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16772992 No.16772992 [Reply] [Original]

getting real close to this desu, feel like I'm doing the right thing too because the weak need to be culled.

>> No.16773004

Nietzsche or the stoics

>> No.16773007


>> No.16773014
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>> No.16773019 [DELETED] 

Nietzche just made me want to kill myself more because i am obstacle that is in the way of the coming of the overman
I care too much

>> No.16773032

Dracula. I mean this sincerely. It is a story of the triumph of life, kindess, mercy, and light over evil. It is horror as it was meant to be: a celebration of life. It is life-affirming.

>> No.16773045

Nietzsche hated stoicism and practicing stoicism in the modern world is just a passive cope

>> No.16773051
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>> No.16773081

You aren't going to find what you're looking for in a book, anon

You have to learn to dance

>> No.16773092 [DELETED] 
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Onto the reqding list it goes
Redpill me on dancing.
I have a lot of energy sometimes
When I have to think I want to move around so I start sprinting around the house

Maybe the body wants to dance

>> No.16773106

Not him anon but I am prone to stripping my clothes early in the AM and moving in weird flow like gestures, it's good , likely not dance though.

>> No.16773108 [DELETED] 

Post beniz

>> No.16773112

Don’t kill your self anon
Get a diagnosis for your autism, get a boyfriend, and live your best life
Siddhartha made me want to live a better life but I wouldn’t quite say it’s life affirming. I’m hoping steppenwolf will be whenever I get around to it

>> No.16773114

Plato, Corpus Hermeticum, Iamblichus, Damascius.

>> No.16773119 [DELETED] 
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Dosz someone need a boyfriend

>> No.16773121
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Same, anon

I'm full of nervous energy but groovin' to a good tune is as life affirming as it gets

C'mon, get up, it's your job to make the pessimists seethe

>> No.16773122

>life affirming
Is this a bad joke?

>> No.16773124

Yes please

>> No.16773137

8 bet

>> No.16773138 [DELETED] 
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Sorry i only date 8 year old girls

>> No.16773150 [DELETED] 

Why can't I bring myself to like lolis?

Am I cucked by slave morality? I feel out of place here

>> No.16773152 [DELETED] 

Anything below 25 :/

>> No.16773198 [DELETED] 
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Maybe you just don't like them. Each to their own
Lel fagt

>> No.16773208

19 is prime

>> No.16773219
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You can tell she sucked nigger cock by 15

>> No.16773223

But she’s smiling

>> No.16773237
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I would be too if i got to suck some bbc

>> No.16773302


>> No.16773437
File: 347 KB, 500x262, ThIsWiLlBeMyYeAr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try reading the closest thing to the book that first made you love reading. Adventure novels usually do the trick.

>> No.16773445
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Here you go anon

>> No.16773449

Life: A user's manual
Letters to a young poet
In a weird way I think Songs of Maldoror is very life affirming
Zazie in the metro
The Adventurous Heart
Ulysses, probably the best life affirming book but probably not what you're looking for right now
A lot of poetry, it really depends on the languages you can speak

>> No.16773467

It is too unfathomably small for my camera to focus on it :(.

>> No.16773811
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The comradery in Dracula was great

>> No.16773820

life is hedonism, so a coomer like Nietzsche like>>16773004

>> No.16773851

Weak, huh?
William James:
"I take it that no man is educated who has never dallied with the thought of suicide."

>> No.16773908

This is good advice. Short circuits the feedback loop in your head sometimes. Also, what worked for me going through suicidal withdrawals was simply looking at beautiful pictures. And not going on social media write as much. Where people are pretty rough and thoughtless. Don't do it, anon.

>> No.16773914
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>> No.16773926
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Based and dancepilled

>> No.16773945

Jordan Castro's upcoming work

>> No.16773987

>Stoicism - making grateful cucks of emperors for Millenia
No wonder it's meme'd all over the place
When I was at my worst, Don Quixote was great.
Suttree is good, it was kind of like going through a depressive phase and coming out on the other side
The Hobbit and The Wind in the Willows are just comfy and light

>> No.16774013

This is good list, anon.
But why Freud

>> No.16774049

>Life: A user's manual
Incredible book imo

>> No.16774069

We're the 1800s actually like this? I think to Frankenstein too, everyone communicates with such a loving affirmation for one another. I miss an age I was never apart of, at least how it's portrayed in literature.

>> No.16774536

No, they encouraged living a virtuous noble life

>> No.16774552

>Incredible book imo
incredible anon imo