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/lit/ - Literature

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16811886 No.16811886 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me your favorite book of all time.

>> No.16811905

I don't know about favorite book of all time but the first time I read Soldier of the Mist was quite enthralling. I was on a journey through the state of Colorado and reading of Latro's struggles to remember on long journeys by planes and later by bus, how the gods spoke to him as my dusty Greyhound climbed those misty mountains and came down the other side into the smouldering ruins of a forest fire was enchanting.

>> No.16811910

The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles. it’s about a couple in a toxic relationship experiencing psychological horror at the whims of the Sahara

>> No.16811913

I love Les Miserables.

>> No.16811916

Liber al vel Legis because it made me realize everything "spiritual" and "profound" is just sociopaths who have figured out what gibberish can cheaply and reliably press people's reward function buttons.

>> No.16811918

I don't know. 'Our Mutual Friend', 'Great Gatsby', and 'In Cold Blood' are all up there.

>> No.16811921

The Little Prince

>> No.16811926

Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.16811927

I, Claudius

I don't know why, I'm not a huge history nerd. I love history when it's a great story- the Vietnam War doc is one of my favorite pieces of media of all time. But something about this book is just soothing. It's informative, intriguing, relatable, stirring... all of the good things. It all comes together in a very relaxing way

>> No.16811930

Probably Requiem for a Dream because of the emotional/raw writing style

>> No.16811931

Collected Fictions by Borges put me down the rabbit hole of reading and is always the book I tell people to read who want to get into books.

>> No.16811932

The City of God

>> No.16811933

t. Sociopath

>> No.16812020

100 Years of Solitude

>> No.16812022
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>> No.16812045

If you read it in English and claim that it's your favorite book then you are a pseud

>> No.16812055

Actually I just had a period of brain damage/psychosis where I temporarily escaped the skinner box but w/e

>> No.16812174

The Odyssey
East of Eden
Death of a Naturalist

>> No.16812185
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I hope I can do it justice (so nervous)

>> No.16812193

180 IQ, oh wait wrong thread.

>> No.16812194


>> No.16812201

The Horse and His Boy

>> No.16812217

¡Hola Paco!

>> No.16812221

Riddle of Stars

>> No.16812226
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>> No.16812229

The Limits of Scientific Reasoning

>> No.16812233


>> No.16812234

I like the Bible ESV translation.

>> No.16812268

Not the title

Yet written material.

>> No.16812281 [DELETED] 

The Bell Curve is my favorite book because fuck niggers.

>> No.16812353

You just know

>> No.16812368


>> No.16812405

Hot! Hot! Hot! Butterfly please get on this. I need more yuri material.

>> No.16812449

The Charioteer by Mary Renault

>> No.16812480

You just know

>> No.16812491
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The Last Wish

>> No.16812520

The magic mountain

>> No.16812564

be honest fly, you were abused, weren't you?

>> No.16812574
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Don Quixote

>> No.16812594
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That’s not what causes homosexuality

>> No.16812730


>> No.16812762
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Great Expectations. I have read it over 100 times.

>> No.16812774

Its not the only cause.

>> No.16812806


>> No.16812813

Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa
Count of Monte Cristo
Atlas Shrugged

>> No.16812814

That's not what he asked.

>> No.16812825


>> No.16812859

For Whom The Bell Tolls

>> No.16812888

It’s not a cause at all
The gif answered what I inferred. No.

>> No.16812894
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>> No.16812913

It is. I've had multiple gay friends tell me that is a cause for some.

>> No.16812924

I really love Speaker For The Dead, I think its easily better than enders game, and that you barely even need to read enders game to appreciate it, its very much its own story.

>> No.16812972
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Oh shit i was planning on getting into Musashi since I read Vagabond. Is it a big recommend?

>> No.16812977

Bisexuality is a thing too, anon. But I’m not buying your locker-talk and this isn’t /lgbt/

>> No.16812993

Fair enough. You have a vested interest in it not being true. I dont care, truly. Work on your book.

>> No.16813040
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zimzum by gordon lish. all the sentences are perfect and it flows perfectly. its the most profoundly stupid thing ive read and every paragrapgh makes me go pic related. and no i wont stop shilling it untill someone reads it!

>> No.16813094

The part with the dog dying as he had to pretend he didn't know the dog and walked away hit me hard.

I thought that was a play?

>Don Quixote
I can't wait to read this...

>> No.16813107

Les Miserables
Bleak House
War and Peace

>> No.16813118

that was novel dumbhead.

>> No.16813132

You know, there’s data to the contrary. A lot of bisexuals are primarily attracted to a single gender, look it up Butters

>> No.16813158
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everyone is bisexual

>> No.16813159

Dugonja, trbonja, vidonja

>> No.16813163


>> No.16813190

They seem to switch off and on like that. But one does not turn lesbian for giving up men after being married with children for fifteen, twenty years, I don’t care if you stay that way the rest of your life.
I think it’s probably social norms that make them usually like that anyway. What if relationships were completely relaxed about that sort of thing? I think we already have evidence that bisexuals would feel more at ease with it.
But naw. I’m 100% homo, there’s probably some 100% hetero

>> No.16813192

My Diary Desu by Butterfly

>> No.16813209

First story is a practice piece about a girl writing her diary, which she calls her Anecdotals. It’s an ordinary Daphne* and Chloe sort of thing. The second piece is more ambitious though just science fiction

*as opposed to Daphnis of course

>> No.16813255

Could you add a sex scene between (you) and anon (me)?

>> No.16813264

My own horror novel called 1978.

>> No.16813317

The Recognitions

>> No.16813328

It's not one book, but Fantômas series is the one that made me engaged in reading like never before and, together with short stories about Arsène Lupin, is the one I keep coming back to when I'm at loss what to read.

>> No.16813342

I cant seem to ever pick one. It's not because I have too many options but too few. I love many books but all of them are in larger or smaller ways, whether for objective or subjective reasons, flawed.

>> No.16813376
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Anna Karenina
War and Peace

>> No.16813382
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Catch-22. Filters plotfags.

>> No.16813407

I only speak English and I'm apprehensive to read translations since I don't know if they'll convey the original author well. Should I go for Collected Fictions?

>> No.16813424

this book sounds jewish as fuck
is it a holocaust spin off or something

>> No.16813438
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Yeah, the sociological factors aren’t what I’m talking about though. If you put a rubber tube on male bisexuals no no area and then measure what happens when you show them different things, this is what you get. On the other hand, almost all women are bisexual.

>> No.16813453
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This is from a study called “Robust Evidence for Bisexuality in Men”

>> No.16813529


>> No.16813549

I should probably give Great Gatsby another chance now that it’s not part of some force fed high school curriculum for me anymore. It’s been a solid 8 years since I stubbornly closed my mind to anything I was forced to read for a grade.

>> No.16813668

This is a hard question, because my favorite book changes depending on my mood, and there are a lot of books I really love and reread all the time.

But, usually, I say Emotionally Weird by Kate Atkinson. It's a family comedy-drama centered around a young woman studying literature. It's interspersed with excerpts of the novel's various characters are writing. It's convoluted and weird and in some parts it could actually called bad, but there's something about it that I just love. There's something about it that feels somehow profound, something comforting. I must have read it half a dozen times.

It's not even remotely what I normally read, and I only read it because at the time, I barely spoke or read German in Germany, and it had a weird cover in the very small English section they had in the library I was in.

>> No.16813689


>> No.16813708

>I'm apprehensive to read translations
So you only read English books?
Death on Credit and J R

>> No.16813715

>So you only read English books?
Pretty sure. Not like I'm lacking material.

>> No.16813727

Unironically this.

>> No.16813933
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>> No.16814004

my hero academia

>> No.16814029

It's lowbrow

>> No.16814041


Authors I like are Houellebecq etc the list goes on..

>> No.16814158
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based and awake pilled

>> No.16814287

Probably Hobbit & Lord of the Rings.

>> No.16814485
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>> No.16814531

Based on that book:

>> No.16814537

The Idiot
Utas és holdvilág (Journey By Moonlight)

>> No.16814539
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>> No.16814555

It would probably be Vanity Fair if Thackeray hadn't, by his own admission, written a lot of filler to produce enough numbers for serialised publication.

As it is, Anna Karenina.

>> No.16814565


>> No.16814583

Yes. Skip the History of Iniquity in the beginning though. It's a bad intro to Borges.

>> No.16814591

The Great Gatsby is a great book that makes no sense to teach to high school kids. In order to appreciate its brilliance, you need to have had at least some life experience, loved a little, lost a little, otherwise you can't understand it at all. If you're like 25 or older, give it a second chance. It's truly a masterpiece.

>> No.16814601

War and Peace still sits on my shelf unread for this reason, and also falls under the category >>16814591 mentioned

>> No.16814604
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>> No.16814618


>> No.16814628

>centered around a young woman

>> No.16814639

The Long Walk

>> No.16814718

go fuck yourself

>> No.16814747

The Interpretation of Dreams

>> No.16814748

>It's better to go to a funeral than a party
>Because @ a funeral there is a grave where we all will go
>At a party is only shallow laughter like the sound of dried thorns crackling in a fire.


>> No.16814832

Smrt krásných srnců (death of beautiful deer? idk if it has english translation) by Ota Pavel.

>> No.16814834

Tender is the night is still Fitzgerald's masterpiece.

>> No.16815279

Not even the best Céline

>> No.16815284
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count of monte cristo

>> No.16815295

Should be correct. Srnec can be deer or roebuck, afaik

>> No.16815435

What is? I loved journey

>> No.16815451
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>> No.16815475

yeh it's a roe, the white butt deer

>> No.16815676

Death on Credit and his exile trilogy

>> No.16815755
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>Szerb Antal

>> No.16815791

other book that ive only read bits and pieces of that fits this category (forced to read it in SIXTH, i repeat, SIXTH grade) was Count of Monte cristo. Thankfully i sparknoted it so long ago i dont really remember the plot and i can read it fresh

>> No.16815807

based btw. Abbe faria is one of the most fun characters to read about

>> No.16815897


>> No.16815980

Lolita or Predatory Dinosaurs of the World (close tie) or perhaps Scarlet Citadel

>> No.16816033

It was the the cause for me you retard

>> No.16816262

It'll probably be shit, as anything coming from a midwit will be shit.
Must feel bad knowing that you will never be able to create magnificent works of literature or philosophy, and there is nothing that can be done to change that.

>> No.16816309

>muh uncle turned me gay fer buttsex
If it’s something like this, he didn’t turn you, he found you gay/bi. Abuse is abuse though, hope you got him in trouble

>or philosophy
t. Evolafag

>> No.16816549

If you like Death on Credit too, i recommend checking out whatever you can find from him. He was oretty consistent, perfecting his style.

>> No.16817138
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Tough to say...

For fiction: Count of Monte Cristo legit had me tearing in sections; I'm a romantic.

History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (The prose is unsurpassed and I'm a classics PhD), or,

Story of Civilization (Only on the 7th Vol. but Durant is kino)

>> No.16817409

It had been As I Lay Dying for years but I guess by now it's lost its rank to Stream System by Gerald Murnane (his collected short fictions). Feels weird to have a collection as my favorite.

>> No.16817928


>> No.16817966

Based and Tolstoy-pilled.

>> No.16817982

>Utas és holdvilág
LOL did you just discover Szerb?

>> No.16818014

Blake's 'Songs of Innocence and Experience' touch me in a way nothing else does, and I'm not sure how to explain it - there's an unconditional empathy to him that can only be called Godlike, but at the same time, all sorts of hidden depths to the verses that can disturb and frighten. You could read these poems for years and never catch all the nuances of how things are worded, despite them being ostensibly so simple. Blake single-handedly justifies everything the Germans had to say about the "world spirit," much more than Napoleon or whoever the usual example is.

>> No.16818211

Nice to see KC mentioned here, this song is one of my favorites.

>> No.16818461

Karamazov Brothers, only book i have ever cried reading

>> No.16818594

It definitely contributes as a variable, but yeah you're right, a lot of my gay friends had the ideal upbringing and I envy them for it. Now poast excerpt or gtfo.

>> No.16818861

Based. People will make fun of you because its a common opinion though.

>> No.16818897

>Tell me your favorite book of all time.
The animal encyclopedia I was gifted in my childhood. It's a 70+ volume thing and I read them all obsessively. I wanted to be like David Attenborough.

>> No.16819061
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You still can be, Anon, just have connections to inbred royal lineage and use your resources.
Animal encyclopedia is awesome, I still read them. Lit does not discuss animal books as much as they should.

>> No.16819234

Sirens of Titan.
Not even a big Vonnegut fan but for some reason this book put a lot in perspective for me : we're all some tool in a higher order and that if God DOES exist, he probably doesn't care that much

>> No.16819343

idk my favorite book is probably rats in the walls or haunter of the dark.

>> No.16819358

Nice what do you think of Mountain of Madness?

>> No.16819365
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I havent read it yet ive heard its amazing though

>> No.16819405

My personal favorite. I'm something of a Lovecraft midwit myself, you feel?
He wrote stuff at 14 years old that Stephen King still cannot hope to emulate

>> No.16819512

Outlines of Pyrrhonism by Sextus Empiricus. I have created the absolute refutation of Greek Skepticism that no philosopher before me has. It is my favorite book because it is a turning point in history.

>> No.16819521

It isn't spoken about nearly as often as Ender'so game and you're exactly right about how it stands on its own. I find it interesting how he chose to jump time like that but it works very well

>> No.16819524

Huckleberry Finn, or small gods by Terry Pratchett. I'm a sucker for wit.

>> No.16819538

"Infer" does not mean what you think it means

>> No.16819567
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Beyond good and evil by Nietzsche

>> No.16819576

It's as good in English as Spanish

>> No.16819656
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>> No.16819688

>Lolita (Penguin Classics)
>The Annotated Lolita

>> No.16819706

It cured me of my pseud tendencies. For that I am thankful.

>> No.16820072

Huckleberry Finn

>> No.16820092

only Nietzsche book I really like is the Birth of Tragedy. Whenever I read that book it makes me wonder about how differently his life could have gone.

>> No.16820122
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A River Runs Through It
american literature at its finest

>> No.16820162

Post your face when you realized this was a datamining thread for answers to """secret questions"""

>> No.16820369

Probably The Good Soldier Svejk, it's just incredibly funny and poignant

>> No.16821224

Ngl, the most based response so far. BASED Svejk.

>> No.16821252
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Kino as fuck. Very underrated southern book and author, the man who mentored David Milch who went on to make Deadwood. A beautiful poet as well, but this book is just the best.

>> No.16822203


Pls let it be a lesbian fanfic of Jane Eyre

>> No.16822234

Same here

>> No.16823321
