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16892382 No.16892382[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So a monarchy is the only valid form of government?

>> No.16892403

Thomas hobbes said so.

>> No.16892411

No the only good form of government is democracy.

>> No.16892415
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>> No.16892428
File: 30 KB, 480x360, cifK5LqaFMHlOiURlmzdH8DLLp6oynQlUCrnDzI1q64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, third grade social studies really did a number on you, didn't it

>> No.16892431

>good government

>> No.16892472
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I'd say so.

>> No.16892487


Why do you hate America?

>> No.16892499

Hate is the other form of love.

>> No.16892504
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Adding to this, the only other system that works is autocracy, and even it has to be ruled by someone like pic related

>> No.16892505


>> No.16892510

I hate what democracy has done to it, which is turn it into an international commercial zone.
Watching my friends and families brains get bought and sold by tv, movies, video games, political podcasts, news agencies, Apple, Amazon, and it really comes down to buying their vote.
Citizens should have some influence in their government, but democracy is a proven cesspool

>> No.16892519

You sound like a communist.

>> No.16892642
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>A Common-wealth is said to be Instituted, when a Multitude of men do Agree, and Covenant, every one, with every one, that to whatsoever Man, or ASSEMBLY OF MEN, shall be given the major part, the Right to Present the Person of them all, (that is to say, to be their Represntative;) every one, as well he that Voted For It, as he that Voted Against It, shall Authorise all the Actions and Judgements, of that Man, or ASSEMBLY OF MEN, in the same manner, as if they were his own, to the end, to live peaceably amongst themselves, and be protected against other men~ Leviathan, Book II, Chapter XVIII
How embarrassing, you haven't even read what you're trying to shill. Hobbes thought representative assemblies (i.e. democratic parliaments) were valid forms of government.

>> No.16892674
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I guess Hobbes was more based than I thought!

>> No.16892735

Government is cancer, there are no valid forms of cancer.

>> No.16892759

Government is more like a parasite. Some parasites are symbiotic and helpful and some kill the host.

>> No.16892762

Don't be a degernate anarchist! Democracy is the best!