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16834761 No.16834761[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who do I have to read to get laid in college?

>> No.16834769


>> No.16834770

kek contrary to popular belief, reading won't get you laid no matter what

>> No.16834774

How did he become a neoliberal war monger. Did he gain nothing from his self-education

>> No.16834783
File: 106 KB, 500x662, comment_1591050164niP3LZGYJCYkfXcCUZCQe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anon gets it, if you're below 8/10 in the looks department ("average" attractiveness for f*moids in 2020) then forget about it, it never even began for you

>> No.16834788

clearly, he was reading for one-liners he could recite to long-legged socialists, not actually absorbing it

>> No.16834801

Obama: hey thanks for electing me btw I'm a non-interventionist Marxist
CIA: get Lee Harvey Oswald's clone out of storage, it's time.

>> No.16834810

This only applies to dating apps, they distort women's sexuality and make it looks-focused.

Nothing, just be a confident and normal guy and talk to lots of girls. If you find one you really like ask her if she wants to get dinner or some such thing. My friend has had two attractive long-term gfs and has no IRL friends, he's just funny, kind, confident and chats to girls.

>> No.16834816
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to piggyback on this, the list of things that are most important to girls, are as follows:
>Status / Influence
>Physical Appearance / Height
if you don't have money, you'd better have some social standing or some kind of influence. If you don't have that, you better be an 8/10 or over 5'11 tall. If you don't have those, then you'd better be able to make her laugh, or be The World's Most Interesting Man. If you're not that, then you're fucked; become a hermit or dedicate your life to something greater and higher than yourself, and accept the fact that you will probably never have a fulfilling, honest relationship with a girl.

>> No.16834820

Checked. Why are Socialists so damned long-legged.

>> No.16834821

afai he only pretended to read them to get laid

>> No.16834822
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lmao cope

>> No.16834846

Bluepilled retards like you are always hilarious. Do you even read books? Writers, literary geniuses, artists, philosophers knew about the blackpill HUNDREDS of years in advance of the emergence of dating apps and the incel movement, people like Flaubert, D.H. Lawrence, Schopenhauer and Weininger. The Western Canon lends strong support to the validity of blackpill worldview.

>> No.16834855
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I'm 5'11.5. Does that count?

>> No.16834858

i think he had 'handlers' who groomed him as the ideal presidential candidate from very early on. the nigga had just 2 years in the senate before running. his state senatorial career is negligible because state legislatures tend to be part-time gigs. i think he was genuinely an anti-war leftist, as demonstrated by early opposition to the iraq war, compared to neolibs like h.clinton and biden who voted in support. he was probably pressured into troop surges and expansion in afghanistan by the so-called 'deep state' and the agents of the military industrial complex at the pentagon (see how they lied to trump about troop withdrawals in syria). i really do think his convictions prevented us from going to war in syria, because he sought congressional approval for authorization, unlike someone like mccain who would have just used executive powers to start bombing without care.

>> No.16834866
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>to piggyback on this, the list of things that are most important to girls, are as follows:
it's all very simples. the 666 rule.
>6 figures
>at least 6 inch penis
>6 ft tall

>> No.16834868

It counts as being 5'11 but that's hardly a consolation, the anon you're responding to is a bluepilled idiot. In 2020 you're below the cutoff of what women even consider human, the famous "6 feet rule" has probably been updated and is more like 6'4 by now

>> No.16834872

how the fuck is >>16834816 "bluepilled"

Yeah bro, find a girl who's like, 5'2 or something and i'm sure she'll be all over you. Go get 'em, fren

>> No.16834879
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It hurts

>> No.16834882

I could see that for sure, ut may also be that upon reaching a certain degree of political influence you're given a bleak debriefing that leaves little option than to continue business as usual in order to prevent legitimate suffering. I feel like if he was unable to be bought or influenced then he wouldve got the Bernie treatment. Maybe Bernies a foil too, but I think it looks good that 30 years ago he was in congress yelling the same damn things. It at least shows a certain consistency and gumption that normally isnt present in Washington.

I actually may pick up Obongos book, the excerpt about trying to pick up women was funny and his prose was confident.

>> No.16834886

god you incels are fucking delusional. utterly delusional. my friends have gotten laid plenty of times and none of them are tall, one of them is 5'6. going outside and not being a social abomination of a human being works wonders when it comes to attracting women.

>> No.16834888

>Reading books can get you laid

Ah yes, /lit/s dumbest meme.

>> No.16834893

Just be tall and deep voiced. Works for me, at least.

>> No.16834896

I apologize, calling it bluepilled was a stretch. That post was more in line with what most people call the redpill and I call "slightly reddish bluepill". Either way, this anon depreciated the importance of appearance heavily, it shouldn't be ranked as low as in his ranking.

>> No.16834902

>below the cutoff of what women even consider human
fucking hell you guys are stupid. Most women are actually really nice, and don't consider someone under a certain height "sub-human" or something, that's mostly just dumb zoomers on social media. They don't represent all women.

At the same time, there is a criteria for having an honest, genuine relationship, and thats what >>16834816 said. Women aren't evil, they don't want you do die, they just have no interest in you.

>> No.16834908

Don't take what women say so literally. As long as you are noticeably taller than her she'll probably just assume you're 6'0, at least that has been my experience. I'm 5'11 but girls have assumed I'm 6'0 before and even taller than that. People and especially women tend to misjudge height very badly.