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16880707 No.16880707 [Reply] [Original]

I want to leave this place
Study hard
Feel fulfilled
And achieve my dreams
But me can't

>> No.16880825
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Same here. Bookmarked.

>> No.16880907

Seems like getting high on peterson videos and blocking reddit and 4chan is the only way

>> No.16880919

meditate. sit down, be physically and mentally still for an hour. train yourself to be able to do this. also 4chan is really the wrong place to ask about this, since everyone here (including myself) is a brain fried coomer and cannot stand the absence of hyperstimulation for any reasonable length of time

>> No.16880939

I think you should develop a healthier parallel habit before kicking this one
if you quit this place cold turkey without a plan B you will come back crawling

>> No.16880942

you cannot change yourself in one day.
limit your internet by just disabling it on your PC and phone then think about how you want to change.
you probably have a low attention span and your brain is fried from all the dopamine and seratonin.
You have to regain the enjoyment of achievement and long hours of focus.

>> No.16880953
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>> No.16880966

whatever you do, don’t stop refreshing this website, there could very much be a post that changes your life, and imagine if you missed out on it! keep refreshing during the day, and make sure to check the archives every morning, in case you missed the life changing post while you were asleep. pretty simple stuff, really

>> No.16880969

>failing 2 classes
>barely read anymore, maybe a couple hours a day on days that I force myself to start
>have actually been enjoying learning Python more recently
>struggle to do any work for school
>can't even do certain work for this one class because my school account didn't work to log onto the online book, procrastinated looking for help with this and now I'm procrastinating it even more out of embarrassment
my life is a fuck

>> No.16880976

>the hedgehog dillema applied to internet addiction

>> No.16881005

I have made a timetable frends.
I'll wake up
Meditate, excercise and journal with a clear mind
Then I'll get to work
Gotta give studying my all

>> No.16881021

you can't change the genes so the only thing you can do is hope for a change in environment that has cascading effects.
it could be anything