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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 172 KB, 300x514, atlas_shrugged_book_cover_300x514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1666994 No.1666994 [Reply] [Original]

Almost finished with this book, ask me anything. Truly a masterpiece (no troll).

>> No.1667001

What's your name?

>> No.1667002

You can call me Sam.

>> No.1667013

Tell me why I should read it, given all the hate.

>> No.1667017

Do you often begin your sentences with "I hate people who..." instead of "I hate it when somebody..."?

>> No.1667022

Well the hate for the book has long since reached the point where it's norm to make fun of it, that's outside 4chan too. The writing is not bad, the plot is not bad, I think people mainly have problem with Rand pushing objectivism in the book. It's a good read if you can look past the hate and read is as a book, not as some sort of evil bible of greed and Amurikkan values.

I hardly use either as I do not feel the need to express my distaste for things people do very often. If I'd have to choose I'd go with the second one.

>> No.1667100

I tried to read the book as a book and her style was so bland it made death a sweet relief.

>> No.1667103

I disagree

ignoring any message the book has, Ayn Rand is simply a poor writer and reading this book is an exercise in tedium

>> No.1667116
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>> No.1667117
File: 22 KB, 216x216, Altruism-is-impossible-being-altruist-is-wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1667118


I found it good enough to read, however Galt's long as fuck speech was pretty goddamn tedious. And I kinda had a problem when she implied all the people in the train accident deserved to die / died because of their "moral decay".

>> No.1667119
File: 46 KB, 274x360, Im-a-Russian-Jew-make-everyone-pay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1667121
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>> No.1667123

If you actually read the book you'd know about the hidden community created by the Galt & co where they indeed grew and prepared their own food, ran the whole society on their own. The greatest minds of the world were doing manual labour, every day things needed to survive and Rand portrayed this as kind of an ideal society.

>> No.1667137

And it's incredibly unrealistic and relies on a number of implausible inventions to survive.

>> No.1667140


nofunallowed.targe eh?

>> No.1667144

She's trying to set out, in her fictional book, something she thinks should happen in the real world. So yeah, nofunallowed. Sorry.

>> No.1667157
File: 62 KB, 989x378, you are this mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange that it did happen.

>> No.1667161

She's painting a picture of utopia and as an author of fictious book she was every right to make any kind of deus ex machina she wants to make it work. Utopia by definition is something not real.

>> No.1667263

>The writing is not bad,

>the plot is not bad,

>I think people mainly have problem with Rand pushing objectivism in the book.
Objectivism!? LOL wth.

Do you even fucking know what a Deus Ex Machina is?

College freshmen amuse me. OK, guys, fuck the hate and forget for 4 seconds what Atlas Shrugged is about. Let's leave the subjective stuff aside (plot, ideals, her socialist-capitalist society she depicts that everyone laughs about and is OFTEN ridiculed and dismissed by the Academy as ill-conceived and childish.

The book is way too long for what it is. You can change, create or try to create a new society in little more than a 100 pages (Fight Club)

All the characters have the same voice. Ayn Rand's voice. The narrative and character's voice are black and white. In every possible way.

Making this a dull, boring experience because you never suspend your disbelief. In every possible moment, you just know you are reading some bullshit propaganda, and not a well thought, well written story that also happens to be a propaganda.

>> No.1667268
File: 13 KB, 480x323, 1301451700951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fight Club
Oh surprise surprise.
Do you solely shop for books in the Angsty Tween Pseudoliterature section of the book store?

>> No.1667270
File: 274 KB, 800x1304, Matt Ruff_1997_Sewer, Gas & Electric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you feel about Matt Ruff's depiction of your Lord and Saviour?

>> No.1667281
File: 73 KB, 500x333, 1277717486611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard that, I suck cocks (one of the few immoralities in Rand's World) and fail at reading comprehension.
Didn't realize this post was righteously bashing Rand for the sake of literature and humanity.
Carry on, good sir.

>> No.1667283

>buthurt fag using flawed logic by implying that because Fight Club sucked, anon arguments don't stand.

teens this day should learn how to discuss ideas, instead of just hiding in a computer, trying to flex their dumb "trolling" muscles.

>> No.1667286

foreshadowing quantum combo finish. anon recognized his arguments were flawed, seconds before other anon pinpointed that.

>> No.1667288


fight club's merits as lit aside, it doesn't really create a new society at all it's a bunch of arglebargle about destryoing the present one

>> No.1667294

>OK, guys, fuck the hate and forget for 4 seconds what Atlas Shrugged is about. Let's leave the subjective stuff aside (plot, ideals, her socialist-capitalist society she depicts that everyone laughs about and is OFTEN ridiculed and dismissed by the Academy as ill-conceived and childish. The book is way too long for what it is. You can change, create or try to create a new society in little more than a 100 pages (Fight Club) All the characters have the same voice. Ayn Rand's voice. The narrative and character's voice are black and white. In every possible way. Making this a dull, boring experience because you never suspend your disbelief. In every possible moment, you just know you are reading some bullshit propaganda, and not a well thought, well written story that also happens to be a propaganda.

I approve of this. This is a very objective consensus.

>> No.1667300

It doesn't even accomplish that.

>> No.1667304


Fight Club doesn't "create" a new society, but tries to create one. I think that anon meant that as an example of how can you create lots of characters with ideals, that want to reunite and change the things they know,, full of ideals, stupid speeches and propagandas, instead of a 1,000 pages. In less than a 100 pages.

Also, Fight club is a fair comparison to Atlas Shrugged. They both suck ass and are mocked by the canon and academy.
I think the comparison is fair, aside from Fight Club literary merits, because they both suck ass and try to change the world, but ultimately ends up being laug

>> No.1667308

Fight Club doesn't "create" a new society, but tries to create one. I think that anon meant that as an example of how can you create lots of characters with ideals, that want to reunite and change the things they know,, full of ideals, stupid speeches and propagandas, instead of a 1,000 pages. In less than a 100 pages.

Also, Fight club is a fair comparison to Atlas Shrugged. They both suck ass and are mocked by the canon and academy.

>> No.1668160
File: 165 KB, 300x514, atshite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merely posting about this shite makes you a troll whether you think it's of worth or not.

>> No.1668163


new favourite word