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/lit/ - Literature

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16572493 No.16572493 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread? Bookshelf thread.
Requesting taschenbro’s stuff, seen it here before, or art book collections in general.
Posting pretty libraries.

>> No.16572523 [DELETED] 
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i like cumming

>> No.16572557

Kill yourself

>> No.16572566 [DELETED] 

after I COOM to das Kapital maybe

>> No.16572650

ngl from afar it looked kinda based at first

>> No.16572655

that's because you're gay

>> No.16572704

My "bookshelf" is to crates i've put on the side so books can go into it.

>> No.16572712

2 crates*

>> No.16572777
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Pics or it didn’t happen

>> No.16572827

three copies of cosmos seems a bit much

>> No.16572836
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I didn't think it was that unbelievable but ok.

>> No.16572868

>black hole picture
>shitty ikea furniture
you're fucking disgusting and absolutely un/lit/

>> No.16572921

>there are people on this board who make choices I disagree with?
I too reject the idea, he must not be from here. We all have posters of jupiters rings, and commodore 64 hardware sat on reclaimed genuine soviet government furniture. Right?

>> No.16572931
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Sup /lit/

>> No.16572945
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Looks comfy, also that edition of Dracula, is that the Barnes and Nobel one? Looks nice.

Here's mine, its currently in the works. I told myself I was only allowed to buy one physical book a month, so goings been slow.

My copy of Hemingway's short stories was in shit condition when I first bought it but now its all but fallen apart, so I decided to treat myself and get the hardcover edition instead of another paperback. I also had my eye on this really nice one-volume set that has The Old Man and the Sea, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Sun Also Rises, all in one hardcover.

>> No.16572950
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I need another bookshelf for the rest of my books.
Trade you my spare copy of The Possessed/Demons or The Republic for a copy Cosmos Floridabro

>> No.16572963

wtf are you talking about retard his room just looks like shit

>> No.16572997
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ok here's one of my big arty bookshelves

>> No.16573003

This looks really impressive as a thumbnail then you expand it and it's just a bunch of midwit crap.

>> No.16573020

yeah so that means he's not /lit/ right? I'm on your side here poncho.

>> No.16573057

Too small of a picture, couldnt read the spines

Looks comfy, but again cant read the spines

Looks boring, except for Dracula and Bone

Good range of fiction and nonfiction, mirin' that three volume War and Peace set, but those copies of The Origin of Species and The Bell Curve worry me a little but, anon. Also you look like a bit of a prepper, what with those copies of the SAS Handbook and Bushcraft 101.

Looks really boring, all essays and history books and biographies.

>> No.16573085
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Upstairs Library 1/5

>> No.16573093
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>> No.16573105
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>> No.16573112
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>> No.16573113

>all those LOAs

>> No.16573115

>Battle Royale
You had me till I found that.

>> No.16573117


Wonderfully based. Looks like a sweet crib as well.

What do you do for work, anon?

>> No.16573119 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16573120

how do you organize your library /lit/? I was just gonna go with alphabetical by author's or editor's last name

>> No.16573154

I'd guess Law but I could be wrong.

>> No.16573207
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Thank You


>> No.16573224
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>dammit chief anon redacted that info
>hold on a minute inspector Dickberry, zoom in on that reflection

>> No.16573237

I still cant read it

why did you redact that particular one, law anon?

>> No.16573252

As law anons lawyer I advise him to not answer any questions!

>> No.16573263

Looks boring.

>> No.16573307

That's not the redacted book in the reflection, its Antiques, next to the thick blue book

>> No.16573399
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What's wrong with origin of species and bell curve? Both are great works of science.
Maybe, being prepared is important.
It was a gift, haven't finished it yet.

>> No.16573688

Great biography section, not seen a lot on here.

>> No.16574800


>> No.16574840

Based. Great shelves. Did you collect all those books through the years or did you inherit some?

>> No.16574893
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Okay lads, I just started buying books about a year ago. I’ve read about 80% of them. How is this for a beginner? Where should I go from here?

Two of my books have bad or obscured spines because of age. One is The Moral Discourses of Epictetus, the other is a signed copy of A. A. Miles Not That It Matters.

>> No.16574910

I think you have nice taste overall

>> No.16574935

Thank you Anon!

>> No.16575034
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anyone else uses his wardrobe?

>> No.16575044

No, but now I’m thinking about buying a classy wardrobe and putting some shelves in there.

>> No.16575064

I see space in Parisian apartments is sparse, kek

>> No.16575598

I hate dusting and I also hate dusty books. That's why I store my books in crates in the warmed up storage cellar.

>> No.16575606

What kinda law?
Lovely collection. What type of reading do you like to do outside legal stuff?

>> No.16576001

Beatles music suck.

>> No.16576210

>owning a book by tucker carlson

>> No.16576267

>not owning a book by the future biggest political personality of the 21st century

>> No.16576756

Its a legitimately good book.

>> No.16577191
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I'm not sure if I'm "taschenbro" but I've posted some taschen stuff here before and would be happy to post again.

Here's some Taschen from my home studio. 1/2

>> No.16577202
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Taschen selection 2/2

Have some rarer volumes not pictured, like 1001 nights by nielsen, the david hockney sumo edition, 2 hiroshige volumes, albert oehlen, and a bunch of misc. volumes on art and architecture--that stuff is downstairs in a separate library.

overall i would highly recommend taschen.

>> No.16577223

>does't have the Palms Taschen

>> No.16577261
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i mean, i have that volume, too; like i was saying, not all my taschen is represented here, this is just stuff in my home office.

seems like you have a real affinity for palms.

>> No.16577273

it is the comfiest Taschen

>> No.16577275
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Absolutely based and trekpilled.

>> No.16577389
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I keep telling myself I need to read what I have before I buy more books.

>> No.16577405

>I keep telling myself I need to read what I have before I buy more books.
you can buy more if you throw these mangas into the trash

>> No.16577505

I was considering it because they are from when I was in highschool but I'm sentimental. :^)

>> No.16577513
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>> No.16577526


For this exact same reason, I refuse to get rid of my pile of manga and old anime magazines. They genuinely made me happy at an earlier period of my life, and I refuse to pretend like they didn't.

>> No.16577571 [DELETED] 
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What do you think?

Row 1) Ancient
Row 2) Shakespeare and Stuff
Row 3) Poetry mainly


>> No.16577584 [DELETED] 
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Shelf 2 is Victorian / Modern British, Russian, American


>> No.16577596
File: 3.65 MB, 4032x3024, 91B62FB0-4852-4BA7-B413-231F8F854304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient, Shakespeare stuff, Poetry, Modern, etc

>> No.16577595

I also have an entire milk crate full of old nintendo power and white dwarf magazines from the 90s and early 00s I really need to throw away.

>> No.16577603
File: 3.53 MB, 4032x3024, FF97B383-D379-41FF-BB77-133B41A8CD3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonfiction, overflow



>> No.16577702

I really enjoyed the Che bio when I read it.

>> No.16578518
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The picture sucks sue me.
But its an art book collection.

>> No.16578592
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>> No.16578596


>> No.16578784

My bookshelf is a floor

>> No.16578799

>Unopened copy of Capital
Average Sakaioid

>> No.16578805

Zoom in nigga

>> No.16578833

clean your lens

>> No.16578855

alright that's a good reason

>> No.16579037

Collected almost all
Thank you
Government Contracts. Almost anything, but biased towards older English authors. Lots of history. Detective novels for relaxation.

>> No.16579050

that shelf is actually pretty interesting

>> No.16579127

yes actually good for a pop politics

>> No.16579131

what is this witchcraft?

>> No.16579448

Based af
What do you do for work

Love these, too
Based law anon

>> No.16579556
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>> No.16579575


My run of Nintendo Power is part of this, goes from about issue 46 thru issue 110 or so. Also a bunch of Mad magazines. I keep it all in a side shelf, not part of the main block.

>> No.16579587

God damn, what a fucking faggot

>> No.16579614


Practical physical necessity first, then genres, grouping genres together as reasonable, then reasonable organization within each genre/section.

1) Heaviest books on the bottom: art books, large science textbooks.
2) Middle shelves: smaller non-fiction. smaller science books, history, related sciences/non-fiction.
3) Upper shelves: Fiction. Top: Religion/occult, followed by philosophy.

>> No.16579644

I don't organize them, I just chuck them on the shelf, it only takes a second to find what im looking for so what's the point? This is my shelf >>16579556

>> No.16579952
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>Modern Greek

>> No.16579997

>the david hockney sumo edition
is it signed? let's have a look

>> No.16580003

>dune based
>manga cringe

>> No.16580030

It’s been read; you need to learn how to not break the spine: put the book on it spine and let it fall open if it can, while on its spine open opposite pages of the book and crease them down to the table, do this until the book is completely open and flat on the table, repeat.

>> No.16580587

sometimes i do wish i was a richfag

>> No.16580600

i love seeing book collections of a specific interest, or "sphere" of interest. very very cool my guy

>> No.16580602

congrats OP, you've managed to take a few thousand dollars in books and a beautiful bookshelf and just fucking ruin everything about it. You're the worst type of person to have on this board

>> No.16580611

based. keep em lads. don't forget who you were even if it's cringe.

>> No.16581905
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>> No.16581909
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>> No.16581973
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>> No.16582409
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>> No.16582469

Very nice

>> No.16582542

bookshelvs are fucking gay, they catch dust and gunk and maake my clean books smell bad.
real patrician choices is storing the books inside a closet neatly organized

>> No.16582593
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>> No.16582944


>> No.16582951
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>post what you're reading
>post stack
>post bedside pile
>post bookshelf (you are here)
>post house tour
>just dox yourself

>> No.16582993
File: 276 KB, 900x1350, 50BF9D83-1A42-4FF9-B95F-E539FF214A15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grayson Perry
You fucking faggot, why would you have that on your shelf? Disgusting.
Pic related.

>> No.16583009

Dreadful room. Wasted trips is the cherry on top.

>> No.16583233

Primo Levi on the top right, Hitler on the bottom left. The duality of man.

>> No.16583368

Based opinion

>> No.16583383
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Part 1

>> No.16583388
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Part 2

>> No.16583403
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>Tucker Carlson
Based, how was it? Also we have the same copy of The Idiot, I'm reading it now.

>> No.16583416
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>> No.16583497

LMAO she's going to hell

>> No.16583541
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>putting your books
>in a closet
>closets have shelves

>> No.16583990

>reeee why you have thing i not like
the faggot here is you anon. begone with your faux puritanism.
for all his quirks, like most crossdressers perry is heterosexual. he has a wife and child.