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/lit/ - Literature

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16703418 No.16703418 [Reply] [Original]

Autumn Edition :)

(Please take /pol/ posts to /pol/)

>> No.16703448
File: 58 KB, 850x637, Gelbooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to be beaten up by a cute girl!
We also appear to be suffering from a DDOS attack from /pol/

>> No.16703453

I want the mods on this website to stop abusing their power and stop bothering me when I only want to get my mind off things.

>> No.16703466

I do kind of like the idea of being beaten by a girl, BUT only in the context of her loving me and us cuddling/aftercare afterwards.

>> No.16703472

>Rereads this
Kek, it's a good thing I'm a guy; if I was a girl I might have ended up with a husband who beats me

>> No.16703473
File: 97 KB, 1024x944, 1602066698424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a degenerate piece of shit.
Even when my life is improving I find a way to ruin it.

>> No.16703487

creative people make me nervous. honestly I think it might be because they are so cool. I am fully well an adult male.

>> No.16703490

I wish I didn't know how to read, the written word is a plague and I want to burn every book and firebomb all places of learning

>> No.16703530 [DELETED] 

It was only matter of time before the DNC infiltrated this site.

>> No.16703657

take it to /pol/, no one is obligated to babysit you

>> No.16703677

I hope you don't read this then.

>> No.16703687 [DELETED] 

A thread on /lit/ actually had decent user engagement for once, and the mods nuked it.

>> No.16703761
File: 42 KB, 450x637, 1603424952965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your fetish anon.
Sounds like somebody needs a lobotomy.

I just paid rent. My new job starts tomorrow and I will have plenty of time to do my civic duty in the morning. I am curled up by a heater with a small pile of weed and Plato's Republic (comfy Jowett translation). I have been writing about 500 words a day for three days. It's not clean but its not bad either. My thoughts are becoming longer and I am starting to enjoy unraveling instead of simply leaving them up to the reader (I know that it is okay to do this since my test readers seem to not pick up on overly subtle leads). Strangers seem drawn to me, as though I am exuding charisma for the first time. No mockery of me seems to land. I seem to be getting my shit together as the world goes to hell and it is an odd feeling, like I am Archimedes working brilliantly on his circles as the city is sacked around him.

>> No.16703778

I'm afraid of what i'll do to muslims when i'll start taking steroid next month

>> No.16703811

When did you realise the average person has always been and always will be cattle, and any system that need this not to be the case will fail miserably?

>> No.16703844

Destroy their pussies and inseminate their women with your chad seed?
But anon, you are average.

>> No.16703946

PEDs are wack, keep it natty, brah.

>> No.16703960

/pol/ is useful as a filter because anyone who is seriously upset by /pol/ instantly outs themselves as a newfag tourist fresh off the boat from reddit/twitter.

Only newfags care enough about some other guy's opinion disagreeing with theirs to try to censor him and throw a hissyfit when they can't. Long explanations of how "/pol/ has ruined this site/board" are just whiny copeposts from tourists mad that they can't downvote here.

Notice how these posters are always humorless and femininely emotional. They respond to banter by digging in their heels and crying more. God bless /pol/ for filtering these tourists.

>> No.16703974

Islam is the religion of one God. there are some misguided political ideas derived from the hadith, but at its heart it is about worshiping God directly. Someone worshiping God directly is not reason to attack them.

>> No.16703987
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>tfw I remember the site before /pol/
People used to find other ways to be edgy before everything became unironic Nazi LARPing. A good part of the oldfags left when it became too irritating as well and now we have frogposters and wojaks everywhere.

Your critics are humorless bevause you are not nearly as amusing or relevant as you imagine yourself to be. You can't even tell actual jokes.

>> No.16704005

if you came here in 2015 you're still a newfag

>> No.16704101

I came here in 2007 and I'm still a newfag

>> No.16704108

I feel like /pol/ posters would tire themselves out if the broader culture was not so brutal toward people that they seek out something to belong to that tells them they are special, important, and wronged by those around them. It actually annoys me a lot when people shadowbox /pol/ on /lit/ because it actually serves as an incitement that also lowers the quality of the conversation, but maybe that is the point. I also find that the Marxist brigade is probably worse than /pol/ nazis for shitting up this board with constant low quality threads and posts but they get a free pass for some reason. But hey, few people on this board actually talk about books anyway, and to bastardize Heisenberg:

>The first gulp from the glass of literature will turn you into an aesthete, but at the bottom of the glass Politics is waiting for you

Not that I relish this, but it's more or less the case that the highest students of literature are all basically doing politically driven hermeneutics... and much as biblical study generated conflicts in interpretation that served as the raison d'etre or pretext for broader social conflicts and wars and separatism, perhaps we are just in a time when people use this shit as a reason to name and hunt and scapegoat an enemy within.

>> No.16704116
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>(Please take /pol/ posts to /pol/)

>> No.16704124

I love how you a priori assumed that there's no reason anyone would have politically incorrect views other than wanting to feel like a special snowflake. You're not as insightful as you think you are, you know?

>The first gulp from the glass of literature will turn you into an aesthete, but at the bottom of the glass Politics is waiting for you

Heisenberg is rolling in his grave.

>> No.16704142

I actually agree with this. Most of the /pol/lite types I speak to are simply hapless young men who have zero sexual experience and so do not feel they have "manhood" and thus are easily roped in by various groups that promise them a purposeful and fulfilling existence. Then they feel elite and special and like they have something to share when in reality it's nothing but the regurgitated pulp of their superiors. A lot of the Marxists are honestly the same way, especially the tankie-types that show no remorse for the human cost of their beliefs.
Why would a physicist be rolling in his grave over that?

>> No.16704158

I don't assume that, but unironic ethnonationalism would not thrive if the existing system was healthy. If it were, Neonazis would be viewed as the retarded cranks that they once were. Incidentally, grooming isolated people and showing them that somebody cares is how gangs, cults, and radical political groups recruit from communities, so yes... I am as insightful as I think I am, lol.

Cool edgy post and all, but you just showed once again that those who cringe about /pol/ use that attitude as a substitute for real substance and depth, and don't contribute anything but nasty bile themselves.

>> No.16704192

Unironic redditposting. Now I've seen it all. The tourists really did this board in.

>> No.16704211

Keep it up with the reddit posting spook anon. No one with eyes to see falls for that anymore.

>> No.16704227

>f-fuck, an intelligent poster is wrecking my ass
>wait... he used multiple paragraphs to express himself and put a blank line between them

>> No.16704235

my doomerism has progressed to the point that both my friends and family are acting like I need to be hospitalized.

apparently extrapolating future outcomes based on prior experiences instead of wishful thinking is a mental illness now

>> No.16704293

It's not that the format itself is reddit (I was never a fan of the >redditspacing meme), but the smarmy serving of the status quo with zero self-awareness. For the neoliberal, anyone who doesn't want to be a complacent effeminate neo-liberal sucking modernity's dick must be motivated by some kind of embarrassing psychopathology, used to shame, bully, and ostracize the offender back into conformity, because of course every human being and every culture and every action and event in all of history is just a "haecceity" of anonymous impulses and drives. It's a bitch move that was already a cliché 50 years ago, so it's understandably infuriating when people come here and think themselves to be intellectuals for thinking "but what if...nazis just have small dicks? think about that..."

Not only this, but the theoretical /pol/tard can easily respond with his own psychopathology: people like >>16704108
only prefer nihilistic anti-transcendental, anti-willpower "drive worship" because they're feminized faggots whose natural human will has been atrophied by bourgeois society, which is exactly the fascist's argument for demolishing that society - it creates fags like them, who can't see the value of a nomos and a volk. You may disagree with this in content, but the point stands that the form of his argument has no way of countering it. It is a circumstantial ad hominem, just like the one he himself is resorting to. A circumstantial ad hominem argument is a refusal to enter into dialogue, it is not a dialogue.

You don't get to be both arrogant and inane without getting called out for it.

>> No.16704310

Every day my emotions become increasingly distant and I'm not sure that is a bad thing.

>> No.16704316

I sympathize with your concerns, anons, but I believe there is one thing I believe you're missing. It seems to me you are starting out on the assumption that whoever has fascistic symphaties must either have been a naive and alienated individual or must have had masculinity complexes. No doubt these cases exist, and perhaps are even abundant. But what about those whose political beliefs are direct consequences of their, perhaps unorthodox, but intellectually defensible philosophical views? Are you not discounting those? I think you would agree that a sort of progressive attitude has been adopted by the establishment. Would it be fair for me to say in return that whoever has progressive sympathies is merely a sheep that follows their authority? Obviously not, since although this is true in some cases, it does not extend to everyone who holds such beliefs. Since we are on /lit/, I believe our focus should be more on discussing the foundations of our beliefs in a civilized manner rather than censoring and shaming the views opposing to us.

>> No.16704321
File: 435 KB, 839x768, 1598332233734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost 15k and now I’m considering betting my last 3k on Trump in a last-ditch effort to mitigate my losses

>> No.16704363

The reason I hold the view that fascists are mentally ill is because they are. A cringy desire for acceptance is visible in both these posts but more telling is the whining about being called mentally ill. Fascists use every opportunity to tell outgroups to kill themselves and you expect anyone to buy this crock of shit about not being treated civilly? There are fewer crocodile tears in the Nile.

>> No.16704381

>is because they are.
I merely asked you to question your assumptions. What you did was to assert them again. If you would like to lead a purely dogmatic life, then by all means go ahead.

>> No.16704391

>you don't like fascism
>you are a dogmatist
I've only been strawmanned this hard on actual playgrounds. You have no idea what my actual ideology is.

>> No.16704393

His observation is right, fascists tend to be very broken people.

>> No.16704404

Perhaps this is true (as I acknowledged in my initial post), but this doesn't discount the possibility that fascism is intellectually defensible. Censoring and shaming is hardly the answer, though I fear your minds have already been made...

>> No.16704409

There's a time and a place for it.

>> No.16704426

Which is in an anonymous board dedicated to the discussion of intellectual matters. No one in their right minds would declare their fascism in public and in person when it's the most anti-establishment position available today.

>> No.16704455

It's weird to think I've been on this board for over a decade and people are still arguing about newfags

>> No.16704458

Sure, but I'd prefer if tourists who barely read would stick to their containment board if they're gonna shit up every discussion.

>> No.16704460

>fascism is anti-establishment
Take your meds.

What the other anon means is that maybe don't fucking butt into and derail every other thread. We know that /pol/autists can't do this though, since they literally have never been able to contain themselves. /leftypol/ barely even contests this because you being annoying faggots everywhere you go is really the best preparation for everything you attempt to sling.

>> No.16704494

What is anti-establishment in 2020, according to you?

>> No.16704503

Conservatism. Did you hear it's the new punk rock?

>> No.16704539

There are all kinds of tourists though. Reddit tourists, r9k tourists, leftypol tourists etc. Which isn't a bad thing because if done right it provides the board with a diversity of viewpoints, which leads to more interesting discussions than usual circle jerks. It also doesn't mean every fascist is necessarily a tourist who care from /pol/.
If you keep insulting and writing annoying rants no body is going to take you seriously sweaty. I already stopped replying to you since your previous post.

>> No.16704563

Sure, but there's a point where the cacaphony just drowns out anything else and derails discussion. Not that I want things to be like reddit, but the mood was definitely different a few years ago.

>> No.16704565

Bloody lastwordism.


>> No.16704575

I agree. That's what I meant when I said "if done right". Discussions should be moderated as to not sink down into petty namecalling and wojak-posting, but outright censoring a viewpoint I don't believe is the answer.

>> No.16704643

I don't assume that. You are just filling in the blanks where I have not said anything about other kinds of fascists, and you are arguing that my entire premise is that all fascists are these isolated, directionless men. That's obviously not the case. I am clearly asserting that identification with ethnonationalist ideology can only spread as much as it does now because the current system is terminally incapable of offering the life that it once did to such young men in particular. You don't get to have a large population of young men without prospects in life and a stable society at the same time.

Weird how much you are sperging out now, and accusing me of doing what you are doing- getting personal and refusing to have a dialogue.

>> No.16704645

It's not supposed to be a work of art, it just came to me out of boredom...

He was sitting in the park with his good friend Amadeus.
“I am so very glad you have left your cave, Eradicato. I have missed your company dearly. So long had i tried to reach you, friend but you had disappeared.”
“Dear Amadeus”, he said and rested his hand on his shoulder, a faint smile grazing his bleached face.
“You were quite right to call it a cave into which I had disappeared. I struggle to explain what drove me into the darkness of my cave. More importantly though is that I found no will to leave it. I needed it. I needed it very much. Something was occuring inside me and is actually still occuring inside me, that required isolation and darkness. I struggle to find the words.”

“I understand very well. Did you find anything?”

“Oh yes. So many things. Each day confronted me with the ghosts of my life. Each encounter shaped me anew. I am not the same man anymore. I have changed so drastically. It is the reason why I struggle to speak. I have yet to learn the tongue anew, to give form to myself. Just thinking about what occured in there, makes me feel as if caught in a half-lucid dream. Each syllable, each word, each sentence is born from struggle. As I am speaking I feel as if drowning in quicksand...”

Amadeus noted a new estranged quality in the eyes of his friend. He discovered in them the expression of a broken soul.

“Then we shall not speak, Eradicato. I shall learn about this new you in different ways. Shall we walk?”

“Yes, please.”

They got up and left the park. They were wandering aimlessly through the streets of the city. Amadeus informed his friend casually on the new developments in his life. They were minor details, complementing the straight and narrow path of his academic career as a historian of state and the arts. He assumed that Eradicato, after his year-long spell of isolation was wishing to be eased back into the arms of human society. He was neither right nor wrong. Eradicato had indeed longed for the comfort and warmth found naturally in the regular, steady flow of life that carried most people through their adulthood. But then again he felt so estranged from just himself that he struggled to actually relate. Despite understanding Amadeus perfectly, he could not help but wonder what any of what was said actually meant.

It was autumn and on this very afternoon it seemed as if all the trees were falling into their final slumber. More So than before, at least it appeared this way to him, were they shedding their leaves. It induced both fear and gratefulness in him. Their slumber, their shedding related deeply to his own sensations of the previous year.

>> No.16704653


All that Eradicato had said appeared worthy of deep worry, but observing him during their walk Amadeus grew even more concerned for the state of his friend. Each smile, each nod or feigned laughter seemed off, appeared deformed - not as to deceive but rather out of incapacity. He intuitively remembered Hal Incadenza from Infinite Jest. It was as if the container of Eradicatos soul had broken and all that was left was a primordial soup of memories and impulses, incapable of forming a functional organ.
“Can we sit down”, asked Eradicato and pointed towards a bench.
“Sure. Let us sit.”
Amadeus, himself of a dreamy nature, prone to overt sensitivity, felt that what Hal needed the most now was an imperative from outside. He was planning to ask him about his future plans, whether it was not time to resume working and whether he had been productive but Eradicato spoke first.

“May I tell you a tale which I have conceived during my time alone?”
“Please do so, my friend. I am excited that you have come up with a new story.”
“It is not exactly a story. I see it rather as a myth. Perhaps one could say that it is not mine..”
“However it is, please do tell.”
And so Eradicato began to tell the tale.

>> No.16704661

That was excellent, anon.

>> No.16704688

And i just started calling him Hal in the end. Lmao. 4 AM is too late to write, even spontaneously.

>> No.16704718

Well, even so you have a good style. I appreciated it, even if it did feel a little like your DFW fanfic. Have a good sleep anon, write more tomorrow.

>> No.16704721
File: 53 KB, 580x458, henry miller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he wrong? This is honestly my day to day conscious experience in life.

"The dreamer whose dreams are non-utilitarian has no place in this world. In this world the poet is anathema, the thinker a fool, the artist an escapist, the man of vision a criminal."

>> No.16704727

I don't understand how this is a novel thought to you. Have you been living under a rock or something?

>> No.16704737
File: 1.71 MB, 2000x2632, 5431246346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my own personal life, I must admit that I am a mere slave to my own desires. Lust rules over me and manifests itself in the form of pornography addiction. And that addiction is strong, so much so that I succumb to it even when not aroused. The slightest stimulation, whether that be a picture of a suggestively erotic anime girl or literal pornography often found on this site triggers it and send me into a spiral that almost always ends in defeat.

I know that this damages my soul, each time I taste defeat I am over come with melancholy. But I must continue to try and cast of this malice, and redirect my passions into more fruitful tasks. To finally, after so many years of neglect, attend to my dreams and begin the groundwork necessary for their fruition. And that groundwork starts with my person, which must change in order continue forward, as I know who I am currently is too weak to endure the journey I wish to undertake.

And yet I still continue to fail. Not only with respect to the aforementioned addiction, but in many more areas of my life. I am an empty man, very frail and of a quite cowardly demeanor. How could I one day become strong? How could I one day slay these demons? How could I become he who I wish to be?

It seems that I cannot do this alone. The time for humility has come and must seek the help of one greater than myself. One to whom nothing is impossible, to whom no enemies dare to stand. And so like Augustine I resign myself to He who sits on the throne in heaven, in the City of God. I will continue on my path but this time have faith in Him, knowing that He will deliver me from my enemies and provide respite in the aftermath of the many battles that lay ahead. No mountain nor enemy will deny me that which I seek, so long as I have him to aid me. And I know that one day I shall be full, strong, with a courageous and humble demeanor. Even for me, there is hope, so long as I trust in Him.

>> No.16704838

I apologize for misreading your post. It seems like you have a very humane understanding of the topic. I admit I sometimes wish I was an artist in 18th century.

>> No.16704856


>> No.16704888

I wish my friends and family wouldn't treat me like a schizo because of my doomerism.

I try to explain to them why I don't believe my voting does anything and they refuse to listen because "what if everybody did that?". I tell them that the country is about to turn into a dictatorship and they refuse to listen because "they can't do that, it's illegal".

I can't tell if they're deluding themselves because they physically can't cope with reality or if they're just genuinely that stupid.

>> No.16704934

god I want drumpf to win so bad
american liberals are so fucking retarded and effeminate seeing them cry makes my dick hard

>> No.16704944
File: 19 KB, 400x500, 120916724_844624019613347_1935203806128883644_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where I was in some hotel and I went on some killing spree, mudering everyone like I was playing a game of Hitman. The fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.16704962

Nothing is gonna happen, relax. And your vote makes a difference for who is President. (Whether that makes a difference is another question entirely).

>> No.16704964

at this point I'm actually starting to want him to win just so I can point to him and say to everyone who doubted me and pretended to care about me "see that fuckers? Reality is exactly as bad as I said it was, and you're a retard for refusing to listen"

naturally, they'll immediately refuse to listen and start planning for the 2024 election, which isn't going to happen

>> No.16704979

You're fine. Everyone is a little homicidal sometimes.

>> No.16705010

>your vote makes a difference for who is President.

okay, let's break down all the ways this is useless
>first off, it's useless because I'm one person in a country of 328 million. if it was by the popular vote my vote would count for 0.0000003% of the vote
>second, it's useless because the electoral college groups the votes by state into electoral votes, and my state is so firmly in the blue that the only way my vote would make a difference in my state is if I voted republican
>third, it's useless because widespread voter suppression is being used. Voter registrations are being cancelled, ballots are being ignored, ballot boxes are being set on fire, and polling places are being threatened by militant white supremacists
>fourth, it's useless because even if you ignored all those other factors, the popular vote doesn't do anything. only the oligarchs known as the electors have votes that are counted, and they are not required by law to side with the state
>fifth, the president has gone on record as saying he'll refuse to leave office if his opponent is elected, and his entire party, who are in control of all three branches of government, as well as the military are preparing to support him if he tries to seize power

that is how useless my vote is. You would have to debunk every one of those reasons to make my vote matter, but you can't and it doesn't. it's bread and circuses

>> No.16705018
File: 107 KB, 1200x1013, EXklbAOWkAE_uAp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was playing space engine and set off from Earth at a realistic speed of a few hundred meters per second. After getting absolutely nowhere I set speed to max and flew away until I hit the edge of the simulated universe. Then I went into the black void for a while, removed my marker on Earth, flicked the mouse and set off on a different direction until I was lost. This was two days ago and my mental state still hasn't recovered even though it was just a stupid computer game I'm filled with dread about how insignificant we are.

>> No.16705031

don't vote

>> No.16705034
File: 42 KB, 507x608, coom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm writing a short story that's expressing one of my fetishes, but I'm also trying to tell and actual story. I'm worried about showing it to people for critique. It might be subtle depending on how I write. It's not like feet or diapers or anything like that. I wonder if I should even publish it at all and just write it for my own sake. Maybe it could be like a mandala where after I finish it, I erase it after. I don't like the idea of having to dispose of my work so nobody else sees like it's a mandala. I could use this as a stepping stone for making other cleaner works, assuming I don't get too attached.

>> No.16705039

Your other points have some level of validity but this:
>fifth, the president has gone on record as saying he'll refuse to leave office if his opponent is elected, and his entire party, who are in control of all three branches of government, as well as the military are preparing to support him if he tries to seize power
is purely handwringing. If Trump refuses to concede he'll be kicked out of the White House in January, by force if needed.

>> No.16705059

I didn't, and I'm fucking proud of it because I'm apparently the only fucking goddamn person I know who isn't a mongoloid incapable of facing reality.

the only way we're getting freedom is through a fucking revolution and my own people are overwhelming wishy-washy lawful-stupid limp-wristed pussies who view the world entirely through wishful thinking

>> No.16705060

Just tell us what the fetish is, coomer.

>> No.16705101

to do that he'd need the law enforcement to comply. they won't because they're trump supporters. in the absence of law enforcement, they'd need to send the military in, but while the upper brass don't like trump, the vast majority of soldiers support him and will defect en masse if given the order to attack their demagogue.

>> No.16705134

A girl was working at McDonalds last night in my hometown when a man came up and shot her. She was only 16 years old. What would cause someone to do something like that? The world is darker now.

>> No.16705157
File: 550 KB, 1908x800, 15818910667080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quad amputee
The story is that a guy a living fleshlight wife after praying to a god of lust and hi-jinks ensues.

>> No.16705160

>The story is that a guy GETS a living fleshlight wife

>> No.16705161

You know, I think that's more extreme than feet.

>> No.16705176 [DELETED] 

I can't believe the media has zoomers so gaslit that they actually think the US is going to become a dictatorship in the next 4 years. If it were possible to turn the United States into a dictatorship, don't you think Dubya and Cheney would have already done it? Not only that Obama used the deepstate to spy on the Trump campaign like some crooked Eastern European dictator but ya girl still failed.

>> No.16705193

>US is going to become a dictatorship
I think it will happen eventually. The Roman Republic became the Empire, so will we.

>> No.16705197
File: 53 KB, 1200x500, network.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16705213

Way more extreme than feet. I believe you could make a good story out of it but your logline is completely discouraging.

If nothing elss if you write decently you could definitely get an audience as an erotica writer.

>> No.16705220

>Way more extreme than feet.
Honestly lmao. Girls might think I'm a little weird, but at least a foot fetish doesn't involve maiming

>> No.16705245

while bush and cheney were evil there's a stark divide between them and trump, and there's a stark divide between the emotional states of the country as well.

ever since 9-11 america's been becoming increasingly politically polarized as a result of the growing gap between rich and poor and the successful rebranding of white nationalism. During the bush era, turning the US into a dictatorship wouldn't have been possible because even republicans wouldn't have stood for it, but now the polarization is so bad republicans are fully willing to dissolve the country to get back at libs.

Further exacerbating this is Trump's mentality. Despite how he acted back then, Bush wasn't an idiot. A lot of that was a facade meant to deflect blame to cheney. in actuality, Bush had a political pedegree and skilled advisors who he listened to. He knew there were limits to what he could get away with. Trump on the other hand is a manchild who does what he wants with no consideration of the consequences. as a result, he'd done things other presidents never did because they didn't think they could get away with it. As it happens, he CAN get away with it, because the aforementioned polarization and his appeal to his supporter's base desires has turned them into zealots who are fine with any destruction as long as it's pointed at the people they hate

>> No.16705267

Who says it always has to involve maiming? You can just have limbless girls

>> No.16705278

Do it Trump will win.

>> No.16705326

In these past few months I have discovered my fetish for seeing older men paired with cute girls. And not in a sexual way, I just think it's very charming.

>> No.16705334

>not sexual

>> No.16705344 [DELETED] 

>He knew there were limits to what he could get away with.

You mean there was more he could have gotten away with than just starting an illegal imperialist war?

What has Trump done? Tell me.

>> No.16705346

It's only a little sexual, okay.

>> No.16705378

opened four separate concentration camps within an hour of my house

and before you say they're not concentration camps, please tell me what else you call an internment camp meant to imprison underaged US citizens who have not committed a crime, purely on the basis of their heritage. A camp which doesn't offer basic hygiene needs or enough space to sit down, involves constantly being sprayed by toxic industrial disinfectants that cause skin and lung irritation and ongoing symptoms with chronic exposure, and whose guards have been reported as systematically sexually assualting the inmates (who again, I must stress are children who are legal us citizens and haven't committed a crime)

>> No.16705400 [DELETED] 


>> No.16705401

Love hitler
'Ate joos
Simple as

>> No.16705405

Ever heard about what your buddy Bush did in Guantanamo Bay? Unlike your delusional fantasies, Gitmo is real.

>> No.16705413

Not him but what part is he wrong about? This is what they're reporting from the internment camps.

>> No.16705421

Link me to a NY Times article about it. They hate Trump, surely they must have reported on it extensively.

>> No.16705441 [DELETED] 

>HHS is legally required to provide care for all children until they are released to a suitable sponsor, almost always a parent or close relative, while they await immigration proceedings. These children can also leave HHS care if they return to their home countries, achieve 18 years of age, or gain legal immigration status.

Looks like everything you said was a lie, but we all know leftists always lie.

>> No.16705451


>gassing inmates

>raping children

but yeah, keep living in your fucking fantasy world cockbreath.

>> No.16705465 [DELETED] 

>3 people out of 50,000 reported sexual misconduct

Wow, Trump really is worse than the CCP.

>> No.16705468

I had a liberal friend defend China's Muslim concentration camps by saying ours were no better. The false equivalency is infuriating.

Also Trump supporters are right that these camps were first built under Obama

>> No.16705473

Ask the people of Iraq and Afghanistan whether Bush or Trump are worse.

>> No.16705474

Not only were they built under Obama, they were built by Biden's brother's contracting firm. Biden is like Cheney level corrupt, but I guess that's why he enthusiastically voted for Bush's war and then lied about it.

>> No.16705479


this isn't a competition. both are war criminals and both need to go

bullshit. post your sources

>> No.16705498

nope, much worse
>The federal government received more than 4,500 complaints in four years about the sexual abuse of immigrant children who were being held at government-funded detention facilities
>About 14,700 complaints alleging sexual and physical abuse were lodged against ICE between 2010 and 2016, according to federal data obtained by the advocacy group Freedom for Immigrants

>> No.16705499

Trump is the least imperialist President since Carter. He wants troops out of Afghanistan.

Obama is more of a war criminal for what he did in Libya. Gaddafi was based.

>> No.16705502

>About 14,700 complaints alleging sexual and physical abuse were lodged against ICE between 2010 and 2016

Trump is truly worse than the CCP! Why did he allow this?! Biden won't stand for it I'm sure.

>> No.16705520

Reasonably the hidden number is also fairly high, as with sexual abuse in general. idk about worse than the ccp though

>> No.16705532 [DELETED] 

So, why wasn't this a problem during Bush? Why did half of central America apparently bum rush our border when Obama got in office?

>> No.16705543

Please go back

>> No.16705544

>China's Muslim concentration camps
Literally the only reasonable policy ever instituted by the CCP

>> No.16705560

And before anyone complains about Islamophobia, literally every Muslim nation ha supported the camps.

>> No.16705913

How? And why? Islamic nations would have no reason to support the marginalization of their people though. What reason would there even be there.

>> No.16706277

The fat bastards must have gone to sleep now, maybe the thread can proceed as usual

>> No.16706492

Obama did avoid an all out invasion of Syria. He fought the MIC on that, they wanted it badly. That's not to say that his handling of Syria is impeccable by any means, but he did temper the more radical parts of the government and choose a kind of middle way

God knows if that is actually better for the syrians, but it almost certainly meant less contracts for the MIC and it was clear he fought their narrative

>> No.16706493

No it’s definitely oldfags who moan about /pol/ both them and you are equally pathetic

>> No.16706495

my job is to lie in my bed for a while and I'm gonna do it well. later I suspect my job will become eating kebab and I shall apply myself there too

>> No.16706506

>Brexit goes in effect at the end of the year
>which means customs for pretty much everything ordered from there, including books
>most e-books are OCR garbage, crappily scanned, or there is just no e-book available of the book I'm looking for

How am I supposed to get my hands on English books in my central euro shithole from now on?

>> No.16706517

bet on Kanye. if he wins against all odds, you'll be rich until the end of your days.

>> No.16706548

I still can't get over how life is a bound-together structure enforced upon what was dead. I don't think I can believe in macro-evolution desu. The whole thing is so unbelievably fantastical. Just go out and look at a tree. Consider that the tree is made out of water, those elements it pulls out of the ground, and the carbon it snatches from the air in a motion propelled by the sun. There is dead earth, water, elements and light, and then there is a tree. A tree! It's completely insane. And it is the only reason any of us can live, since all food-chains begin with light. Insane!

>> No.16706551

we are LITERALLY eating sunlight. sort of anyway.

>> No.16706560


>> No.16706562

>I suspect my job will become eating kebab and I shall apply myself there too
I knew I had it in me

>> No.16706645

America has become too stupid for me to comprehend. There must be a word for something that is too stupid to understand. You would think that the dumber something is the easier it is to get, but there is a point of no return, a zone of total retardation that is only understandable in terms of its own retardation. Just as monkeys, despite being stupider than humans, only understand other monkeys, so am I when I try to walk around and evaluate what's happened to America.

>> No.16706654

It's kinda funny if you think of it as an ultra-high budget WWE event.

>> No.16706667

Doing the no fap november, this is going to tough.

>> No.16706681

You're a good person I believe. Maybe you could become a great scientist one day.

>> No.16706748

that's kind of you to say anon

>> No.16707004

I saw a funny conspiracy theory on thedonald.win that no fap november is actually promoted by the deep state to increase school shootings lol

>> No.16707164

I think I have a pattern of simping from when I was a teen. I've been sidelined by mental illness for so long that I haven't really had reason to reflect on it until recently. I was simping recently, not only but also simping. I mostly knew it was happening, but it was a way to pass the time. What strikes me now is that the woman I was speaking to, she said her highest value was honesty. But she wasn't honest for shit. She never made a statement of what she wanted. I asked her outright and she avoided the question. I was very plainly honest with her throughout. To be fair it's possible she tired of me a while ago, but even then... no man, honest she was not. I think in the end I pissed her off and she fucked off, but that's fine because I was being honest, I was stating how I needed things to be. I was claiming my position. If that doesn't work then there's no point. She never claimed any position. She said a few things early that drew me in and kept me interested, but mostly she demanded nothing, wanted nothing, did not share about herself. She contacted me btw, she sought me out. I don't know maybe she thought I represented some kind of key to herself. Maybe she was starved for attention and knew I was weak. It just strikes me now, when I think I have angered her and she won't come back, so that now my thoughts are free of the spell: it strikes me now that she was never straight with me. I was socially clumsy at times, for sure, but if she had anyting against that it was her job to say it, but she said nothing. For me that meant that more and more I was talking to my fantasy, since there was no real person there but I was still driven by my... I don't know, my insecurity? It wasn't a stupid thing to do in principle, but it was in practice. I was about to blame myself for being clumsy, but that's when I realized she was a thousand times worse. She sought me out, it would be one thing if I just clung to her like some fucking sperm-fish trying to meld into a mothership. She would be excused then. Sure, she's excused now too. It just struck me that I'm wrong to blame myself here.

>> No.16707320

Stocks are up. Except Chinese stocks which just tanked after ANT Financial had to pull their IPO at the last minute.

>> No.16707465

I just finished snow crash. I think the coolest idea in the book is carrying your own nuke everywhere you go, connecting it so that it goes off when you die.
beats out all the weird schizophrenic informatics stuff.

>> No.16707501

>wanting serious and real honesty from a "relationship" that plays out entirely online
U dumb as hell

>> No.16707513

no we met before. I mean you're still probably right but we spent some time together irl

>> No.16707517


>> No.16707559

>Literature is your analogue of science
>Politics is your analogue of God
Well, it's your life choice.

>> No.16707581

Posted in the last one of these threads about my bpd gf. She was fine for most of yesterday but I had a meeting last night and it got in the way of her dinner plans. I left the meeting abruptly amd early to salvage them somewhat, but that wasn't enough. She got mad, sat on the couch, smoked weed, and acted passive agressive and mean, and then eventually just went to bed. This morning she was fine until an hour ago when she realized that her coffee that I made her had gotten cold (she took 45 minutes to wash her face). She started arguing and then stormed outside (she was going to her parents to do laundry anyway) she says it's all my fault she's mad at me. I told her she let herself have a bad night and that she ruined my night too, that made her more upset because apparently she didn't realize that I had a horrible night because of her. We had such a great relationship until we moved in together (which she pressured me about, and I knew neither of us were ready, but it's my fault for caving in). I can't win guys, I found a therapist in the area that deals with bpd patients so I think I'm gonna give her an ultimatum - go to therapy or move out. Her sister has realizes how destrcutive she's been to our relationship, so maybe she can help me out.

>> No.16707594


>> No.16707710

a woman would never again respect you after thet.

>> No.16707714

if you've been here longer than that your just a sadfag

>> No.16707734

Why are women like this bros? You’d think their motherly instincts would kick in when their bf shows their human and vulnerable side

>> No.16707744


>> No.16707762

She would be the normal one there. She is not your mother. Stop masturbating and consuming degenerate fetish porn; you'll be happier for it.

>> No.16707904

From what segments of the Bible can we conclude that non-marital sex is sinful? I've only read the New Testament and it's long ago, so I can't remember.
But afaik in Moses there are people with multiple wives without a notion of it being bad (to an extent).

>> No.16707956

What are your thoughts on people who claim to be religious, but don't act that way?
Ofc no one is perfect, but if someone claims to be christian, but leads a promiscuous life, is a marxist or a vegetarian (which doesn't seem to make sense from the perspective of the scriptures), etc..
Do you consider that to be consistent behavior?
I mean, one should actually dedicate Sunday to a dialog with God, pretty much no one does that, do they?

What I'm asking is: to what extent can we consider not complying with ones religion to be consistent with being religious?
Is it ok to only practice several cherrypicked doctrines of ones claimed religion? Or even just claim a religion and act in whatever behavior one likes?

(the source of these questions is having visited a modernized protestant church which seemed absolutely profane (and girls there were dressed inadequately imo (>inb4 gay)))

>> No.16707999

Catholic here, we have a different relationship (basically we believe God had the same lawyers as the ones that write Kpop contracts present at our baptism and we're now marked for life, so we can only be bad and face extra damages rather than actually quit)
BUT I understand some protestants which went deep into the faith alone business think that basically saying "I'm a sinner but now I love Jesus" wipes the slate clean.
Catholics do all that fucked up shit because they know their slate is going to pick up extra damage no matter what they do: protestants do it because they can "re-join" with a fresh slate every time they go to one of their singalongs.
There's different religious justifications for different religions' foibles since they believe different shit.

>> No.16708003

>Is it ok to only practice several cherrypicked doctrines of ones claimed religion
Everyone does this, including you

>> No.16708013

The most devout person I know, daily rosaries, mass every sunday, saving herself for marriage etc. is vegan

>> No.16708022

>one week to do a challenge for an application to a program my life literally depends on
>took the entire week off work, told boss to suck it
>procrastinated for 2 hours straight so far
>really want to read a book instead
Why am I like this?

>> No.16708023

Sometimes I just wanna drink monster and play Warcraft 3

>> No.16708024

Except for the god meat?

>> No.16708027

Go do the fucking challenge

>> No.16708033

The fuck are you talking about

>> No.16708044

I assume he's talking about the Eucharist.

>> No.16708054

If she prays rosaries she's probably Catholic and believe the bread and wine are transformed into the literal blood and body of Christ.

>> No.16708077

Sounds legit.
Anyways I'm doing it because I want to test myself. Also I found that the pleasure increases the longer the abstinence. Worth a shot.

>> No.16708087

That's not a problem.

>> No.16708102
File: 142 KB, 460x578, goslingcoke012013_01-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point in the future, if i don't kill myself, i will need to start looking for a partner in life. How do i avoid wasting time on women who would obviously make terrible mates (non-virginal) so i don't become haggard and hateful? I'am not religious so going for the "church girl" isn't really an option as they would obviously be looking for a devote christian as well.

>> No.16708142

I truly don't get this. I don't care if the girl was getting gangbanged on the regular; if she's STD-free and loyal to me once we're together, the number of partners in her past is kind of irrelevant.

>> No.16708170

y-yes. I started studying and gathering needed materials.

>> No.16708184

>thinking about what is going on in life
>eating cold kebab
>star trek on in the background
man what a fine moment in life

>> No.16708198

Stop nattering about doing it and go do the fucking challenge

>> No.16708237

my favourite episode is tin man and everyone calls me gay because of it

>> No.16708244

The most important question for me though is if it even makes sense to claim a religion and close ones eyes to some of its parts. Not talking about finding excuses for your misbehavior, but fundamentally not believing in essential parts of a religion.
As an example, I know a 'christian' girl who claims to be a nihilist. I mean, doesn't the Bible state the purpose people have? How, then, can you claim to be both christian and a nihilist?
Acting in ways you probably shouldn't is another question. Let's talk in the domain of ideas alone.

>> No.16708249


>> No.16708277

It is idiot. Read Hume and think about combinatorial explosions + black swan events.

>> No.16708278

>christian' girl who claims to be a nihilist. I mean, doesn't the Bible state the purpose people have?
The Bible isn't considered the rule book in most Christian denominations. Some Christian denominations are nihilists and believe that life only had purpose while Jesus was on earth. You're making a lot of assumptions about the rules, but they don't follow for even most sects. Catholics wouldn't take a purpose stated by the Bible above another source and they're the largest sect. You seem to mostly be disappointed they don't measure up to your rules for what a Christian is, which is a bit like going on holiday to Greece and being upset they're not all wrestling naked in the agora between discussing philosophy and plotting the downfall of other city states.

>> No.16708282

man that episode is great

>> No.16708288

>Some Christian denominations are nihilists and believe that life only had purpose while Jesus was on earth
That must be a depressing faith/worldview

>> No.16708312

>fundamentally not believing in essential parts of a religion
I agree it's problematic. But it is also a question of what is essential. Is Paul essential to every valid form of christianity for instance? Must a muslim adhere to every hadith? How should a jew view the talmud? I think there are gray areas. Now a christian nihilist sounds like taking it pretty far. But faith is a process, it is a life-long learning. If someone confesses to a religion and doesn't bother anyone too much then let them search their way. I think that's the way it actually organically happens for most, so cracking down on that process is.. some kind of oppression I think.

>> No.16708314

There are some great and really weird justifications in different Christian sects. Rasputin belonged to one that believed God loves a sinner. The sect took this to mean that God could only love you if you sinned, and the more you sinned, the more God could love and forgive you. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only some of them are going to heaven and the rest of them will rise like zombies to live forever on earth, because heaven only accepts a certain number. Mormons think that the other Christians believe in a fake Jesus demon, and the real Jesus faked his death and moved to America. They can all be depressing or apparently deeply fulfilling but they all have their own weird justification why they are okay and everyone else is just hearing it wrong.

>> No.16708323

not an expert
there is the story of the adultress in the gospels. Jesus saves her but he does call her a sinner. Jesus speaks of marriage with great respect- not exactly proof but something.

in the OT I have some kind of recollection of reading about laws in various circumstances of pre-marital sex. Probably in Exodus. But you can google this pretty easy anon.

I'm sure there is more, but either way God knows best.

>> No.16708334

>Rasputin belonged to one that believed God loves a sinner.
My cooming will lead me to God :)

>> No.16708347

None of these cults are Christian, you dumb fuck.

>> No.16708408


>> No.16708463

Read "The dead" by Joyce.

>> No.16708546

I believe there is something to how precious sharing a sexual relationship can be that is lost with quantity. I don't really know though, it's just what I think

>> No.16708585
File: 41 KB, 600x450, 3uamxf0zqzq51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's gonna be a rough couple of days in terms of the ol emotions

>> No.16708647

They all explicitly believe they follow the only true Jesus Christ.
I can't guarantee you won't get murdered several times at a dinner party, but, beyond that, it seems like a flawless plan.

>> No.16708657

All of a sudden I feel depressive, earlier it was just anxiety. I was thinking about the election, and spiteful people, and cruel people, but it wasn’t fun to think about, so I stopped. I read for a couple hours, I was completely in my room, among myself and the mess. Eventually I went downstairs and made breakfast, but some point between reading and lifting my head from the book and staring up into dry space my mood changed. What am I even sad about? The world? Loneliness? I don’t have time for these questions with so much happening. But that’s insincere maybe, it’s not like I’ll die immediately once the night ends. Though in some way it feels true. There can’t be enough time to digest everything as it happens, so I might as well entertain myself with books and other sweet distractions.

>> No.16708662

You are being a bad human animal. Go stand in some weather for a long time and eat something rewarding after.

>> No.16708671

this guy gets it

>> No.16708678
File: 40 KB, 600x714, 1589192959464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to write a book I'm proud of and kill myself right after - is that too much to ask for?

>> No.16708699
File: 1.91 MB, 360x273, tweaking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUUUCK! What do I do?!
I'm gay, but don't want to live a gay life by no means. I also want to have children. Every relationship I'll have with a woman will be a lie from my side. What do I do? The best case scenario would be finding a lesbian woman who thinks the same way, but how do I do that? Is that even possible?
And what do my wet dreams about women mean, if I don't feel the same stuff about real women?
Someone help.

>> No.16708709

>Go stand in some weather
What is it about this? It alway works for me. There's no better cure for feeling shitty for no reason than walking in the wind and rain, then coming back inside, drying off, and having some whiskey and a bowl of soup.

>> No.16708726

It means you're confused. Just adopt a kid. I know a few gay couples with kids and they don't live the "lifestyle" or whatever, they're just normal boring people with a kid

>> No.16708729


I’ll give it a try.

>> No.16708741

If religious, you should devote yourself to the max until your disease goes always - or become a celibate to prevent yourself from spreading your curse; if not, you should canalize that feeling into art, like Mishima or Wilde.

>> No.16708760

Give it time. You can always adopt, or have a puppy.

>> No.16708815

You sound bisexual.

>> No.16708834

If you can support a wife, majority of women just want children and support. They will literally not care you are gay so long as they get 2.4 non diseased children and a pension. Lesbian separatists still have dreams about getting raped by men and liking it. Doesn't mean they actually want it to happen, it's just your brain reminding you the species needs babies.

>> No.16708836

Please don't adopt, foster homes are shit but still better that being raised by a single parent queer.

>> No.16708844

idk man, I've had sex with three women before (didn't try with men) and it just wasn't there.
Weirdly, all my sex dreams were with women, but that might be because I only watch straight/lesbian porn. It doesn't happen often, but some men give me this gut feeling that makes me sure I'm gay. I also have a pretty good gaydar.

>> No.16708855

Man, I'd say a woman cares if she is married to a gay guy.
>Lesbian separatists still have dreams about getting raped by men and liking it.
sauce? or how do you know this?

>> No.16709009

They care, but it's the same way they care about being married to any one they had to settle for. If the money and kids are good, they don't make it a thing.
Lesbian separatists in the UK in the 80s. About 36mins in for rape fantasies
It's easy to find stats for how common it is in all women, but the women in that video are radical lesbian separatists who were burning shit down for feminism so if they're willing to say they have the fantasy too, it's probably hardwired in.

>> No.16709044

>Write What's on Your Mind
can't stop thinking about butterfly's BIG FUCKIN TITS
i wonder if she's jewish. she certainly has the nose for it. and that rack... fucksake that rack. i think i can make out her nipples in that one image.
cant say i really nutted to her much, just once. but if i ever see her irl she's getting D I C K E D
she says that she's a lesbian, but i haven't met a lesbian who hasn't had a dick in her before. maybe she just likes it from behind. either way that dike is getting the dick

>> No.16709054
File: 1.05 MB, 498x278, rage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyway, I don't want to be gay aaaaaaah! Save me niggerman!

>> No.16709081

Maybe you're not and haven't found the right woman? It sounds like you haven't found the right man either from >>16708844. Read some Wilhelm Reich. You might not be comfortable with you yet either.

>> No.16709106

kill yourself before it's too late and you disgrace your body. god will forgive you for this and you will be given a pass into heaven where angels will enrol you in gay camp.

>> No.16709111

>where angels will enrol you in gay camp.
This puts a whole different spin on the incident in Gomorrah.

>> No.16709178

I meant adopt as part of a couple

>> No.16709191

You really think you're gay and you've never tried to fuck a guy? You ever kiss a guy? I mean, you watch straight porn, you've pursued women in the past, that's all pretty straight. Are your sexual fantasies gay?

>> No.16709253

bismillah ar-rahman ar-raheem

God is the Light of the heavens and the earth; the likeness of His Light is as a niche wherein is a lamp (the lamp in a glass, the glass as it were a glittering star) kindled from a Blessed Tree, an olive that is neither of the East nor of the West whose oil wellnigh would shine, even if no fire touched it; Light upon Light; (God guides to His Light whom He will.) (And God strikes similitudes for men, and God has knowledge of everything.)


>> No.16709395

Amen brother.

>> No.16709503

Is this some fetish catching the cold?

>> No.16709548

>You really think you're gay and you've never tried to fuck a guy? You ever kiss a guy?
No and no.
>Are your sexual fantasies gay?
no again

Thing is, I avoid gay thoughts because I fear them. Gay sexual fantasies never really come to me, but the feeling I get from certain guys is very real (and I always try to not think of it).
Also, on the first occasion with a girl, I couldn't get an erection. I was stressed out too, but that was actually because deep down I knew I was gay and I'm lying to myself and the girl.

>> No.16709549

She's posted her tiddies? Can a man ask for a source?

>> No.16709569

>on the first occasion with a girl, I couldn't get an erection
this is normal. you could just be very, very nervous

>> No.16709632

I have to admit your posts kinda give me (false) hope, but I just know...
I know my ex-girlfriend gave me (in times I wasn't nervous) boners in pretty special weird occasions when I felt like she was caring for me and i was for her (weird stuff, idk why that did it for me - got it when she just put her head on my shoulder or sometimes when we kissed, stuff like that), but then there were makeouts when I felt utter nothing - I mean really nothing. I could touch her boobs or ass or anything.. but really felt nothing at all, no rush. Also got it when we got drunk, but anyone is just horny when drunk, so that doesn't mean anything..
She kinda broke up with me for that, and although I was sad, it was totally understandable.

>> No.16709647

what did you think about her as a person? and how long were you together?

>> No.16709675

why I ask is because I only ever had one real gf, and it took a fair amount of time, a long time really, before all those things really clicked. I am a nervous person and for a while I thought I was bi. now I think that was just shit in my head

>> No.16709685

>what did you think about her as a person?
honestly, that she isn't too smart, thought she was nice, but she could get impulsive and sometimes she cried for random reasons.
>and how long were you together?
actually just over two months, not long :/

>> No.16709940

Does anyone else realise how far removed they are from normies? As in you can easily blend in, but when you're sitting there with them you realise how detached you are from their views etc. This isn't some edgy no one understands me post but it's definitely an observable phenomenon.

>> No.16710035

only in that I can't really talk to them properly. not that I wouldn't want to.
but yeah, our interests seem distant with most people I meet.

>> No.16710055
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>> No.16710056

What interests?

>> No.16710133

ashamed over some of my life-choices desu senpai

>> No.16710164

wrote this poem for a poetry thread. I liked it a lot. it's about being a fuck-up but at least having religion

this time there is somewhere to go
I messed it all up again
I never became a man
When faced with the real demands of life
I got nothing
but this time there is somewhere to go
I have disappointed her, perhaps gravely
she had no right to expect anything else
it still wears me down
but this time there is somewhere to go
This time I am not alone
This time, for the first time, even in all this ugliness there is meaning
There has to be, and there is
I may not be done
It may not be over
but finally, there is somewhere to go.

>> No.16710716

I find it sad that so many people look at themselves first and foremost as a political agent rather than a living human. We have disagreements, fights, wars, over how we believe the world should be, but we don't see that in the end we all just want a reasonably happy and peaceful existence. The end goal being the same, our disagreement over the right path makes us look at our fellow men, people who we would otherwise gladly have a drink with, as bitter mortal enemies. The people in power reinforce this too, since after all that is how they came to power. The absurdity of it all is that because we are divided and always fighting, we ourselves take away our own peace and happiness.

>> No.16710729

I don't know if I'm lonely. Also I'm worried about a draft when I know it's just a draft.

>> No.16710807

Someone else can also take away your happiness. This seems like one of those shitty, "you make your own happiness!" things which isn't always so. Someone wants to take away my single payer healthcare? How is that supposed to make me happy? Someone wants to take away the rights I've been given and I'm supposed to be happy about it? Someone wants to take away a kid's food? Is that something to be happy about? War in other countries? Anything of that nature? Yeah, I make my own happiness. Haha.

>> No.16710821

I forgot to bet on trump now the returns are shit

>> No.16710828

Nowhere did I express one should leave politics altogether. What concerns me is the tendency to be first and foremost political rather than humanistic. Take our exchange for an example: I was concerned with people needlessly treating each other as enemies, you took my concern as a political move against your own political motives, and in return made me your political opponent and replied in an unsympathetic, condescending way. If you were to, so to speak, remove the political glass from your eyes, you would see I'm not making a statement of the sort. Were we all to be more humanistic, politics would have been much simpler, or at any rate, less unpleasant.

>> No.16710841

i wanted to make a thread about this because its rather important to get off my chest; theres a trouble in our society that i wouldn't be able to find any information out there except maybe for a few smart individuals, but the internet is not reality. and maybe that seems obvious to you, but you will see clearly with these elections people are needlessly losing their minds. and if its any importance to you, teach your kids the same: the internet is not to be mistook with reality


>> No.16710844

I don't get how florida added more than a million counted ballots to the totals but is still at 91% for two hours.

>> No.16710848

I assume they just make all these numbers up like the WWE

>> No.16710853

yeah, i think they are just not calling it to keep the suspense up cuz once florida goes it's basically over

>> No.16710874

florida, pennsylvania. at this point I wouldn't be surprised if the whole west coast went to trump as a final fuck-you to basic human decency

>> No.16710879

my state is getting legal weed at least, i don't even really like weed, but why not

>> No.16710884

there are four concentration camps within an hour of my house and every time I mention it my parents tell me to stop talking because they don't seem to be able to handle reality

>> No.16710886
File: 94 KB, 1500x1067, president.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless President Donald Trump!


>> No.16710887

>basic human decency

>> No.16710889

right, what I was I thinking? I got myself pretending that existed for a minute

>> No.16710891

even if biden wins its not like he would close them, obama said he would close bush's illegal torture prison at guantanamo bay but he did not.

>> No.16710898

America should institute a fat tax. If you're obese you have to pay more and that money goes directly to healthcare, which is of course going to be brought up to the level of other civilised countries (you're welcome).

Fast food huge sizes? Verboten. Big Gulps? Verboten. Corn syrup in everything? Verboten. You're done weighing the planet down, hams.

>> No.16710905

are you talking about the camps where they put the illegal immigrants

>> No.16710911

Dude, that sounds highly racist.

>> No.16710916

I think he means the housing for children who showed up at the border without any adults. I guess he wants the government to just drop off a bunch of 11 years olds in the middle of San Diego and tell them good luck.

>> No.16710923

Americans are fat. Is fat a race?

>> No.16710926

Everything in America that people don't like is called racist until it's cancelled. I'm not fat, and I actually agree with you because fat people waste healthcare resources at a high rate, but that would never fly in America because it's going to disproportionally affect certain communities.

>> No.16710931

What the fuck do you even do if some random child appears by themselves?

>> No.16710932

Yeah, fat American communities.

>> No.16710938

I guess I'd do what the government is doing which is provide them with shelter and schooling until someone that can be verified as their relative or legal guardian can get them. It's really not a crazy policy if you think about rationally.

>> No.16710944

I know the stereotype in memes is fat white people at Walmart, but if you look at the stats African Americans and possibly hispanics as well are more likely to be overweight, so the policy would be labelled white supremacist and cancelled.

>> No.16710946

florida is at a 100%, but they refuse to call it.

>> No.16710951

The rural whites are fatter than the urban whites, that's where the image of the mocked fat white comes from, just more urban contempt at flyovers.

>> No.16710952

Shut up, burger. You're all fucking fat.

>> No.16710957

philly stopped counting their votes for the night, and say they might not count the last 350k votes until friday. give me a break.

>> No.16710961

philly is going to hold the whole world hostage for a week? everyone of those pricks in philly needs to be watched like a hawk for insider trading.

>> No.16710967

oh now florida is back to 98% weird

>> No.16711003

Hypothetically speaking, how hard is it to get someone on the internet to kill themselves?

>> No.16711013

easier than you'd think, given the person is already suicidal

>> No.16711017

Anyone know whether the stats online include stuff like mail-in ballots and early voting?

>> No.16711049

Why is the board so low traffic tonight? Are the burgers watching tv and discussing politics?

>> No.16711058

right now, all of us are either considering suicide or fucking our siblings to keep the white race pure while squealing like a hog and firing a gun in the air

>> No.16711076

In six months I'll be graduating as a lawyer. I'm 20yo and have never worked in my life, which makes me kind of scared I'll screw up and get people locked for life. Books for this feel?

>> No.16711089

You finished your JD at 20?

>> No.16711103

Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are refusing to announce their vote totals until Friday. I wonder what kind of "surprise" is going to happen between now and then.

>> No.16711107

Is it constitutional for a state to refuse to count its own ballots?

>> No.16711110

I don't get it. The Dems held firm against the Marxists. Sanders will never be President, and the AOC crew is not as powerful as it once was. I can live with neo-liberals ruling the roost if it means the communists are kept from power. In other words, we're in a win-win situation.

>> No.16711117

wow, now florida is down to 96%! if this keeps up florida vote count will be down to 90% by the morning.

>> No.16711131

No such thing as JD in my country, but it's essentially the same. I'll get a graduate-entry professional degree in law and will be able to work as a lawyer by June next year.

>> No.16711134

Communism isn't even real anon, they are already slowly transitioning to something resembling the Soviet Union, meme currency, meme jobs, meme political parties, no freedumbs.

>> No.16711143

The Dems are going to redraw AOCs district after the census. The same trick they used to get rid of Kucinich.

>> No.16711148

Biden is going to do a victory speech in a few minutes! Neoilibs take control! American empire back in effect!

>> No.16711149

Imagine being such a stupid burger that you think Bernard Sanders was a communist. Burgers really deserve nuclear holocaust.

>> No.16711174

I can't tell if I'm depressed or just extremely well-adjusted to the world being a shit hole

like, on one hand I've lived most of my life at this point with complete acceptance of the fact that 1/3 of the population is made up of sociopaths who feed off of human suffering, that anyone who gets a weapon as part of their job kills, beats, extorts or rapes people for personal pleasure, that the rich are completely above the law, that the entire legal system was designed to keep parasites in positions of power, that the 1/3 of the population left who are actually decent are limp-wristed retards who refuse to defend themselves or even admit they're in trouble, and that most of the world's problems can only be solved through mass executions

on the other hand. I'm relatively happy most of the time. When I feel lifeless, it's just because I'm bored. When I feel hopeless, it has nothing to do with the world and everything to do with my personal glory-seeking. I do certainly have depression sometimes, but the symptoms I think of as definitively depression never have to do with my outlook on the world.

actually, now that I say it out loud it's kind of obvious. I'm just an edgelord

>> No.16711182

Oh shit, AP called Florida. AP is the canonical state caller for some reason and they called it.

>> No.16711185

you do realize trump has basically won right? Unless the mail-in ballots completely flip pennsylvania and michigan (which isn't going to happen) Trump has a complete victory

>> No.16711191 [DELETED] 

I don't think you realize how much the ruling class absolutely despite Trump.

>> No.16711194

Biden victory speech live now!

>> No.16711205

I know exactly how much the ruling class despise trump. He's won't stop embarrassing him but they can't do anything because he's the most successful puppet they've ever had

>> No.16711209

They're going to count the votes in Philly for the rest of the week. Biden just said he is definitely going to win PA.

>> No.16711213

Why would it take longer to count the mail in ballots? Why didn't they start counting them as soon as they received them? Why is everything in blue states so retarded?

>> No.16711219

It's pretty blatant voter fraud

>> No.16711226


>> No.16711258

I'm honestly shocked Americans fall for Trump.

>> No.16711265

I'm always shocked that people still believe whatever the TV says.

>> No.16711273

Well, Trump seems like he's going to be the American president again. Not sure what that has to do with TV.

>> No.16711277

You believe Biden is better than Trump which is a belief that can only be held by a chronic TV watcher.

>> No.16711284

What you you mean

That's a good thing. As I said, the neolibs are only annoying from time to time. The proto-communists like AOC are an existential threat to civilization in general, and to the USA in particular.

He unironically praised Castro. What more do you want?

>> No.16711290

I'm surprised there isn't a Trump in every Western country. America is apparently the only white country with balls, the rest just vary from 'fuck white people' to 'sort of fuck white people' apart from Eastern Europe.

Trump may be a buffoon but he isn't at least actively hateful against the descendants of the people who created the country.

>> No.16711291

This is some delusional burgertude.

>> No.16711301

I >>16711284 like Biden, voted for him and all that. What's your point?

>> No.16711302

During the Bush era Rep. Kucinich from Ohio was like Bernie/AOC super lefty anti-war anti-corporate guy, and he had a safe blue district. Then after the 2010 census the Dems redrew his district to split with Republicans so he lost. They will do the same to AOC after 2020 census is completed.

>> No.16711314

I think that's a good thing. You can't let the communists get a foothold.

>> No.16711327

AOC was already talking about life after the House in her Vogue interview. She knows she's at the end of the line. She thought about running for mayor of NYC, but the polling was terrible. NYC is Democrat but not communist, too many successful people for that. DeBlasio only won because the media like NYT pushed this awful lesbian from the city council to be the first woman mayor, but voters rejected her and DeBlasio snuck in. AOC might try to primary Gillibrand, but people upstate aren't going to vote for a communist from the Bronx. it's really the end of the line for her. She'll go on to be a pundit on some cable channel probably.

>> No.16711335

I wish her well. I'm sure she sincerely thinks she's doing the right thing, but the forces she pushed are simply too dangerous.

>> No.16711349

I like her idealism and authenticity, but when I hear a federal level politician talking about "MMT" I'm like yikes this person has got to go.

>> No.16711355


Kucinich knows what's up.

>> No.16711382

tfw it looks like trump is going to win again

>> No.16711385

Keep crying you midwestern fuck. You people havr such a persecution complex. Why don't you fly over these nuts?

>> No.16711404

>call Americans fat

Burgers are fat and retarded. You need a fat and retard tax.

>> No.16711410

I live in Montreal lol, I'm a leaf. It's just obvious that NYT and friends despise flyovers

>> No.16711416

if trump wins i am going to cum really hard from orally servicing myself but if biden wins i am going to halfheartedly grind on the bike rack by the dumpster until i get bored and walk away and i definitely won’t get off

>> No.16711420

If Trump wins you should move to a different country

>> No.16711424

i’m going to go to your country and grind on your bike racks

>> No.16711428

and i’ll bring 500 people just like me who share the desire to grind on your bike racks

>> No.16711432

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>> No.16711433

here is a handy list of the fattest countries(some of them are meme territories) by overall BMI:

Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Federated states of Micronesia
Marshall Islands
United Arab Emirates
Trinidad and Tobago
United States
Saudi Arabia
Antigua and Barbuda
New Zealand
El Salvador

we are running from Nauru at 32.5 BMI to El Salvador at 27.4, the US is at 28.5, so towards the lower end of the list, and well the fattest people in the US actually tend to resemble the countries at the top of the list genetically. food for thought, but don't get mentally fat

>> No.16711434

it's too late for us unfortunately. nobody will let us entry their country after how we handled covid

>> No.16711435

This, I'm amazed that european countries haven't collectively woken up to the "everything will remain like 1995 forever! this is the end of history!" bullshit sold to them by neolibs like Macron and started voting for preventative populists.

We really are going to watch all our countries slowly descend into Africa tier conditions while the wealthy easily move their money/assets around and avoid all the misery, until there's a permanent underclass/overclass divide. And the whole thing will have been ushered in by twinks calling themselves communists and thinking they're helping "internationalism" by promoting open border policies devised by capitalists.

>> No.16711437

please cover up your i’m with her buttons and your pussy hat before posting. it is common courtesy.

>> No.16711445

it's not going to happen. we need at least two swing states to flip, and good things don't happen anymore

>> No.16711451

Americans will literally do anything to say they're not fat lard fucks. Too bad the gymnastics are only mental.

>> No.16711458


>> No.16711459

and do Egyptians have a similar disorder seeing as they're quite fatter than Americans

>> No.16711461


I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture

>> No.16711463

if not for covid trump would have been doing good now

>> No.16711483

He's doing well anyway, largely due to how insanely unpleasant Democrats have become. You have Latinos turning out for Trump now, that is a failure of such a monumental scale it's hard to conceptualize. Their promotion of riots by upper middle class genetically defective anarchists trashing stores owned by minorities sure did not fucking help. They drank their own koolaid, they are completely divorced from reality because they block or seek to silence any voice that doesn't agree with them, so they have no fucking idea what their enemy is saying, and they couldn't even understand if they did, their brains have been warped into literally not being able to understand certain concepts to maintain their ideology, that is what they react with frantic pain and panic if anyone says anything that isn't allowed, it literally causes them psychic damage to hear the extremely obvious idea they have been violently repressing in themselves for years, while their party moves ever forward into explicitly shitting on them for being white males.

But hey we are not Communists, we won't kill you for making a mistake, you realize you've been brainwashed and we won't hold it against you, we'll let you in. Communists are typified by wanting to murder the people they think are wrong, rather than making things better for everyone, they are evil spiteful ugly demons.

>> No.16711497
File: 146 KB, 768x1024, 1601565498970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16711509

I worry guys like you are a dying breed. Normal people seem to think other people are "basically decent" like them. Maybe in good times, maybe still in certain areas, but the average person now is a feral fucking animal. Either an 80IQ retard whose entire world is defined by social media and waddling back and forth between their job and their jackoff leisure activities, or a deeply mentally sick coastal elite.

The real problem is that the coastal elites have spread their ideology to a lot of the middle class, who now think success = pathetically trying to be a carefree nouveau riche pleb with nice clothes and an expensive phone.

There just aren't any social classes left with any "decent people" energy, except in isolated areas where they can be crushed and economically depressed so they all die on fentanyl over a generation or two. The middle class was raped and then culturally colonized by the nouveau riche, the underclass has NO desire to be middle class and is perfectly happy being 80IQ savages, the upper class are 80IQ savages with enough money to relocate to the other side of the tracks when things get bad.

There is no escape anymore. We're surrounded on all sides by human garbage and it's accelerating.

>> No.16711538

Is it true that women in their thirties would settle down with spergs if they are financially successful? Is there hope?

>> No.16711539

My mind is constantly racing, I'm feeling old every day. I feel like my time goes nowhere, it hurts, it has become so acute the feeling of paranoia and death is numbing. The feeling has left me jaded about life.
T. Retard 22 year old.

>> No.16711543

22 years old is literally nothing

>> No.16711547
File: 158 KB, 1199x675, 1598961100381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16711554

We were fucked 300 years ago when Cromwell caved. I'm not even interested in power anymore, if you want personal power then grab your gun.

>> No.16711589

Why Cromwell?

It's funny, I was reading the OT recently just as I was reading about Cromwell and the Puritans for the first time. Whenever you read about something like the Puritans as a modern person you tend to assume they were crazy, you can't really identify with them. But the more I read the OT, the more I wondered, maybe it really was Babylon. Maybe there are just whole eras in history that really are Babylon.

Just wish we had an Elijah.

>> No.16711619
File: 153 KB, 400x273, 1490488272854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna sound too overconfident, since I did start cooking recently but I might actually have a knack for cooking.

>> No.16711719
File: 185 KB, 600x600, 927C5AC8-D066-4509-A435-7FBC7DF2F3A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the Americans were voting today, lost out on a lot of easy money lads

>> No.16711722

Vote Trump!

>> No.16711785

what does babylon mean in this context?

>> No.16711815

I'm not American.

>> No.16711997

Anon, have you ever been to France? Were you alive in 1995?

>> No.16712048

Europe still has time to get off its ass, we're in the early stages of this shit.

>> No.16712239

The Democrats are shameless.