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16659851 No.16659851 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that women consider it a red flag when a guy says he likes this book?
Anyone with a practical experience?

>> No.16659857

They're just being jealous roasties.

>> No.16659860

most women dont even read

>> No.16659862

no, women love this book. they will like anything that they perceive to be edgy or unique.

>> No.16659863


>> No.16659868

Quite the contrary my friend. Lolita is the best woman magnet

>> No.16659871

Illiterates do regardless if they're men or women because they think it's porn

>> No.16659872

Own up to it bitch and the females will respect that

>> No.16659873

Read the post faggot. It asks whether women consider MEN liking this book as red flag

>> No.16659876

>caring about what others, let alone women, think about you
You’re just never going to make it son.

>> No.16659878

women dont think like that. if they like you, they will literally cover up outright child porn habits you have. if they dont like you, they sneer at anything you do

>> No.16659880


>> No.16659884

women love this book. have read parts of it to a woman in bed before, it was her favorite book

>> No.16659885

>Own up to it bitch
How? Saying it loud with confidence with give off even more creepy vibes

>> No.16659886

they like to self-insert as the attractive young slut the guy cant get over

>> No.16659892

This t b h

>> No.16659896

This. After I make lefty art hoes fall for me I can make the most racist jokes and mention how I voted for trump and they just play mental gymnastics and totally pretend like it’s no big deal or that I must be joking, etc.

>> No.16659902

Absolutely. Of course you shouldn’t say it’s a book about a pedo but rather dwell on the genius of the writing and the unreliable narrator, the beauty of the prose and the perverted psyche underlying in each of us. As much as I like this book it is mostly soulless and it is meat for an easy endless analysis which means that women will fell that you are intelligent, well-read and know what you are talking about. I talk about it almost every time and I want to sleep with a girl who has a slight interest in any form of art and it mostly works. However you should know that no girl will ever talk to you about it from her own volition and that you should seem intelligent when you’re talking about something else. Don’t hesitate to talk about how degenerate yet how exciting Lolita is.

>> No.16659905

Fair enough but usually 'what do you read' or 'what books do you like' are questions that are exchanged in the initial stages, when you're starting to get to know each other. She won't be into you enough to let go of your terrible habits

>> No.16659915

Maybe only applicable for dumb broads maybe. I'm skeptical whether this'd work with moderately intelligent women

>> No.16659923

>As much as I like this book it is mostly soulless
What does having a soul constitute of to you?

>> No.16659944

Yeah, seconding this with my own anecdotal exp. What can I say, all women are pedophiles. Makes sense if you think about it, they let little babies suck their tits

>> No.16659960

Retard. If she’s actually intelligent then she would like Lolita for prose alone. Go talk to women incel.

>> No.16659969

I’m tired and it’s late so I won’t pour out too much but I guess that in the end Lolita (and all others Nabokov’s books I read) can be dissected like a dead corpse and after a long time you’ll know everything about it. If you take a book “with soul” (for instance Hyperion, Salemmbo or Ulysses) you can dissect it a lot but you’ll always miss the most important thing in it, that is the part that talks directly to the soul. Poetry is also a good example: Corbière is mostly “soulless”, while Dickinson is “with soul”. I don’t know if I’m being very clear

>> No.16660000

Any books written by authentic pedos? I'm tired of this guy and his stolen pedo valour. It's immediately obvious upon reading that he's not a real pedophile

>> No.16660004
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>Lolita? I only read it as erotica!

>> No.16660005
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>> No.16660012

I definitely didn’t get to cum in the pussy on the first night once she saw that I didn’t have a Black Lives matter post on my Facebook page

>> No.16660015

Lewis Carroll
also check'd

>> No.16660019
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I don't think he meant the Hyperion you're thinking of

>> No.16660022

>book it is mostly soulless

>> No.16660057

Yeah i was talking about Hölderlin obviously.
Paul Valery is also soulless and I love his poetry. Soulles doesn’t mean bad.

>> No.16660604

I read this one summer while I was lifeguarding (during my breaks). One time a woman came up to me and asked if it was “the book about the pedophile” and I said something like “Well it sounds weird when you put it like that, but yes”, she sort of nodded and then walked away without saying anything else

>> No.16660613

This. Every single girl I fucked since I was in high school (26 now) was a die hard liberal and I'm the complete opposite and they knew that

>> No.16660683

Women are deeply profoundly extremely insecure. Like you call a guy fat, nothing happens. You call a woman fat in front of another woman, and you can literally see the terror and anger at the possibility that they might not be desirable.
Lolita does that. Liking it outs the patent truth that a young girl is more sexually valuable than a roastie.

Pity the Roastie, for she is damned.

>> No.16660690

this man knows

>> No.16660736

What Hyperion are you talking about?

>> No.16660742

No, no anon, you don't understand. You need to yell at them how much you love this book. Scream and blabber unintelligible mumbling, punch the table, the wall, rip some hair off, scream again at your bleeding hands, scratch your head intensely, scream again, poop and ejaculate on the floor while kneeling, letting gutural voices drain your throat. Bonus if you fall unconscious in the process

>> No.16660744 [DELETED] 

Where you lifeguarding children while reading Lolita?

>> No.16660746


>> No.16660751

Were you lifeguarding children while reading Lolita?

>> No.16660753


>> No.16660767

satanically based

>> No.16660789

Ha - like I said, I wasn’t literally reading while I was on the stand/guarding lives. I was just minding my own business at the break table and was approached. It was a pretty comfy summer read though, I didn’t really think about the implications of being seen reading it. I was also pretty stoned most of the time. Good times

>> No.16660795

It all depends on context. If its one of the few novels you've ever read, it might be a little dodgy. But Lolita is pretty much required reading among those who are well read, and you'd look like a pleb if you were unfamiliar with it because pedos icky.

>> No.16660800

Who the fuck still uses facebook

>> No.16660823

>Stoned while guarding lives.
It only gets better. Kek.

>> No.16660982

Yeah I know it was wrong but I don’t regret it, I had a lot of fun and I was good a employee. Would recommend to any 16-20 year old as a summer job

>> No.16660987

a good* oopsy

>> No.16661000

Unfortunately I don't know how to swim, my man. :/

>> No.16661008

Damn that sucks. You should learn how. It’s one of the most blissful activities I’ve ever encountered. You don’t need to learn strokes or anything (though that is also pleasant as exercise), just learn to tread and you’ll open yourself up to a world of fun

>> No.16661010

I bet you do. Jump into a pool or the ocean

>> No.16661070

>just learn to tread and you’ll open yourself up to a world of fun
Yeah, that's what I'm seemingly unable to do. I can't float to save my life, man.
That said, I started swimming lessons like a month ago. Though I didn't went last week.
I think I got a little discouraged but maybe is too little time to expecting for results, isn't so? Anyway, I think I'm gonna go tomorrow, even if it's cold.

Like a rock doesn't count.

>> No.16661094

Hmm. I used to give lessons to kids but I’ve never done it for an adult. It takes some motion for sure (I don’t know your body type / athletic level) but just about anyone can do it. Don’t get discouraged, don’t be embarrassed. If you want it, go for it. Accept failure as part of the process. Listen to your teacher/coach and soon enough it’ll be as easy as breathing in and out

>> No.16661099


>> No.16661102

Experts agree that if you start drowning in a pool, drinking the water will actually prevent you from inhaling it- thusly saving you.

>> No.16661134

Holy fuck lol this is so true. Once you've fucked them it doesn't matter what kind of offensive shit you say. Same reason an attractive guy can never be "creepy" too

>> No.16661256

If a guy says their favorite book is lolita, I run away. Liking that book means you're probably a narcissist, based on past experiences.

>> No.16661423

"Like it? I live it, bitch. Now take off your clothes, my 14 year-old niece." -- Hunter Biden.

>> No.16661427

No one cares what a mtf incel says.

>> No.16661433

I can't imagine reading to people

>> No.16661460

Wrong. Nice assumptions.

>> No.16661487

i've never heard that, a few women i've dated talked about how their exes... i don't even want to say it... anyway, women until fucking mid 20s think they're lolitas because they're mentally retarded, so there's that. even if the bitch is 40 just treat her like she's a kid because she's a moron. you can't even talk about it, fuck this book too, it's a moronic piece of shit book for moronic women who think they're lolitas and for moronic pedos who think they're children or some shit. i hate this book so much and i hate everybody who reads it

>> No.16661518

The language is good, my man.
Don't you like poetry?

>> No.16661543

Based and true

>> No.16661547

Nabakov is a soulless liberal

>> No.16661560

And this kills the incel.
I agree with you, but also it just means that your political views or whatever edgy shit is not the reason why women wont sleep with the losers complaining about them on here.
All these posts aboutfeminism being why they cant get laid is false. These faggots just need to get self confidence and an actual personality.

>> No.16661693

Hölderlin's one, I forgot Keats wrote one that's why I didn't clarify

>> No.16662516

I'm currently reading this in the coffee shop at my school. Haven't had any issues besides a few people being confused when I explain that it's "a book about pedophilia" and then continue with my reading.

>> No.16662574

The why are best-sellers always some spicy novel aimed at horny women?

>> No.16662580

Incel posts aren't based

>> No.16662603

I think I gave a pretty good counter argument to this >>16659878 in here >>16659905 which got ignored

>> No.16663100

But misogynist posts are perennially based

>> No.16663108

Lol you nerds think the typical woman knows what lolita is? They probably dint even know what the word lolita means, and if they do they probably think its some goth fasion or some shit

>> No.16663130

It depends on the woman of course but some dont care, they'll even be attracted to absolutely horrible people like Jeffrey Dahmer. I'm not attacking women though, men obviously barely care either if the girl is hot enough.

>> No.16663159

Not sure. I've heard lots of women online say James Franco is filthy and creepy and he isn't an ugly man.

>> No.16663168

if your starting presumption is that the stuff you're into are "terrible habits" then she's going to pick up on that mindset much more than if you told her Yeah i read lolita and Nabokov Fuckin Kicks Ass. it's how you say it not what you say. if youre not confident in your own interests thats an actual red flag

>> No.16663239

>Yeah i read lolita and Nabokov Fuckin Kicks Ass

Lol soi

>> No.16663710

>I think
That's where you went wrong

>> No.16663730

This is why you're an incel, take it or leave it

>> No.16663735

Women unironically think it’s a romance boom

>> No.16663741


>> No.16663743

Who cares what women think

>> No.16663755
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based and correct

>> No.16663790

be a man, if you liked it say it, who cares about what women think.
based, women are followers, be a fucking leader OP.