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/lit/ - Literature

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16604741 No.16604741 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of his work? Specifically the Mistborn series

>> No.16604755

i think he pumps out too much. you can't write that much and not just be shitting out words. turns me away

>> No.16604794

Infantile capeshit larping as fantasy

>> No.16604812


>> No.16604836

anime in book form.
holds no literary merit.

>> No.16604927

The smug expression in OP's photo is evident in his writing. He must be a real cunt to be around.

>> No.16604950

Enjoy some quotes from his books:
“Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a man in the process of changing.”

“To love the journey is to accept no such end. I have found, through painful experience, that the most important step a person can take is always the next one.”

“I will take responsibility for what I have done,” Dalinar whispered. “If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man.”

“Ten spears go to battle," he whispered, "and nine shatter. Did the war forge the one that remained? No, Amaran. All the war did was identify the spear that would not break.”

“Life breaks us, Teft. Then we fill the cracks with something stronger.”

“Aim for the sun. That way if you miss, at least your arrow will fall far away, and the person it kills will likely be someone you don’t know.”


>> No.16604956

Quintessential redditcore

>> No.16604959

He’s just trying to look nice for the picture don’t be mean

>> No.16604992

He's a decent guy.

>> No.16604998

apparently his "magic systems" are very "logical".

>> No.16605118
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>> No.16605135

At the very least I can say that his characters solve their problems in a satisfying way.The tidbits of feminism creeping into his novels are fucking cringe.
Yes, all feminism is cringe.

>> No.16605144

I guess. I mean, a race of guys eats rocks or metals or something and that gives them magic powers.

>> No.16605214

Is this supposed to be good or bad I can't tell

>> No.16605640

Is this what fantasyfags consider “good” writing?

>> No.16606294

I read the Emperors Soul and liked it.

Also just finished The away of Kings and it was actually pretty good.

Good quotes.

He’s not an amazing writers as far as prose go, but he’s a great world builder and he has some great characters. My main thing is his pacing, it’s just so good. I felt like a kid again read The first SA book recently. I would never consider it good lit but the story was really well done.

And he’s actually based

>> No.16606391

Couldn't get into mistborn, fucking LOVE stormlight. It's both honor porn and morally ambiguous shit that mostly resolves in a way that feels true. Because his stuff is so lengthy he made me realize how you can make a series: you make your characters grow but not ascend, so they are good people with problems and they become better people, one book and one major conflict at a time. Also imho the way he ties the ban of gambling to the rebellion of the oracles (?) is amazing, made sense and felt grounded.

>> No.16607564

why is he so smug?

>> No.16607575

Honestly, I don't think the guy is smug is at all. He's just awkward on camera.

>> No.16607816

not literature.

>> No.16608124

This, essentially. People extol him for his magic systems but the man, but the shit just read like anime, so one asks what the hell he's going writing a novel in the first place.
Man's also a sexless Mormon who can't write any kind of relationship that hints at sexual energy beyond 'Oh my he's so handsome, maybe someday we'll hold hands but ONLY when we're married'. Compare this to Rothfuss who writes about sex like a sexless virgin 14 year year old, these two are considered the apogees of fantasy.
Also, it seems to me that despite his bibliography Sanderson can only be said to have written 2 maybe 3 books and then retextured them several times over.

>> No.16608167

I really liked the first book of the trilogy, then I dropped the second one because it had a lot of shitty teenage drama.
Allomancy is pretty cool though

>> No.16608184

Pretty good for Fanstasy. Good world building, fun magic system, and characters I didn't absolutely hate/despise. Ending was also refreshing and conclusory.

>> No.16608211

Why does he have a progress bar in his website for the books he's currently writing? That's corporate as fuck.

>> No.16608508

the guys a freak man, who writes so many quality books while reading yet more fucking books. this guy treats reading and writing like most people are able to browse 4 chan.

>> No.16608511

coporate writers guild is about as intimidating as the hells girl guides.

>> No.16608514

god I wish that were me. I need to get off my dopamine machine

>> No.16608519

i actually do find compulsive readers intriguing. why read over anything else?

>> No.16608561

My guess is that at least Sanderson specifically grew up without such easy thrills as the WorldWideWeb in its current state and he made a habit out of reading all the time cause he was an obsessive little kid or something. Reading is really really good. Id like to think I'd read some amount similar if I weren't hooked up to the chan

>> No.16608594

The bridge run at the end of Way of Kings was genuinely hype as fuck. Rest of every he writes is ass

>> No.16608600

Pull the other one

>> No.16608640

I've never read him but I think I'm gonna like his books. Anyone know a good starting point?

>> No.16608658

Well, at least his readers have a good idea of when his next book is going to be finished. It's certainly better than waiting a decade for the next book from an obese guy who hates his fans, with no clear idea of how far along he actually is with it

>> No.16608802

bugman author for /tg/ autists

>> No.16608949

Just read Elantris three times in a row and you'll have read all you need to.

>> No.16610203

I unironically hope GRRM dies. How hilarious would it be to know his legacy is a mediocre show that was ruined by directors who didn't give a single fuck?

>> No.16610216

Sanderson doesn't do it for me. I couldn't get into Way of Kings at all despite being several hundred pages deep. He's too generic and there's no grit at all to his writing. He's a sheltered Mormon so that makes sense, but that was around the time I realized I've outgrown fantasy in general.

>> No.16610236

How the fuck is this guy supposed to write interesting shit when he's lived the most boring life? He's never seduced a woman or travelled to a foreign country. His life is a revolving door between church and his basement. His stuff is great for boys but that's because hes emotionally stunted.

>> No.16610257

No sense of gravitas. Someone here said he reads like anime, I honestly think he reads more like flavor text in a Bioware game.

>> No.16610403

>My main thing is his pacing, it’s just so good.
holy fuck this. first time reading one of his books, reckoner, and the pacing was so good. he never lets you get bored.

>> No.16611134
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Lots of jealous self-pubbed authors in here huh

>> No.16611145

>an obese guy who hates his fans

>> No.16611264

It's probably more for himself. Writers use all sorts of little tricks to maintain momentum. It's the little feeling of progress every day that keeps you going.

>> No.16611272

>Man's also a sexless Mormon who can't write any kind of relationship that hints at sexual energy beyond 'Oh my he's so handsome, maybe someday we'll hold hands but ONLY when we're married'. Compare this to Rothfuss who writes about sex like a sexless virgin 14 year year old, these two are considered the apogees of fantasy.
Considering the audience...

>Also, it seems to me that despite his bibliography Sanderson can only be said to have written 2 maybe 3 books and then retextured them several times over.
True of many literary writers as well.