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16772795 No.16772795 [Reply] [Original]

So this Evola fella bases his ideas on Rene Guenon, a muslim. Then he calls Islam a superior monotheist religion. Then I see big Sunni scholars giving lectures about him at their university and Ayatollah Khomeini saying he read Julius Evola. Meanwhile the catholic and protestant priests are giving lectures about LGBTQ+ tolerance.

Is it true that Islam is the only way to revolt against the modern world and embrace traditionalism?

Then hereby I shall say: Ashadu anna la illaha illallah wa ashadu anna Muhammadan rasullallah!

>> No.16772805

I think the true traditionalist approach is still found in the bible if you are in the West, why import another ideology? that doesn’t mean follow the pope, if you want to join something though Orthodoxy seems to be pretty against SJWs

>> No.16772811

If I had to bet, 2100s Europe will dominated by Islam, a fundamentalist sect of Christianity, and various Neo-pagan cults/tradiitions.

>> No.16772814 [DELETED] 

i am a muslim. I don't wanna worship some other faggoty prophet. I don't wanna follow his retarded rules. I want to make my own. I will bring about the overman

>inb4 i burn in hell

>> No.16772818
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Because Christianity is a Jewish and weak religion that has clearly failed and fallen into modernity. Islam is in Europe for 1200 years. It is a western ideology now, anon!

>> No.16772819
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Christianity was imported into Europe from the Levant

>> No.16772832

Iranshahr died with Islam. Do you Europeans also want to die by embracing a savage Bedouin pedophile?

>> No.16772844

Yes! Yes! Yes!

>> No.16772870
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Maybe he had a point.

>> No.16772882

Houellebecq summed it up best. Europeans are a people devoid of purpose and religion. Islam will attract many of them, and given that it is the most well-known alternative to secular atheism in the European zeitgiest, most of them.

>> No.16772902

It won't turn out well. A better approach is to have a new prophet. This can bring Europeans together in solidarity for the purposes of ethnically cleansing the Muslims. In fact, these Muslims may be used as human test subjects for the purposes of neuroscience research, which can benefit AI research. It is like feeding two birds with one seed.

>> No.16772907

>Christianity is un-European because it's from the Levant now worship this religion from Arabia
Even worse

>> No.16772913

Islam is a degenerate religion for inbred Arab retards who won't question it

>> No.16772921

Abdal Hakim Murad is a "Muslim" he probably thinks Pythagoras and Plato and Plotinus were inspired, he occasionally slips 'The One' lingo. Return to the One and stuff.
If he was the majority I'd become Muslim in a heartbeat, but he's the extreme based allegorical minority and Islam works by consensus. Even he follows this consensus even if he openly ""speculates"" in public.

>> No.16772927

>It won't turn out well. A better approach is to have a new prophet
I'll ignore the rest of your post, but this is very much a probability. It would have to be a very special person though, and I doubt the modern Europeans are capable of producing someone like that.

>> No.16772928

One is Jewish and one is anti-Jewish. I'd consider anything anti-Jewish to be pro-Europe as the Jews have frequently succesfully tried to destroy the European countries and people.

Good thing that muslims are kaczynkists and will get rid of such advanced technology.

>> No.16772941

>Good thing that muslims are kaczynkists and will get rid of such advanced technology.
Muslims love modern tech

>> No.16772949

Without the threat of death for apostasy Islam would collapse in most Islamic countries within a generation.

>> No.16772960

If Europe becomes Islamized, I don't think your past literary or cultural achievements will be respected. Also, Arabs will try to change your script too, so you have to go back and rewrite all of your literature in the new script for future generations.

>> No.16772963

ITT: jealous christcucks kaffirs jealous of the one true religion. Ahumiudallah

>> No.16772984

How is pro-Arab any better than pro-Jewish? You're just trading one dirty sand people for another. Christianity doesn't have to be pro-jewish, for most of its history it was not. Islam will always be pro-arab. The correct course of action is anti-jewish and anti-arab Christianity

>> No.16772986

Arabs are literally part kaffir lmao. Plenty of kaffir are Muslim you idiot your religion is the religion of darkies

>> No.16773001

>The correct course of action is anti-jewish and anti-arab Christianity
That is one correct course, but I think there are more options than just that. I agree that becoming Islamic is inadvisable.

>> No.16773010

Sure ill agree with that, there are definitely multiple courses we can take but Islamization is just cucking out to a different group of Semitic desert people.

>> No.16773013

Fucking snowniggers we give you civilisation meaning purpose and you sit here talking shit? Askoforallah

>> No.16773024

Bedouins don't descend from Mesopotamians.

>> No.16773033

>shit I've been found out as the shifty desert jew that I am better kvetch about him
Sure thing Mo

>> No.16773036

>Fucking snowniggers we give you civilisation
Muslims are not Jews, the people who actually created Western civilization. Don't claim your cousins' glory as your own.

>> No.16773047

Well good thing I'm not a bedouin then.
Show some goddamn respect monkeys.

>> No.16773054

Islam was just a tool of Arab/Bedouin supremacy. Read about the brutality of the Rashidun invasions. All non-Arab Muslims should seriously consider abandoning Islam. It is a regressive and stupid religion.

>> No.16773084

All religions are stupid mate. If you allow someone to tell how to live your life and what to think just for an exchange for some meaning and comfort then you deserve to be herded.

>> No.16773188

As salam wa alaikum brother!

>> No.16773196

have you heard of the dajjal by any chance?

>> No.16773303

If you think Islam (not muslims) is anti-Jewish than you don’t know anything amounts to a grain of sand about Islam. Islam is more Jewish than Christianity. It gets most of it theology from Judaism. At some point Muslims were supposed to pray towards Jerusalem and after war with jews this was changed. This is in Quran. Muslims or Arab muslims for that matter (Islam is founded as a religion for arabs in any case) considers themselves and the Jews coming from the different sons of Abraham. They are enemies but most bitter enemies you make from the most closest. So basically Islam was the application of mostly Jewish theology into Arabs to get rid of paganism and unite them under one command.

>> No.16773326

alright britcuck

"modern" jews (from jesus' era onwards) have strayed from the path
hence the antipathy

>> No.16773441

Same with modern muzzies then. esp. Saudis. Wahhabis etc. And don’t get me started with shia. Houmeini even fatwad that gender change is legal and they are even pushing gay people to become tranny in Iran. Islam in the west is also a monstrosity combining degeneracy of both west and arabs. It is a bit milder in non Arabic muslims like most Turks but they don’t even read the Quran. So if you are looking for a salvation and escape from this degenerate jew controlled west, islam is the opposite of what you are looking for.

>> No.16773514

Cope. Islam literally says that in the last days of earth, the trees and rocks will tell the muslims where the jews are, so they can be slaughtered.

>> No.16773529

They say that? Damn, I'm gonna convert.

>> No.16773538

Don’t take hadiths too seriously anon. It also says prophets will recognize god from calf of his leg, stoning adulteresses were part of quran but a fucking goat came to aisha’s bed and ate the fucking paper or leaf under, and that drinking camel’s puss is good for you. Mind you that these hadiths are more credible than your fantasies involving jews.

>> No.16773541


>> No.16773650

Horrible discourse in this thread. Truth is islam is for everyone, but the most practical way to engage with the religion is the way Murad is. You guys are so afraid and act like its a complete inversion of your way of existing, which could be the case if you're degenerate. Its quite simple.

You believe in one God.
You worship that God a few times a day.
You abstain from porn, sex, drugs and alcohol.
Don't lie, cheat, steal or backbite
You fast during Ramadan.

Thats basically it. If you do this it is better for you than to not.

>> No.16773692

Islam only cares about Islam.

Muhammad fucked a preteen, that isnt even trad, trads at least want a girl around age 18, what Muhammad did was actually very progressive, very postmodern, he didnt care about the 'truth' of his time (even his pal called out his action when he announced he's gonna marry the kid). Muslims, when finding out about this, either argue n twist things or lie, or, they just accept it.
They dont care about 'tradness' or anything, they submit to whatever Muhammad says, trad or not trad.

Lots of religions still had trad stuffs in them, yet you somehow got your eye only Islam, why? I tell you that Islam wants first and foremost to SPREAD, as wide as possible, everything else is secondary, or even a tool.

They may say they feel pity about western civilization or other shit, but thats excuse, thats an excuse for them to conquer or convert the lands they do not actually give a shit about. They want more converts or conquered people, at least the REAL muslims. The 'moderate' muslims dont give much shit, but they still will follow whatever bullshit their rabbis spout. Do you think they actually want their converts or conquered people to "be more trad"?

>> No.16773716

Peace, brother. Very early on Christianity was corrupted by Rome for political gain. The Quran was sent down by Allah to set humanity back on the straight path. No Christian sect can be fully based because their bibles are completely corrupt and open to so much interpretation that they can't possibly be divinely inspired.

>> No.16773720

Islam is the most accessible trad religion that isn't being compromised by current western values. Just because Mohammed consummated with a 9 year old doesn't mean anything, it was 300 AD and it was normal at the time. Also most of his marriages were strategic, that is to marry into different clans to prevent bloodshed.

>> No.16773744

He likes al Ghazali and I think Murad's sufism is based on his. It's a fairly conservative and orthodox sufism, it's not the stuff of ibn Arabi, whom he never once mentions.

>> No.16773751

step up, this is pathetic

>> No.16773773

I don't owe you anything, you owe it to yourself to take my words to heart.

>> No.16773778

Lol terrible logic. He is Muslim by all means. Just because he speculates, doesn't put him outside the fold of Islam, if anything it draws him closer to the creator through contemplation. All Muslims should be like him, other than the surface level obligations that most conduct with soulless intent.

>> No.16773785

>it was 300 AD and it was normal at the time.
This again. No, when it was shown in that hadith about how the father of the girl (which is the friend I said) was questioning Mo's marriage to her, that simply shows that it's not normal to the people of that time.
Also no one from any eras at all want to fuck a pre-puberty girls anyway, except a deviant.

>> No.16773800

Bro, what hadith? Why throw the baby out with the bathwater? You think 1 hadith (probably fabricated like most) is enough to negate all the wisdom derived from the Quran? If so, then best of luck to you.

>> No.16773943

Quran literally says it is sent for Arabs and Mo is sent for arabs and it is sent in arabic so arabs can understand and there is a messenger for every nation. Stop LARPing.

>> No.16773964

this is why people under 140 iq should not read evola

>> No.16773985
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>> No.16774007

I mean, al-Ghazali was already warning muslims about technology a thousand years before Ted Kaczynski was born. Islamic ethics are supposed to not give away much space for advanced technology with especially transhumanism. Perhaps the Gulf countries like SA, Qatar and UAE are heading that way, but they are modern hedonistic retards who occasionally change the Quran for diplomatic reasons - may Yemen or Persia destroy them.

>> No.16774073

The Muslim caliphates were very often less oppressive for locals than rule under the Byzantine empire

>> No.16774082

nazis just want to be muslim

>> No.16774102

why is it always gingers? can somebody explain it to me?

>> No.16774200

Celts are based, i guess?

>> No.16774296

>Is it true that Islam is the only way to revolt against the modern world and embrace traditionalism?
you can be a traditionalist within other religions too

>> No.16774725

>Is it true that Islam is the only way to revolt against the modern world and embrace traditionalism?
Not generally, it's just that islam is superior in a sense that LGBTQ+ is unecessary if you're a Muslim and believe in Allah

>> No.16775009

>I'll appeal to right wing Europeans by bashing Rome
Kek interesting strategy. Rome is the essence of Europe, any religion that is opposed to the Roman Empire is opposed to the race of Europe

>> No.16775169

That is why Iran is the second most popular country in gender bender operations.

>> No.16775188

Fuck both of them. Both Muslim caliphates and Byzantine empire were shit. The Sassanids were the true good guys.

>> No.16775246

If Islam takes over Europe it’ll be entirely the USA’s fault for bombing every secular socialist country in the Middle East out of existence. It seems that secular communism was the last attempt by western civilization to control its own destiny. Now our destiny is controlled by capital, and capital will burn it all down. Thanks a lot american retards

>> No.16775264

At least god decided to account for irony when he made it so that the country with worst, most consumption-based, infantile culture would be the one to finally kill the West for an extra few dollars.

>> No.16775331

Try again.

>> No.16775477

>Is Islam the best path towards Julius Evola?



>> No.16775541


>For instance, I discussed certain matters with Titus Burckhardt, who pointed to remnants of Tradition in areas outside Europe. I felt compelled to ask Burckhardt whether he was willing to acknowledge the fact that these areas, too, will fall subject to 'cyclical laws'

>Uhh Islam isn't valid because of this unrelated concept about cyclical degeneration (and regeneration) taken from Hinduism


Not even an Islamshill but this is pretty unimpressive reasoning. Only a quasi-Hindu perennialist would accept so casually applying Hindu myths about the Yugas to Islam, but if you don't care about Hinduism this is totally pointless. Also, Evola's attitude here strikes me as a juvenile fatalism which serves to justify Evola's own lack of initiation into anything genuine.

>> No.16775834
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we Techno-Luciferians will smash you goatfuckers to pieces

>> No.16775846

based and ahlulsunnahpilled

>> No.16775893

Which country is then the best representative of islam? Sweden?