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/lit/ - Literature

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16627622 No.16627622 [Reply] [Original]

Critique of Literary Reason edition

Welcome to the official thread for Spanish /lit/erature. Feel free to contribute with reviews on your favourite authors, books, fragments, own works (so we can criticize them :), new editions or publications, and the like...

>Websites with Spanish e-books:
>Torrent with +70000 ebooks in spanish:
>Useful youtube channels:
>download the Crítica here

Previous thread: >>16611030

>> No.16627645



>> No.16627657

Reading Tirano Banderas and its been a pleasure so far but i don't understand half of the terms.

>> No.16627661

What you spanish people think of Cátedra? Are its editions decent?

>> No.16627674

Hola vecinos me llamo Cesar,
Estoy llendo El Principito y es mi primero libro en espanol.
Es muy interestante y creo que me gusta esta libro much.
Tambien, neccesito una zorra para poner mi pinche penador un una puchara.

>> No.16627680

Spanish also refers to the language but I appreciate your point anon

>> No.16627681

What language is that?

>> No.16627687


>> No.16627693

>Spanish also refers to the language...


>> No.16627697

In English it refers to the language and demonym

>> No.16627699

Espanol al rancho como Pedro me enseno en el cocino

>> No.16627701

Ah so that's the english word for gentilicio

>> No.16627708
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>> No.16627714
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>> No.16627718

I would have used the word "against" desu

>> No.16627720

Yeah it's Greek same as synonym but takes dem from deme

>> No.16627738
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You are right

>> No.16627744


>In English...


>... it refers to the language and demonym[.]


>> No.16627749

Who was the translator?

>> No.16627750

ESL retards should stay in their containment board /bant/

>> No.16627756

There is only literature in Spain

>> No.16627782

this is a literature thread

>> No.16627791


>> No.16627811
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>> No.16627818
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Just like politics should stay on /pol/ and feels on /r9k/, right?
Atleast here we discuss literature (most of the time)

>> No.16627853

Any good literary realist authors?

>> No.16627863

It's a joke. Maestro's books haven't been translated. I know because people on /liy/ keep shilling him and I can't read Spanish so I tried to find a translation.

>> No.16627896

Can anyone tell me what the fuck does Maestro mean by sucking Bueno off at the same time being aware of the importance of Catholicism specially in his España? That is, does he merely think about Christianity as a literary tool by spanish writers and rejects metaphysics?

>> No.16627903
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Leopoldo Alas
Baldomero Lillo

>> No.16627907

Bueno was aware of the importance of catholicism too, despite being an atheist. That's why he knew the Scholastics from memory and said that Francoism was a golden age of spanish philosophy.

>> No.16628076

Too bad

>> No.16628139

Manuel Zeno Gandía, I've only read La charca but it's really good. Blest Gana might not be the best but he's really fun and he was the first realist writer in the spanish language, so it's worth it to check him out.

>> No.16628288

An anon said he would be working on a translation of the Crítica but that may take a while

>> No.16628539

it doesn't take a genius to realize that being counter culture in a country that is 90% of that culture is going to lead to a destructive shitstorm
at least that's my perspective, i 'm sure these guys have a deepey analysis why >catholicism good but you'd have to be an idiot tryinh to revolutionaize something that big and expecting to end up better off

>> No.16628731

Cátedra Letras Hispánicas has consistently good editions, offering useful commentaries and detailed introductions (I imagine they won't tell anything new to somebody who studies Hispanic literature for a living, but as a casual reader I find that they usually cover a lot of terrain). The catch is that for long books they're a lot more expensive than other publishers (Debolsillo editions for instance don't include annotations, but they're almost always in the 10-15€ range whereas some Cátedra books can go up to 20€ or 30€).

Cátedra Letras Universales on the other hand is usually garbage. I don't know if I was just unlucky, but every book I bought from that collection had a terrible translation: at best, the style was so far removed from the originals that they might as well have been different books; at worst, the texts contained flat out nonsensical sentences.

Tirano Banderas is pure kino.

>> No.16628738

Fuck Maestro's derivative cash-in. Go directly to the main source and translate Bueno's Theory of category closure into English.

>> No.16628778

A tough one. I think here you really need to know about what you are translating.

>> No.16628786
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>espacio para hablar sobre libros y literatura espanola
>solo hablan ingles

>> No.16628790

Los llanis travestis borran el hilo si se habla mucho en español

>> No.16628800
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No te entiendo maestro.
Diga me como humano ok?

>> No.16628802
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Pinche llanis wey

>> No.16628821

Yes, but I don't see the point of translating the Critique into a language where the Theory of category closure is still unavailable, since the former is supposed to be just a "non-dogmatic" application of the latter.

>> No.16628887

I get it, I get it, But there are two axis from the CRL can precede the translation of the Theory of the Categorical Closing:
1. Efective and Philosophical critiques to contemporary literature theories.

2. The reivindication and explanation of the greatness of the Hispanic Literature and it's unique tradition.

>> No.16628920

yeah, the book it's a little bit big to translate it amateurishly without fucking up the format.

>> No.16628932

/b/ros, I tried reading Trilce and a bunch of Poemas Humanos and I just can't understand a thing. What was Vallejo even thinking?

>> No.16628953

I like Trilce III

>> No.16628982

>What was Vallejo even thinking?
He was trying to align himself with the creative Zeitgeist of the year 1922 (Ulysses, The Waste Land, Sodome and Gomorre, The Castle, Siddartha)

>> No.16629225

Buenas gente, estoy escribiendo fragmentos de una novela que he titulado el hombre y la sombra. La premisa es que un hombre dialoga con su sombra ha medida que su ciudad se llena de niebla y la gente empieza a desaparecer. Voy a postear los primeros párrafos

"Simón se despertó sintiendo una gran opresión en su pecho, tan fuerte que le costaba respirar. Cerró los ojos, buscando en su mente esos dulces recuerdos que siempre le reconfortaban cuando algo escapaba a su control: madre, padre, Helena… pero por alguna razón no conseguía recordarlos con claridad, eran vagas figuras que vaporosamente recorrían sus memorias. Rostros níveos desprovistos de todo rasgo, como blancos lienzos."
"Con un oscuro presentimiento, Simón se levantó adolorido, respirando con dificultad. El reloj indicaba las seis de la mañana y aún quedaba hora y media para comenzar la jornada según su rutina. Volvió a tumbarse e intentó seguir durmiendo, pero ello fue inútil. La dolorosa opresión que albergaba en su pecho había dado lugar a una terrible sensación de soledad. Simón se levantó de nuevo, sintiendo su cuerpo torpe y entumecido."
"Desde hacía años, los días empezaban y terminaban de forma rutinaria, todo cuanto hacía Simón era parte de una rutina, fría y calculada con precisión, revestida al completo de una aparente normalidad, aunque realmente su razón de ser fuera totalmente irracional. Se lavaba la cara tres veces contadas, se vestía según el orden en el que la ropa salía de la lavadora, casi siempre trajes de la misma gama cromática; azul oscuro, gris o negro. Era doce de octubre, día par, así que tocaba desayunar café con tostadas."

¿Qué os parece?

>> No.16629261

Necesitas practicar mas con flash fiction.
Me gustan las ideas pero el ejecución era peor.
>eran vagas figuras que vaporosamente recorrían sus memorias.
Esa es laborada

Y el descripción sobre él como "irracional" no hizo justicia antes de la elaboración antes

>> No.16629268

Sounds like the plot from that film with Will Ferrell (which I like, a lot): Stranger than fiction

Lo escrito me resultó normal tirando a malo, no dice mucho.

Tijeras: vagas figuras, vaporosamente; niveo rostro, lienzo blanco. Respirar con dificultad x2, rutina, rutinaria x2 (no relees?). 1/4 son adjetivos al tun tun.
Gramática: revestida AL completo (en lugar de POR) no lo escuché nunca.
Tema: que uno sienta una presión en el pecho y poco después "sienta soledad" da una idea rara. Toda vida adulta y responsable es rutinaria. Los trajes no se lavan en lavarropas (se arruinan) y vestirse con las prendas según el orden en el que salen, suena a más lógico que irracional. Lo mismo que con la presión y la soledad: si la rutina es calculada, que después (en el mismo párrafo) el narrador la describa como irracional da una idea rara.

>> No.16629278

Por ejemplo
>se vestía según el orden en el que la ropa salía de la lavadora
Hago eso. En muchas veces llevo el misma ropa para un mes. Creo que si usaste esas descripciones hace docenas de decadas entonces se puede describirlo bien

>> No.16629294

>Y el descripción sobre él como "irracional" no hizo justicia antes de la elaboración antes
La idea es que el protagonista es un ser absolutamente rutinario pero su vida en el fondo no tiene sentido, porque se limita a trabajar sin que tenga algo a lo que realmente aspirar o a lo que dedicarse

what do you means by "tijeras"?

>> No.16629308

Que sobran palabras por redundancias varias.

>> No.16629334

gracias, voy a corregirlo

>> No.16629335

Es historia buena y interesante pero me gustaría un estilo mas fluido.

>> No.16629386

La cosa es que la historia está centrada más en descripciones y diálogos y no tanto en cosas sucediendo, no sé si ello es un problema importante.

>> No.16629409

No es problema, justa necesita mas variedad que se lleva el tema mas adelante

>> No.16629424

lol no you moron
People in Spain speak Spanish. You're just a colonised idiot. There is no language called as Hispanic.

>> No.16629795

Yeah, I was referring to Letras Hispánicas. Thank you a lot for the informative post.

>> No.16630101

Portuguese speaker here, how hard would it be to read the following works in original spanish without any study background in the language:
Calderón de La Barca's La vida es sueño
Luis de León's Poesía
Sor Juana's Poesía
Fernando de Rojas's La Celestina
Quevedo's Los sueños
Góngora y Argote's Soledades

>> No.16630644
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Una pregunta seria:
¿Merece la pena la crítica de Maestro?
Es muy cara, pero si de verdad es un buen sistema de crítica me pensaría el comprar la versión en papel.

>> No.16630655

You are a dumb nigger. go and hang.
Maldito maricon.

>> No.16630661

Es bastante buena, pero te recomiendo leer el PDF primero, y después, si consideras que vale la pena, comprarla.

>> No.16630674

Maestro siendo el maestro

>> No.16630702

Es mejor que los otros sistemas de crítica literature (que son sobre mierda de pomo). Es crítica literatura en base a fisicalismo

>> No.16630862
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Has anyone read Ernesto Castro's book on postmodernity?

>> No.16630865

Fairly hard Anon, I've come across some portuguese poetry from the same period and while I can understand some words and sometimes get the general gist of the poem I don't think I'd ever be able to understand the poem fully. So you'd probably have a similar experience,
I would definitely look for a translation instead, taking into account spanish and portuguese are very related you'd probably not loose very much by reading one, but you have to remember that by the XVI century spanish and portuguese were already established not only as their own independent languages but also almost as the way they're today.

>> No.16630872

shit he's back

>> No.16630912

What does Maestro think of Auerbach's Mimesis?

>> No.16630977
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He likes him

>> No.16631014

oh nice

>> No.16631074
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We need to make a Maestro-core chart
It could be divided into Literature and Non-Literature.
The Literature section should include:
>Don Quixote
>Examplary Novels
>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>Oedipus Rex
>The Old Testament
>The Divine Commedy
>The Canterbury Tales
>La Celestina
>Gargantua and Pantagruel
>100 Years of Solitude
>The Decameron
>The Lazarillo de Tormes
And a lot of the other works he has praised (Like Vicente Alexaindre's poetry)
As for Non-Literature, the complete works of Gustavo Bueno, of course, the Ethics of Spinoza, the Dialogues of Plato, etc.

>> No.16631199

I like the idea. And add the CLR at the top.

>> No.16631349

I have yet to receive my Prime Day books. mostly looking forward to Temporada de Huracanes, I've been trying to read more books written by women after reading Memorias de Adriano which I really enjoyed.

what other books written by women do you guys like? written in Spanish obviously.

>> No.16631368
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La Amortajada - María Luisa Bombal
La Última Niebla - María Luisa Bombal

>> No.16631429

Been meaning to read Temporada de Huracanes too, already got the book just need some spare time. Check out Valeria Luiselli (I like her work in spanish although her work in english does not seem as appealing). I also love Nadie me verá llorar and consider it to be one of the best mexican novels in general. Mariana Enríquez has also garnered much attention and I'd definetely recommend her, I've only read some of her short stories but they're all great and she captures that essense urban legends have as I've seen no one else do.

>> No.16631515

>Mimesis by Auerbach
>Borges' Essays
>Los Monstruos Políticos de la Modernidad
>1492: España contra sus Fantasmas
>Imperiofobia y Leyenda Negra

>> No.16631680

What do we think of these?

>> No.16631699

Actually called Castilian but okay

>> No.16631705
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>> No.16631872

I'd never actually call it that in English, but i'd rather call it Castilian than 'Hispanic'

>> No.16632088
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Today is Ernesto's birthday. Say something nice about him.

>> No.16632285
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>España contra Europa - Gustavo Bueno (pbuh)
>Teoría del Cierre Categorial - Gustavo Bueno (pbuh)
>El mito de la cultura - Gustavo Bueno (pbuh)
>Imperiofobia y leyenda negra - Maria Elvira Roca Barea

Going back to Literature but in the same riddance
>6 relatos ejemplares 6 - María Elvira Roca Barea

>> No.16632314


>> No.16632599

gracias, probaré con un par de Luiselli y también quizá el que recomiendan de Rivera Garza. los demás o no los hallo, o me los encuentro algo caros. también agregué uno de Nellie Campobello.
igual busco los PDFs de los demás.

>> No.16632632

He said that Evola is better than Guenón lol

>> No.16632633

Los años falsos, by Josefina Vicens

>> No.16632730
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He's no longer a volcel, fucking traitor

>> No.16632778

>He's no longer a volcel
lmao he was always a failed normie

>> No.16632868

Is this Jesús G. Maestro a marxist?

>> No.16632916


>> No.16632917

who is he

>> No.16632920

What the fuck are you even saying, negro?

>> No.16632922

What is the materialist that he talks about? I'm portuguese native, so it's easy to reads at spanish, but i don't know much on spanish philosophy beyond ortega, unamuno and julian marias.

>> No.16632923
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>Have sex? No, I'm too busy reading Heiddegger haha...
Was it all just a cope?

>> No.16632939

Ernesto Castro
He refers to Gustavo Bueno's philosophical materialism, not diamat. In the preface to his book he mentions that his Critique is neither marxist nor kantian, but buenoist.

>> No.16632952

I feel betrayed bros...

>> No.16632957
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He might be a soiboy and a coping incel, but he is still much more well read than all of us

>> No.16632971
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¿Qué piensan de esta obra, hermanos?

>> No.16632973

Acaba de decir que cada día está más cerca de Cristo, que ya no es volcel y que Evola es intereseante. Está chadificandose

>> No.16632988

Y recomendó leer a Junger

>> No.16632993 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up, spic

>> No.16633010
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Ernesto Chadstro

>> No.16633025

I like him way more than what I'm willing to admit on here.

>> No.16633041

qué hablas, cuándo dijo todo eso

>> No.16633073

A lo largo del directo que acaba de hacer.
Supongo que lo subira mañana. Merece la pena verlo.

>> No.16633093
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He said that he read 200 pages of Proust a day

>> No.16633142
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Anglos BTFO

>> No.16633214

¿Alguien sabe que edición de En Busca del Tiempo Perdido tenía Castro?

>> No.16633226

La de Valdemar. Es la mejor traducción que hay en español.

>> No.16633229

La de Valdemar. Es la mejor traducción que hay en español.

>> No.16633230

Los libros de Valdemar son tan bonitos pero tan caros

>> No.16633246


>> No.16633274

Why did mods ban me for speaking Spanish in a Spanish general? *nglo jealousy?

>> No.16633276

Read the reason of the warning/ban, you dumb fuck.

>> No.16633303


>> No.16633426

sorry, have not read it

>> No.16633435

I fucked up with the spanish, it was the inertia of the moment.
I did manage to add this one, thanks anon. it came up to about 1k MXN, and that's all my budget for now.

>> No.16633464
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>> No.16633484

Aún no lo leí. Cuál genero eso?

>> No.16633497
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>saving a wojack on his phone

>> No.16633621

Ya salió el último video de la serie de Maestro-sama sobre 100 Años de Soledad, ¿Qué les pareció?


>> No.16633637




>> No.16633641


>> No.16633665

Just read it man, it's not bad. If you like the more grotesque parts of Don Quijote or Gargantua and Pantagruel you'll enjoy the book. The thing is that in contrast to those books the violence in La familia de Pascual Duarte is exacerbated, mucho stronger and without the comical elements found in those two books.
Myself, I couldn't get into the book but I can appreciatw for what it is. I plan to reread it some day as I enjoy the grotesque in literature.

>> No.16634421

Wow, a Spaniard who isn’t a complete racist prick towards sudacas. Kinda based.

>> No.16634639

I don't know how he can say a work like 100 años
de soledad is the "epopeya contemporánea del mundo hispánico" as if the book represented Spanish reality too, specially when Realismo mágico surges as a way to explain Latin America in Latin America's own terms. Will watch this session whenever I've free time, as I'm interested on what he has to say about hispanidad.
Anyways, what do all of you think about hispanidad? I'm personally against the term and have never seen it used except by Spaniards –with few exceptions–, meanwhile in Latinamerica the idea of us forming a cultural unity is, I feel, disregarded by most.

>> No.16634739
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>"epopeya contemporánea del mundo hispánico"
He doesn't mean it exactly in that sense, but in the sense that it is the greatest work written in spanish language, although there's something of that you mentioned too. You would have to watch the previous lectures, where he explains it in great detail.
About "hispanidad", it isn't only used among spaniards. There have been many intelectuals, artists and politicians who have refered to that term. For example, here >>16633142 I quoted the chilean historian Jaime Eyzaguirre, who drew heavily from that concept, which also influenced politicians like Perón or Bordaberry (despite what anyone might thinkof them). I would suggest you to read Maeztu's "En Defensa de la Hispanidad". And if most people on Latin America do not think about it is because most people here are not aware of it, and still believe in the spanish black legend, which has been debunked a lot times. There's some sort of fraternal feeling anyway, which you can see on all the panamericanist ideas.

>> No.16634876
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Absolutely based post
Un abrazo, hermano hispánico

>> No.16634891

>I quoted the chilean historian Jaime Eyzaguirre
I do agree that there are some LatinAmerican intellectuals who also draw on the concept of hispanidad or support the concept. For example in Mexico there's the Virreinalistas or Colonialistas in the early XX century or Octavio Paz, all of these who also attempted to create a notion of the Nation which took very deeply into account the ties between Latin America and Spain. But sill, I would argue these are exceptions, even more so when we take into account that these conceptualizations of Latin American nations as forming a community or a nation with Spain failed, and instead those panamericanist ideals took root much more deeply, specially in the XX century.
Still, I guess it is more complicated than this, but if the concept of hispanidad has not established itself in Latin America I think it’d have to do more with the fact that Latin American reality is, by this point, almost completely different to Spanish reality, and not so much because of the Black legend.

>> No.16634892

Wasn't Bueno an unorthodox marxist? Culturally catholic, panhispanist and all - but economically socialist, nay?

>> No.16634950

Actually, many of these attempts to "revitalize" hispanity failed mostly due to the resentment that the average latinamerican still has towards Spain. Many of these panamericanist ideas are rooted on indigenism and antieuropeism, there is still a lot of people who believe that the spaniards came here to steal our gold and enslave the indians.
About these different realities you talk about between Latin America and Spain, they are similar to the different realities one Latin American country has with another: Uruguay and Venezuela are quite different, yet this panamericanist movement still has a root on these countries.
As I said before, I blame this latinamerican anti-hispanism on the black legend, but we need to also add another factor: chauvinism, which not only hinders hispanity, but also pan-Latin American friendship.
Sorry if I made any spelling mistake or stuff like that.
He was influenced by Marx, and he also praised the Soviet Union during the Cold War, but he also considered that real socialism died after Wall fell.
He didn't really support a specific economic system, he cared more about empires than economic and political systems. Remember than in his last years he supported Vox.
You made me remember this

>> No.16635011

>200 years of missing Spain

>> No.16635020

Latin America misses Spain just as much as Spain misses Latin America, like a mother misses her lost sons.

>> No.16635071
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I'm a Latin America diplomat that purposefully studied in Spain, I've had a life-long devotion to Panhispanism in both the sociopolitical and cultural spheres.

Yet aside from the aristocracies of some other Latin American nations, a handful of fellow diplomats, and a small platoon of academics - nobody seems to care much for a serious hispanic identity. I hope at least somebody on this thread feels my plight.

>> No.16635115

At least in the upper classes of Mexico there no longer is an idea of hispanic identity and if there is it is tacitly looked down upon

>> No.16635135

Most people don't care about that kind of stuff anyway, they don't need to. The ones that should care are the academics, artists and politicians.

>> No.16635150

Was he really a volcel though, or was he just coping? He said that he didn't have sex because he was married to philosophy.

>> No.16635184
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How can I become as well read as him?

>> No.16635212

Read more

>> No.16635794

A person like him with thousands of followers and that is not even ugly could have fucked dozens of bitches, I'm sure.

>> No.16636532
File: 431 KB, 733x431, 1603324297030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Estoy leyendo "The ABC of reading" por Ezra Pound y varias de sus ideas me parecen como un estilo de proto-CRL, y me pregunto si maestro se habrá inspirado en ellas junto con la filosofía de Bueno

>> No.16637070
File: 13 KB, 320x213, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Miguel Noguera /lit/?

>> No.16637119

I know his hairline is not

>> No.16637820

La celestina is a really dense read and I feel, that, when reading it, it's like I'm more translating a language I know but don't fully dominate than actually read a book written in spanish.
I am a native spanish speaker (mexican not chicano etc) so I don't think it's an issue with being ssl.
did anyone else have this problem?

>> No.16638718

I had that exact issue when reading it during my first year of University literature, only now during my PhD can I easily digest it - I am also a native hispanophone.

I've reasoned that the sheer distance of time is at fault. It's such a dense, perpetual dialogue that one inevitably tires. The prose itself is quite good, in that Renaissance conception of good prose.

Think of it as an avant-garde transition of the mediæval sphere towards the incipient modernity, I originally read it as some sort of prelude to the Quixote. With much more experience under my belt: it should better be understood as an exercise in early modernity. One in which rhetoric is used as a means to display psychology, and multiple worlds are constantly clashing in the dialectics present in daily dialogue. The Celestina is, frankly, still a bitch to read - but a bitch that, for once, knows itself a bitch. Its characters critique themselves, each others, everything. It is a prelude to modernity, don't read it per se but instead read it as such.

>> No.16638860

Look guys I don't mind the simping for maestro's book but could you at least wait until it's translated to english so I have a chance to read it

>> No.16638878

Is it really worth it to live a life as a non-spanish speaker?

>> No.16638884

I already speak a romance language, I think i'll be fine

>> No.16639246
File: 47 KB, 640x539, Maestro intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time: 1:19:00

>> No.16640793

Es una crítica adecuada, Maestro comete ciertos errores, pero ello no le resta valor a su Crítica.
Voy a apuntar los otros libros que menciona.

>> No.16640824
File: 187 KB, 1334x900, EF001L91_xoptimizadax-kHLG--1334x900@RC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some /SpGT/ approved websites? Aside from the ones on the sticky of course.
I would say that http://filosofia.org/ is the obvious choice

>> No.16640888

Ni idea. Maestro apenas lo menciona un par de veces en la Crítica, así que no creo que lo haya influenciado. Quizás las similitudes son mera coincidencia, pero no he leído ese libro.

>> No.16640911

Spanish isn't that hard, you can do it anon.

>> No.16640975

Any good books or programms to learn spanish with?

>> No.16640994

>El español o castellano es una lengua romance procedente del latín hablado.

>> No.16641050

Esa página es excelente, junto a la Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy es de mis sitios favoritos. Tal vez no es tan completa como la de Stanford, pero es bastante buena, y tiene información sobre corrientes filosóficas en español.

>> No.16641152


>> No.16641162

Maestrobros, we need your help. Wikipedia will remove Maestro's page unless we improved it and explain in the Discussion page why he's important. See:

>> No.16641165

I don't get why would they delete Maestro's page when they keep Ernesto Castro's

>> No.16641169

it's too bare bones

>> No.16641179


>> No.16641227

No. Ya desde el primer párrafo falla.

>> No.16641256

had the same issue with don quijote but upon reread it was significantly easier. seems like a matter of getting accustomed to the language à la with shakespeare or chaucer

>> No.16641266

read more, retard. it's a fucking walk in the park.

>> No.16641268
File: 81 KB, 1032x1032, 73322566_105248977562854_5683106502798213120_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Su directora de tesis, que terminó de elaborar en 1994, fue María del Carmen Bobes Neves, que por aquella época era catedrática de teoría literaria en la Universidad de Oviedo.
Pueden también enlazar los libros de Maestro desde worldcat.org como referencia de su Bibliografía, añadir sus artículos en El Basilisco y en El Catoblepas y enlazarlos igual, y hacer mención a que sube videos en youtube.

>> No.16641287

Hay algo más de información aquí http://spr.uab.cat/index.php?q=node/14

>> No.16641301

Y en la página de Academia Editorial del Hispanismo se dice igual que es el Director de Publicaciones Académicas.

>> No.16641303

Ok, I have been wondering for awhile if there are any Spanish or Latin American writers who are an equivalent to the Catholic Literary Revival authors in England, France, and the United States. Do you have any Chesterton's, Greene's, O'Connor's, or Mauriac's? Just going by wiki most of the Spanish and Latin American writers from that generation seem to be irreligious or freethinker.

>> No.16641306
File: 51 KB, 620x349, castellani1_xoptimizadax--620x349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leonardo Castellani was a priest

>> No.16641318


>> No.16641327

No es nada. La fuente de lo de su tesis es la crítica a Maestro que escribió Ekaitz Ruiz de Vergara.

>> No.16641335

>being Catholic after the Argaytinian pope said it's okay for faggots to "marry"

>> No.16641344
File: 216 KB, 675x900, ml-portret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't a SSPX Chad

>> No.16641395

never happened dumb Nigger

>> No.16641400

probably a commie enabler

>> No.16641407

Wait. So this is not about literature from Españistán? Does Martín Fierro qualify?

>> No.16641409

Puedes igual mencionar a su esposa, Olga Gugliotta, a quien dedica la Crítica.
Y por cierto, su cumpleaños es el 1 de diciembre.

>> No.16641466

It wouldn't be impossible, but you would need a lot of notes or even a dictionary, since even Spanish speakers have trouble understanding La Celestina or Quevedo, and not even mentioning Góngora and Sor Juana whose poetry were labyrinths of hidden meanings, but they are totally worth the effort

>> No.16641478

gracias. actualizaré la página en estos días.

>> No.16641664

spanish is discount french

>> No.16641668

It's prettier than French.

>> No.16641756

reminder that cervantes was catholic

>> No.16641799

No, shut up retard, have you ever considered suicide? I think you should.
Spanish is a much better language than french, much better language than english, much better than a lot of languages. Maybe it could only be x
comparable to latin, even on it's cultural aspect, since both are languages than belonged to a great civilizationary and generative empire, which brought civilization, law, religion, philosophy, etc, to thousands, millions of peoples. Spanish, just like latin, is an imperial language. The only reason why it isn't the lingua franca of the world is because of anglosaxon academic imperialism, the (shitty) Enlightment and the self-hate that hispanic people have. Oh, and of course, the infamy that's been brought upon the language by criminals who go to other countries to commit their crimes, bringing bad fame to our beautiful and rich language.
Neither french nor english are as culturally rich as spanish is. Do you have a Cervantes? No, there's only one Cervantes, and he is spanish. Do you have Borges? No, there's only one Borges, and he was argentinian. You WISH you had figures such as Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Quevedo, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Neruda, Borges or Gabo, you wish works such as Don Quixote, 100 Years of Solitude or Canto General where written in your language, but no, bad luck. You will never know how it feels to share language, a technology, with those great minds, you will never know how it feels to read the Viaje al Parnaso in its original language, because there are some things you can only experience in spanish, as a native spanish speaker.
Christ, even historically, during a long time, you were behind us. You know why the Enlightment didn't take root in Spain like it did on France or Germany? BECAUSE WE WERE ALREADY ENLIGHTENED. We didn't need a Voltaire or a Rousseau to see the light, because we already had a Suárez and a Feijoo. Only countries that got infected by the protestant germ needed to be enlightened, they needed to get rid of those lutheran superstitions of witches and shit like that, we were far more rational than all of you.

>> No.16641818

anglozoid meme

>> No.16641819

Calm down dude, and please capitalize languages, proper names and demonyms.

>> No.16641824

All proper names are capitalized. There's no need to capitalize languages and demonyms.

>> No.16641848
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>> No.16641872
File: 72 KB, 740x500, 719px-Jorge_Luis_Borges_1951,_by_Grete_Stern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I finish reading Bioy's diary about Borges I'll organize my notes and highlights and I'll upload them. Thanks to the anon who recommended it. I didnt even know the book existed.

The two bros discussed English literature, sure, as well as French and German. Borges loved the English language and its literature, he was even an English literature professor in college, but he also had a deep respect and love for Spanish literature. His sensitivity to the poetry and the sound of words, in either Spanish or English, was superior. An Angloid would not bother.
Bioy and Borges discussed Cervantes, Quevedo, Góngora and Gracián at least once a week. Last few entries I read, Borges talked about Las Novelas Ejemplares. His respect for Rubén Darío was immense. He wrote tons of essays on Spanish lit, gave plenty conferences and lectures on Spanish lit.

When's the last time you had an interesting discussion about Don Quixote outside common places and shit you heard on some booktuber's channel, you ignorant piece of shit.

>There's no need to capitalize languages and demonyms.
Would you shut the fuck up.

>> No.16641979

¿En serio, por qué?

>> No.16641988

>Olga Gugliotta
¿La poeta argentina? Ella si tiene página de Wikipedia canonizada.

>> No.16642000

Maestro finally cured me from my racism. I used to live in a love hate relationship with /pol/, thinking I was redpilled but racism is such sick shit I just couldn't believe it yet I couldn't deny what was evident. However maestro convinced me that it isn't evident. Maestro did what mark passio, e michael jones, etc couldn't do for me (cure my racism)
I have finally removed this british mind parasite from me. I feel like a whole different person. Today I just saw a photo of an interracial couple and I felt nothing, no anger, no demoralization, etc.
Racism is not the spanish way, and Maestro understands this and explains this. I'm glad I found him. Thank you maestro posters.

>> No.16642006

>Maestro understands this and explains this
Which vid?

>> No.16642014


>> No.16642422

Blessed and whitepilled.
Catholicism and the Hispanidad will cure the world of the anglo mind virus.

>> No.16643149

And he's right

>> No.16643205


>> No.16644521
File: 199 KB, 504x461, sociedad-colonial-10-e1545779473969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and hispanicpilled

>> No.16644549

Currently learning Spanish. I decided to use the Mexican accent since it might actually be practical for me in real life (I live in America and don't travel). Would there have been any real benefit to using Castilian instead?

>> No.16644583

Dies ist jetzt ein deutscher Thread

>> No.16644586

Sometimes I feel very open and then the blacks next door throw their trash in my yard and blare rap music while I'm trying to sleep and stand outside yelling in the street and it goes away.

>> No.16644628

I don't think it really matters, unless you put in unreasonable amounts of effort you'll sound foreign anyway.
If you mainly interact with Mexicans, or consume Mexican media, you'll end up sounding like them.

>> No.16644633

Racism is dumb, believing culture-mixing is fine is even dumber. No one hates niggers because they're black, you just hate the capitalist scumbag who brings them here for no reason at all except destroying culture.

>> No.16644636

he's an irrelevant meme

>> No.16644640

I was a bit torn because I found the Youtube channel Dreaming Spanish, which has tons of great listening practice, but uses a Castilian accent. Do you think that using a Castilian resource like that while trying to learn using a different pronunciation would be a substantial problem? I know there isn't much of a difference as far as how the consonants are pronounced, but I'm unsure.

>> No.16644727

Not a problem, use whatever you like. The bulk of a language is its grammar and vocabulary, understanding a different accent takes a minimum amount of time compared to the former.

>> No.16644733

All right, thanks.

>> No.16644893
File: 49 KB, 640x717, 1583414151111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listened to Maestro for the first time
holy shit, I feel like a complete moron.
how can I even begin to become a competent rational being?

>> No.16645342

What video did you watch

>> No.16645372

Stop pushing this meme

>> No.16645996

this one and his first analysis on 100 años de soledad

>> No.16646017

Peruano enfadado kek

>> No.16646033


>> No.16646246

>you just hate the capitalist scumbag who brings them here for no reason at all except destroying culture.
>no reason at all except destroying culture.
You were so close. But I guess class consciousness takes time.

>> No.16646425
File: 2.19 MB, 1502x1920, El caballero de la mano en el pecho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From your lips to the ears of God

>> No.16646799
File: 19 KB, 318x475, 6475cddafdbf3bdcb6e3122aa7f8da6a-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¿Cuál es la mejor Biblia católica en español? He estado pensando leer pic related, pero me avisan si hay mejor traducción.

>> No.16646901

this is the one I went for, anon.

>> No.16646906
File: 132 KB, 600x900, SagradaBibliaStraubinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16646950

Is it at least as /lit/ as the normal Reina Valera? I care deeply about prose quality and whatnot.

>> No.16646952

>reading protestant shit

>> No.16646969

Anon I'm asking for a Catholic version, aren't I?

>> No.16646998

Read 100 años, it's beautiful

>> No.16647007

>best translation
>best commentary
>Straubinger wasn't even a native spanish speaker
How did he do it?

>> No.16647306
File: 150 KB, 660x754, 14706032342630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the anon who's translating Theory of Categorical Closure is here, I can only thank you, you're doing God's work

>> No.16647324
File: 116 KB, 624x624, 1586534326168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cuando despertó el dinosaurio todavía estaba allí

>> No.16647349

Me gusta la idea

>> No.16647477

Thanks. Much appreciated. From now on I will probably have a lot less time on my hands, but I will try to revise what I've already translated and have chapter 2 of the finished introduction in november. I will probably have to go on a rather long hiatus from then on, though. I am committed to translating the whole introduction, but can't promise that it will be done soon.

>> No.16647484

chapter 2 of the introduction finished in november*

>> No.16647627

what the fuck dude I didn't know Reina Valera was proddy bible big fucking whoops

>> No.16647735
File: 824 KB, 2400x3672, theory_of_categorical_closure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this be the cover?

>> No.16647819

>ywn have a cute strong booktuber bf with awful taste


>> No.16647972
File: 339 KB, 845x1024, odilon-redon-les-origines-plate_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more Maestros, more Outis Lees and more El Conde de Betancourts, and less shitty youtubers like this guy.


Basically shit vs shit.

>> No.16648308

is there any schizo-tier spanish literature?
stuff that's dense with streams of consciousness writings or something

>> No.16648327
File: 33 KB, 600x514, gustavobueno2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are most the comments from women?

>> No.16648349

dk he's so obviously gay

>> No.16648359
File: 29 KB, 342x600, gustavo-bueno (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Would still bang though.

>> No.16648366

Julían Ríos, and the guy who wrote Nocilla Dream

>> No.16648376


no hes mine get your own

>> No.16648383

He has 2 holes for a reason anon

>> No.16648416

Words do not translate 1:1 99% of the time schizo. There is no English word that captures the entirety of "Español", only words that capture its specific meaning under different contexts.

>> No.16648427
File: 48 KB, 1411x772, GUSTAVO-BUENO-APERTURA-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Gustavo Bueno's reaction faces a thing now?

>> No.16648614

who's the joyce of the spanish language in terms of prose?

>> No.16648625


>> No.16649814

Based commietard

>> No.16649984


>> No.16650350

Julián Ríos
Guillermo Cabrera Infante

>> No.16650702

This is barely even tangential and you can call me a stupid cooler for asking but do any Mexican anons know if the online “listings” of topics for the UNAM entrance exam are in any way accurate?

>> No.16650743

No idea, man. I got in through pase directo (ENP6). I wish you success in your entrance examn. You also need to be 18 years old to post in this site.

>> No.16650755

yea 18 graduating this summer thx

>> No.16651382
File: 20 KB, 318x492, Ilustración de Pablo García. (LNE).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that /SpGT/ is a buenoist thread

>> No.16651421


>> No.16651482

I haven't read Corazón.
I sort of agree on Anne Frank's diary, it is a historical document, not literature.
His comments about Stendhal and Dosto show that he got filtered.

>> No.16651607

corazon is a great childrens book, probably the best

>> No.16651619

why is he virtually unkown outisde of spain?
hes not even talked about in latinamerica

>> No.16651635

His following has been increasing since his dead. There are few latinamerican philosophers influenced by him, like Alberto Buela, but Buela is pretty niche.

>> No.16651898


spaniard refers to spain, spanish is the word for the language, i bet you´re also one of those morons who call themselves latino which is basically a codeword that you´re a mestizo

>> No.16651936
File: 58 KB, 1200x800, mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spanish Curtis Yarvin

>> No.16652071
File: 61 KB, 371x554, roa-augusto-bastos-yo-el-supremo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, anglos doesn´t even have a genre of literature for this kind like pic related, the closest they have is Carlyle and even then he focuses more on myth and heroes

>> No.16652298

El idioma español es el idioma español. Si seras pendenjo.

>> No.16652346

Dumb take. All traditions have their particularities and subgenres that don't exist in others, other traditions, sure, will not have Novela del dictador as its own subgenre, but just that doesn't make them inferior. Which is also why >>16641799 asking if Anglos have a Borges or a Cervantes is retarded. And him also trying to say Spanish (not Hispanic) literature during the 18th century somehow compared to other literatures of the time is pathetic, there hasn't been a worse time for Spanish literature than the age of Enlightenment, all they had were worse versions of continental writers. At least pre-enlightenment Hispanoamerican figures were interesting.

>> No.16652415

Everything this man has said is correct

>> No.16652783
File: 242 KB, 1120x746, CSC_0975 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tengo ganas de leer alguna novela larga, 700+ páginas. Recomienden títulos nomas, luego me encargo de filtrar para ver con cuáles me quedo.

>> No.16652791

Terra Nostra
1000 páginas casi todas valen la pena

>> No.16652839

I'd argue he is. He is at the very least very well read

>> No.16652883

>Christ, even historically, during a long time, you were behind us. You know why the Enlightment didn't take root in Spain like it did on France or Germany? BECAUSE WE WERE ALREADY ENLIGHTENED. We didn't need a Voltaire or a Rousseau to see the light, because we already had a Suárez and a Feijoo. Only countries that got infected by the protestant germ needed to be enlightened, they needed to get rid of those lutheran superstitions of witches and shit like that, we were far more rational than all of you.

Amén hermano

>> No.16652935

Was it autism?

>> No.16653005

What is the alice in wonderland of the spanish language?

>> No.16653212

Alicia en el País de las Maravillas

>> No.16653215

Nah. This is autism.


>> No.16653227

for real though
is there a poem like "jabberwocky" but for spanish?

>> No.16653370

I've seen Altazor and Trilce compared to Jabberwocky a few times.

>> No.16653614

interesante video sobre las artes


>> No.16653754

Be my bf

>> No.16653761

hey this is actually pretty good (trilce) atleast, thanks anon
hopefully one day i'll make a name in the spanish literary world by making nonsense poems myself

>> No.16654371

Honest, concise and well funded opinions. The Diary of Anne Frank it's decent enough, it's not a masterpiece at all as some critics and readers preach, but I think it's an important historical document.

Borges said that "if a book is tedious to you, don't read it; that book was not written for you. Reading should be a form of happiness". Not all the books are written for everyone, at the same way that not all the movies, tv shows, paintings, animation, magazines, music, theater plays, clothing, websites, software, devices, cars and vehicles, museum exhibitions, conferences, concerts, cultural festivals, sports, board games, recreational outdoor activities like camping and hiking... even videogames are not for everyone.

The idea that you can make something that is catered for everyone tastes it's just a stupid myth created by postmodernism.

>> No.16654497

Who the fuck is this literal who
>Dostoevsky, uno de los escritores rusos más PROLIJOS

>> No.16654747

Corazón is alright in my book

>> No.16654760

>That facial hair
He truly is a Castro

>> No.16655034

Bueno derribando mitos tontos como si no hubiera un mañana.


>> No.16655094

What's some good depressing /lit/ by Hispanic authors?

>> No.16655148

Compare and see for yourself

>> No.16655543
File: 81 KB, 1200x750, bandera_de_mexico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No ha hecho ningún buen libro en 20 años

Defiende esto /lit/
no puedes

>> No.16655556

I like Onetti for that sort of mood.

>> No.16656819

This has been a bad century in general

>> No.16656883
File: 43 KB, 447x686, FB93D938-7BCF-4C88-A4E7-0D7AA0C35701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this

>> No.16658004


>> No.16658042

I was about to tell this anon to fuck off but then I read his post and he's absolutely right.

>> No.16658098


>> No.16658399
File: 218 KB, 859x960, 1602273132556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I do read Gredos Clásicos, how could you tell?

>> No.16658687
File: 999 KB, 2362x3622, 302560_portada_el-libro-negro_dross_201907111601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I can.

>> No.16658823

Beautiful book. It made me laugh, it made me cry and above all: it made me think. I personally recommend this book to everyone, it touches your heart and your spirit, and this isn't a self-help book, it's a well researched and written economy book by an expert of the subject: the president itself!

>> No.16658854
File: 19 KB, 491x488, 1583380384192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voy a escribir una novela del dictador

>> No.16659038

No tiene sentido ya, son un producto de su tiempo

>> No.16659044

de cuál?

>> No.16659163 [DELETED] 

cállate el hocico pinche indígena jodido de mierda, tlaxcalteca milpero, servil, rata traicionera, perro faldero, jeta de chango, nariz de ogro, ojos de chino, pelo de puercoespín, barriga de cerdo, boca de pescado, manos de mapache, acéfalo, pendejo ignorante, devorador de penes ajenos, resentido, conquistado por los vencedores, perdedor rencoroso, indio horripilante, duende insignificante, envidioso de lo ajeno, pérfido contra tu misma tierra, traidor de una patria que tu sangre ancestral mató, esclavo voluntario, labriego henequenero, manchador de sangre, perturbador de la paz, sanguinario, fanático, flojonazo y perezoso, incapaz de aceptar la culpa, negado de su propia condición, alejado de la realidad, tarado enajenado, tarugo imbécil, pinche estúpido, gasto de los recursos que tu mísera existencia requiere, pérdida neta ante todos, cero a la izquierda, piel sobrante, mierda viviente, sapo inmundo, cobarde maricón, puto temeroso, maldito cáncer, escupidor de mentiras, apatriado inculto, derrotista, zángano, pendejo, ciego porque no quieres ver, infante vuelto dentro de su propias mentiras, embustero, bruto y brutal, incivilizado bárbaro viviendo en el culo un mundo que tú mismo perdiste, nativo vengativo, y más que todo lo anterior pinche puto pendejo estúpido idiota tarado retrasado imbécil. Si vuelves a publicar algo en este tablón iré a tu choza de lámina a sacarte los ojos y arrancarte la garganta con mis propias manos fúricas, estás avisado

>> No.16659236

Fix el puto link.

>> No.16659265

¿Qué? A mí me funciona

>> No.16659300 [DELETED] 

Falso. Álvaro Enrigue.

>> No.16659373
File: 528 KB, 1840x1853, maestro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yo no hablo "castellano". Yo hablo ESPAÑOL.


>> No.16659410

Post boypussi

>> No.16659418
File: 282 KB, 1024x768, 1603755172880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16659449
File: 398 KB, 220x184, 1602276458062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dale bb. Don't be shy

>> No.16659455

The retard can't into mirrors and alt DNS

>> No.16659459 [SPOILER] 
File: 268 KB, 328x321, 1603756606126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16659808

Guess in which banana republic lives this anon.

>> No.16659822

Me on the left.

>> No.16659908

Based perrocaca

>> No.16659968

I want to read the Eneads by plotinus. Is there a recommended spanish translation or should I look for it in the anglo world?

>> No.16660320

Bruh, Gredos only use is for re-sell them or keep them closed until the end of times

>> No.16660325

Greeks & Romans: Gredos

>> No.16660336

dado que los maricones de los mods borraron mi letanía dirigida al tripfag de nombre que no puedo leer y mucho menos pronunciar porque ni usa letras del español deberé subirla de nuevo
cállate el hocico pinche indígena jodido de mierda, tlaxcalteca milpero, servil, rata traicionera, perro faldero, jeta de chango, nariz de ogro, ojos de chino, pelo de puercoespín, barriga de cerdo, boca de pescado, manos de mapache, acéfalo, pendejo ignorante, devorador de penes ajenos, resentido, conquistado por los vencedores, perdedor rencoroso, indio horripilante, duende insignificante, envidioso de lo ajeno, pérfido contra tu misma tierra, traidor de una patria que tu sangre ancestral mató, esclavo voluntario, labriego henequenero, manchador de sangre, perturbador de la paz, sanguinario, fanático, flojonazo y perezoso, incapaz de aceptar la culpa, negado de su propia condición, alejado de la realidad, tarado enajenado, tarugo imbécil, pinche estúpido, gasto de los recursos que tu mísera existencia requiere, pérdida neta ante todos, cero a la izquierda, piel sobrante, mierda viviente, sapo inmundo, cobarde maricón, puto temeroso, maldito cáncer, escupidor de mentiras, apatriado inculto, derrotista, zángano, pendejo, ciego porque no quieres ver, infante vuelto dentro de su propias mentiras, embustero, bruto y brutal, incivilizado bárbaro viviendo en el culo un mundo que tú mismo perdiste, nativo vengativo, y más que todo lo anterior pinche puto pendejo estúpido idiota tarado retrasado imbécil.

>> No.16660348
File: 812 B, 153x24, Hides you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16660351

hey i took offense to this

>> No.16660367

there's two tomes for sale on plotnius by gredos in two volumes, I'm guessing it's the enneads from 1 to 3 and the other are the enneads from 4 to 6
is it really worth it?

>> No.16660409

We already passed the 300 replies.
New thread: >>16660401

>> No.16660455

I mean they were the ones that sold themselves to the Spaniards without realizing that when they took off the Mexica yoke it was to put the Spanish one on

>> No.16660463

who cares the mexica were a bunch of man eating c*cks while the spainards came to bring us their tech and morality