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16542413 No.16542413 [Reply] [Original]

The annihilation of consciousness terrifies me, /lit/. I don't want to be nothing. I want to carry on forever and I don't care how. Every time I think on the subject that we're just biding our time until we hit some arbitrary wall and then it's nothingness for all of eternity fills me with such deep-seated terror I sometimes end up screaming to myself.

Is there any reassurance to be had, aside from bullshit like "you won't be there to experience it?" I hate that. I hate it. I'm having a panic attack just typing this.

I never want to fucking die, /lit/.

>> No.16542480
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>Is there any reassurance to be had, aside from bullshit like "you won't be there to experience it?" I hate that. I hate it. I'm having a panic attack just typing this.

>> No.16542486

just do a bunch of acid or something bro idk

>> No.16542492

>I want to carry on forever
Why? What do you want to do that takes an eternity?

>> No.16542502

Bhagavad Gita

>> No.16542535

Live. Exist. Experience things. Sit down and think. It feels like such a waste to work towards anything when it's all essentially nothing.

>> No.16542537

Stop and take this verse into your heart: '

Fear not the sentence of death, remember them that have been before thee, and that come after; for this is the sentence of the Lord over all flesh.' (Sirach 41:3)

Until those that claim nothingness follows the decay of our bodies provide proofs, one ought to suspend their judgment.

>> No.16542556
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You can't judge death.
I hope I turn to nothingness though, it seems nice.

>> No.16542570

noone thinks this when they turn 80.
just live your life until then.

>> No.16542947

Nobody cares about what you want. You will disappear and deal with it like everybody else now shut up.

>> No.16543077

You fear death? Just think how miserable and worthless your life really is and start hoping it ends soon

>> No.16543087

i used to be terrified of dying, just thinking about it made my heart jump, but as i get older the more i welcome it. when i think that i will need to live for another 50+ years of this shit life it just makes me want to die on the spot

>> No.16543104

>Is there any reassurance to be had
Outside of faith? There really isn't. Sorry you feel this way

>> No.16543106


>> No.16543170
File: 110 KB, 645x773, 0C129D4D-AF02-4ECC-9D6F-FC8523B02DB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what individuality does to you.
This is what you wanted.
You could’ve been part of something greater, something eternal.

>> No.16543200

>You could’ve been part of something greater, something eternal.
What's that? Even groups of people, nations aren't eternal. All life on earth will die some day.

>> No.16543205

I don't want to be a cell of God,
I want to be God. In fact, I AM GOD.

>> No.16543222

delusional retard

>> No.16543281

Is that really true? Athens and Sparta May still be gone but their impact is still alive to this day.

>> No.16543304

Time will come when there will be literally no life on earth. Nobody will be there to care about anything that's happened in human history.

>> No.16543320

We will have moved on to other planets, those too influenced by great societies

>> No.16543333

One day you’ll grow up and stop caring dont worry OP

>> No.16543340

I would love to live forever unless it's like some monkey paw scenario where like your body still gets old and shit and you're just a like an alive pile of dust.

>> No.16543342

This still cannot go on forever. Something something entropy something something heat death. After some time there will be no life on the universe.

>> No.16543347

Just take pain killers and chillax bro

>> No.16543352

Why do you fear the annihilation of consciousness? Do you dread every time you have to go to sleep? Does that fact that you have spent an incomprehensible amount of time unconscious before you were born full you with terror? I believe in the Christian afterlife, but even so unconsciousness is nothing to be feared, it is inevitable.

>> No.16543361

Consciousness != having memory of events. It's possible that we're conscious before being conceived and during sleep in one form or another.

>> No.16543595

Yes but to the person scared of death do you think they’ll autistically think like that?

>> No.16543670

Being too worried about existential matters might be a sign of a mental health issue, get yourself checked just in case :)

>> No.16543732

>It feels like such a waste to work towards anything when it's all essentially nothing.
Yet you have undoubtedly invested hundreds, if not thousands, of hours into video games.

>> No.16543852

Unconsciousness isn't death. Even when I'm asleep I'm dreaming, and I'm alive, and I know I'll more than likely wake up when it's over.

>> No.16544341

You have to start exercising. Jog everyday and you won't fear death

>> No.16544425

You just aren't tired enough
Living isn't that bad and not living is even better

>> No.16544438

>I don't want to be nothing.
You already are.

>> No.16544460
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The notion of experiencing eternity sounds way more horrifying than the notion of not existing. I don't think people realize what an actual horror would be to exist forever

>> No.16544479
File: 1.14 MB, 1493x2060, b0bbe9b8a627b476a0f0e9ebb8b7401c8fbfd5d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never want to fucking die, /lit/.
Look here bro, I don't either but you're gonna fucking die as there's no known means of escaping entropy.
Everything will die
Your friends, family, everyone you know
Earth will end
The solar system will end
The milkyway will stop star formation and fade away slowly
EVERYTHING will cease to be given enough time
Once you can accept that, yes, you will eventually die then you can start looking at whats actually in your control.

>Is there any reassurance to be had
There is no law of physics that states you're bound to die in the next 100, 1,000 or even 1,000,000,000 years.
Aging will be overcome soon, perhaps sooner if you help it (and by helping the cause I'm sure you'd relive a lot of your anxiety OP).
From there it's just a matter of avoiding mundane causes of death, such as car accidents which will soon be a thing of the past due to self-driving cars removing boomers from the road.
Then all that's left is to secure the safety of earth in the cosmic midfield that is space and means to leave it in the next 400 million years when the sun goes supernova.

You will die eventually, that's not in your control, whether that's in the next 60 years or 60million(or longer) is in your control.

>> No.16544505

There's a bit consciousness that still loves on after you die, the moment of death you will appear in a dark tunnel and there will be light at the end of the tunnel. The nearer you are to the light the more warmer it feels, like when you wake up and want to sleep more. Sometimes people hear voices of loved one that tell them to go back and they survive while others die permanently. My theory is that this consciousness get transferred to another life since the only times you experience reality is when you're consciousness, even dreams have a certain consciousness associated to them. The same areas of the brain activate dreaming same as when you're awake. Has anyone researched this topic? It's a very interesting one, everything before what I theorized is factual by the way, it has been documented by doctors all around the world.

>> No.16544538

>actual horror would be to exist forever
Honestly, if I had the same health / wasn't being tutored in a cell and can let go of my life if I get buried alive, I would choose to live forever. My only fear for living for eternity is some sick bastard would love to tutor me or scientists/military do experiments on me to figure out how to live forever... fuck that sounds like a nightmare. Other that that, it seems nice!

*hugs u*

>> No.16544660

You would maybe enjoying it for what, a million years? Hell, a billion? Then what? You are stuck in possibly death universe, already experienced pretty much everything and just existing as a shell of your consciousness without a kill switch letting you exit this horror and rest

>> No.16544938

Just cause you can't live a fulfilling fun eternal life, doesn't mean others can't.

>> No.16545039

I find that it helps to remember these wise words: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

In order to truly accept what you cannot change you should realise that:
You can't calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself.

After all: Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere.

Your mind being unable to control it's thoughts is like if your arm were unable to control it's movements. It's not doing what you want it to and it's causing you suffering. Mediation will help you take back that control and find peace.

>> No.16545114

Have you ever heard of dreams?

>> No.16545150

I have had this idea for a while where the closest thing for eternal life or reincarnation for the common man are your childs.
You can, of course, do something outstanding and live in history and/or other people's memory.

>> No.16545157

Annihilation is super peace

>> No.16545252

Being scared of death from my experience usually grips people who have wasted their life or have yet to live their life. Live life a bit man when you're old as nigger balls you won't be scared of death.

>> No.16545258

Why waste time worrying about what we have no control over?

>> No.16545289

you will never die if you think hard enough

>> No.16545369
File: 94 KB, 396x500, christ_alpha_omega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The annihilation of consciousness terrifies me, /lit/. I don't want to be nothing.
You are not nothing. You are a body in a soul. You are a created material being with the freedom of choice, the power to act in the world for a limited time only. Exercise your virtues, build your humility, and recognize that the sole satisfaction of man is Christ. He is our beginning and our end. Come on OP, let's be saints together.

>> No.16545388
File: 126 KB, 768x1024, Alan-Watts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is not a journey, it is a song meant to be danced to.

>> No.16545400

Find Jesus

>> No.16545419

I'm sure there's nothing after death, basically what you experience under anesthesia, but I really like the idea that after you die you're free to experience a new adventure of your choosing. Maybe even wipe your memories temporarily so you can believe it's real. Each time you die you get your memories back and reflect on the life you just lived and the many lives you lived before. You can just chill in heaven and create new lives as you please like playing a video game.

>> No.16545587
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>Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to “die before you die” and find that there is no death.

>> No.16545626

You have to accept that "you" will be destroyed no matter what. Even IF there is ever a some kind of technology that allows people to live indefinitely, eventually after enough time the person that you currently consider "yourself" will have changed to a degree that it will be something else entirely. I agree that continued experience is imperative, but you have to be willing to sacrifice yourself in order to continue, as you will no longer be yourself eventually.

>> No.16545825

The fact that you exist now is pretty convincing proof of eternal life, I think. When you think that time stretches out so infinitely in both directions from your present existence, that if your consciousness didn't always exist, then it would be infinitely more likely to be in a time 'without' you, and so you wouldn't exist. So your existence now is proof that you can't experience nonexistence, and so from your perspective you'll always exist.

Your consciousness either comes from a 'soul' (Some part of you which is outside the universe) or it somehow arises from the combination of atoms in your brain. If it's the first case, then your soul will continue existing even after you die. If it's the second, then somehow, somewhere among the infinite trillions upon trillions of years in the vastness of the total material existence, the combination of whatever it is gives rise to your consciousness will repeat and you'll be reborn.

I'm not trying to be glib about this, either, I've been through exactly the same panic you have and I still have a gut-level fear that my logic is wrong and once I die that will be it forever.

>> No.16545981

I never got this. Under a materialist framework, to know you have being at all assumes consciousness. Therefore "you" will always be conscious. If you "are", you are conscious. Of course you won't remember your previous life. But a fish finds itself in the water rather than in the air.
But of course materialism is false and our God hath revealed the truth.

>> No.16545997

Seems like other anons said it before me.

>> No.16546158

That is exactly what the fear of non existence bring you.
There is salvation in the lord Jesus Christ tho.

>> No.16546504


I believe that we are all 'selfs' with different attitudes towards different subjects, and when it comes to people they're called 'personages'.
I speak/interact with my co-workers one way, the homeless bum that always bothers me another, and to my sweet woman I am the most open about my thoughts and feelings (and body).
However like Schopenhauer's hedgehog, there will always be some pincers too long to ever be fully genuine with my lover, which is why I write down all the filth that has ever entered my head onto paper for it to one day be read by my children or nieces and / or friends.
I've found that in order to avoid the embarrassment of my past trap fetish I will need to die as a necessity.

Trust me OP, you will soon see death as not a want but a requirement.

>> No.16547311

Life and death are two sides of the same coin. If you were eternal you wouldn't really care about living, as you would have infinite opportunities. Life is interesting because of all the choices and experiences you can make. Those choices and experiences wouldn't mean anything if they were eternal and repeating. Make the choices you want to, anon.

>> No.16547337

>I don't want to be nothing
You won't be

>> No.16547339

Correct, because he won't exist at all so he won't be nothing, since nothing is something.

>> No.16547375

God-like answer.

>> No.16547440

Switch your attention to proper questions, like why there is something rather than nothing.

>> No.16547452
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Learn to hate life and you'll be happy to die.

>> No.16547458

Maybe it will be better than life you don't know

>> No.16547469

I have a question op. Will you choose an infinte life over death?

>> No.16547496


We are immortal OP.
Here is my hypothesis:

Given an infinte amount of time after your death(to outside observers),it is possible that entropy fluctuations reconstruct your brain and bring you back alive. You cannot experience the time passed in between your death (to outside observers)and the reconstruction of your brain(10^10^10^10^10^x years ) and this means you will never die in your experience. All possible events that leads to your death (in your experience)will never happen and you will always be there to experience. This means you are immortal.

Do not fear death, fear immortality.