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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.50 MB, 1350x900, peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16708112 No.16708112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I just watched a few of his lectures, and Peterson just regurgitates shit in packaged prose with little to no insight. How can people actually call this guy the great intellectual of our time?

>> No.16708117

where are your works to evaluate?

>> No.16708120
File: 220 KB, 580x473, itsblob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good marketing

>> No.16708143

Yeah how exactly dollar store Joseph Campbell rose to prominence is beyond me but the guy couldn’t write to save his life. He’s got the poetic instinct of a slim jim.

>> No.16708192
File: 3.14 MB, 1773x1773, just clean your room jordan peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clean your room

>> No.16708203

Zizek destroyed Peterson in the debate between them and Zizek is a retard

>> No.16708388

U a dummy

>> No.16708521

Having looked at that closely for the first time, his room isn't actually messy. He looks like shit which affects the whole image's feeling since he's front-and-centre, but the messiest thing in there is the two amazon boxes in the right. The rest is just cluttered, but that's not even a necessarily bad thing. He has lots of stuff on his two table spaces. It doesn't look like garbage or anything, the floor is clear, it looks fine.

Can't believe I got psy-op'd by leftist memes for so long.

>> No.16708629

Clutter is mess, my man

>> No.16709119

People on /lit/ should know what is good and what is popular

>> No.16709127

Ignore Peterson and Campbell. Read Eliade.

>> No.16709130

Its also clearly some kind of storage space, that's why it looks worse. The rest of his house is pretty neat, from other pictures. This one gets meme'd all the time.

>> No.16709132

destroyed is the wrong word.

Maybe not the greatest, but you could probably learn a thing or two from him. Just saying, while you are anonymous, your ego shows the most.

>> No.16709138

>How can people actually call this guy the great intellectual of our time?
He was one of few public figures who dared to point out that a lot of trannies were kooks at the time.

>> No.16709146

If you needed a kike subordinate to do that for you i think we have bigger problems on our hands

>> No.16709154

>So I just watched a few of his lectures
fuck bro you're like 4 years behind. you should have already graduated from JP and moved onto Campell, Neumann, and Jung...and from there to Guenon and Evola

>> No.16709157

Controlled opposition.ZOG promoted him as a release valve for young men fed up with cultural marxism and the pc corporate culture of consumerism and conformity. But even that didnt last long, the screeching harpies in the lgbtsjwtfnpc wont tolerate anything other than totalitarian pacification uniformity and the destruction of all opposition however moderate. If wester civilization is going down the drain i think ill just grab my trusty AR-16 and head out to the local daily mcdonalds lockheed martin blm pride parade take out as many of those freaks with me as i can. Some salafi guys let me join in on the plot even though im not a musllim, pretty nice of them their CIA handler gave them a go so i guess im all set.

>> No.16709196


Article about trans rights movvement as a form of sinister social engineering. the author is herself trans so you can conclude a) maybe theres a point to be made b) these people are whackjobs(unlike me perfectly normal, the very model of mental health)

>> No.16709243

>i think we have bigger problems on our hands
Of course we have. I'm just answering OPs question. The reason people noticed him and defended him is because of his enemies more than anything he said. They rallied with him because of the crazed progressives who tried to tear him down for saying what was obvious and self-evident.

>> No.16709269

This. Peterson's only value is as a gateway to better thinkers.

>> No.16709279

he appeals to a wide audience
the whole alt right "destroy them with facts and logic" crowd
the whole "self help" crowd
trad Christian larpers
and science worshippers who still need physicalist psychology to explain the world

>> No.16709296

adolescents who lack intellectual baggage

>> No.16709323


>> No.16709326

Because he gets interviewed by people infinitely dumber than him, which makes him look much better as a result. I still enjoy his lectures on god though.