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File: 197 KB, 1205x996, kindle-oasis-2019-review-7-1500x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16753598 No.16753598 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a bookfag cope that you don't retain the shit you read on e-readers, or is there a grain of truth to it?

>> No.16753603

Why would that be true

>> No.16753613

I often hear this that you have better retention from a physical book

>> No.16753615

why do you think there's a memorization technique where you assign sentences to objects in your room?

>> No.16753620

I've found the opposite to be true. The ease of reading on an e-reader helps me remember much easier

>> No.16753633

I'm less likely to reread some sentences because flipping back and forth between pages is inconvenient. That might impact it a little bit.

>> No.16753643


>> No.16753680
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It's cope.

Though I really hope you aren't reading on such a tiny device. Try pic related instead

>> No.16753711

>Research suggests
>The study, presented in Italy at a conference last month and set to be pubished as a paper
>gave 50 readers the same short story by Elizabeth George to read. Half read the 28-page story on a Kindle, and half in a paperback, with readers then tested on aspects of the story including objects, characters and settings.

This proves nothing faggot. 'Suggests' does not mean the same as 'proves'. An amazing 50 test subjects, an announcement about some research from 2014 to be released? It's 2020 now, has it been released, peer reviewed? Why are you even linking this shit? Is this the best you could cherry pick you paper dick sucking cope faggot?

>> No.16753754

well, either way, you'll forget most of what you've read in time if you do not reread. I read both on kindle and with physical books and I do not notice much of a difference. If anything, the kindle's dictionary feature allows longer periods of immersion as I don't have to pull out my phone to find out what a particular word means.

>> No.16753806
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>> No.16753821

This. Really that's the only reason to read on kindle, the instant dictionary. Is there anyway to replicate this experience for physical books?

>> No.16753854

kindle oasis is so fucking sexy

>> No.16753862

Is there anywhere I can read this study?
I've figured out it's called "Mystery story reading in pocket print book and on Kindle: Possible impact on chronological events memory", but only the abstract seems to be online.

I did find a more recent study by the same authors: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00038/full
>Fifty participants (24 years old) read a 28 page (∼1 h reading time) long mystery story on Kindle or in a print pocket book and completed several tests measuring various levels of reading comprehension: engagement, recall, capacities to locate events in the text and reconstructing the plot of the story. Results showed that on most tests subjects performed identically whatever the reading medium. However, on measures related to chronology and temporality, those who had read in the print pocket book, performed better than those who had read on a Kindle.
>on most tests subjects performed identically whatever the reading medium
The only test where Kindle readers significantly underperformed was putting the events of the book in the right order. They had no problem e.g. answering factual questions about the plot. Notably, they also had no trouble saying in which third of the text events occurred, even though that's a very similar task (and the authors specifically point that out as something they didn't expect, to their credit).

I'm not convinced.

>> No.16753867

>anecdotal evidence

For a faggot who cares about books and retention, maybe you should read some epistemology.

>> No.16753899

absolute cope

you retain best what piqued your curiosity, no matter where you got it from.

>> No.16753901

go off king on epistemology. maybe you have a n=10 read first tho before you can do that

>> No.16753906

Wow the sample size of 50 was too small but this one (1) anecdotical piece tips the balance, burning my ereader as we speak

>> No.16753935
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Imagine having so little cognitive space devoted to ideas and concepts you need to sniff & fondle things to remember them.

>> No.16753954
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> mfw I sniff my new hardbacks

>> No.16753967

I'm schizophrenic and I don't retain anything at all regardless

>> No.16753980

I'm not saying this is true, but there is something similar found amongst those learning art where "studying from life" is more potent than studying from images. Accomplished artists will describe being able to remember life studies better because they will remember sounds, smells, feelings in addition to what they saw. I theorize that having extra sensory data to bundle together could increase recall of specific data within the bundle.

>> No.16753995

Basically the simple cue of how far physically in the book you are helps you slightly in remembering what order things happened in?

>> No.16754006

I dont remember shit i read on paper so I couldnt tell you

>> No.16754027

It's a bookfag cope, if you want to retain what you read, the important step is to take revisionary notes during and after the fact.

>> No.16754176

I sniffed and fondled your mom

>> No.16755039

>Is it a bookfag cope that you don't retain the shit you read on e-readers, or is there a grain of truth to it?
I don’t gave an E-Reader,
so I can’t say,
but I do have trouble remembering imagery from Zack Snyder films,
And Zack Snyder tends to heavily process the colors and shading to the point were they don’t have the “real” look of conventional film Cinematography.

>> No.16755065


>> No.16755072

fucking dead tree fetishist can fuck off.

>> No.16755087

>I'm not convinced.
-Method of loci,
also known as the memory journey, memory palace, or mind palace technique.
There’s a section or feature of the brain for storing spacial information.
Reading in a physical book may trigger this spacial memory, making reading from a book more reliable for memory, than reading from a tabled/E-Reader, were you are essentially reading from the same place.
The human brain may also “read” the printed book as a 3D surface wereas reading from a tablet or E-Reader may trigger the brain as fluctuating light, which might get recorded in the memory differently.

>> No.16755093

>tfw not reading on a scroll for max gains.

>> No.16755097

Those things cost like 10k though

>> No.16755104

I'm sure there's a plausible mechanism, but
- It doesn't seem to affect general comprehension
- It's suspicious that it doesn't affect the "where in the text?" measure
It adds up to something possible, but not to something convincing.

>> No.16755109

>tfw I have aphantasia and can't do that

>> No.16755146

I'm thinking about getting one simply due to the number of pdfs I get from internet archive. I don't understand why people can't just use both, why does it have to be a war of books vs ereaders?

>> No.16755177
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I'm not giving anyone money for just typing/writing a few sentences, so a Kindle is a good solution because I can just pirate all books

>> No.16755189

E-readers are no good for PDFs because you can't reflow the text. Ideally you'd want epub or mobi.

>> No.16755196

So what happens when you open the pdf? I don't get why this would be an issue

>> No.16755202

You gotta zoom in but the text doesn't reflow, aka you gotta move from left to right manually

>> No.16755203

cope e-fag

>> No.16755207

Oh shit that does sound annoying actually

>> No.16755221

What device is this?
What is this "X-ray" feature? It searched somewhere what Bag End is or its notes from the ebook itself?
Having only two buttons, i guess it has a touchscreen?
I have the first Kindle, so im a bit outdated.

>> No.16755244

The only reason to get something on kindle is

>amazon keep fucking up orders and you just want to read it ASAP
>you're going somewhere and don't want a load of heavy books in your bag

>> No.16755252

Or you want to read rare latin manus. which can't be readily purchased

>> No.16755256
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What >>16755202 said. I took pictures for comparison. PDF on the left, epub on the right.
There are readers with much larger screens. It's probably alright on those, but still less flexible.

>> No.16755458

I've read books on a stupid smartphone and had no problems remembering it

>> No.16755465

What are you? a poorfag?

>> No.16755482

You know dictionaries come in physical form right?

>> No.16755654

I hate how Kindles fuck up books with images (maps, etc)

>> No.16755668

My guess is the studies you're referring to must not differentiate between retards buying e-readers because they're a cool gizmo to pull out at the coffee shop and people who actually intend to read on them. The former retards don't retain the same amount normally.

Even if they're comparing actual randos, the most you can infer is thqt there's a lot of people who can't tolerate e-reading (i.e. they roll their eyes and don't really read on them). Which seems to be the case broadly. But it doesn't mean you don't have a tolerance for it; I know I sure do. So speak for yourself alone.

>> No.16755696

My nigga

>> No.16755799
File: 78 KB, 1000x787, Global-Version-Ulefone-Armor-2-6GB-64GB-Smartphone-Gold-20170908162220863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How sturdy is this thing? Is there such thing as a rugged e-reader?

>> No.16755825

Just the phone case that has an e-ink display on the back under which you can send anything you’re reading from the blue light screen to the e-ink without actually needing to carry another device

>> No.16755969

Kindle Oasis
It's something that only works for legally purchased ebooks. There was a Calibre plugin that supposedly recreated it for pirated stuff, but it never worked for me and I never bothered. The gist of it is that it works like the dictionary, except it brings up stuff from the book to crossrefence stuff like places, character names, etc. Idk.
Yes. If you ever switch to a purely touch screen one you'll miss the physical buttons on your old Kindle (t. originally had a Kindle 4th gen then made the switch to a Paperwhite after the screen got fucked).
You're not missing much. Newer models are slightly faster, have an extremely convenient backlight, some are waterproof, etc. The basic experience is still the same.

>> No.16756114
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Kind of mind-boggling that people are still shelling out $20-$50 for physical books when you can get an ebook of 99% of anything you'd ever want for free online. If you're rich as hell I could get it, but I kind of doubt everyone on /lit/ is rolling in it.

>> No.16756177
File: 275 KB, 1227x626, Screenshot 2020-11-11 150939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger it's cheaper than a new Surface

>> No.16756203

Tell me why I should buy this instead of a $100 kindle or kobo.

>> No.16756243

Faster cpu, larger screen size and much more functionality?

I've only got a Kobo Clara myself but if I had some cash to burn I'd definitely get one

>> No.16756291

Is it that better than oasis 2019 though? Apart from larger screen which I don't need

>> No.16756305

I have a kindle pw v2 and I don't see how it could be better other than having like 500gb. It does everything I need it to.

>> No.16756321

>The Grauniad
Yeahhhh, it's BS then.

>> No.16756507

Yeah, and probably a bunch of shitty untranslated screens in Chinese and random Google Play ereader apps.
For 900 bucks I'd expect a proper firmware, OS and cohesive UX.

Early adopters are retarded in a fanatic sense.

>> No.16757190
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I find I typically retain information better reading a physical book, but if others prefer reading ebooks I do not resent them or blame them, because that would be silly, We should all do what works best for us personally when it comes to reading.

>> No.16757710


>> No.16757851


>> No.16758015

Of course, this is why I paid money to buy an e-reader rather than just using my phone or my computer. And the reason I don't buy cheap books? Certainly not a calculated move - I am aware that physical media is superior to digital - I simply reject the notion that one would rather use what little cognitive partition they physically have access to reading books on paper rather than, say, saving and posting... and laughing.... at shrek memes.

>> No.16758076

Paperbacks > everything else

>> No.16758278

Oh the irony

I prefer e-reader and its way cheaper as I just pirate all the books. As such there is not even a need for coping: physical readers need a coping mechanism to justify spending 200 monies just to read a single book

>> No.16758309

>call of duty
>among us
what kind of retard have video game installed on that device

>> No.16758436

Thank you, fren.
I asked because mine doesnt get some words. Also its funny but shitty to get from time to time a "Sir xxxx" when you look for some word.

>> No.16758451

Can we shut the fuck up about the non-issue that is e-readers vs books or are we still intent on making an artificial rivalry out of nothing?

>> No.16758489

The gigachad /lit/-/v/ hybrid

>> No.16758534

Personally, I remember the exact place on a page where I read something. So when looking for it for reference I know which half/quarter of the page it’s on. It may seem minor but that doesn’t exist for ereaders. I think details like that are helpful for overall memory.

Like remembering it was cold in a particular event you experienced. It’s not essential to the memory but does help set the scene of recall in your mind. More data to help you tap into the network of synapses for that memory. Just an idea, maybe i’m wrong.

>> No.16758559

Not true, unless you change the font size words don't just magically move around on their own when reading on an ereader

It doesn't matter if you read from a physical book, a scroll, an etched in rock, 4chan, an ereader or your phone. It's all placebo, reading is reading

>> No.16758587

Should I invest in a Kindle? I try to read from my phone when I'm not home but I often get distracted by Twitter and stuff.

>> No.16759241

what ereader would you guys recommend? I've been thinking of buying one, but I'm not sure which one. I want to mainly pirate everything if I buy one, so I have some questions about the process as well, if it is hard or not, and how do different formats look on ereaders? I heard epub is one of the best, and that pdfs suck, but how readily available are epubs if I want to pirate?

>> No.16759253

Works on my machine.

>> No.16759254

try the onyx boox max

>> No.16759280
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It's cope of the lowest tier. Do you forget movies you haven't watched in a cinema, or music you haven't listened on vinyl?

>> No.16759288

what are some cool ereaders

>> No.16759296

epubs are pretty readily available for most fiction.
Textbooks with complicated layout are usually PDF only. But those are annoying on an ereader either way because you don't read them linearly.
mobi is Amazon's epub alternative, and you can use Calibre to convert it to epub, so that's ok too.
Try looking up some books on https://b-ok.org/ to get a feel for it.

>> No.16759312

I dont think I'll read textbooks so I'm probably fine. I'm glad that epubs are avaiable. Mostly,I'm interested in starting to read classic stuff, because I haven't been reading that much and I feel like I've been missing out.

>> No.16759364
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>physical is superior to digital

He disagrees.

>> No.16759486

false equivalency

>> No.16759600

I remember more about the films that I see in a cinema. It's more of an event, I'm there with someone etc.

>> No.16759635

Get a Kobo, fuck Kindles. All pirated books come in EPUB form, and Kindles can't read that.

>> No.16759780

sure, they can't read that, but does it even matter when it takes 1 second using calibre to convert the format?

>> No.16759787

I dont have any money atm to buy an ereader, but I want to pirate a specific book that I cant buy. What's the best way to read on a phone? What application do you guys use, and in what format do you download the book?

>> No.16759849

You'll definitely want epub, or a format you can convert to epub (like mobi). PDF is likely to be painful on a small screen.
I read books on my phone using Librera. Looks like on Google Play there's a free version with ads and a paid pro version without, but you can also get the pro version for free (legally) from https://f-droid.org/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/..

>> No.16760015

Yes, it matters. Why willingly subject yourself to an extra hoop to jump through for absolutely no benefit? Kindles are Amazon trash. Kobos are easier to use and have the added benefit of *not* being Amazon trash.

>> No.16760049

I rarely buy new books, I get most of what I want for around $4 or $5 AUD second hand. It's nice to have them. I do pirate audio books though.

>> No.16760096

Had the one on the left. One day it fell from my pocket while I was sitting. Never worked again. Worst piece of shit ever.
On top of that the processor is a piece of crap and some apps work slowly.

If you gonna use a phone to read make sure it has yuge ppi/resolution, otherwise the text will look like shit.

>> No.16760110

This. Also, not giving money to amazon

>> No.16760301

All I know is my physical books can’t be deleted or altered or cancelled. You know the day will come when minority characters are forcibly rewritten into old classics or lesbian transgender love story plot lines dropped into works deemed “unacceptably pale, male, sane, and stale”. It will happen, you wait. Black people will be inserted into old films to diversify them and books will be rewritten, all other copies deleted from the internet.

>> No.16760480

My e-reader is not connected to the internet, now what?

>> No.16761199

>You know the day will come when minority characters are forcibly rewritten into old classics or lesbian transgender love story plot lines dropped into works deemed “unacceptably pale, male, sane, and stale”.
Take your meds.

>> No.16761240

why the fuck are these so expensive when a paper white half the size is like $90?

>> No.16761281

If that pen is more than a gimmick then it must have an impressive refresh rate, which devices that are just for reading can get away without.
On top of that, paperwhites are probably sold below cost and produced at a much larger scale.

>> No.16761335
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>All I know is my physical books can’t be deleted or altered or cancelled.
My hard drive cannot be cancelled and has more space for books than my room.

>It will happen, you wait.
You mean that already happened.

>> No.16761356
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Blacks have higher crime rates and lower IQs than whites. When brown people migrate to Europe and North America we call them migrants and we praise their courage and extol the value of diversity. When Whites move to non-white countries, you people call it colonialism and you say that they are evil and racist.
You say that Whites have 'systemic control' over the global economy, the mainstream media, and the criminal justice system and you claim that racism and white nationalism permeate every facet of society even though there is no evidence to support this claim. You believe that a powerful network of 'rich white men' have omnipotent control over western civilization. If anyone presents evidence or data that challenges your views, instead of conceding that maybe the situation is complicated and nuanced, you choose to ignore the data. You will say that it is biased or that it doesn't account for all the possible factors. These are unfalsifiable claims, and they apply to some extent to any data source. All of human history, IQ testing, crime rates, etc. suggest that blacks have a lower IQ than any other race and all the data also suggests that they are more prone to violence.

When statistics or data make Whites look bad, you highlight the data and point to it as irrefutable proof of the 'systemic racism' conspiracy theory. However, like I said before, if the data conflicts with your views, then the data must be ignored and labeled as 'racist', 'biased', etc. If their is a secret network of 'rich white men' that have 'systemic control' over the entirety of human civilization, and you claim that this network of 'rich white men' is attempting to impose patriarchy, racism, homophobia, etc. then you need to support these claims with evidence. Pointing to disproportionate representation of Whites in the government and media of predominately white countries does not in any way prove that their is a conspiracy of rich white Men who are attempting to control the world. It's perfectly natural for white Men to be over-represented in positions of power in white countries. Moreover, if white had 'systemic control' over the economy, government, etc., then how do you explain the fact that we have black, brown, and muslin politicians, billionaires, etc.?

Your conspiracy theories have no basis in reality. If anyone needs to take their meds, it's you.

>> No.16761362

I buy used books and books on fairs tho

>> No.16761451

just bought a new kindle island 10th edition with 60gigafarts and its waterpoop.

>> No.16761464

Hey, retard, the world is not just that crumbling crass empire that was the USA. Who would give a serious fuck to what goes on over there in 10 or 30 years?
At any rate, what you described will happen to books will not actually happen. And in the rare event it did, there are dozens of ways of getting the original material in digital form as long you weren't a braindead retard.

Take your meds and go back to /pol/. This board doesn't need delusional tourists who don't even read or know so little about technology.

>> No.16761517

you should've bought the kobo waterfall 11th edition with 60gigafarts that reads epoop.

>> No.16761533

you really don't know any of that with any certainty.

>> No.16761591
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>buy Kobo
>have around 500 physical books. Most of them could be replaced with ebooks

Should I sell off my physical books?
it would save a lot of room and make some money... but I'm kind of attached to them.

Anyone else been in this situation?

>> No.16761605

Neither do you, but I have a dozen centuries or more of evidence to the contrary.
What is fact though, is that America is just one ridiculous non-Nation the world laughs at when it comes to literature or the publishing industry. Maybe you, as a retarded burger, will suffer the consequences of this imaginary SJW autoritarism, not the rest of the world. Not if you can read other languages. Not if you're a braindead retard.
Another simple fact is that there are repositories of pirateable digital books and due to the P2P side of the Internet, it would be impossible to shut down every single source. Furthermore, the ebooks transferred offline (via cable or BT for example) cannot, by definition, be altered if some central server or publisher decides to change something. Even those updates would not affect slightly modified copies of the original books.
So kindly shut the fuck up with your tinfoil theories. At least the EMPfags are not as self centered and retarded like you /pol/ types.

>> No.16761609
File: 37 KB, 773x680, ooga_booga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh you are a brainlet. I actually do read and I just took the GRE and I am applying to grad schools. I literally have a degree in computer science and I have done undergraduate research on spectral graph theory where you use matrices to extract metrical information from graphs and other combinatorial objects that can be represented as graphs. I also have general, albeit basic background in digital logic and logic gate design, so I actually literally know how to make a computer from scratch.

You are a low T transgender faggot who is probably studying sociology or gender studies. The only shit you read, is probably woke genre fiction written by literal BIPOC faggots and second-rate continental philosophy like Bruno Latour or whatever is cool with the transgender Marxists these day. Actually you are probably a low IQ larping faggot who doesn't even know who Bruno Latour is.

>> No.16761622

500 books is a good collection and I don't think you should sell them unless you need money for something else. if you don't need money then why sell them? you cane manage space and rearrange stuff around to store them, if they are bugging you.

>> No.16761637

You are not just going to reread 500 books, in either physical or digital form, don't kid yourself.

>> No.16761663

>I'm a dumb self deluded kid so everyone must be a retarded student just like I am
Oh, I'm laughing

>> No.16761732


>> No.16761790

there used to be people posting studies in these threads till they just became another spammed bait template

>> No.16761910

Of course reading is still reading, but IMO there’s more of a photo memory component to physical pages and page turning.

>> No.16761990

Scroll up, we already got that over with

>> No.16763110

More like gigafaggot

>> No.16763624

Physical books occupy a physical location in my space and therefor my mind. Having a bookshelf reminds me of stories or essays I've read at a glance. I don't have to be taking an active part in the reading experience to be issued with these reminders either.

>> No.16764406

E Reader is fine. The only weakness is diagrams and maps are clumsy. For pure text E-reader is the way to go

>> No.16764850

imagine not getting 2 seconds per frame.

>> No.16764866

Bullshit, I read books on a kindle years ago and still remember the information fine. If that were true looking things up would be much less popular.

>> No.16764941

>Studies show lmao
Learn about Texas Sharp shooter fallacy as well as confirmation bias

>> No.16766293
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>> No.16766345

>Why willingly subject yourself to an extra hoop to jump through for absolutely no benefit?
It takes like 10 seconds to do. And I guess the only benefit would be the free pirated book you wanted on your kindle, but it's whatever.
>Kindles are Amazon trash.
It just seems like you're more prejudice against kindle than anything. They're good e-readers and you can't really beat it's price when it goes on sale.

>> No.16766398

Onyx has sold ereaders since 2011, they've used Android since 2014 and the Max line goes back to 2016.
Getting a Lumi is hardly early adopting.
I'd recommend informing yourself about the Boox user interface and experience instead of blindly guessing.

>> No.16766415
File: 662 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201112-133631_Lithium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i even need to buy one? I got the money, its not that big of a deal, but so far, what I've been doing is reading physical books and pirating stuff that I cant find physically on my S20+ phone( its pretty big). It legit takes me 10 seconds to pirate the epub. I use Lithium to read it, and you can customize text size, margin, line spacing and make it look like you want. Plus, this phone has a really good blue light filter so it doesnt hurt my eyes at all, and is more responsive than a ereader. Am i missing any benefits of a ereader that I cant get by just using my phone? Genuinely asking, I never owned one.

>> No.16766425

Weeks of battery life and the ability to read in direct sunlight.

>> No.16766441

Interesting, thanks for the answer. I dont think im ever reading in direct sunlight, and my phone is always charged as well. I might still buy one just for the hell of it I guess, even if the improvement doesnt reallt justify spending 200$(thats how much it costs in my shithole because of taxes)

>> No.16766548

jesus christ you're the most cringe person I've ever seen

>> No.16766670

pop science garbage

>> No.16766684

I'm a book-loving fetishist, but there's no contest: if you weigh the benefits and drawbacks ebooks win hands down. I wouldn't mind jumping ship if ebooks and readers started to accommodate fetishists and collectors more and improved the experience. Stuff like two foldable screens, minimum A4 size, no more issues with PDFs, sensible bezels on the side and bottom maybe with buttons, full-color, better response times and more effort in ebook presentation like full art cover galleries, extensive bonus galleries. There's a limitless amount of possibilities if publishers only started using them, even for scholars. I'd love critical editions of texts you could switch between on the fly with variants and emendations highlighted. There'd also need to be a way to guarantee original pagination and if you add a nice visualization that mimics flipping through a real-life book, physical books would become obsolete.

>> No.16766686

The only basis for anything even slightly justifying such a phenomenon is that when you pirate something you don't appreciate it as much because you didn't spend money on it. You treat it like a disposable, you don't have the psychological urge to "get your moneys worth". You're more likely not to finish a book if you can just pirate 10 books in a matter of minutes instead of taking the time to research and justify your purchase, a process of self-hyping. Not making a judgement if this is a good or bad thing.

t. pirates everything

>> No.16766689
File: 463 KB, 1000x830, DoublePadMu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stuff like two foldable screens, minimum A4 size, no more issues with PDFs,

>> No.16766714

Pretty nice anon. Unfortunately prohibitively expensive for me right now and it doesn't have a full color screen.
Are there any devices that layer an e-ink screen on top of an LCD letting you switch between them?

>> No.16766740

Pretty sure this doesn't exist and sounds dumb for a variety of cost and technical reasons.

Buy a used kindle if you really want eink and poor, I'm sure you could find an older model for dirt cheap.

>> No.16766760

I'm going to buy myself an ereader for my birthday this week. Can someone reccomend me one with a larger screen as I want to use it to read manga as well as lit.

>> No.16766764

I heard that ereaders are bad for manga because of shitty resolution. Never owned one so maybe some anon can correct me or confirm

>> No.16766770

Boox Max Lumi
Likebook Mars

>> No.16766778

I have been using the Kobo Forma with Plato installed. Dorohedoro looks great on the size of screen and the refresh rate is good too, much better than the base Kobo software.

>> No.16766817

The 7.8" and 10" models use 1448x1782, the 13" use 1650x2200.
Manga scans vary in quality, some are only 1200 pixels high, others 1600 and good ones will exceed 3000.
With a 13" you will be able to display 2 1600px pictures side by side to properly handle spreads, display a single 2200px page or display 60% of a 3000px page.

>> No.16766828

Thanks. I like the look of the Kobo, boox max seems a bit too pricey. Does the kobo have a built in dictionary like the kindle?

>> No.16766837

Kobo does have a dictionary function. There is no JP->EN dictionary, only a JP->JP dictionary, though you can hack it to add translations.
You need to set the device to Japanese to be able to type Japanese.

>> No.16766872

Dictionaries with .dict extentions can be launched on Plato. I know that KoReader has a lot of extra features too, but I was more interested in the ink refresh speed of Plato

>> No.16767246

I love my kindle because I like to read lots of different books at once and jump around a lot if a new one catches my eye. I have something like 5-8 books going right now and every time I see a cool new one on /lit/ I want to read that one too. For this the kindle is perfect as the books are all free! If I were in a smaller town I'd just use the library, but libraries in cities are cancer.

>> No.16767257

It is a bookfag cope

>> No.16767275

>E-Reader may trigger the brain as fluctuating light

It's not a regular screen retard

>> No.16767477

I love how people just take one argument and think that is the end of discussion and no other factors are relevant or need to be considered.

So yeah, it might help a bit to read physical for better retention, but the difference is not that significant. Retention and memory are such complex processes that you can not just take into consideration one factor (the format) and end it there. We shouldnt read pdfs for scool then. We shouldnt type anything on the computer because it will all be forgotten. Everything should be written by hand because thats the only way you can remember it. Thts basically the argument.

People ignore all of the other benefits of e-readers. How about getting books not available in your country? I live in south america and i sure cannot get any book in german. But i could just go to b-ok or buy one from a german store and thats it.

Bookfags dislike e-readers because you cant show all of your books to your friends so they think you are smart like you can with a bookcase

>> No.16767548

onyx boox max lumi

go all out anon

>> No.16767814

Sell it to me anon

>> No.16767830

your ereader would mog everyone elses by a lot

>> No.16767853

It's the ultimate E Ink device. It's the size of A4 paper, has a front light, runs Android 10 where you can install whatever reading software you want, it can be used as a monitor, it supports EMR stylus so you can take notes in and for your literature and a lot more.

>> No.16767935

It weighs more than an iPad, doesnt that defeat the perpous of an ereader...

>> No.16767936

Bro, I was literally standing 20ft away when this picture was taken

>> No.16767984

The iPad Pro is 641g, the Max Lumi 570g despite having a larger screen. It can still comfortably be held with one hand, unlike a lot of literature in that size.
The only thing you can't do is fit it into your pocket.

>> No.16768568

>the guardian
yeah im not reading that

>> No.16768719

It's probably something to do with smell. In any case, that would just mean physical books are better for retention, but that doesn't mean you won't retain anything with an e-reader.

>> No.16768747

Hahah wtf
Smell? Really?

>> No.16769171

>Not true, unless you change the font size words don't just magically move around on their own when reading on an ereader
They do.

>> No.16769313

>It's not a regular screen retard
The point is that the human brain may be designed more to register light reflected of of surfaces, than light that is projected at the eyes, particularly if the light is in any way intense.

>> No.16769336

They don't.

>> No.16769360

nigga you could build a decent gaming pc for this much

>> No.16769452

They do.

>> No.16769490

They don't.

>> No.16769640

But E Ink is purely reflective. It's not backlit or self-emitting like LCD, CRT, OLED, µLED or similar technologies.
At most they have an optional front light which is akin to shining a light on paper.

>> No.16769774

>t E Ink
I ordered one recently because I heard its better than reading on a computer because of the e-ink screen. can I read it on the dark too? will it hurt my eye or make it weary like if I used the phone on the dark?

>> No.16769807

Not him, and they usually don't, at least on Kindles, except for two scenarios. Ebooks have a widows/orphans css property, which works similarly to the way it does in Ms Word. This might rearrange lines based on their length and its position on the screen (very last line on the page).

The other case if you click on a link to the endnotes and open that annotated's "page" and return to the text through the backlink, the screen/page will be rearranged differently, with the line or paragraph appearing at the top, rearranging the preceding lines.
For example, there's an annotation link on some paragraph around 2/3s down the page. You click it and open the endnotes, when you go back through the backlink, the paragraph will show as the first paragraph on the page.

It's a very specific scenario and depends on how the ebook's links are coded in so it might not affect every single ebook (lots of ebooks don't have backlinks from the annotations).
This is a non issue because most ebooks are built properly and clicking on a note brings up a pop up like when clicking on words to check the instant dictionary.

>> No.16769828

I usually read for 30-60 minutes before going to sleep, with all lights turned off and the frontlight set to the 4th dimmest, and I never feel suddenly awake by the light or anything, like what it happens if do the same with my phone.

>> No.16769848

>can I read it on the dark too?
That depends on the model.
I have a Boox Max3 which doesn't have a light so I need to use a clip on light to read it in the dark.
My Kobo Aura One has a front light that can be turned orange/red which is relatively comfortable at night.
Can't compare it to a phone because I don't use one.

>> No.16769851

>can I read it on the dark too?
Only if you turn on the builtin lamp. Not all devices have one, mine doesn't.
One side advantage is that the screen only uses power when it changes, not while idle. It's not doing anything the rest of the time.

>> No.16769866

They do.

Both of these happen to me often. Especially the second. Especially when reading the tale of genji. Lots of endnotes in there.

>> No.16769873
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im stockpiling physical books because my goal is to live the ted k life, which sóyreaders have no part in

>> No.16769878

>I often hear this
Since when do people accept dubious claims like this? Who did you hear it from?

>> No.16769884

I think its great being able to read in the dark, I think mine can do that.
I ordered Kindle oasis, it has the orange light and you can adjust brightness so I think I can read in the dark.

>> No.16769914

>my goal is to live the ted k life
that would be comfy and occupying too, its hard to learn skills like hunting/gardening but its worth it in the end. you should buy books about how to trap animals and hunt in the area you are planning to live in or a book about gardening. also its ok to not be good at it immediately and buying groceries and canned food is ok so you don't starve, I bet ted did it.

>> No.16769938

noted, i scour /out/‘s homegrowmen general threads regularly. im so fucking close to being able to buy cheap, gorgeous land in montana but i have a feeling i’ll need to wage for a few years to not only close the gap but make more to build a house on it. unless i get extremely lucky with these shitcoins im flipping
hope we all make it fren

>> No.16770100
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>good e-reader
>e-reader that displays advertisements

Pick one.

>> No.16770128

it depends on the model I think, I don't use them but I heard from users that their device doesn't show advertisement.

>> No.16770195

Same, I remember I watched some documentary where they showed the inside of his cabin and I took a screenshot of the books he had. I may look for it tomorrow.

>> No.16770214

I remember seeing two screenshots of the books he had and on shelve was full of science and math books, I forgot about what the other screenshot had.

>> No.16770295

>reading from ebooks
fucking souless faggots, I like the feeling of flipping pages

>> No.16770324

real books is better but you can't get all books on physical so its good to have an e reader on the side.

>> No.16770379

wut? have u ever used a kindle urself? i have one myself and there are 0 ads on it

>> No.16770425

not him. probably some of the basic editions have ads on it, most of the ones I checked doesn't have ads on it but its better to check before buying and only buying the high rated editions.

>> No.16771496
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>e-reader that displays advertisements
yes, there is a version of the kindle that is $10 cheaper if you have advertisements as the lock-screen wallpaper, rather than a generic walpaper. Most people don't get that version.

>> No.16772011

If you're worried about retention you should be re-reading multiple times. That's more important than whether you're reading a hard copy or a digital copy. You're splitting hairs.

>> No.16772251

But where is their price advantage?
The Kindle Paperwhite costs $120 with ads and $140 without.
The Kobo Clara HD costs $120 and it offers the same screen, storage and other specs. The Kobo is also less locked down, allowing you to read a wider array of formats out of the box and enabling easier use of alternative software.

Is Kindle the only brand not offering real choices wallpaper? You're either stuck with ads or a fixed default. On Kobo you can display the cover of your current book. On Boox you can choose from your own selection of images, a calendar, a clock or simply keeping the content of the screen.

>> No.16772306
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Me as well kind of (going to use solar panels for power in my Tedshed) but the ebook is still unbeatable. 3000 books stored up on a small $120 device. Unbeatable. It would unironically be smarter to buy 3 or 4 of them as backups than it would be to try and horde 3000 books that could be instantly destroyed by a leak or small fire.

>> No.16772331

I have the no-ad PW but afaik (((amazon))) isn't allowed to sell the ads version in Canada. Never connected to the internet, keep it in airplane mode. The main reason why I picked the PW over the kobo is because it's waterproof and the kobo equivalent is not. I've had no trouble getting hundreds of mobis from zlibrary (you can convert 99% of what they have before you even download it and worst case scenario you can convert it on Calibre). On the rare occasion that you actually need to buy a book Kindle has an infinitely better store to choose from.

>> No.16772357
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>can I have a book but also a device that hosts my cooms?
t. everyone itt

>> No.16772364

I host no cooms on my kindle.

>> No.16772381

Hmm. For me retention is phone = physical book > monitor/kindle.

>> No.16772441

Forma or Oasis? Are Kindles like Apple devices where you constantly have to be connected to an account and using their proprietary software, or can I just slap some epubs in there and start reading without having to deal with an Amazon account?

>> No.16772458

$8 a book average, you could buy 240 Kindle Paperwhites and reasonably expect to pass 200 on to your mutated autistic children.

>> No.16772462

You need to convert the epub to mobi at least.
You should look into the Likebook Mars or Boox Nova3 instead.

>> No.16772463

My Paperwhite has never been connected to the internet, isn't registered, and never will be. You can't use the wiki function, but the dictionary works.

>> No.16772481

I for kind of prefer ebooks at the moment, I'm so used to staring at my laptop all day, it's just easier to download a book quick from libgen and start reading. My retention sucks anyway because I smoke a lot of weed

>> No.16772486
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This shit heap of a thread lingers like the clap but Dark Academia gets nuked.

>> No.16772506

>mutated autistic children
You fool. There will be many many more than 200 and no I will not be teaching them to read.

>> No.16772512

>Dark Academia

fucking kill yourself

>> No.16772578

If you're anywhere that doesn't have an Amazon store or your Kindle shows ads for the US market you can request (via phone, I think) to have them removed and they used to this for free.
Some have memed you could achieve the same by telling their tech support you were offended by the ads, but I don't know if it's true.

10~ years ago it wasn't hard to jailbreak a Kindle and have custom wallpapers and remove the ads, but I don't know how that works now.

104 unique replies versus 50 zoomers forcing a meme and a shitty writer who happens to be a booktuber at that. Fuck off.

>> No.16772621
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Honestly it's kind of pathetic that there's even an option to have advertisements rammed down your throat on your ereader. I don't like this timeline.

>> No.16772626

>why yes, I prefer paperback because i can remember it better, you see I just love books that much
who gives a shit, no one on lit actually reads

>> No.16772734

>shit heap thread
>case in point
>my 'unique' consoomer replies


There goes half the thread