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16741344 No.16741344 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of starting a cult around the Greek Gods. Just a fun little grade a anglo classics larp crossed with an Amish lifestyle. I have $10,000 in savings and found 5 acre farms in Colorado (so legal drugs too) for $8,000-$9,000. Extra capital would be needed to purchase the crops, animals, building materials for our off the grid housing (could be less if we don’t care about electricity so we don’t spend it on solar panels but we at least need a well and ya know a roof over our heads), whatever Hellenic larp shit you wanna buy, as well as the groceries we’ll probably need before our subDistended farm gets underway.

Looking for people with any of the following:
>money they’re willing to burn on this retarded project
>anyone with experience in off the grid housing, farming, or ranching
>any females especially if they want to be bred for the continuation of the tribe
As well as an interest in larping as a Hellene

I made this thread off a whim after finding out there are large nice looking plots of land I can afford, so no current discord, but I’ll make one if there’s any interest.

My current vision is building a community there and supporting it through subsistence shepherding, farming, worshipping the gods, and raising Families. Maybe even stuff like phalanx training though that probably wouldn’t be until later. Like I said kind of like Greco Amish. Feel free to share your ideas though.

Also would prefer more young people cause I’m young, though if you bring useful experience you’d be welcome.

>> No.16741359

Most intriguing post on /lit in a while.

>> No.16741386

More of an Athenian or Spartan vibe?

>> No.16741401

Absolutely retarded larp but sounds kinda fun

>> No.16741413

Let's go cult of Dionysus

>> No.16741418

"It is typical of such persons that they rant about ancient Teutonic heroes of the dim and distant ages, stone axes, battle spears and shields, whereas in reality they themselves are the woefullest poltroons imaginable. For those very same people who brandish Teutonic tin swords that have been fashioned carefully according to ancient models and wear padded bear-skins, with the horns of oxen mounted over their bearded faces, proclaim that all contemporary conflicts must be decided by the weapons of the mind alone. And thus they skedaddle when the first communist cudgel appears. Posterity will have little occasion to write a new epic on these heroic gladiators."

>> No.16741425

Maybe leaning Athens but not full Athens With some aspects of Sparta? Full Sparta would just be completely impractical, since everyone would be able to leave of their own free will of course, so that would just scare them all off. Athenian democracy would just be totally impractical and chaotic as well though, so government would at least the beginning start off as an oligarchy, though the atmosphere I guess I would hope to be somewhat open in an Athenian way like with the philosophical schools, but also with a spartan emphasis on physical fitness and Spartan tastes in rejecting decadent things.

Does that make sense?

>> No.16741510

Absolutely, important to go about this classical revival project in the utmost practical, professional, and polished manner possible: by balancing Athenian artistic acumen and accomplishments with superhuman Spartan strength and solidity.
Anon, you've chosen the right place.

>> No.16741523


>> No.16741527

We need architects, wildlife dudes, and tents to start with. Gloves and other protective gear. Water collection methods but we could start with a storage tent. Inscence and some kind of fire starters to ward off animals and insects. Yarn like fuck. A kiln would also help but any designs belong to the building and architecture crew. We should start with a council.

This, and we can just call it a festival if anyone intrudes.

>> No.16741561

im interested

>> No.16741623

I wish at times like these that lit posts had ids, similar to /biz. Preserving anonymity of course to prevent plebbit.

>> No.16741635


>> No.16741717

I made a discord server: https://discord.gg/KTNKGMBb

Sorry if it’s kinda bare, never made one before.

>> No.16741726

Isn’t it just the acropolis?

>> No.16741729

>Hi I'm creating a cult
>Here's our discord

>> No.16741740

Well how else am I supposed to coordinate this? Do you have a better option?

>> No.16741749

>any females especially if they want to be bred for the continuation of the tribe
will we sacrifice our first born for prosperity?

>> No.16741755

No, just our goats. Wasn’t Zeus really against human sacrifice? Anyway I think we could try and figure out that intestine divination thing the ancients did.

>> No.16741777

This reminds me of the book The Secret History where a bunch of classics students went about trying to recreate the Bacchanalia so they can enter the same frenzied state as the ancient Romans.

I kinda wish the Eleusinian Mysteries survived.

Who is going to be the cults patron god/goddess? Athena/Ares would be too on the nose if you are trying to create some modified Athenian/Spartan city state. What about Apollo? Maybe even Dionysus or Demeter would be good as well if it's going to be primarily a farming community.

>> No.16741781
File: 110 KB, 500x737, boomer zeus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add me to the screencap

>> No.16741813

Apollo or Zeus would probably be patron, though I’d like some temple of worship (even though it’ll start off as rather meager) for each of the Olympians.

>> No.16741911

I'd prefer Zeus over Apollo.

>> No.16741939
File: 77 KB, 736x1077, 18B06617-3D8C-469E-ADFA-807B8AD4251B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zeus shall be our patron then

>> No.16742043

if u give me female, i will join

>> No.16742307

This post serves as nothing more than stark insight into modernity's deep illiteracy; OP can scarcely string together a coherent sentence, let alone write some sort of foundational text for his "cult". His misplaced megalomania is nothing more than a punchline next to his 5th grade writing skills.
>Just a fun little grade a anglo classics larp
>could be less if we don’t care about electricity so we don’t spend it on solar panels but we at least need a well and ya know a roof over our heads
50 years ago any man would have presumed these sentences were written by a half-wit or some sort of deranged foreigner. The fact it was probably written by a man who allegedly is "fluent" in the English language is a morbid joke

>> No.16742316

Based elitistposter

>> No.16742800

>muh prose
>who cares if it's empty
Fuck off, read Plato.

>> No.16742805
File: 106 KB, 1000x1390, 020_37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get me a beautiful Athenian wife and I'm in.

>> No.16742854

Can't tell if based or retarded. Probably both. Regardless, good luck anon, you're going to need it.

>> No.16742870
File: 85 KB, 755x755, Plotinus_zpsvtdwsg43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey Gallienus, I was thinking about this cool little project

>> No.16742898

>>any females especially if they want to be bred for the continuation of the tribe
Insanely based, if I were a woman I'd pay to be continously impregnated by hung Greek warrior-poets

>> No.16743001

Are you going to put controls in place a la Ephors? Without some upper level controls to your oligarchy it will just fall apart within a generation since there’s no guard rails.

>> No.16743154

This will only work if all members exclusively speak Classical Greek. Language is the best form of cult indoctrination. Also we would need a hill to build our polis.

>> No.16743203

Why don't you learn Greek?

>> No.16743219

I wish I lived in America, I would participate.

>> No.16743227

>going anywhere remote with some 4channers

lmao idiots. you're all either gonna get raped or starve to death.

>> No.16743230

i'd join you guys and use my skillset to take over the cult. i'd brainwash you all into becoming my sex slaves.

>> No.16743233

pajeet detected

>> No.16743249

>50 years ago any man would have presumed these sentences were written by a half-wit or some sort of deranged foreigner. The fact it was probably written by a man who allegedly is "fluent" in the English language is a morbid joke
blame the existence of the internet and how its accessibility granted the opinions of mindless proles more power than the upper echelons.

>> No.16743266

look, no bullshit, if I join I WILL exploit the financial benefits of this cult as much as possible.

>> No.16743288

Actual, albeit not average, Greek her.

Might I suggest that tou incorporate the ancient language into this. Language is of paramount importance when shaping the second generation, provably modifying perception of reality and modes of thinking.
I would also suggest you read up on the pantheon a bit. Ancient Greeks were mostly syncretists and even though they accepted people worshiping a different god most city states were unified in worshiping one or two (dependong on tradition and local needs).

>> No.16743316

Keep in mind that 5 acres is not a lot of land. 10 acres is considered the minimum for contemporary family homesteads, especially if you need wood.
You will also want to keep some emergency funds for repairs, animal needs, tools, etc.
Farming is also much more difficult than people realise. Getting enough food for a year takes several years of learning. Not meant to discourage you as there's not a lot of information in your post anyways, just some useful info for anyone interested since I'm doing this myself (well, the homesteading bit).

On cbc (Land and Sea) there was recently an episode about a clearcut homestead community. Total hippies and all guys (lol) but interesting idea of getting cheaper land to rebuild from while also growing a forest again. Although obviously you're starting at a disadvantage since you wouldn't have much good wood for burning and building.

>> No.16743832

Agreed, as part of it we’ll all learn Ancient Greek, at a certain point once we’re fluent enough we’ll exclusively speak Ancient Greek with each other.
Thanks for the info, I’m gonna need a lot more starting Capitol I guess.

>> No.16743903


I'm in, put up a new discord link

>> No.16743911

Unless it's in the eastern quarter of the state you aren't going to grow much of anything. Colorado is for livestock.

>> No.16743920

are you gonna go to war with the United states to retrieve the necessary slaves?

>> No.16743924

With our mastery of sophism we will convince people to be our slaves

>> No.16743936

platonic neet reporting for duty this fine Monday morning

>> No.16743941

>Moving to 8000 feet above sea level and expecting anything to grow.

>> No.16744147

Alright fine, we’ll be shepherds

>> No.16744619

Prose has nothing to do with it; the issue is with OP's ability to communicate simple ideas in written form. Many of his sentences are unintelligible, and give the impression they truly written by a gradeschool child.

>> No.16744731

So what? Pretend your literate and it ain't gonna change shit.

>> No.16744802

make it a pythagorean BJJ bro cult

>> No.16745289

Gay sex?

>> No.16745369

Only if you say no homo first

>> No.16745687

I have a question, how will you cope with the fact that the greek gods are assholes, well thinking about it, you could use that to your own personal advantage, such as indoctrinating women into thinking that occassionally zeus can take your form and fuck them, thus making demi gods. Shit, I am an aspiring writer, I can help you get this cult shit up and running, of course, if you desire.

>> No.16746125

This entire thread is actually theory-fiction-satire of extremely online reactionary praxis.

>> No.16746190

OP be careful before you buy the property, there's a shit ton of different very complex zoning laws around empty property in the US. It's possible you won't be allowed to build on the land, you might have a specimen of plant on the property considered to be endangered and you'll have to pay to have it safely removed

>> No.16746257

Shit idea

>> No.16746493

There is already something like that
>inb4 muh Vice

>> No.16747072


>> No.16747151

based on what?

>> No.16747521

At least these people are Greek living in Greece. The Communist who abandoned Communism to worship Zeus made me laugh.

>> No.16747619


>> No.16747630

in the video

>> No.16747632

Holy fuck yes

>> No.16747673

Blessed thread

>> No.16747731

If Mormonism is a strong religion I'm sure you can pull this off

>> No.16747749
File: 234 KB, 442x446, 1600549185047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me laugh too hard

>> No.16747754

>you're all either gonna get raped
my bussy is dripping at the thought

>> No.16748585

They aren't unintelligible at all, you're just a faggot

>> No.16748595

I'm gonna use my immense charisma and wit to win all over your trust, then secretly record you as you confess to me things you've done, then use them as blackmail to become the leader of the cult. You'll all be my sex slaves.

>> No.16748640

>any females especially if they want to be bred for the continuation of the tribe

I'm sure you'll find a fine selection of women willing to be a part of this endeavor

>> No.16748725 [DELETED] 

>you dont even have to be withe to get in
into le trash it goes

>> No.16748735 [DELETED] 

she looks like a german hag. funny cause her sister looks like an irish angel

>> No.16749334

Bump, I have some shit to say about this tomorrow morning

>> No.16749341

retarded zoomer cope. Dakota is a goddess.

>> No.16749373

He's trying to reboot ancient Greece. What are you doing, bitch boy?

>> No.16749378

Will you allow software engineers? I make 160k a year and I think that would help a lot in making a fund we can use to accelerate progress a little.

>> No.16749380

Chances are if it is a $9000 farm there's a reason for that. Probably an arid hell-hole with no running water in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere

>> No.16749388

Say it now.

>> No.16749389

>Athenian democracy would just be totally impractical and chaotic as well though
Nonsense. Sortition is wonderfully functional when combined with open and auditable government. It doesn't scale well but OP is talking small anyways.

>> No.16749452

I’ve been looking at the land in the discord. Can confirm.

>> No.16749470

>running water
Yeah, you'll have to be really careful about this. people don't give a shit about dumping into streams like they used to. Don't want to be next to pig farms or any industrial operation.

>> No.16750335
File: 248 KB, 599x726, the-palace-kitchen-brambly-hedge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can afford a barrel and a plucked chicken.

>> No.16750339
File: 360 KB, 750x713, 1523830431509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop appropriating my culture, Amerimutt.

>> No.16750405

>Wanting to Hellenize the world again
Based and Buck Mulliganpilled.

>> No.16750441

Laughed my ass off for some reason

>> No.16752192


>> No.16752486

>>any females especially if they want to be bred for the continuation of the tribe

>> No.16752894


>> No.16752917

Absolutely yeah, I’m ok with anyone joining right now but people with money or have experience in off the grid housing/farming/ranching especially. >>16741717

>> No.16752933
File: 170 KB, 690x462, 0E9D5568-389C-4D38-807F-2367FB805BDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in here if interested https://discord.gg/KTNKGMBb

>> No.16752943

You should read books instead of cherry picked passages. In that passage Hitler is talking about a bourgeoisie custom imported from England of people having literal dressup teaparties. "Vikings" and "Germanic Heathen" were common themes alongside ones like "Knights", "Clergymen", and "Ancient Egyptians".

>> No.16753070

Greeks had time machines? Holy shit take me back.

>> No.16753532
