a smart guy but what has he built? He lacks the integrity to follow his own idea. Why should I, as a college-educated "smart person" build anything for Yang when clearly the path he took, namely parasiting off of the DNC until you're a nationally-recognized name, works perfectly fine? Peter Thiel's book is at least inspiring because you're reading a book by someone who's built new things telling you we need to build new things. Yang's just a soulless grifter.

>> No.16932088

He discusses solutions beyond just UBI, in pretty much every interview he says it's not a silver bullet. Among other things like Medicare for All and some environmental protections he suggested some kind of app be created that allows people to post jobs they need done for people who have relevant skills in their community to do, in exchange for a digital currency that they can spend somehow (I haven't read into this proposal very deeply). Additionally UBI is supposed to stem the bleeding from massive waves of unemployment that are coming from automation.

Technology is going to make everyone unemployed so we need to ensure that the wealth is adequately used to support the people. Employment/Unemployment numbers also do not account for people who are underemployed or have given up on finding a job, two demographics that are growing and will contrinue to grow as automation comes for white collar and gig jobs. Trucking is going away, receptionists are going away, the cashiers at McDonald's are going away in front of our very eyes, etc. Additionally, UBI is his flagship proposal but he has others.

>> No.16932093

But Yang bet his campaign on self-driving trucks putting truckers out of work, not jobs being shipped overseas, and he hoped if he could scare truckers enough and offer to buy their vote with 1000 bucks a month he could win Iowa and get momentum. Stupid bet, since most truckers get into trucking because it is entrepreneurial since they can own their own trucks (means of production) he didn't even understand he was dealing with peti-bourgiousie not proletariat in the trucker ideology, so they of course rejected his attempts to buy their votes with communism. The guy was clueless, and failed like he deserved.

>> No.16932099
File: 109 KB, 1200x1093, https _blogs-images.forbes.com_timworstall_files_2016_10_wagescompensation-1200x1093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why he's sperging out or why you're pretending that's some novel new meme chart, it's a pretty well-researched phenomenon that either of you could have found multiple sources on through a simple search.

>> No.16932110

You don't know anything about Yang evidently
>Following Kaplan's acquisition of Manhattan Prep in late 2009, Yang began to work on creating a new nonprofit fellowship program, Venture for America (VFA), which he founded in 2011 with the mission "to create economic opportunity in American cities by mobilizing the next generation of entrepreneurs and equipping them with the skills and resources they need to create jobs."
Basically he worked to get people off the beaten path that he criticizes in his book.
Also its stupid as fuck to call him hypocritical because his world-view was formed by doing something that he would later criticize. It's basically the "yet you live in society" argument. Vietnam vets evidently can't criticize the war because they were naively sucked into it.

>> No.16932112

The irony of his UBI plan is that it eliminates all other government aid programs in order to pay for the massive cost. That means putting all of the middle class government workers who administrator things like welfare, food stamps, student financial aid, etc. out of work and on to the NEET stats. That sounds more like a "war on normal people" than a self-driving truck stealing our jobs with super cheap deliveries.

>> No.16932118

>remote working
That's a meme propagated by the pandemic. Companies are going to shut that shit down hard as soon as the government lets them. Remote working is likely dead for at least a generation. Remember, it's about worker control, not what can or cannot be done remotely.

>> No.16932120

I pirated this book last year and read it. It was well written arguments until he got to the social credit system.

>> No.16932122

Well, then maybe you should look at happened in 1973 rather than blaming video games or self-driving trucks that don't exist.

>> No.16932124

Also, its dumb to think that he wants prep school shit abolished or that he wants to dismantle the entire school to workforce pipeline that exists.
Its pretty clear that he just wants more alternative. Wants people to be entrepreneurs, enrich local communities WITH their Ivy League skillsets, as opposed to enriching Amazon.

>> No.16932134

Not necessarily. The main cost of labor in Silicon Valley is covering the jacked up housing costs. Companies out there are already moving to pay remote workers who skipped town less. They could easily make remote work mandatory rather than pay some Javascript shit head 300k a year.

>> No.16932142

The local communities that produce ivy league acceptees are already enriched.

>> No.16932147

Yang has said he won't fully abolish existing welfare programs but will let people opt to stay on their current plans. Additionally, according to his book, about 3.5 million people are in trucking who will lose their jobs once automation gets into high gear (within the next 5-10 years), and about another 7 million work jobs relating to serving the truckers (not all of those people would be screwed but you can imagine losing 3.5 million customers who would be using truck stops, motels, etc. would be a noticeable hit). Another 62 million people work jobs the Federal Reserve classifies as "routine", which includes some rote legal work, administration, reception, etc. If just 10% of that gets automated (and probably more will) you're looking at 6.2 million people out of work.

That's 9.7 million more unemployed people who will probably drop out of the labor market entirely so president Marco Rubio can brag about his unemployment numbers.

>> No.16932149

Nah, its a great benefit to corps. It increases each firms effective supply of labor, while decreasing costs. Will probably help push wages down as now the prohibitive cost of living of tech centers (and relocation for desirable hires) won't put a floor on wages.

>> No.16932155

Reading comprehension dude

>> No.16932157

One of the worst job destroyers in history was the washing machine. In the past women would spend days hand washing loads of clothing with a washboard. Once the washing machine came along and stole their jobs, they all became NEETs and the economy has never recovered.

>> No.16932164

Yang was one of the only candidate who really understood the problems people face

>> No.16932165

>local communities

Writing skills dude. What the fuck does that even mean? Palo Alto is a "local community".

>> No.16932172

There was plenty of unskilled labor for those women to enter into. What are 3 and a half million freshly unemployed truckers going to do? What are 5 million unemployed paralegals going to do?

>> No.16932174

It should be really obvious what the point was.
But you're not interested in a dialogue.

>> No.16932181

>thinks any bourgeois people take life defining exams without extensive preparation
Any high schooler who paid attention in school should be able to ace the ACT or SAT easily. They're both that easy.

>> No.16932188

You think some rich prick like Yang understood the problems people face better than Sanders? Well, even Trump and Biden understand the workers class better than Yang because Trump and Biden both know American workers want jobs not handouts.

>> No.16932195

One of Yang's big meme talking points (said many times during his campaign) is that Amazon is "sucking up billions of dollars from the economy" or some shit like that. So I'm guessing he means start businesses that don't suck up all the commerce from their local community?

>> No.16932202

>the data since unemployment was recently tied with the all time low
These data don't track people who have permanently dropped out of the work force. Unemployment data only track people who have established benefits claims.

>> No.16932208

Amazon is providing absolutely massive value for the economy. Yang confirmed moron.

>> No.16932212

looks like a shitty statistics book. TO me this just reads if you aren't born rich into a good family that can pay your way through everything and help you get the best jobs you're fucked

>> No.16932215

>VFA's strategy was to recruit the nation's top college graduates into a two-year fellowship program in which they would work for and apprentice at promising startups in developing cities across the United States. Yang's book Smart People Should Build Things (2014) argues that the top universities in the country cherry-pick the smartest kids out of small towns and funnel them into the same corporate jobs in the same big cities.[47] VFA's goal is to help distribute that talent around the country and incentivize entrepreneurship for economic growth.

He's talking about a brain-drain from smaller communities all over America, I guess.

>> No.16932221

democratic voters were constantly fed a narrative that Biden was the most electable and that you had to vote for him even if you didn't like him

Biden voters overwhelmingly said they were voting against Trump and NOT explicitly for Biden

the 2020 general election was pretty much 100% decided by corona virus, so arguing about which person understands the plight of the working class more is kind of moot

>> No.16932227

But perhaps its better that all the talent congregates into a megacorp, then we can all live in sprawling cities, eat bugs, and own nothing?
It's funny I see a lot of pushback against this kind of congregation all over 4chan. Lots of people who meme about cities being awful.
It's interesting how Yang somewhat aligns with that perspective.

>> No.16932229

>UBI should exist because life is hard
>I deserve to be rewarded for existing
>People's lack of self-control is the government's responsibility
Christ its bernie all over again. I know I don't have much room to talk about being a man-child given my propensity for shitposting on a Hungarian Extreme Parachuting website, but most people here at least accept responsibility for their actions. Other people having no control over themselves is no reason to instate UBI, especially when its likely to drive industry out of the nation.

>> No.16932230

Oh wow an Ivy League lawyer founded a nonprofit that was funded by the Obama White House. Really breaking the mold! He's a parasite who just hops around on DNC money doing and saying things that seem a bit out of the ordinary but ultimately do nothing to offer any real change. Why the fuck should anybody listen to Yang and "build things"? His entire life is a testament towards how doing the exact opposite will make you very successful. His next book should be called "Fuck You Retard, I Did What I'm Telling You Not To Do And I'm A Millionaire Now Go Live In Cleveland!"

>> No.16932239

>"Fuck You Retard, I Did What I'm Telling You Not To Do And I'm A Millionaire Now Go Live In Cleveland!"

>> No.16932245

Anyone who is effective is likely to be working with the help of the massive institutions and establishments that exist.
You're so caught up in the aesthetic of being a revolutionary and purity testing people that you will never create any actual change.
Stay irrelevant with this shit attitude.
4chan is the perfect place for you.

>> No.16932247

You totally missed Yangs point

He's saying there's no realistic way to create jobs for those people, it's not going to happen

>> No.16932251

>TO me this just reads if you aren't born rich into a good family that can pay your way through everything and help you get the best jobs you're fucked
That is literally the first third of "The War on Normal People", at which point he outlines how he thinks we should fix this state of affairs.

>> No.16932254

U6 unemployment was tied with the best numbers from the peak of the 90s bubble right before covid. Can't find public U6 data before the 90s, but the 2019 numbers are the best for what's available, so again, you are just wrong. The data does not support you.

>> No.16932275

Are you an unironic communist by any chance?

>> No.16932295

>and you'll destroy your body doing so
you don't get to take it with you, anon

>> No.16932299

>you're not sucking my guys dick so you'll stay irrelevant, unlike me!
What the fuck does this even mean you faggot. Raising money from investors for a profitable venture and hopping ass-first into the DNC inner circle to live the life of an NGO wrangler are two different things. I worked a couple years in a corporate job after college and then pooled my money with some college buddies to start my own business and there's is absolutely likeable or admirable about Yang and no reason anyone should listen to him. He is the definition of "do as I say not as I do".

No I'm the opposite

>> No.16932301

More U.S. men aged 18–34 are now living with their parents than with romantic partners.
>As it should be. Leave those THOTS alone!

For 90% of people, nothing meaningful or truly interesting happens after age 30. You just deal with the aftermath of whatever dumb memes you fell for, from puberty to 30. The times don't get better, you get better at accepting the shit qualities of life.

True, you probably won't kill yourself.

Don't fall for memes like travel. Travel is pointless unless you are relocating for a job or better climate. With smart phones, all the cultures are becoming the same crappy internet culture: online dating, social media addiction, shit posting, crass commercialism.

If you have friends, work, and family, where you are, stay there-unless the climate makes you ill or something.

>> No.16932306

Yet massive institutions exist as an antithesis to revolutionary ideas. They work in the space they're told to work, not daring to cross boundaries set by the goals of the larger institution. You say this is the only way to be effective, but by Yang's own words he wants you to build, yet his entire existence is put within the confines of nothing he has created and he says all this whilst wishing you to be dependant on the very government he is leashed by. I don't give a flying fuck nobody hears me scream, nobody worth a damn regardless of efficacy will sell their ideology to an institution like that.

>> No.16932316

>Yet massive institutions exist as an antithesis to revolutionary ideas
Revolution sucks anyway, incremental change is better.
Revolution means your institutions have failed. It shouldn't be your goto way of envisioning change unless you are a fucking immature adolescent with no understanding of how the world works.

>> No.16932330
File: 43 KB, 1000x720, third-wave-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since some of you guys seem passionate about this crap, here's another book by a washed up entrepreneur who thinks rich kids have a patriotic duty to gentrify third rate cities.

>> No.16932335

Revolutions as you picture them suck. A true revolution is not an idea changing the government, but instead changing the hearts of people. I'm also not sure what rock you've been living under, but everything is failing. Institutions are more concerned with injecting their retarded ideas into everyday life and/or seeking more control over people's lives which people themselves are content to go on the rollercoaster to end with little concern over how this even affects their own generation, let alone the next five.

>> No.16932352

No it means nobody relevant shares your attitude of it being bad when people work within existing systems.
It's juvenile. Fundamentally rooted in the childish hero fantasy, the idea that change will come from some brave revolutionary outsider, as opposed to change coming from the accumulated results of small efforts made by entities who exist within the established system.
Populism is cancer.
>I'm also not sure what rock you've been living under, but everything is failing
We must live in different dimensions then. Crazy to think I'm conversing across a multiversal boundary. Pretty cool.

>> No.16932374
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I've been a NEET for 12 years (25 now) and have wondered about the same thing. I don't play vidya but I read, hang out with friends every day, and have gotten good enough at art that I could monetize it if I had some business sense. Since dropping out I've pretty much always been happy

>> No.16932402

I'm encroaching on 4 years (30 yo), but I know I have no realistic career options that I could ever be content with so I have pretty much no choice but to end it.
It's one of those things where I've already been fully resigned from ever trying for two years now, so I don't see how anything else is possible.
If you're happy then that's good.

>> No.16932406

>Only public relevancy matters
>Dismisses any ideas of rapid change as populism
>Believes the people within the system would ever change the system
>Has it in their head that a resting body cannot fail if given enough time
>Calls other people childish
What an absolute joke. Revolution is something that comes from outside the system, be it a new idea or a hostile coup de tat. Overall the result is the most important factor and dismissing everyone because your oh so superior brain is the only one that can comprehend the complexities of running a nation on a micro and macro level is also fucking childish and you should be ashamed of your lacking self-awareness. Nobody here is playing at being the hero so much as not defending yet another terrible idea from another hypocrite getting his hands on legislative tools that have repeatedly been mishandled by hypocrites with terrible ideas. Nothings going to change overnight, but if you want something to change in one direction, supporting it in another is almost as cancerous as your attitude.

>> No.16932419

Apparently everyone relevant shares my attitude because Yang never even breached double digits. Thinking that the people who have no immediate interest in meaningful change are going to suddenly start supporting meaningful change is juvenile. The entire point of reformism is to satiate people without actually making them better off. Populism is what turns the wheel of history. When our current elites finally finish hollowing out the very institutions they stand on and some truly impulsive hothead outsider ends up in charge it'll be hilarious in a sort of cosmically ironic way, whether it's tranny socialists or Latino nazis. Every major social, cultural, and economic issue America has faced since the 60s has just slowly been growing farther and farther out of whack like cancer under the same regime of people but hey, let's just keep supporting them I'm sure the darts they're throwing will hit a bullseye eventually right?

>> No.16932423

The opportunity to go to divorce court and get eternal child support payments? 80% of divorce is brought by women. Women want the government to replace men, so of course they support UBI and vote for socialist bullshit.

This is like vets who can't admit that the military sucks and screws you over-no matter what field you went into. I chose it, so it must be good! You can fuck up like I did, cousin/grandchild/son/brother

I had kids, so it must be good. You make me sick.
When you have kids, you always ask what your life would have been without them, so try having a life without them, first.

>> No.16932424

>Believes the people within the system would ever change the system
Happens all the time in science, for example. Every scientist who "revolutionizes" their field came through academia. Systems can exist in a way in which they incrementally improve themselves. You don't need to see it as a binary where everything is either towing the line or radical change.
Systems aren't automatically bad, they aren't automatically good. That's the fundamental point.

>> No.16932433

Just become a firefighter or something with a pension and you get to NEET all of retirement after only like 20 years of work.

>> No.16932437

I'd be a loser firefighter. Weak manlet who can't banter with tough blue collar types.

>> No.16932443

>A true revolution is not an idea changing the government, but instead changing the hearts of people.

That's called working within the system. Try to English. REEEEEEvolutionist.

>> No.16932444
File: 188 KB, 720x720, 1605817062160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a duty to go lift

>> No.16932459
File: 17 KB, 340x361, horseshoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apparently everyone relevant shares my attitude because Yang never even breached double digits
Has nothing to do with anything we're discussing, but OK. He was a shit candidate. Died on stage. No experience. Just a meme.
>The entire point of reformism is to satiate people without actually making them better off
Heh, tranny lefty twitter addicts say this shit all the time.
This is illuminating, really.

>> No.16932490

To which you'd be right, however when said systems are infested with people more concerned with self-benefit, quelling dissent, or control, then something indeed has to change. Its not hard to understand why things like "credited" and "unaccredited" exist. In truth I promote systems existing with much lower barriers of entry. However in the instances provided in the arguments above, we have systems and institutions that provide capital and credence people without for agreeing with them and working within their political boundaries, or in the case of Ivy League Schools, those with pre-establisbed wealth, influence, or rarely actual academic talent being admitted and accredited. The issue with both being the systems they are moreso than the systems as a broader idea themselves.

>> No.16932531

I don't care who would take over, just someone new. We need new ideas. America is country without a raison d'etre and handing out an extra $1000 a month and charging everyone a carbon tax isn't going to change that. Left-right is reductionist but thinking of things as a horseshoe is just what retards do, regardless of who you're putting on each horseshoe (and of course your special little unique and magical ideology is always at the middle). Creativity is necessarily destructive.

>> No.16932532
File: 98 KB, 640x360, does this look unsure to you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there was nothing fun to do before video games
Old styles of fun got more potent in every way.

>Movies used to be a place and TVs used to have 5 channels that ran only during late evening, then literally stopped for the night until 5AM the next day.
Today you could watch Netflix on your couch for the next decade, 8 hours a day, and you wouldn't even finish the existing catalogue, let alone the new stuff, let alone all the content not on Netflix but on, e.g, Disney Plus.

>Sex and sexual pleasure used to be a pretty time consuming or sordid affair to get on demand, requiring you to meet people in person, very slowly, for a long time, or buy seedy tapes and magazines in an in-person store
Today, if you don't have any standards, you can be cooming literally every single hour of every single day. Everyone with the internet has access to an endless stream of porn, cam models, onlyfans, hookup apps, dating apps, lewd snapchats, subreddits, forums, discords, instagram and finstagram, porn artistry on twitter and hentai, categorized to your heart's content, blasting dicks and vaginas into your skull faster than any human historically could ever hope to consume.

>Mediocre arcade games that cost 25 cents a play and required you to go to a physical place during waking hours(about 90 cents in today's money).
Today, even if all you had was an internet connection you can play free MOBAs, battle royale games, sports games, competitive FPSs and RTSs, and other F2P mobile and MMO games from now until the day you died.

>Food used to be kinda shitty and bland
There's a reason Americans are overwhelming majority obese - food has gotten better, more caloric, far more available, and globalization has greatly increased the variety a single person could hope to consume.

>Drugs used to be weak and hard to access
Criminal industries professionalized and started darkweb markets making drugs more accessible than ever, weed is now something like 10x more potent than your parents weed, and hallucinogenics are becoming decriminalized.

It's easier to be a fat, lazy, do-nothing piece of shit than any other point in history.

>> No.16932533

Trannies on Twitter are also known for having less self-awareness than /mlp/. While reformation is always put to placate, Populism works somewhat the same way, but the true purpose of a populist candidate is disruption. As the anon was saying, since the 60s, politics and people in general have been going off the deep end and as a wiser man than I once said, "Now the gears are spinning out of control, what will they do if we held them still". Horseshoe theory only works if you over generalize instead of looking at what people are actually saying.

>> No.16932959
File: 16 KB, 600x400, CUCKLIFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16932967

>implying governments are worried about birthrates and they won't be happy to use the excuse to bring in a million more niggers or muslims

>> No.16932992

I've gotten addicted to league of legends and stopped studying for med school.

Somebody any advice?
I'm in the gifted range and never developed very good studying habits, but I can't get trough med school without studying obviously.

>> No.16933006

On a macro scale talking about individual responsibility is non-sensical. Individuals are produced by societies, they're not causa sui. Also even if, hypothetically, every poor and unemployed person started acting like a perfectly rational entrepreneurial agent, there's still not enough opportunity to accommodate most of them.

>> No.16933041

Good response.
It's really annoying talking to people chronically affected with a dogmatic just-world fetish.
There are benefits to such a world view. Everything becomes incredibly simple for one (ie, everyone gets what they deserve, end of story), and its probably good for personal motivation if you're a person who struggles with that kind of thing.
But its useless if we're trying to have an impartial and realistic discussion about the actual nature of society.
There's some semi-meme pajeet doctor that's become very popular on Twitch/Youtube. Supposedly he's legit, not just some grifter con.
He talks about video game addiction, might be genuinely helpful, provided you can stomach the "for gamers" cringe aesthetic.

>> No.16933042

In 2017 I started drinking pretty heavily and almost failed a first-year accounting course. Obviously not comparable but I had to learn to study pretty fast to get a good enough grade on the final.
You slot off an hour or two a day for studying and open the textbook to the relevant chapter. Prioritize classes with closer examinations or assignments. Pay attention and take notes during the lecture and take advantage of any material posted to a course website because often the textbook alone isn't enough. Quit league cold turkey and don't let yourself touch it again until the end of the semester. Good luck, anon.

>> No.16933087

We need to kill people who think like this. More dangerous than the neoliberals who run everything because they couldn't come up with this shit on their own but will embrace it when it becomes trendy.

>> No.16933089

When I was in school I would go through a cycle where the moment I had any time off (like Christmas break) I would just become a hardcore video game addict, playing all day.
When back in school the only way I could function was by ensuring that school was always at the forefront of my mind. I couldn't juggle a serious interest in two things at once. I had to be all in. And I was able to succeed at my studies by basically ensuring that it was the only thing I cared about.
So basically the answer for me is always cold turkey.
I would make mental efforts to reprogram myself into thinking the game is undesirable. For League just tell yourself that its pointless to play because it mainly just comes down to how good your teammates are, so a large percentage of the games you play are just a waste of time because you had no control over their outcome. That's usually enough to demotivate myself from ever caring about grinding a team game, but maybe its different for you. Or just say the n-word and get yourself banned, also viable perhaps (as long as there's no risk of getting doxxed and cancelled).

>> No.16933116

Yea I knew him but forgot about him, yes semi-meme but will give him a chance. Thanks.


Yea that team game stuff is not gonna help me personally, but I honestly don't really like the game that much, it's because of corona that me and my friends are playing the whole time and that got me addicted. Also the fact there isn't much fun to do besides gaming.

Honestly I will indeed spam the N-word and get myself banned.

Thanks for the help!

>> No.16933127
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, pepe glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a very elegant solution, indeed.
Glad I could be of help.

>> No.16933203

>He projects a future where a relative handful of high-productivity individuals create most of the value, while low-skilled people become preoccupied with cheap digital entertainment to stay happy and organize their lives.

What are we all doing here on this mongolian salmon fishing imageboard again?

>> No.16933269

While basic universal income is not really doable I do think people going to their vices rather than holding to their resolve contributes heavily to their failure. Natural selection at work. Luke smith had a video related to resisting addictions that I found a bit insightful: https://youtube.com/watch?v=BsvYEkTzmGQ

>> No.16933272

>on minimum wage you wont be able to save.
This is an absolute lie. If you can't save it's because you can't budget. Why are so many people so bad with money? I swear most of the debt problems in the west come from bad choices rather than a lack of money.

>> No.16933328

Also it seems like less of a battle between the person vs an addiction and of of a tussle between the part of you that wants to stop something vs the part of you that wants to keep doing something.

>> No.16933630
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>Improove yourself
To what end?
What is the motivation for it?
If I'm not reproducing why would I waste my efforts to support the system that has broken the social contract long ago?

>> No.16933694

That's his argument, in many respects.
He's right, of course. The challenge is getting certain people to see this before it's too late.
Yang is trying to understand and reach conservatives and he has for years. They are absolutely essential in shifting this status quo to being more livable for normal people. For normal people to actually thrive based on their talents and not the status of their birth.
But so many right wingers want no change to the system, not realizing that much of what they hate about their country is a product of it, that includes the less digestible aspects of liberal American politics.
I know so many right wingers that are just as unhappy with the state of affairs as a left winger. It's just all the ideological hangers on that prevents them from truly plunging into capitalist reformism. Which is by design, obviously.

>> No.16933734

There is no incentive to be good with money if you're the average wagie.
>woah i can save a pittance of my paycheck a year that maybe i can use when i'm old and decrepit

>> No.16933823

>l he got to the social credit system.
it's the wet dream of any atheist

>> No.16933873
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Labor force participation, even for just prime aged men 24-55, never recovered to even 2007 levels during the "Trump Boom," let alone the 1990s. Massively more young people didn't work, and disability payment rates by kept going up.

The Trump Boom was pure illusion. Unemployment got better but actual % of people working barely moved. This was with the Fed juicing the economy was hard as possible under Trump's public order. Recall 2018, where a 25 basis point hike caused overvalued stocks to crash, and then the Fed went right back to juicing, or the massive repo bailout in 2019. This is with Trump tripling the deficit to over $1 trillion before Covid. Easy to juice the economy when the government borrows $0.25 of every dollar it spends.

Stock performance was driven by buy backs supported by Fed policy. Corporate debt to GDP was already at an all time high before Covid. Basically, policy allowed corps to recklessly borrow, not to grow operations, but to buy back stock and boost investor and executive pay. The Covid hits and the Fed does unlimited bond buying to make sure no large corp fails.

Real wages grew towards the end, but not particularly fast and the trend didn't break up stagnation since 1979. Wage and household income growth 2017-2019 was nowhere near the best, it wasn't even better than the mid-2000s.

The "Trump Boom" is smoke and mirrors.

>> No.16933882

Productivity and wages separating after 1980 is an incredibly well known phenomenon you mong.

>> No.16933942

It's pretty easy to say this if you're earning over 60k a year. There comes a point where you don't really need more money to live, and any extra money can be spent on luxuries, or saved for later. The only way your lowest of wagies can afford to save is if they do what those asians do and live in large groups in hired out shipping containers. Otherwise no amount of "budgeting" can really help.

With that said, I do agree that your typical wagie is a retard who doesn't understand addition or subtraction, let alone how compound interest works, which is why they don't value saving. They'd rather one marshmellow now than two marshmellows later. It's also why they get into ludicrous amounts of debt. Idk the intricacies of UBI, I've heard it's like superannuation, which is definitely a good thing for a country to adopt because it forces retards to invest some of their paycheck (into a nationally recognised super fund) so that they can live off of it when they retire.

>> No.16934066

>With that said, I do agree that your typical wagie is a retard who doesn't understand addition or subtraction, let alone how compound interest works, which is why they don't value saving.

Interest rates on savings accounts and money markets have been well below inflation since 2008. Even investment grade bonds have piss poor yields after taxes. Tax free Munis barely beat the Feds inflation targets and you need $5,000 increments anyhow.

This is due to Fed policy. Pretty much all US policy is to support Boomers. The Federal Budget? Medicare and Social Security, i.e. Boomer Universal Healthcare and Boomer UBI above what Yang called for dwarf defense spending. Debt is a massive component and debt is essentially saying "don't cut services or raise taxes now, make future tax payers pay for it once Boom Booms retire." Mass migration? To keep property values and rents moving ever upward and service sector wages down. Boomers can't afford their live in aides (servants) when they go demented if they cost more than $7 an hour.

Fed intervention has been to keep stonks and property values always moving forward. The result is that interest on savings is absolute shit. You have to buy over inflated stock assets, knowing that the rich all trade on insider information (e.g. Tom Tillis) and will dump before you sell.

We are ruining a generation with no school and crashing the economy for a disease that has killed 58% people over 75, 80% people over 65, and just 6,800 deaths under 45 per the CDC. We do open heart surgery on 80 year olds because Medicare pays and torture them to keep them alive for a week, but 30 year olds die from lack of cancer treatment. Boomers are cancer. But we have a 74 year old President soon to be 79. 80 year old House Speaker and 80 year old whip. Fienstien and Bernie are 87 and 79. McConnel is 79. Senate is average 86, House 58, Cabinet 64, SCOTUS 62. Fucking leadership is in the dementia zone.

Where people fuck up in savings is not buying property, but that isn't feasible in big cities, which is also where jobs moved. Hopefully remote work fixes that.

>> No.16934078

Typo, the Senate is average 63 not 86.

Top leadership next term will be:
President: 79-83
House: 80-84
Senate: 79-83
SCOTUS: 65-69

Full gerontocracy. We are worse than the Soviets when they fell apart due to geriatric rule.

>> No.16934083

>thinking its a right vs left issue

>> No.16934085

These "men" should just Transition.

>> No.16934103

Played games until 22, then went to uni for STEM degree. Now I have a good job and decent prospects. Feels good, man.

>> No.16934123

>>if you date a women and impregnate her and she leaves you you'll be stuck with 100k per year child support payments and if you dont pay them youll be sent to jail
I support this shit. They deserve it for having sex.

>> No.16934183
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Well, so much for the analysis. But what does the solution look like? Does he take into account what drastic consequences a basic income would have on the economy (e.g. inflation, wages, workers' protection etc.)? I mean there have been experiments with thousands of people before but they do not at all represent what would happen to the economy if it applied to everyone.
Also, does he in any way criticize capitalism for these social issues? Because if not then idk if I can take him any seriously

>> No.16934254

Haha isn’t it crazy how 1973 is the year Breton Woods was completely abandoned and the US went full fiat haha

What an interesting coincidence haha

>> No.16934308

I ended up failing to get a job after uni in 2016, tried to start a few businesses on my own online and failed repeatedly.

Now it's 2020, and I can program and read a lot, but have nothing to show for it, my parents are getting old and I don't realistically know what I can do to get into the professional job I need, 30 is looming 2 years away and I don't know what to do.

Anyway maybe I'll read the book

>> No.16934317

It's chicken and egg for me. Various life circumstances can make you fall behind and if you have certain mental conditions you might cope with vidya, which will set you further behind. But there is still a real lack of opportunity and affordability.

>> No.16934382

This is why machines should replace all low-skilled jobs and everyone should get a basic income.

>> No.16934429

I'm 10 minutes into 4chan and my mood is already ruined because of this thread. I'm the embodiment of this paragraph and it's not getting any better. I keep having worse existential crises the older I get into my twenties.
I just know for sure that I would be miserable as any type of wagecuck too.

>> No.16934438

>miserable as any type of wagecuck too
invest and break free from the 9-5 cycle

>> No.16934453

Stupid argument. Like saying we shouldn’t try to eliminate crime because think of the poor prison guards that would lose their jobs. The criminals are necessary to provide jobs for all the police and judges.

If the government workers and administrators are supposedly working to help enfranchise the impoverished, but the successful enfranchisement of the impoverished will make their jobs irrelevant, than the industry has a vested interested in keeping the impoverished disenfranchised. Fuck these bureaucrats.

>> No.16934455

Take up a CompTia course dude, and then pass their test. Its all uphill from then.

>> No.16934476

UBI is ultimately more cost effective than all the current government social programs, it’s less invasive and involves less red tape, effectively making the government smaller rather than bigger, and it empowers people to become more productive members of society. It just makes sense. The only argument against it is “muh handouts!”

>> No.16934504

There is research which shows that your IQ literally goes down by 13-14 points when you’re impoverished. People aren’t poor because they make bad decisions, they make bad decisions because they are poor.

>> No.16934626

Video games are actually boring after a few hours

>> No.16934651
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Only if you don't actually understand the data. Productivity growth over the past 50 years has been disproportionately concentrated in jobs which earn salaries. Salaries aren't wages and typically don't get included in wage data.

Meanwhile, the total productivity metrics you're showing include all workers, waged and salaried.

>> No.16934654

I painted my life situation as an hopeless neet in that post but that's what I'm trying to do actually, learning how to trade and investing. That only fixes my financial problems though. My existential crises extend beyond that.

>> No.16934666
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>this guy could have been POTUS

>> No.16934733

>It's easier to be a fat, lazy, do-nothing piece of shit than any other point in history.

>> No.16934748

>They deserve it for having sex.

>> No.16934779

>a future where a relative handful of high-productivity individuals create most of the value, while low-skilled people become preoccupied with cheap digital entertainment to stay happy
This is the future Andrew Yang promised in his campaign.

>> No.16934784

There can't be any proof to your claim since no country has ever run a program to give everyone money nationally. Pointing to small scale time constrained experiments says noting about how that'd would work long run over business cycles, etc. There's no reason to believe giving people money instead of claims to rights on real goods won't just result in a decrease in general living standards since what makes things really expensive isn't going to be effected much by a fixed floor on income. When you just give people money instead of directly spending on things there's a big chance way more people than you want to believe will privately decide to save by buying bitcoins/gold/etc to hoard driving up the real cost of living... it can't work to get out of a slump when it starts and that's when it'll break down.

It is since other factors are more important. A lot of stuff happened in the 1970s and old unionized industries that employed a lot of people just became unprofitable. The USSR managed things even worse and just collapsed. The dollar floating didn't make finance and high tech more profitable than older industries it just made it play out in a certain way.
If America gave all their gold reserves to Japan and Europe (which would of happened if dollars were freely convertible to gold at an artificial level) in the 1970s America as a global power would of basically collapsed.

>> No.16934812

>Then mass hysteria about a corona virus with a 99.7% survival rate ended all that.
Which caused the saving rate to hit an all time high lol

If Biden goes for "budget balancing" and austerity you'll see how non-"illusionary" it was.

>> No.16934918

Sounds based

>> No.16935041

good post. i ended up completely burning out on a semester of uni. just retreated into games as they were the only thing that gave me any sort of achievement or comfort. the more i played, the more the work piled up and the more irretrievable things got, which made me just stick my head further in the sand. the root problem wasn't games, but they didn't improve things.

i likely would've used another thing to cope but games have their way of getting hooks into you and keeping you playing long after they've served their purpose. you're not playing for fun or escapism, you're seeking achievement in the game to the detriment of your actual situation

>> No.16935150

Can someone explain to a brainlet like me what Andrew Yangs point is. So young men are virgin unemployed video game playing losers. So what?
What does this indicate and what's the solution?

>> No.16935273

I’ve considered started a retraining company that identifies candidates for specific retraining at American (non-globo homo) companies.

Seems possible but potentially difficult to scale as it involves washington, big corpos, and rural America

>> No.16935345 [DELETED] 

Can someone explain to a brainlet like me what Andrew Yangs point is. So young men are virgin unemployed video game playing losers. So what?
What does this indicate and what's the solution?

>> No.16935368

you arent lacking economic oppurtunity lmfao just go on indeed dude, go on your country's job bank. ill bet you 20 dollars you dont even have a resume updated within the last year

>explore your own psyche, research your own personal interests, and spawn creative works of art
you dont do any of those and you're just parroting a years old meme from R9K

if you dont get your life together you will literally end up sucking dick just for a crumb of bread when youre older. dont believe me? just keep playing vidyas, you'll see where your situation lies when your parents retire and you have nothing

>> No.16935390

that's his point

>> No.16935500

Not enough tax slaves getting into jobs

>> No.16935617

it means more people that could potentially be the next innovators or at the very least productive workers, soldiers, doctors, etc are not living up to their full potential and are instead starving themselves spiritually and mentally by staring at screens all day never showering never having sex never living life never making any money. it means our people are becoming weak and weak people are easily exploited

those chinese and russian fellows very much like it when you justify your failures with "muh roasties" btw, it just means less competition for them

>> No.16935848

rich people can't steal money if the poor underclass aren't getting jobs and being taxed, this makes him seethe.

>> No.16936090

Yang is ethnically Chinese, and therefore a Chinese saboteur.

Nothing else needs to be said.

>> No.16936129

>Incredible cost of dating apps
Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.16936154

Nigga can you read?

>> No.16936160

>waging (and the frustrated relationships that suffers under it) is "living life"
>" our people"
>he said as an american
i just cant take shit like this seriously. This is beyond having drunk the coolaid, but advocating for and guilt tripping others to drink the cyanide drink as well.

Fucking chill faggot. You dont have to say these things here; there is no negative performance review coming if you dont repeat the party lines here.

>> No.16936169

wrong, rich people dont give a shit because retards like you who arent even qualified to be a professional footstool are getting replaced by robots and migrants

>> No.16936194

i am willing to bet you your net worth is <$100k

stay mad and poor and sexless, just as long as you don't "drink the koolaid" and grow a pair and get to work to secure your future for yourself and your heirs. you have failed at being a REEL HYUMAN if your net worth ever exceeds $100k. keep playing video games ok

>> No.16936213

I'm confirmed to work fully remotely after Covid. I've automated most of my daily responsibilities, so I spend most of my time reading or writing, and my boss couldn't care less because the scripts I wrote make up for the department being understaffed. I'm hourly and underpaid, but that means expectations are low, and I take full advantage of it. All my NEET friends wrestle with self-hatred, ostracism, loneliness, but I'm lucky because I've figured out a way to game the system & still have 2/3 of the free time they have.

>> No.16936225

I feel like the tractor was worse

>> No.16936226

>>i am willing to bet you your net worth is <$100k
i have literally inherited more than that already and am wasting my parents money on a philosophy masters currently. I just know I will never work a min wage (semester break ) job ever (again).

>> No.16936246 [DELETED] 

>im not mad, YOU'RE mad
bravo, truly the masterwork of a philosophy major

>> No.16936256

did your dad not tell you to grow up and leave the video games behind?

>> No.16936255

>seething this hard

>> No.16936264
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oh no. why we deleting our posts now? kek
dude, you are pathetic

>> No.16936281

That isn't how the Fed calculated real wages you mong. It's essentially "real income from labor."

Did you really think scholars on the left and right didn't realize that definitional problem and that your genius ass happened to be the only one who noticed it, by looking through Wikipedia with confirmation bias goggles on?

>> No.16936324

What cost you fucking retard
Dating apps are fucking free

>> No.16936344

not the one who made the post, you just can't read
>increadible cost of houseing
>dating apps becoming acceptable

>> No.16936350

>TFW 33, married, home owner in 20s, six figures income, no debt aside from mortgage which is on a 15 year and has appreciated by $60k already, and almost vested in pension, but even worse off than the NEETs because I discovered the reality of Yaldaboath and the material world. I don't even really enjoy Vidya or TV, so I can't keep my mind of things there. I just drink a LOT, lift, and do chores endlessly or endless walks listening to philosophy, trying to see the light of Gnosis and failing.

I don't get games. I did like Call of Duty online a lot but paintball is a million times more fun. Only single player games I've liked recently are Planescape Torment and Disco Elysium. Most have infantile stories. I guess Persona 4 seemed cool but the game play was too boring for me.

>> No.16936375

I used to make those excuses while living in a town with less than 300 people, then my nuts dropped and I destroyed my ego and got a job

>> No.16936404

Billionaires are .0009% of the population and they didn’t get wealthy by being nice, they absolutely don’t give two shits about anyone itt

>> No.16936410

There's no such thing as "crime" - that's a spook

>> No.16936428

Drinking and endless chores replaced vidya for me as well, aside from the 40-50 hours at work a week

Part of me wants the republicans or the democrats, I don’t care which, to show their ass in such a way that I am legally obliged to kill

>> No.16936461

I don’t support ubi but I don’t care if welfare warriors (government employees) have to get real jobs or not

>> No.16936506

Working for the government is a "real job", retard, civilization requires a bureaucracy. Dumbass Anarchist

>> No.16936984

I have a CS degree, I just dunno how to start again

>> No.16937113
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Can't even get angry about politics much anymore. It's all the providence of the Demiurge. Free will is illusionary anyhow. We are subjects to the iron chains of material causality. The mother fucking Demiurge, Yaldy-Baddy.

>> No.16937160

>I discovered the reality of Yaldaboath and the material world
Lol, have you discussed this with your wife? What kind of stupid bitch do you have to be to make 6 figures and still imagine that the world is a hellish prison?

>> No.16937162

Government jobs are difficult. You have to balance politics with operational goals. You also have public sector unions, particularly cops, throwing up road blocks everywhere to reform. Find accounting is significantly more complex than private sector. I have to deal with tons of restricted revenues. Revenue is highly regulated. Procurement is a beast due to requirements, I have to bid fucking everything. Firing shitty employees is difficult thanks to Laudermill even if they aren't in a union. It's being a manager on hard mode. And then dumbshits in the legislature or people on newspapers shit on you.

I have to do this shit and work after hours and get yelled at at hearings for $110k. Only the pension makes it worth it, sort of, and doing an important job. Private sector I'd be making three times my pay for a similar sized organization.

>> No.16937567
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Because it objectively is.

>> No.16937586

Why not work private sector for a few years and retire? Having to wage through such bureaucracy doesn't seem worth the headache.

>> No.16937596

No its not, everyone who works for the government bureaucracy is just too stupid to be competitive privately.

>> No.16937605


>> No.16937678

>>I discovered the reality of Yaldaboath and the material world
>Lol, have you discussed this with your wife?
kek wife was the femiurge all along

>> No.16937722

lol, getting a job in intelligence agencies or State generally requires mastering a difficult foreign language or two, and getting into a excelling at an elite program. Just the entrance scored required out people at the top end of the cognitive range. Foreign affairs is also super insular and full of wealthy people though, so that's another level on top of things. That and, the easy way in is military service, but you still have to have skills. It's incredibly competitive, pulling in top grads from top programs.

State and local is much less competitive, but still very selective at the executive level. You're talking about organizations much more complicated than private companies and even a medium sized city is $1B is revenues a year.

>> No.16937744


>> No.16937850

What hurts me most as an autistic male that tried his hardest to get ahead is the fact that absolute fuck ups in life make more money on welfare than I do, once you account for the fact that I have to call in sick during my depressive episodes.

The article misses the point that these men come from broken families, are unstable and welfare and minimum wage are rapidly starting to equalize. If I miss one day of work a week I'm making less than the 40 year old male who lied about having a bad back and does a cashy on the side.

It's also the fact that lower class women, the ones who would marry these lower class men, are choosing to just be single moms. If you're a single mother and have three children, everything is looked after for you, and you're living a better lifestyle than a single male working a minimum wage job.

The fact is that these men will still be coming home to empty apartments, will still statistically be likely to die alone. There is no magic cure where they'll turn around and suddenly be happy.

>> No.16939014

Studying is accumulative.
If you've got 15 minutes but low concentration in that pool of time, read something badly. This will atleast place the concept in your brain. The next time you approach it you will have a quicker recall and habitually begin to study.
Imagine you're just dumping paper in your room and organizing it later. Like that.

>> No.16939068

Rich family lets me be a NEETo in my own apartment, just gotta keep my expenses reasonable and live a middle class lifestyle no string attached. Still, never had a girlfriend and only had sex five times with five different random sluts.

>> No.16939093

You've had sex with more people than I ever will. Or even more people than this guy since he seems to have married the first girl he got >>16936350

>> No.16939189

>I discovered the reality of Yaldaboath and the material world
Ok, now I'm curious. What's a good starting point?

>> No.16939242

This is what I'll do when I will not be able to live as a NEET anymore. Well technically I wasn't a NEET, just trying to get a dream career going. My only regret is that I have never managed to abandon the desire to amount to something in society. No matter how much I detest and reject society I still want to become "someone" in some way, and so I will live my years in unhappiness. I cannot find happiness within myself. I have too much ambition, I need validation, and I know that the world will give me non.
I wouldn't have chosen any other path though, I simply got tired during college. It's kind of ironic that I am so tired and disgusted with people yet I will die struggling for approval and acknowledgment. What a sad life.

>> No.16939254

Look Into psychological hedonism

>> No.16939293
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>> No.16939341

I'm doing all this because I refuse to be nothing but a cog in a machine. I realized at some point that I would at the very best do my 9 to 5 for a soulless corp and die irrelevant, my only contribution the further destruction of the world. I wanted to have an impact on the world in some way, even just on a small niche of people, I wanted to do be part of a culture. It was a big ambition, probably too much since I'm lower class, not that special of a mind, and I've had to do everything on my own.
What are you implying with psychological hedonism? That I am doing this to myself for a future reward? Of course, the reward will never come. Statistically it's practically impossible that I will get anywhere near my goals, and I've tried every possible door already. I know what drives me to do this, why I have a desperate need for approval by some kind of public. I just haven't been able to change this because dropping this ambition would mean suicide. Where's the hedonism in pointlessly bashing your head against the wall? I've wished for a videogame or something to watch many times but I can't enjoy a thing.
Heh. I never had dreams of glory, I really just wanted a quiet frugal life that was personally rewarding. I wanted very little from the world, but as people told me many times the world doesn't owe me anything.

>> No.16939505

Literally, just be hedonistic and enjoy life until death dissolves you. You seem like typing, so maybe you should start a philosophy blog, journal

>> No.16939744

Almost no one is brave enough to kill themselves. Just look at all the zoomers and millenials who go all day long saying things like:
>i don't like life lol
>the world is ending anyways
>climate catastrophe is inevitable
>life was a mistake

They pose as nihilist, but at the end, they are scared of death, because even though they feel empty, they do not desire the nothingness of no-self. So they "fight for the planet" or engage in social issues, because deep down they do find some meaning in life...or maybe they are just scared, i don't know for sure.

So when a person like that is offered the possibilty of death, they turn it down. Think if you're brave enough to waste 10 or 15 years of life ans then just kill yourselve

>> No.16939798

Why don't you work a non-minimun wage job?

>> No.16939812

Yeah call back when boomers can figure out how to turn on a smart tv. Zoomers are the Übermensch.

>> No.16939903

Not an Americuck but that sounds fucked. I also realise that savings accounts lose value over time, I should've used the term investing instead of saving. America is designed so that those in power don't ever lose it, that was the founding fathers' intention all along. I look forward to seeing a Napoleon-esque figure rise out from this.

>> No.16940621

>Literally, just be hedonist
If the point of life is just chasing pleasures I may as well neck myself right now. Modern life disgusts me beyond measure, I hate consumer culture, I hate the product based lifestyle, I hate the trash that people get hooked on to entertain themselves since the day they're born.
>You seem like typing, so maybe you should start a philosophy blog, journal
I'm not an entertainer nor I want to be one. All my efforts for years were committed toward the "public", it did not work because I am fundamentally not part of this environment. All I can do to make my situation better is to completely detach myself and learn to live in solitude. I can't have religious faith, I wish I did.

>> No.16940653

Your diary is a depressing mess. Worry about yourself retard.

>> No.16941022
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It's not vidya, vidya is just something to keep you from blowing your brains out.
The real, and only question, we should be asking is this: How many NEETs were raised by single mothers and had no father figures in their life.
I wanna watch this world burn.

>> No.16941067

Still nothing to do with /lit/
It's like you illiterate retards think that books are so magical and special, that anything in one has to be literature. It's not.

>> No.16941221

Yeah I did this years ago. Was 23 and just got told my degree was pretty much worthless enough times that eventually I said fuck it I won't bother trying to find work anymore. Stopped going to the government work centre people's mandatory work search bullshit things and just played games all day.
It was better than just getting rejected all week or grinding away in a kitchen for endless shifts only for the owner to not even pay me properly.

>> No.16941232

Same here. This is spot on for the whole anglosphere.
Day of the pillow soon.

>> No.16941319

>How many NEETs were raised by single mothers and had no father figures in their life.
Unironically has been the biggest setback in my life. Single mother always encouraged me to take the path of least resistance. Father was not around enough to provide insight and guidance. I had to become my own father just to pull my life together. I feel there have been so many mistakes in my life that a wiser man in my life could have helped me steer clear of or deal with effectively. Single motherhood and absent fathers are undoubtedly the biggest atrocities committed to young men.

>> No.16941375

>Economic situation is so abysmal that dedicating your life to video games is genuinely more fulfilling than participating in society
This is the harshest indictment of our current economic/societal situation possible

>> No.16941392

Marxist critique of captialism is actually entirely based. Amazing what you find out by actually reading the source material.

>> No.16941399

Not a chance, the red scare propaganda was so successful, decades and decades later anything every vaguely associated with communism engenders an immediate averse reaction from most western people, despite most of those people not knowing the first thing about Marx or communism.

>> No.16941417

The economy is based on collective labor. This means the actions of others and the organization of larger social structures dictates the level of opportunity for a given individual. Quit acting like every person is an island when the fact is the younger generations are objectively, measurably, WORSE off than past generations despite (and in fact, because of) the most significant technological revolution in human history.

>> No.16941435

Automation is such a meme. It's not happening.

>> No.16941439

When you only make 20k a year, and rent/utility takes over half, and then food, transportation, and other misc necessities fill out the rest, the absolute most you could save year to year is 1k - 2k.

And before you suggest moving some where else, that is a boomer suggestion which Yang actually addresses in his book by showing that the type of towns you could move to for better prospects have ceased to exist due to outsourcing and automation. Good jobs are measurably evaporating, you can insult individuals for their decisions if you want, but the macro perspective is absolutely getting worse and there's no disputing that.

>> No.16941453

Thanks for the reminder that I'm literally below the poverty line yet still way happier than the average millionaire.

>> No.16941462

Look at the data, those are harder and harder to come by because your labor is coming into competition with a wider and wider labor market, while labor itself is always being devalued due to the march of technological progress creating a greater abundance of surplus labor. Why do you think the younger generations are worse off than their parents in a variety of metrics?

>> No.16941749

I'm one hundred percent certain that they're using "video games" as a euphemism for masturbation.

>> No.16941762

>The real, and only question, we should be asking is this: How many NEETs were raised by single mothers and had no father figures in their life.
I wish I had no father figure in my life. No father figure would have been better than who I got.