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16637662 No.16637662 [Reply] [Original]

Why do brainlents insist this guy was a commie? He's an inherently anti-political philosopher, I'm a venture capitalist and there is literally zero reasons I have to dislike capitalism. According to Stiner I shouldn't bother with spooks like dialectical materialism and socialism and just do whatever suits me best. Plus he translated two foundational texts of neoliberal economics - Smith's Wealth of Nations and J. B. Say's Treatise on Political Economy

>> No.16637699
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>Neoliberal economics

>> No.16637710

I like how a month ago some 'expert' comes on 4chan and rants that he knows Stirner best, and what Stirner was actually about was using 'whatever best suits you, or is most useful' and now that's the dominant interpretation on 4chan. Stirner equally was changeable: it's not what was most useful to you in following some career. There is no way you aren't automatically enacting some ideological roles in being a 'venture capitalist' over a period of years. Sure, you can justify your lack of autonomy falsely using Stirner, but you're not being Stirnerian until you walk out of work and go do something radically different next time you aren't 'enjoying' your job (and not coincidentally when you have enough money or are at retirement age.) Until then you'll never know if you're just another automaton (hint: you probably are.)

>> No.16637713

Start with understanding what a “commie” is
And read the guy a little closer. The state’s laws include that money you worship.
Ayn Rand is more your fit

>> No.16637733
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>> No.16637753

But if it is to my advantage to deceive the laborers and imbue them with false conciousness in order to postpone the proletarian revolution indefinitely then why wouldn't I do that? Why would I concern myself with the welfare of the workers when I'm not one of them?

>> No.16637813

Oh aren’t you so clever playing people for fools for short term gains that mean nothing and taking us to the brink of extinction.
Haha. They won’t even be able to write about you in the history books because of the great dying. Wow. Clever.

>> No.16637825


>> No.16637841

>Oh aren’t you so clever playing people for fools for short term gains that mean nothing and taking us to the brink of extinction
Why would I care? I'm a materialist just like you, I believe there is no one to judge me in the afterlife for my rights and wrongs. It seems his philosophy was of little use to you Butterfly, you're still spooked as fuck.
>Haha. They won’t even be able to write about you in the history books because of the great dying. Wow. Clever.
Again, why would I care about something I won't even be able to experience?

>> No.16637999

it's because he was a proto-historical-materialist in the sense that he saw the inevitability of the working class overthrowing capitalism
also the "union of egoists" stuff sounds commie

>> No.16638046

I don't get it, he's just speaking a fact. It's as if I said that a nuke would kill you if it went off on your head. No shit.

>> No.16638262

Capitalism is a spook too, dipshit

>> No.16638290

Dipshit is a spook too

>> No.16638465

union of egoists isnt a social union however, as anarkids like to pretend
its the union between the self and property, ie the user and whats being used

>> No.16638477

So tripfags are universally retarded regardless of the board they post in.

>> No.16638481

>a commie
He ran a co-op.
Do what you want. If the best you can find to do with yourself is to deceive others for profit, you are pretty pathetic. But plenty of people can do no better.

>> No.16638499
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